Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

4 posters

    Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zenith Mon May 26, 2008 5:16 pm

    PM application, so a certain someone doesn't join and fuck it up.
    Anyway, Magiatus Satus is based on a game in my [hopefully] upcoming [at some point] video game series, called Magi. (Yeah, I'm hoping to go into video games.) Essentially, the story of Magi revolves around a race of people called the Magi (plural Magi as well) who can use almost magical powers, such as pyrokinesis and telepathy. The Magi were believed to have evolved these extra powers to aid in their survival. (However, it's later on revealed in the 'normal' series that the Magi were created as the ultimate warriors to guard the entrance to Alius, the Lost Kingdom.)

    Magi Satus (and this RP based on it) takes place several hundred years before the 'normal' series (the normal series takes place around 2017), during a war known simply as the 'Magi War'. The war is between two opposing sides of Magi; the Alliance of Astyr and the Brotherhood of Zekus, with normal humans caught in the middle. The Human's ruling government (currently located in England) is trying to bar Magi's rights, calling them witches and the like, and the Brotherhood got annoyed at all the new laws. Thus, the Brotherhood, led by a powerful Shadow Magi named Zekus, decide to eliminate all the humans and all opposing Magi and create a Magi Utopia. Of course, the 'heroic' Magi, the Alliance, won't stand for this, and led by General Astyr I, attack the Brotherhood, plummeting the entire continent into a large-scale war.

    Which is bad.

    Essentially, in this, you create a character and choose a side: Alliance, Brotherhood, or Unaffiliated. You also get to create your power (be creative!) and your history, and how you got involved in the war. (By the way, the Alliance wins the war in the end, but they don't have to win every battle xD)


    Name: Your character's name, ha-cha! Nothing Japanese.
    Age: Your character's age. It's recommended you make it at least 13.
    Side: Affiliation.
    Power: Describe the Magi Power your character has. Be at least somewhat creative. Shadows = banned.
    Weapon: Your character doesn't /have/ to have a weapon, but they're cool. No weapons invented after about 1500 or so. Rifles are acceptable. (To answer a question, no, you don't have to speak Olde English)
    Personality: Please no angst-ball loners. PLEASE.
    Family: The character's relatives. Even if they're dead.
    History: History, yo!
    How they got involved: How they came to be doing whatever they're doing.
    Occupation: Job before the war. Don't put Wanderer; unless you somehow get paid to wander. Which you don't.


    Name: Atrum
    Age: 17
    Side: Alliance.
    Power: Cryokinesis; the power to create and manipulate ice. Atrum can create ice and fire it; alternatively, he can use it to create shields. He can also chill the air around him, or heat it up by placing 'the cold' into his hand, which he can then manipulate how he likes.
    Weapon: Chakram, a throwing weapon. They look like spiky wheels. Atrum keeps them slightly iced so that when he throws them, he can bring them back.
    Personality: Atrum is very sarcastic and kind of a jackass. He's also quite egotistical.
    Family: Twin sister; missing, Mother: deceased, Father: MIA during the war, Uncle: alive, Fiancee; left behind at home
    History: Atrum was born in a small town in England, where he went to school and lived a pretty average life until the war. His fiancee was arranged, however, the war broke out slightly after. Brotherhood members rode through his town when he was 15. and killed his mother. He never found his sister. His father left him in the care of his uncle (who is missing a leg) to go fight in the war. After never hearing back from him, Atrum left to join the Alliance when he was 16 and became a valuable member of his group. He is currently traveling with his group through Scandinavia to attack a major enemy base in Norway.
    How they got involved: See above.
    Occupation: Atrum was to become a scholar and adviser to the local noble.

    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Ninja Tue May 27, 2008 8:36 pm

    Name: Sirrus
    Age: 16
    Side: Brotherhood
    Power: Biokinesis/Agrokinesis, the ability to control living organisms such as animals or plants. The facility with which controlling animals is accomplished depends on the brain to body mass ratio of said animal. Humans cannot be controlled. He is also capable of shapeshifting and thoughtography (mind writing) to a small degree.
    Weapon: Rapier, a melee weapon. A long and slender sword that gets progressively thinner from hilt to tip. It is a double-edged blade, but is mainly used for stabbing and thrusting intead of slicing/hacking. It is a black-tinged sword and has a brilliant blue stone inset at the bottom of the hilt.
    Personality: Calm and level-headed. Never talks/acts without thinking first. Can be a little cocky, and perhaps a bit sadistic at times.
    Family: Parents-Executed, Brother-Unknown, Cousin-Hiding
    History: Sirrus's parents were wrongly accused of heinous crimes by the human government and were consequently put to death. Shortly thereafter, Sirrus fled to join the Brotherhood and began harboring a grudge against humans. He has a brother named Achenar (*coughMystreferencecough*), but he hasn't seen nor heard of him since joining the Brotherhood. He also has a cousin who has taken to a hermit kind of lifestyle, wishing to be away from all the conflict.
    How they got involved: *pokes history*
    Occupation: Sirrus was aspiring to become a biologist before his parents were persecuted.
    Appearance: Black hair that is relatively short, untidy and ruffled. Eyes are a soothing shade of brown. Likes to wear a tattered shirt that is a soft hue of green.

    Last edited by Ninja on Fri May 30, 2008 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zenith Wed May 28, 2008 8:05 pm

    Atrum trudged through the snow as he wandered through the forest. It was cold, and a blizzard had hit while he and his companions were traveling. He was currently on the island of Fyn in central Denmark, and was heading toward the city of Copenhagen to regroup with a few other Alliance troops. Unfortunately for him, he had lost sight of his group in the snow.

    Of course, it wasn't all bad luck. Atrum was lucky to be an ice Magi; he could move the ice crystals in the snow out of his way to stay warm. Unfortunately, that took a lot of energy, so he alternated it on and off. Right now, he was feeling light-headed, so he stopped concentrating on the snow and sat down under a tree.

    I'm cold... he thought to himself as he bundled up in the last of his cloth. He wished he was a fire Magi...then he could just start a fire. But he wasn't...the only known fire Magi right now was Zekus. Atrum grimaced at the thought of Zekus. Why would anyone want to destroy and entire race...? he thought. It makes no sense...

    I'm so tired...but I'm almost there...damn...can't...fall...asleep... Atrum thought as he closed his eyes and fell over...
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Ninja Thu May 29, 2008 12:36 am

    A wintery twilight shed its eerily majestic light down upon the city of Prague. Snow was cascading gently from the gray heavens and encasing the stone city in a fine blanket of smooth, white dust, acting as a sedative for the inhabitants. A sleepy atmosphere pervaded, but still, here and there the city ran like clockwork as usual. A small handful of citizens ambled around the market square, purchasing goods to sustain themselves throughout this unforgiving season.

    A lone cloaked and hooded figure moved within the streets, followed closely by a meandering feline whose dull colored coat set against the vivid white likened to the clouds dangling in the dreadful skies above.

    The stolid cobblestone streets sent muted echoes of progress reverberating throughout their domain, and, unmet by suspicion or interest, would only bawl portent in vain; their threats fell upon ears that had been deafened through years of distending numbness.

    Last edited by Ninja on Fri May 30, 2008 12:14 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Shine Thu May 29, 2008 10:14 am

    Feign shivered like mad as he trudged along through the snow, guided by the occasional clear path crafted by his leader, Atrum. Feign's scrawny build made this blizzard a sort of frozen hell for him, but with a rather heavy bearskin hanging around his shoulders and clutched tightly against his chest, he was sure he could get through. Anywhere Atrum went, he would strive to follow. Unfortunately, the gale pushed hard against him, moaning in what felt like despair across his ears, and it was causing him to lag behind. Feign was always near the front in such lines for his abilities. While not lethal, they had great utility.
    Finally, a few yards off in the distance, Feign could make out a lump in the snow (or at least its silhouette in this blizzard). Curious, he edged foreword quickly as he could, now noticing that the clear paths weren't half as frequent as they had been just earlier. Worried now, he plopped down beside the lump in the snow, began to dust off the freshly fallen powder, and to his horror, there was Atrum seemingly unconscious and half-frozen (perhaps an improved condition compared to the rest of the pack). Feign looked around for a second, draping his own bearskin over Atrum and lamenting at the rush of winter against his skin before giving three shouts with the same message, each one amplified greatly in volume, but as clear as if he were giving a whistle. "Atrum's fallen! Everyone, quick, Atrum's fallen!" His voice cracked from the cold and from worry, but his tone was calm.

    Terrified, Feign worked up some saliva and began clicking his tongue about a yards perimeter around Atrum's body, each click amplified, the vibrations competing against the wind to push snow away from the area and also serving as a beacon for the others to find them. Feign found snow-plowing much more difficult than it seemed for Atrum.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Ninja Fri May 30, 2008 10:49 am

    Sentinels of the deceased stood their ground firmly as Sirrus invaded their sanctuary. A haunting sensation mixed with an ethereal splendor was created by the delicate snowdrops that clustered in masses to project their beauty into the eyes and very souls of beings. The gray furred cat was still lagging close behind as they made their way onward; it seemed to have become more alert at the acnkowledgement of new surroundings.

    They passed row upon row of gravestones, some worn from negligence, still others laden with bouquets of faded flowers. Sirrus eventually spotted a human figure standing in front of a barren Golden Chain, but in its shadow lurked something more sinister. Subtle undulations emmitting from the figure decieved him, exposing his cold condition. Or was it fear?

    Sirrus removed his hood as he approached, becoming vulnerable to the world around him.

    "You'd better have some news for me, and by news I mean good news," he demanded, his voice dripping impatience. The man was only able to stammer unintelligibly in response. "Speak up!" Sirrus barked. "S-sir, I wasn't able to ac-cquire any information about the Alliance's plans." His voice was a faint whisper, shaky and trembling all over. "Well then, you have failed me utterly." As if on cue and guided by a puppeteer, the Laburnum behind sprang to life and exploded into yellow blossom whilst reaching a sinister branch around the neck of the victim. "Sweet, sweet cystisine....." he said almost cajolingly as he stroked the golden blooms. He once again directed his attention on the man. "Being native as you are, I have no need to inform you that this tree is laced with a natural poison, but don't worry, I'll be sure that your death is a slow and excruciating one." At this point, all the color had already been drained out of the man, and he already seemed to be looking as if he were part ghost. "Please! Don't kill me, I'll do better next time, I promise! I swear it by my humanity!" A change came over Sirrus's eyes, they now had an obscure rage behind them. "Wrong words, o dead one." The cat leapt like a tiger at the face of fear and readied its razor claws. It wasn't long before the spy lay on the bloodied snow of the cemetery, countenance marred with death and eyes gouged out. As a raven flew off from the graveyard into the dismal horizon, death and silence had been restored below as the ephemeral life of the Golden Chain whithered once again, and all was still once more.

    Last edited by Ninja on Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:46 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zenith Fri May 30, 2008 6:41 pm

    Atrum opened his eyes, and immediately was awash in a sea of light. He had no need for gravity; he simply swam around the light that blended into his consciousness.

    In the middle of the light, however, there was a small speck of dark. Atrum reached out for it, and with a silent bang, stars and satellites burst from it, revealing a universe bound by gaseous materials. It had a bit of a nostalgic feeling.

    And as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. In its place was a large, marble double door. Atrum landed in front of it, and pulled the doors open. Instantly, darkness poured from the doors in a spraying fashion, And consumed all the light.

    A single, silver light raced through the shadows. As it grew closer, Atrum could see that it was a blade. He had no need to evade its blow. As it pierced his chest, Atrum's cold consciousness faded away, and he disappeared back into the light of the shadows.
    Atrum woke up in the middle of the blizzard, which was beginning to die down. He blinked twice to adjust his eyes, and saw Feign attempting to dig him out of the snow using his sonokinesis. Atrum lifted his hand and moved all of the snow out of way, got up, and yawned.

    "What'd I miss?"

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Shine Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:25 pm

    Lord Ryu wrote:Atrum opened his eyes, and immediately was awash in a sea of light. He had no need for gravity; he simply swam around the light that blended into his consciousness.

    In the middle of the light, however, there was a small speck of dark. Atrum reached out for it, and with a silent bang, stars and satellites burst from it, revealing a universe bound by gaseous materials. It had a bit of a nostalgic feeling.

    And as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. In its place was a large, marble double door. Atrum landed in front of it, and pulled the doors open. Instantly, darkness poured from the doors in a spraying fashion, And consumed all the light.

    A single, silver light raced through the shadows. As it grew closer, Atrum could see that it was a blade. He had no need to evade its blow. As it pierced his chest, Atrum's cold consciousness faded away, and he disappeared back into the light of the shadows.
    Atrum woke up in the middle of the blizzard, which was beginning to die down. He blinked twice to adjust his eyes, and saw Feign attempting to dig him out of the snow using his sonokinesis. Atrum lifted his hand and moved all of the snow out of way, got up, and yawned.

    "What'd I miss?"
    Seeing Atrum was fine, Feign's face regained its usual bored expression, and he leaned back some. "You fainted in the snow, I think. The rest of us had fallen behind, and I found you under a mound of fresh powder. The others should be catching up soon." He realized then that he was shouting without needing to, now noticing that the blizzard had begun to subside. He quickly softened his voice, not showing his embarrassment. "Besides that, nothing. We're still pretty much lost in nothingness. No worries, though, as we could always piss our wills into the snow and hope someone finds it." He grinned for a second with an inward chuckle before becoming dim again. "You ARE all right, aren't you? We could stop and rest for a while, but there's no telling when another blizzard will come in."
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zenith Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:17 pm

    "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me; just got a little dizzy..."

    Atrum's ears twitched.

    "D'you hear that?"

    An arrow whizzed just past Atrum's ears, slightly cutting it.

    "Looks like we've got company!" Atrum reached behind his head and pulled out his twin wind and fire wheels. He began to spin them in a wide circle, clearing the snow as it fell; about five figures were made visible; each pulling arrows.

    "Where the hell is everyone else?"

    Number of posts : 897
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    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zeph Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:28 pm

    Shade's eyes were focused infront of him as he moved along through the thick snow. After the blizzard started to die down he had decided to try and figure out where he was. Being in the cold wasn't that hard for him, even in his human form he stayed content.

    "I can't believe this weather, the blizzard wasn't supposed to roll in for another week. I wonder what all of this means . . ."

    Shade's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of what seemed to be another person. His pace quickened as he made his way to where he heard the noise. In the distance he saw seven figures, from their scent he could tell that five of them were armed.

    "This looks dangerous, but I can't change my form with other humans around. What would they think . . ."

    Shade quickly rushed forward, his skin changed into a snow white fur and the rest of his body followed suit until he gained the appearance of a snow leopard. He put his hood on so that no-one would see. Hastily grabbing the stilletto from his waist he jabbed his weapon into the body of one of the bow-wielders.

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Shine Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:27 pm

    Feign's specialty was crowd-control, but being surrounded was always a disadvantage. Feign was used to lines of enemies, but in this scenario they were all around him, and with Atrum at his back, he couldn't hit the whole of them without his leader suffering too. He could only rely on Atrum to cover his back while he demolished those at his front. With that trust, he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, initially almost inaudible against the winds, and then exploding into a burst of sound howling off towards one of the archers, knocking the bowman back into the snow, blood dribbling out of the victim's ears and leaving variously sized polka dots across the snow. He was not dead or deaf or permanently injured in any way - simply stunned for an hour or so.
    Pivoting then to his left, he laid waste to the next bowman in the same manner, clicking his tongue and sending the archer flying, but the taut drawn arrow sprang from its bow and plunged straight through Feign's left thigh, sending him to his knees with a yelp. He looked to his leader for guidance as his pant leg turned dark and wet with blood.

    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zenith Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:39 am

    As another arrow was fired, Atrum quickly froze one of his wheels into a sheild to deflect it. He tossed the other in front of him, and when he heard the faint sound of it connecting, he pulled it back.

    At this point, Atrum noticed Feign's knee bleeding. He lept in front of Feign, deflecting arrows as they were shot. He pulled all of the snow falling towards him, and sent it forth in a gigantic avalanche, knocking down the remaining archers.

    "Are you all right, Feign?"

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Shine Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:44 am

    Lord Ryu wrote:As another arrow was fired, Atrum quickly froze one of his wheels into a sheild to deflect it. He tossed the other in front of him, and when he heard the faint sound of it connecting, he pulled it back.

    At this point, Atrum noticed Feign's knee bleeding. He lept in front of Feign, deflecting arrows as they were shot. He pulled all of the snow falling towards him, and sent it forth in a gigantic avalanche, knocking down the remaining archers.

    "Are you all right, Feign?"
    Feign gave a sigh of relief spying the new mounds of snow with hands and the tops of heads and the likes sticking out motionlessly, and broke off the tip of the arrow pointing out the back of his thigh, slowly easing the rest out through the front, sending more blood dripping into the snow and flinching some with his face remaining otherwise quite stoic. "It's hardly fatal, assuming they're not poisoned, but it's gonna slow me down, and I've always been quite the bleeder." He nodded lazily in the direction of his two victims then. "They're still alive if you wanna ask questions. I've never been good at killing something without cramming a bomb down its throat. At least that way you can kill it and cook it at the same time."

    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Zeph Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:29 pm

    Shade's body quickly jumped backwards from the avalanche, he looked towards the two that were next to eachother

    "Wow, these guys have some power"

    Noticing one of them were injured he started to move towards them. Realizing that he couldn't change back into his human form after awhile he continued towards them. Removing his hood he gave them a smirk.

    "You guys took down those archers very well, do you need my assistance for anything?"

    He said, sitting down in the soft white snow.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
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    Rank : Magi Satus (PM to join) Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Magi Satus (PM to join) Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Magi Satus (PM to join) Empty Re: Magi Satus (PM to join)

    Post by Ninja Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:24 pm

    Morning had scarcely begun in the small community of Smolec at the time the raven made land. Sirrus once again resumed his normal being after taking care to make sure that no humans were in view. He walked down the streets, staying in the dawn's shadows. A large, almost gothic-style church soon appeared; his lead had told him that this was the place. A cold breeze stirred, and Sirrus made haste to enter the hideout. The frigid air entered behind him, infiltrating like an unwanted guest and embedding itself in the stone construction that already radiated a lack of heat.

    "Ahhhh, Sirrus. I had expected your arrival." The voice from behind slightly surprised him, but Sirrus did not show it. "I suspected that you would, Clair." A slender woman extracted herself from the shadows of the musty corridor that was the church antechamber. She had straight, smooth brown hair that fell down to her shoulders, it accented her hazel eyes magnificently. No one save herself knew Clair's real name, Clair was a nickname bestowed upon her on account of her Clairvoyancy, limited as it was to sporadic, unintentional visions. Zekus always kept her close at hand; her ability did show its usefulness every now and then. "Zekus is impatient with you Sirrus, you'd best not anger him." Her voice sounded almost seductive as it resonated in the room. "Yes, well I would have been able to report earlier if the Master hadn't changed his post so suddenly again. It took me a whole four days to get this location, and then another three to fly here. Speaking of which, Clair, remind me to teach myself how to shapeshift into something other than a raven sometime, it drains the very life out of one's arms, I tell you!" She merely uttered a quiet chuckle at this comment. "Very well, Sirrus. Make your report now." She gave him a wink and opened the oaken double doors that led into the main wing of the church.

    Zekus himself sat in a large, ornate wooden chair that seemed like it had been designed to almost resemble a throne. Sirrus approached, passing the rows of pews lined up symmetrically. He arrived at the altar and knelt on one knee. Looking at the ground, he breathed two words. "General Zekus..." The church in all of its entirety seemed to be awaiting the response with bated breath. Several agonizing seconds passed by before the answer came from his lips, dark and foreboding. "Sirrus, you have been too long. I would dispose of you right here and now were you not amongst my most loyal soldiers. Pray tell the reason for your delay!" The tone of his voice grew more demanding with each word, causing Sirrus to flinch slightly at his order. "Sir, I was not informed of your changing of posts. I returned to the old base, only to find it abandoned. It took me a while to obtain your current location....Milord, I implore you to desist with this, as this is not the first occurence. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find you every time!" This did not please Zekus, and his voice grew to a bellow as he chastised Sirrus "Fool! Insolent wretch! You dare insult my methods?! You may as well have outright called me a coward! I'll have you punished for this blasphemy!" At this point, Sirrus felt an invisible hand squeezing the air out of his lungs, and another upon his neck to keep the life from entering. He managed to mutter a phrase between attempts at breathing. "" He felt the grip loosen, and he fell face down on the floor, wheezing, hacking, sputtering and gasping for air. Zekus's composure seemed to have calmed somewhat. "Very well, I know what I shall do with you. I have received word of a powerful Magi who is dwelling in Venezia, in Italy. I shall entrust you with the responsibility of finding him and....persuading him," a slightly sinister mood in his voice now, "to join our Brotherhood. Go now, before I change my mind and have you hanged!" "I your bidding.....Sir." Sirrus managed to pick himself up off the ground and relieve himself of Zekus's presence by exiting the chamber, breathing heavily as he did so.

    Clair awaited him in the antechamber. "Didn't go so well, I take it." She didn't waste any time adding insult to injury whilst Sirrus massaged his neck. "No..." Sirrus managed to splutter in reply, "but...I did manage to avoid mentioning that the spy failed. Although now I have to go recruit some Magi that he heard about." "Awwww, poor you," Clair said sarcastically, "Well, good luck to you anyways. I'll be staying with Zekus as always." "Thanks. Well, it looks like it's time for me to fly again. Farewell!" With that, Sirrus returned once again to the cool winter through one of the many opened stone windows above.

    Last edited by Ninja on Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:08 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Post by Zenith Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:55 pm

    "Hm? Who're you?" Atrum asked the stranger.
    Atrum glanced at his shape of snow leopard. "You're a Magi!"
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    Post by Ninja Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:24 am

    (^ How observant.....I see that Captain Obvious is still around =P)
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    Post by Zenith Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:49 am

    (Shade has disappeared off the face of the Earth, so I might just kill him off if he doesn't post soon

    And yay Captain Obvious!)

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    Post by Zeph Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:53 pm

    (My computer gotz a virus D=)
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    Post by Zenith Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:57 pm

    (Smooth moves, now post)
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    Post by Ninja Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:26 pm

    *Performs CPR on RP thread*

    (I'll post soon)
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    Post by Zenith Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:07 pm

    *fires Shade from thread with a retcon beam*

    I'll post something as well soonish.
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    Post by Ninja Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:47 pm

    A radiant pink flooded the skyline, heralding the arrival of dawn in the dormant city of Venezia. A lone figure was seated on the side of the wharf, pensively looking South toward the intermittent gestures of the capricious Adriatic Sea. One of his legs was dangling haphazardly over the waters, the other bent on the pier. A small fishing boat was lazily staggering into port on another dock a little ways away. He heaved a deep sigh as he rose, peered at the sunrise to the West, then turned to leave.

    He traversed the Venetian streets, tracing his way back to the small hut that he called home. He shoved his hands deep into his coat pockets as the cold winter morn made him shiver slightly. Upon arriving at his small waterside dwelling, he noticed that something was out of order. He felt a charged tension that was new to the atmosphere. The single-room, earthen house now had a darker presence attributed to it. Proceeding cautiously, he opened the door a crack and peeked in, however, it was too dark to distinguish anything at all, so he opened the entrance further and stepped inside...

    He was greeted by a most peculiar sight that half made him retch and made his heart skip a beat out of sheer shock. The first thing he noticed was that there were small creatures everywhere. Rats. They lined the shelves, littered the floor, perched on his furniture and covered nearly all the surfaces that their tiny claws could cling to. Rats had never been unheard of in Venice, and neither had rat infestations, but the volume of rats that had entered the room was astounding, especially in the relatively short time that he had been away. The next thing that struck him was that all the rats had lain completely silent the whole time. Not even a tiny squeak or movement emerged from the crowd. The last thing that he realized was probably the most sickening to his stomache; the rats were not alone.

    All of their beady, bloodshot eyes focused on him the moment that he came in to his house. All was prefectly still for a few seconds until the hooded figure in the back of the room uttered two words, his voice vile and sinister: "Good morning." With this, all the rats seemed to surge forth in a wave that enveloped him from his feet to his chest. Dumbfounded, he could do nothing more than attempt to shake them off. Still more rats were climbing the backs of the others, threatening to overwhelm him and get to his unprotected face. He could already feel the millions of claws scratching against his pant legs and his coat. It seemed like he would surely lose it here when he recovered from his state of stupor. Immediately, a surge of light filled the room and the rats were cannoned into the walls, some dying instantly from the impact. The ones that hadn't perished lay quiescent, cowering in the corners, or else looking for a shadowed place. The cloaked and hooded figure had his right arm across his eyes, and as he removed it there were some visible tears on his face, due to the impact of the highly charged light on his eyes. His blurred vison slowly returned to normal, however, and he now saw clearly the Magi (Magus?) that he had been sent to capture.


    Last edited by Ninja on Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Zenith Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:44 pm

    (Magi is the same plural and singular)
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    Post by Ninja Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:20 pm


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