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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:10 pm

    "Thats what she looked like...I-I didn't even know they existed..." Mel replied. She then looked up at 'Jackson' even more confused than before. Mel felt like she was having some crazy twilight zone dream.


    Since Mel was obviously useless Ray figured she would have to take care of these idiots herself. So, when the helicopter came low enough to the tree line, Ray decided she knew just how to stop this attack. She climbed a near by tree and transformed in to her human self. She broke off the longest branch she could find smiled and with out much effort sent it flying in to the blades of the helicopter.
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    Post by Sasami Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:30 am

    "Are you stupid or something? I said, climb up!" said Jackson impatiently. He was getting nervous and his anxiousness quickly turned into fear as he heard a helicopter crash down.

    Jill strained to get a view of what was happening above--it was difficult to see but she definitely smelled smoke. The woods were on fire!

    Coughing a bit, Jill turned to Mel.

    "We might not have much of a choice but to go with Pol--"Jackson"..."

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:59 am

    Mel didnt like it, but she grabbed the rope anyways and started climbing. Once she reached the top she saw the wreckage. A tree limb was tangled in the now, bent blades of the helicopter. Mel looked up and through the smoke she saw Ray up in the tree. She instantly knew what happened. She instantly leaped up to the tree next to Ray. Mel grabbed her by the throat and threw her out of the tree to the ground below. Ray didnt move for a good long moment, mostly because of shock. Didnt she just save them? Why was Mel so mad?

    "You fucking idiot! Now the forest is on fire!"

    (BTW I LOVE your avatar... bitch...LOL)
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    Post by Sasami Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:10 am

    (OOC: Haha, thanks.)

    People and wolves alike started to scatter, trying to avoid flames and falling tree limbs.

    "Mel! We don't have time for this, we have to get out of here!" shouted Jill.

    "I have a car about a mile from here. We might be able to make it," said Jackson.

    Jill had a sick feeling--the home of the Northern wolf tribes was being destroyed and it was their fault. If they had never come here...

    She was snapped back to reality as an ember hit her arm, burning her. "Ow."

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:59 am

    "We cant just leave it like this!" Mel shouted as she started stomping out smaller fires that were being started from the embers.

    Ray stood up and looked around her. This was her fault. Everything seemed to be her fault. She looked over and saw Mel stomping out the fires. 'there is no way she is putting this out like that...' She heard Jill's pleas for Mel to just go with Jackson. She ran up to Mel and shoved her lightly.

    "Just go! I'll fix it!" Ray said.
    "You, fix it? You started it!" Mel yelled back at her.
    Ray sighed. "Dont argue with me just go! There is no time..."
    Mel gritted her teeth and turned to follow Jackson and Jill to the car.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:11 pm

    Although the car wasn't that far away, the trek there felt like an eternity. Flames were scattering everywhere and occasionally Jill heard the loud crash of a tree or tree limb falling.

    Thankfully, the car was in fine shape as it wasn't directly in the fire.

    Jackson went to open the door but jumped a bit when he touched the metal. It was boiling hot and left a nasty burn on his hand. He slammed the door open, swearing a bit, and then stepped aside for Jill and Mel to get in first.

    At that point, his cell phone went off. He looked at it to see who was calling and sighed before answering.

    "Yes, sir?"


    "Yes, sir. But--"


    "Yes, sir, I understand."

    Jackson turned off his phone, looking a bit frustrated.

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    Post by Sagehawk Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:33 am

    "Dont just stand there!" Mel says getting even more frustrated. What was with this guy? he doesnt even know who he is, and now a crisis is unfolding around him and he not only answers his phone, but now he's just standing there! Mel was tempted to just knock him out and steel his vehicle. Things might go faster that way.

    It wasnt exactly supposed to go this way. Of course nothing ever really goes the way you plan. Now she was forced to make a decition. Coco puffs or rice crispys. Either way there was no milk. So what was a girl to do for breakfast with out milk? She sighed and closed the cubard door. She never ate breakfast anyways, so why did it matter now? Maybe putting out a fire took a lot out of a person.

    Ray was back at her hotel. Sure she helpped put out the fire but the wolves werent too keen on the fact that she had started it in the first place. She was just lucky they let her live.
    "Guess I'll just have to tell him, I couldnt handle the objective." Ray said out loud to herself.
    Suddenly she felt a cold barrel of a gun on the back of her head.
    "Its too bad he aint here personally to hear this. Guess I'll just have to take a message." A voice said from behind the barrel.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:23 pm

    Jackson grumbled something and sat down in the car. He began to drive, although he wasn't exactly sure where they should be driving to. His boss had simply said to drive around for now, what did he mean by that? Should he stay in the same area?

    "Where are we going?" asked Jill, but Jackson didn't respond.

    "Are you sure you don't remember...anything? You don't know us at all?" she then asked, after a moment had passed.

    Jackson shook his head. "No, but I'm starting to feel like I should."

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:21 pm

    (I had a WAAAAAYYYY better version of this but my fucking retarted internedt disconected when I tried to post it! so here it is again... less quality same idea...)
    Mel just looked out her window. She wondered if Ray got the fire out yet. If she did, knowing her, she was probably
    already in more trouble, Mel thought. She smiled slightly. The sun went below the horizon and Mel's wings...
    Didn't appear. nothing happened.
    No Wings.
    No fangs.
    No anything...
    "Wait! What if I told you even though I failed my mission, I took out a little insurance."
    "I'm listening." He said. It had better be good, because Rays life depended on it literally.
    "I practically did your mission for you. I Made it so easy you could pretty much just go pick it up."
    " OK,I'd say you bought your self another day of life." Ray then felt the gun lowered. She then turned around.
    "You! you were back at the wolf territory!" She said in surprise as Jason stood before her. He Smirked.
    "Well how else was I supposed to get close to her?" He said.
    "'close?'" Ray said with a huge smile on her face. "Too bad she's a lesbian..."
    "Yeah, well that doesn't matter now... You have what I want?"
    "Yup. I want Mel to kill the queen. and You want Mel for... screwing or killing I haven't decided yet. And I
    know how to get to her. All we have to do is switch roles if ya know what I'm saying."
    Ray said and then winked at Jason.
    "uh no sorry I'm a one woman vampire..." he said taking the hint wrong.
    "EWW! NO!" Ray said. "I am going to seduce Mel, while you make with the trouble and
    violence this time." Ray looked down and saw that he had one of her guns. "Oh and thats mine!" She said as she
    took it from him.
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    Post by Sasami Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:02 pm

    (OOC: Aww, that sucks. That's happened to me a few times, too x_x.)

    Jill stared out the window, watching the sun set. The air was cool and clear; the moon was very clear on a night like this. Speaking of the moon, it would be full in a couple of days. Jill could already feel energy surging through her body.

    She turned to Mel and although it took her a moment to realize, she was shocked to notice that she hadn't transformed. "Mel, how come you didn't change?!"

    Jackson wasn't concerned with whatever was going on with Mel. He was, however, confused. Why did he keep looking at the moon? What was this energy he felt?

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:16 am

    "I have no idea... maybe the effects of the moon?" Mel said but she knew that wasnt it. Something was seriously wrong. She didnt however have anytime left to think it over as a black car pulled up next to them. In the drivers side was a man in full black head to toe. there was no way of recognizing him. Mel got a horrible feeling in her gut. the car swerved in from of then and slowed down then another car that was identical to that one pulled up behind them.

    Suddenly Mel heard gun shots.
    "Shit." Mel said as she turned to look behind her. all she saw was a gun out the passanger side. they were trying to shoot out thier tires. Mel suddenly froze. she felt completly out of place. she had no powers, and no guns. she didnt know what to do at all.

    Next a bullet finally hit its mark. Their car sworved and crashed in to the ditch. It rolled a few times before stopping on its hood. Mel coughed and gagged. Wait what the hell? She was a vampire, smoke never bothered her before. She opened her eyes and realized she was upside down. blood trickled down her shirt and on to her face. She pulled up her shirt she had a peice of glass stuck in her side. Mel started to feel dizzy then she passed out.


    "You fucking moron! She is mortal! I told her you could kill her or whatever AFTER she helpped me!" Ray said in a rage.

    "Hey at least this time you can actually save her from actually dieing... its better this way... so go down there and do your thing and quit whining god..." Jason said looking down at the flipped car.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:58 pm


    Jill had taken the crash better than Mel but she had still hit her head badly. Starting to stand up, she felt dizzy and almost unconnected from everything. Everything was so faint.

    Then she moved and there was a sudden sharp pain that brought her back to the conscious. She couldn't even tell where the pain was coming from, it felt like it was all over. Jill felt her hand to her head; it was bruised. Something warm and sticky got all over her hand and she looked down at it. Staring for a few seconds, she realized it was blood. It was hard to say whether it was hers, though.

    Then came the nausea. As she crouched down, gasping, she finally started to recollect what had happened. "Mel..."

    She looked over and saw that Mel was unconscious and bleeding. Stumbling over, all she managed to do was grab her hand before fainting herself.

    Jackson had surprisingly taken the least amount of damage from the car crash. He was shaken up and in pain but the only real injury he had was his hand--it seemed to be broken. He stood up and noticed Mel and Jill lying on the ground. "Great, just great."

    His worry quickly turned into fear as he wondered who had done this. Fumbling around for his gun, he prepared for a fight although he knew he was in no condition to do anything of the sort.

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:29 pm

    URG NOOOOO IT DID IT AGAIN!!! GRAAAAAHHHH!!! Im going to start typing this shit in word <.<

    "Mel!" Ray ran down towards the car, her worrie was genuine, jason however just thought she a good actress or maybe she was just worried because her last hope for revenge was at the bottom of a ditch on the side of the road. Either way Jason smiled and walked off towards one of the black cars just a few feet away.

    Ray rushed over and looked in side something in her heart twisted as she saw the secene. Mel upside down, blood on her face, with Jill gripping her hand. neither of them seemed contious. Ray pulled a rag from her back pocket and wiped some of the blood off mels face. Her stomach twisted in to knots as more blood quickly replaced it. It looked like there was no time. ray pulled a knife from her pocket and cut Mel down and pulled her out of the car. then she went back in and pulled Jill out. Jill didnt seem to have any serious injurys so Ray went back to Mel.

    She pulled up Mel's shirt to see the extent of the damage.
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    Post by Sasami Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:17 pm

    (OOC: Geez, your computer hates you.)

    Jackson aimed his gun at Ray. "Why the hell did you do this?! You better give a damn good reason for me not to blow your head off," he said, fuming.

    Jill stirred and finally awoke to yelling. Her head was pounding and everything looked blurry. She did, however, smell Ray quite clearly and growled.

    "Did you do this?!" is what she wanted to say but she just didn't have the strength to yell.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:51 pm

    "No god! I maybe a screw up but I would never do this! We dont have time to argue! Mel looks like she is about to die..." Ray said as tears started to build up in her eyes. "We need something to stop the bleeding... " Ray said to no one in preticular. With out a second thought she pulled off her shirt and then eased the shard of glass out off Mel's side. Then Placed her shirt over the wound, and put pressure on it. she then looked at jackson.

    "Hey trigger boy, you must have some type of first aid kit?" She then glanced at Jill. she knew this looked a bit odd seeing as Mel should be able to take the glass easily, she shouldnt be this hurt. They would know something was up.

    "Look, I'm sorry about the fire back there, and you dont have any reason to trust me, but from the looks of Mel, someone did something too her. She looks near death. With my skills I could help figure it out. In the mean time though, we need to make sure she makes it through this..."
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    Post by Sasami Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:07 am

    "Then who did this?" asked Jackson angrily as he ran over to his now destroyed car, still pointing the gun at Ray. He felt around until he found what he was looking for, a case full of medical supplies. Still aiming the gun, he went over to Mel.

    "Stand back," he said gruffly, cleaning and bandaging Mel's wounds. He also injected something--"this will help prevent an infection" he muttered.

    Jill sat up and noticed another scent lingering in the air. "Guys, Jason is in the area, that bitch is with him!" she said frantically.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:53 pm

    "What!? I am not! If that ass hole-" Ray was cut off as Jason apeared so quickly it was hard to even see him. He struck Ray hard over the head knocking her out cold.
    He looked down at her.
    "Pft... usless ..." He grind wide at Jill andthen used his super speed to instantly dissapear. it was suddenly quiet all around them. Not even a bird made any noise.

    20mins earlier

    "Jason, got that stupid human to set them up. it should be easy to take out the traitors now. She gave Mel the serum to make her mortal for a few days. Since she was the biggest thret to our plans all we have to do is take her out." a very tall vampire said informing the queen.

    The Queen ground her teeth together. Part of her was hopping Mel would get away, but her need to win, well.... won over.
    "Thank you, Go to the next phase."

    The vampire bowed and stepped out.
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    Post by Sasami Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:08 pm

    (OOC: Ugh, I'm so tired, college kills me XD.)

    Jill saw a smile on Jason's face as he vanished. A shiver went up her spine and she wondered what his plans were.

    Jackson had pretty much ignored Jason and continued caring for Mel. At this point he had rigged up an IV drip and was giving her fluids.

    "She should be alright for now but we're not really out of the woods yet," he said, not even looking at Jill.

    Jill was lost in thought and simply nodded her head.

    "Any idea why she hasn't transformed?" Jackson wondered aloud.

    Jill didn't answer although she was wondering the same thing. It was worrisome and she couldn't help but feel like it was connected to the recent events with Ray and Jason. Just what were they planning?

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:47 pm

    The queen's elite army was all around them. All they were waiting for was the sign from Jason to move forward and take out the target. The Queen managed to strike a deal with the humans. If the vampires could get rid of the wolves and anyone connected to them, they would be left alone.
    A few minuets later Ray slowly became contious. She was aware of a pounding head ache, and she couldnt quite remember where she was or why. She groaned and slowly sat up holding her head in her hands. The events slowly came back to her. First the hotel room with Jason, then the car accident, and finally where she was.

    Ray looked over at Mel who was also starting to wake up. She looked increadable pale and frail. All ray thought about was that she could save her, all she had to do was give her the reversal potion. She couldnt though, or they would become even more suspicious. Instead Ray said in a quiet voice, "Is she going to be ok?"

    Jason stood there in the woods patiantly until his cell phone vibrated. He grabbed it out of his pocket.
    "Its time."
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    Post by Sasami Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:13 am

    Jill snarled and grabbed Ray roughly. "She'd be perfectly fine if it weren't for you! Don't fucking play innocent, either, I know you were with Jason. I can smell it," she said. Jill didn't trust Ray at all and why should she? All she'd done was cause trouble for them.

    Jackson sighed. "Jill, calm down. Fighting isn't going to help. Maybe she has something to do with it, maybe she doesn't. But even if she does, at least she might know something," he said, turning to Ray. "Don't think this means I trust you because I don't."

    Jill released her grip on Ray, shooting her one last nasty look before going over to Mel. It looked like Mel was waking up.

    "Mel! Can you hear me?!"

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:09 pm

    All around her was chaos and war. Both sides of the battle were losing great numbers. Mel looked down at her own hands and in one hand she held a sword, it was covered in three colors of blood. At that point Mel realized that no one was winning this battle. If it continued all races would be lost. It was however to late. There was no stopping it now. She looked around helplessly and dropped her sword to the ground. Just as it collided with the dirt and blood on the ground, bright light pierced the dark black sky.

    Suddenly in front of her was a big black panther. It just sat there and stared her in the eyes. It didnt move. It was like a statue. Mel was about to reach out and touch the large cat, but then realized they were no longer in a battle feild. They were in a beautiful lush rain forest.
    Mel could smell the rain and taste it on her tongue.
    "You will no doubt change history, but be careful which tool you use to accomplish this task."
    It was Ray's voice.
    "Ray?" Mel said weakly as she woke. She then smiled when she saw Jill above her. She felt extremely tired. She started to close her eyes again.
    "Mel! Dont!" Ray shouted. Mel's eyes flew open.
    "If she falls asleep she may not wake up again." Ray explained nervously.
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    Post by Sasami Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:39 pm

    "And what makes you say that?!" growled Jill. This Ray person knew something, she was sure of it. And here she was, playing innocent while Mel's life held in the balance. Jill's annoyance was quickly becoming pure fury and the nearly full moon was not helping. Power surged through her body as it yearned to just give in and transform.

    Jackson seemed to be the only one able to think clearly. "Mel, it's important that you stay with us. If you start drifting away again, I'm going to have to shock you to keep you awake," he said quietly, holding up a device. As level-headed as he seemed, Jackson was actually quite distressed. He wondered about his boss, about his mission, about these people who claimed to know him from another life...

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:18 pm

    Ray was getting a bit angry herself at this point.
    "I say that because she is mortal right now." She said through clenched teeth. "And dont even try to accuse me of having anything to do with it! Anyone could see she is... if she wasnt, you and I both know Mel would be on her own two feet kicking Jason's ass right now!"
    Before anyone had a chance to reply Mel said,"Mortal? I-is.... does this have anything to d-do with ....choosing...T-tools?"
    Ray looked at her in confusion. She then looked up at Jackson.
    "Whats wrong? Is she delirious now or something?" Ray was getting more worried by the second. She subconsciously gripped the antidote in her pocket tighter. If things didnt look better anytime soon, she'd have to give it to her, regardless of the consequences.


    Jason hung up his cell. Then he took the bow off his back, grabbed an arrow and tied a red cloth to it. He then shot the arrow at the highest tree he could see. His aim was perfect and the cloth unfolded and blew in the wind like a flag for all to see. It wouldnt be long until the vampires had their victory.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:55 pm

    Jackson shrugged. "Maybe."

    "Tools? What do you mean, Mel?" asked Jill.

    Jackson's cell phone went off and after glancing down at the number he walked off without saying a word. Jill would have followed him but that would mean leaving Mel alone with Ray.


    Out of earshot (from humans, vampires, and wolves alike), Jackson called the number back.

    "Why didn't you pick up? I thought the wolves had gotten you," the voice on the other end said with a chuckle.

    "...I felt that someone was listening," Jackson replied. By now he knew the art of dealing with his boss. Had he said the truth he might have gotten in serious trouble for compromising the mission.

    "I heard about the fire. Are the captives with you?"

    Jackson paused and then said, "No, sir. They got away. Sorry, sir." He was shocked at himself for lying. But he felt he had to. If he turned them in he might not see them again. They knew him and this was his chance to find out about his past. This was his chance to get out of this shady business.

    "I see. Don't beat yourself up over it. We'll find them. Hopefully before those damned vampires."

    Jackson was confused now. "Sir, don't you--we, work for--"

    His boss sighed. "It would seem that they've had a change of plans and I don't like it. My informant says they want to eradicate the wolves now."

    "What?! Why?!" Jackson was nearly shouting.

    "...Why are you getting so upset? Did you get attached to those mutts up north?" his boss asked with a sarcastic tone.

    "No, sir. I, uh. Well, I was wondering why it matters to you. I thought you were on their side," said Jackson, trying to regain composure.

    "I'm on my own side. And I hate those fleabags as much as the next guy but I don't believe in mindless slaughter, either. Anyways, don't bring it up. As far as the vampires know, we're still with them, alright? Now track down those captives and bring 'em back, you hear?"

    "Yes, sir," said Jackson right before the line went dead. He quickly made his way back, trying to make some sense of the mess he had gotten himself into.

    Jackson's boss hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. He was obviously frustrated with how the vampires were doing things now. "What a waste of lives. They make much better weapons," he thought as he turned over a microchip prototype in his hands.

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:26 pm

    "S-she was i-in...m-my dream and she said-" Mel started coughing a bit and blood appeared on her lips. At that point Ray knew she wouldnt survive.
    "S-she said to-" mel tried again but Ray cut her off.
    "Dont talk, save your energy. We need you in this." Tears started to show in the corners of her eyes.

    Just as Ray was about to give in and take out the antidote, an arrow pierced through her right shoulder. She started to feel weak instantly and she knew what was on the arrow. The same thing that coated the bullets that went in to Mel a few days before.

    With all her strength she managed to stay standing. The shouting of battle cries came from all around them. Then silence filled the air once again. They were playing mind games. Ray knew the vampires didnt have as many men as it sounded like. Their numbers had went down 50% since Mel and Jill left.

    She pulled the antidote from her pocket. She looked at Mel then down at the bottle. She apeared to making the disition to take it herself or let Mel have it. She ran towards Mel and shoved Jill out of the way. She knelt down beside her and opened up the bottle.

    She turned to look at Jill and said, "I'm sorry..." The sorry was for a lot of things but mostly it was for what she was about to do next.
    Ray then turned back to Mel. She pulled the arrow out of her own shoulder and drank the contents of the bottle.


    Jason was shocked. he stood in the trees near by. He had been the one to shoot Ray in the arm. he wanted to see what would happen. He never expected Ray to chose her powers over Mel's life. He was more shocked at what happened next.

    The vampires along with humans charged in the went pass Jill, Mel, Ray and even Jackson as if they werent even there. A huge inpact sound came a few seconds later. The wolves had some how orginized and were already there to defend the area. The sun had just fallen below the trees. There were now a mix of human, wolf and vampire solders everywhere.

    He looked back to Ray and Mel.
    Ray leaned in and kissed Mel on the lips transferring the antidote to her. It was the only thing she could think of to cure them both at the last second, with out Jason knowing.

    Jason figured out what she was doing. "Kill her!!! NOW!!!!" he shouted. A sword found its way in to Rays back. She fell on top of Mel. Mel was in shock and her brain struggled to catch up, as everything was happening so fast. She didnt have time to contemplate as pain ripped through her entire body. First wings came, then her hands turned in to paws, her fampire fangs came and went. Then her hands turned back to hands. Her body was confused as to what to do.

    'choose the right tool....' went through her head. And soon Mel's body finally made a decision.

    (ooc: I couldnt get the imagery right exactly how I wanted... but a lot of this is happening at the same time... or with in a second if each thing. It is supposed to describe only like5-10 seconds... so I hope it turned out at the least 'ok')

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