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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:11 am

    Ademia Walked along the dirt path. Her leather shoes barely making a sound. Her sword drawn and her long red hair flying behind her, with a wave of her hand, she gave the signal for her men to come over the hill. It was the perfect day, sun was out, and there was a nice breeze. Her men soundlessly creeped up the hill and took their positions. Ademia looked down at the village below. Everyone was bustling around too busy to notice the danger ahead. Even kids were playing ball in one of the fields. Ademia smiled to herself. It was the perfect day to concur the next village. She glanced back at her men and nodded.

    Then the attack began. The first wave of men yelled and descended down in to the valley. The day was so bright and clear Ademia could see the the a man from where she was standing. He was the first to see and hear her men coming. His face turned from satisfied and proud, to sheer horror. As soon as Ademia heard the sound of mettle hitting bone Ademia mounted her horse and charged down in to the village.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:32 am

    Artemis was in a nearby forest when the attack began. It actually angered her a bit, because all of the noise made it difficult to concentrate on the targets she was practicing on. Plus, she knew that all of the commotion would scare away the deer, which meant it would be difficult to find dinner now.

    Sighing and setting down her bow, she wondered what had started the battle. Was it one the other gods? Or simply a silly human disagreement...most likely about land or power.

    She playfully twisted some strands of her short, golden blonde hair and sat down on a log, listening quietly to the sounds of the forest, and trying to ignore the bloody noises of battle (and therefore, death). Artemis silently hoped that it would be over quickly, and no children would be harmed. After all, there was nothing she thought worse than harming a woman or child.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:35 am

    As Ademia road up an angry man with rage in his eyes swong a club at her. she smirked and caught the club and used the momentum of the man to throw him to the ground. The man scrambled in the dirt and found a sword from a fallen villager. Ademia got off her horse and drew her sword.

    "Your quite a foolish man. I am Ademia. I am taking this land weather you like it or not." She said to the man. In a rage he stood up and charged at her, sword in hand.


    Ademia's sword pierced through the man's chest and his eyes widened in shock. Ademia then swiftfully pulled out her sword and he fell to his knees then flat on his face in the dust. Ademia felt nothing for the man and turned rto see her mens progress. The dusk from the horses gallops filled the air and it was no longer a bright sunny day. It was dusty dry, and the ground was filled with blood. The air was no longer crisp but was filled with screams of children and the war crys of men.

    Normally Ademia would spare woman and children in villages she concurred. But this time she told them to kill everything. She didnt want even a dog left alive. She has been wanting to impress the god of war but sparing women and children hadn't gotten her what she wanted.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:02 pm

    Artemis felt a sudden twinge of sadness and she came to the realization that this was a serious battle, not just a ridiculous human skirmish. Packing up her things, she took off towards the village, branches crackling under her worn leather sandals.

    As she came to the edge of the forest, she whistled for her hunting hounds and paused a moment to wait for them. As the dogs barreled towards her, barking and baying, Artemis began to smell smoke. Was the village being burned down?

    When Artemis finally neared the village, she noticed a familiar voice...Ademia's. With anger boiling up inside of her, Artemis walked out into the middle of the village and shouted.


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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:12 pm

    Shocked Ademia spun around. There in front of her was Artemis. She rolled her eyes. "Great, just what I need. Miss protector of women, children and nature. .... dont you have like a fawn to save or something?" She said in anger. She wanted Aries' support so she could take Olympia. With out him she would never get revenge on her father's city. A Man came up behind Ademia screaming, "You wench! You've killed my son! DIE!" He didnt get far, Ademia spun her sword around and stuck it through the man.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:38 pm

    Narrowly dodging an arrow from one of Ademia's men, Artemis spun around and grabbed the man, throwing him onto the ground.

    She then glared at Ademia. "This amount of violence is completely unnecessary. I understand why you're trying to take the village, but could you at least spare the women and children? What purpose could killing them serve?"

    Her hounds began to growl, sensing Atremis' angry tone.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:52 pm

    Ademia sighed. "You see I would... but Basil, my brother. He is a head of me for Aries' favor. So that just isnt going to happen." Ademis looked at her sword and cringed. It was full of blood. She Used her tunic to wipe it off then put it back in its sheith.

    "As you can see I dont have time for this... so if you will excuse me..." Ademia Whistled and a black stallion ran up to her. She mounted it and road off killing two men and kicking a woman as she tried to cut her with a sword. She was about to kill the woman when she smelled smoke. Her eyes widened. She couldnt have a fire here. The villagers would be trapped in their huts and would burn to death. It was a worse way to die then by a sword. Ademia felt a pang in her chest. But then she pushed it away and smirked. The fire would make this much more easy.

    "Spread that fire!" She shouted to her men.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:05 pm

    Artemis swore under her breath, and then turned her attention to the problem at hand.

    "I can't let this fire spread..."

    She began systematically attempting to knock out anyone she saw spreading the fire...and usually succeeded. When that got tiring, she pulled out her bow and started shooting arrows, being careful not to inflict any needless fatal wounds.

    Her hounds helped the best they could, attacking anyone that they noticed acting violent or helping the fire grow.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:15 pm

    At first it was working, but then Ademia noticed Artemis' hounds. "Dammit... Artemis..." She said under her breath. "Forget the fire just kill everyone you see!" She shouted. She was about to start the fire herself, but heard shouts from behind her. It was Galen, her second in command. His horse was missing and he was out of breath.

    "Ademia! A band of warriors from the surrounding villages are Marching just a mile off! Our archers say they out number us 3 to one!"

    "god Dammit... Retreat!" She shouted. she road up to Galen and pulled him up on her stallion. SOme of the men listened to her orders but others kept trying to kill and start fires.

    "RETREAT DAMMIT!" She shouted.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:32 pm

    Artemis breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Ademia's shouts for her men to retreat. She began putting out the fire with water from a nearby well, and encouraged the other villagers to help.

    When the fire finally subsided, Artemis stood back and surveyed the damage. Several houses had completely burned down, but overall the village was ok. They'd survive, although it would be a long struggle and they would have trouble defending themselves from future attacks. Artemis made a mental note to routinely check up on the village and help them out.

    Hearing crying, she walked over to a burnt down hut, and lifted some a large stone. Being crushed underneath it was a small female child who was sobbing uncontrollably.

    "Are you alright?" asked Artemis softly.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:40 pm

    A few hours later it was dark. Ademia and her men were far away from the village they had sacked and their camp was set up for the night. Ademia was in her tent fuming. It took them too long to retreat and she lost more men than she wanted to.

    "What happened out there Galen!?" She shouted.

    "I dont know... Just before the sack, the men were talking about whether you were fit to lead. Your not being successful fast enough for these guys." Galen said.

    "Well, we would have been secure if Artemis hadent sent her hound in!" She shouted.

    "Artemis!?" Galen sighed and rubbed his temples. "Well congratulations, you got a gods attention..."
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    Post by Sasami Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:29 pm

    The child nodded and took Artemis' hand, sniffing a bit and wiping tears away with her free hand.

    "Where's your mother?" Artemis asked, concern in her voice.

    The child began to cry again, and it soon became obvious what had happened to the girl's family. Sighing, Artemis embraced her and then picked her up, trying her best to comfort the young child who was now in her care.

    "I'll need to find someone to watch over this girl."

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:02 am

    Almost on cue, electricity filled the air and out of thin air a man appeared. He had gold armor, black spiked hair, and his skin was tanned perfectly. His eyes were ice blue. When he spoke his voice was deep. "Ademis...."

    Ademis, caught off guard quickly rushed to kneel before Aries, the god of war. Galen fallowed suit. Aries waved his arm at Galen and said, "Leave us."

    "Yes my lord." He said then left the tent.

    "What happened Ademis?" Aries said once her second in command was out of ear shot.
    Ademis looked up at him in confusion. Aries kneeled in front of Ademis and touched her face gently. "You always look so beautiful on the battle field.... but today... not so much." She looked at him shocked.

    A booming laugh filled the tent. "You honestly thought killing woman and children would get you attention?"

    "Well not to sound disrespectful... but your here are you not?" Ademis said as respectful as she could.

    His laugh once again filled the tent. "Yes but not for any good reason you would like. For one you failed, and for two... you pissed off Artemis..."
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    Post by Sasami Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:17 am

    Artemis found an older woman whose house was still standing.

    "I grant this child's care to you. I trust you'll raise her well?" asked Artemis, setting the girl down.

    "Why, yes, of course, I'll treat her like my own!" responded the woman, in slight shock at being spoken to by a goddess.

    "Excellent," said Artemis. She then said goodbye to the child and her new mother, and headed off back into the forest.

    It was beginning to get dark, and so Artemis climbed up into a large tree, and fell asleep. Or at least, that's what she was trying to do, but sleep just wouldn't come.

    After quite some time had passed, Artemis gave up and decided to go for a midnight stroll around the forest she called home.

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:44 am

    Aries stood pulling Ademis with him. Ademia rolled her eyes. "She is quite the problem..." Ademia said in annoyance.

    "Well I think I have a solution to our problem... In Elis there is a temple, in it is what you need to beat Basil... " And with that Aries disappeared in flash.

    Ademis rolled her eyes. Elis was bigger than the village she just failed to concur, but not impossable. Still she needed to get some fresh air, so she decided to go for a walk to clear her head. As soon as she steped out of the tent Galen was there.

    "So what did he say?" He asked with a look of a child the morning of Yule. Ademis just ignored him and walked past him to the near by woods.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:21 am

    As Artemis was walking, she quickly realized that she was not alone. Pausing to listen, she clearly heard footsteps not more than thirty feet away.

    She came to the conclusion that someone walking around in her forest at midnight was up to no good, and decided to apprehend them. Artemis crouched down and waited for a few minutes, and once the footsteps were near, leaped out, preparing for a possible fight.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:30 am

    Ademis jumped back and drew her sword. She thought maybe an animal from the woods decided she would make a quick meal. Instead, Artemis was before her. Relaxing, Ademis sighed and lowered her weapon. "Great... its you again. For the love of Zeus, can I not go for a walk? I promise killing of anything, including woman and children, are not part of my plans..." Then she smiled slightly and added, "At least not tonight anyways..."
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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:23 am

    "Why are you in these woods? If you're planning another attack, I won't hesitate to get my brother involved."

    Just the sight of Ademis made her blood boil, she hated the idea of soldiers tainting her favorite forest. It was then that she made her decision...she would kill Ademis the first chance she got.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:44 am

    Ademis' smile faded. She looked down at the ground and put her sword away. "Tonight, I'm just out for a walk... nature is quite calming..." She looked up at Artemis tiredly, then just sat down on a near by log. "Especially this forest... its probably my favorite in all of Greece." She looked back at Artemis, she looked pretty angry with her.

    "Oh dont worry. Me liking this forest means I'll be leaving it alone. I've been coming here since I was a kid. Ever since-" Ademis stopped talking suddenly. What was she doing? Artemis has been doing nothing but getting in her way. She couldn't even take a walk with out interruption.

    "Oh never mind..." Ademis stood up. "You are becoming quite the annoyance lately... I need Aries' favor and nothing standing in my way... not even you, is going to stop me."
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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:13 am

    "Think that all you wish, but I would highly suggest you not underestimate me."

    With that, Artemis turned and walked away quietly. There had been a strange look in Ademis' eyes when she sat down on that log. However, instead of concern, Artemis could only think that maybe that was a weakness that she could capitalize on.

    After all, when you mess with Artemis, you're playing a game with death itself...

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:32 am

    (duunnududndnudnduduuuuunnnnn! AND ITS ON!!!! XD lmao)

    The next morning Ademis and her men just got done packing up for the march to Elis. The quickest way to Elis was through Artemis' forest but instead she made a point to go around it. She heard lots of grumbling from her men but paid no attention to it.

    Ademis road a few feet a head on the trail. Galen was concerned, she had been in her own world for the past few weeks. Her road up next to her. "Hey, is there something wrong?" He asked.

    "Galen... not now..." Ademis responded looking around at the scenery.

    "Listen I'm just concerned...If you need to talk-" he pressed but Ademis interrupted him.

    "I'm perfectly fine Galen. What we need is at the temple in Elis... then the rest will be eas-"

    "Temple in Elis? Ademis! The only temple there is a small temple devoted to Artemis... What could it possibly-" before Galen could finish his thoughts the realization hit him.

    "Ambrosia... food of the gods... It will turn whoever eats it in to a god themselves..." Ademis told him.

    "Yes I am aware... but Artemis is said to guard that temple herself. The men all ready question your ability... now you want them to face a god?"
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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:46 am

    In the morning, Artemis headed off to her temple to see how things were going. When she arrived, she was surprised to see Orion waiting there.

    "Artemis! There you are, I've been waiting all morning. We're supposed to go hunting today," he said, walking over.

    "I'm sorry, Orion. I'd like to wait here for a while, as I have a bad feeling..." replied Artemis.

    "Are you still dwelling on yesterday's attack? I knew you'd be bothered by it."

    "Well, I mean, who does that Ademis think she is?!"

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:03 pm

    Ademis ignored Galens warnings about her men and went along with her plan. She was going to come up on one side of the temple and take the town from the temple down. She figured most of the towns guard would be there, so if she could get passed that she was in.

    The day was nice and clear for the most part, but as the day war on and the closer they got to Elis and the temple, the gloomier it got. Along the way Galen persisted the men did not want to take the temple, that it wasn't worth it. Ademis just shrugged it off as talk.

    When they were about 5 miles off if was sunset. They would arrive just at dark, right at the perfect time to skillfully take the temple by surprise and over night completely take the village. But to ademis's surprise as soon as they got in to the clearing just before the temple, one of her men shot an arrow and it pierced her right shoulder. It was enough of a surprise to knock her off her horse. Angrly Ademis stood up, she yanked out the arrow. There was a hole in her armor where it peirced through. No one could see blood, but Ademis felt it run down her arm and soak in to her tunic under her armor.

    "Who shot this arrow!?" She shouted. No one responded, except for one solider who snickered. She noticed and walked angrily over to him. He was the type that was always jealous and wanted to run things him self. She pulled him off the horse with one swift motion. Some of them were in shock, that a woman her size could handle a man of his size that way so easily, and asked themselves if they were mistaken about the assumption that she couldn't lead their army. But most were just angry at her behavior.

    The solider landed on the ground with a loud thud. as soon as he landed she punch him in the nose. It instantly broke and blood went everywhere. she then pulled out her sword and pointed it at his throat. "This sort of thing will not be tolerated." She said. Some of them talked amongst themselves saying things like "yeah right...she'll let him go." and "pfft... like she'll do anything to him."

    "I know you did it, whats your issue with me. Tell it to my face." Ademis said to her solider.

    He smirked thinking she wouldn't do anything to him as well and said, "Your a damn wench that cant lead soldiers if her life depended upon it. Leading army's is a mans job."

    She glanced at her men. They were laughing and insulting her. She looked back at the solider on the ground, he had a smirk on his face. She smiled back at him then swung her sword and sliced open the soldier's throat. the men grew silent. "Any more disagreements?"

    The men looked at each other for a moment then they all started getting off thier horses. Ademis was a bit confused. Where they going to just leave? That would probubly be the best option for Ademis, but luck was not on her side.

    Lightning struck and thunder crackled in the sky. It then began to poor. The first punch landed in her stomach and she puked out what she had ate the day. The next blow to her face, after that she didnt remember much and she blacked out.

    Galen looked at Ademis uncontentious on the ground. He didnt let them kill her, but they would leave her here in the rain. If she died, oh well. It wasn't his problem. He had warned her. Galen then lead the army down across the fields to Artemis' Temple, to carry out the original plan with out Ademis. Sure the men didnt want to go before, but Galen had promised them all some of the ambrosia if they helped him get it.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:33 pm

    Artemis could hear the hooves of many horses pounding on the ground, gaining more and more speed. Listening carefully, she came to the conclusion that this wasn't a huge shouldn't be a problem.

    She then noticed something strange. There was nothing uniform about the army, it all seemed rather chaotic. Who was leading them, exactly? Laughing a bit to herself, she remembered Ademis.

    "That woman couldn't lead a pack of puppies...much less soldiers."

    "Orion! I told you there'd be an attack!" shouted Artemis, running into the temple.

    Orion yawned. "Alright. We can take them. I've gathered a bunch of villagers already to help."

    Artemis' hounds started barking manically from outside the temple. However, it wasn't an aggressive bark, so she walked outside to investigate. Standing there with a smile was Apollo, her twin brother and fellow hunter.

    "I've brought along some of our best archers, we'll take them down before they even step foot on our grounds," he said confidently.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:55 pm

    Galen lead the scattered army towards the temple. It was supposed to be a quiet attack but Galen couldn't get the meant to settle down enough. It seemed Ademis had more skill then he and the men had thought. The men were running their horses frantically and some slipped in the water and solders fell off like drunken men.

    Mean while Ademis was still unconscious where she had been left.

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