Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

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    The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.)


    Number of posts : 1148
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    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) Shutenblackg_2964
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    Post by Sagehawk Fri May 09, 2008 8:53 pm

    Continence from:

    exceptions to the rules: me, sami

    This is a werewolf/vampire rpg.

    rules/plots of the world:

    1. the wolves look like REAL wolves... only bigger. instead of weighing 100-150lbs they weigh about double... heh...
    2. the vampires have wings, and transform every night. There appearances when transformed and when not are almost 100% opposite from each other. they go from ordinary.... to mystically beautiful/hansom.
    3. there is no war between the two races. that happened a few thousand years ago. It is now over.
    4. Currently there is a war however between humans and the supernatural community(vamps, weres, etc.)
    5. you can introduce other races (i.e. witches, or other types of weres like were-leopard.)
    6. currently Mel and Jill are on the run from the queen of the vampires. two were-camps have been taken down by force but the queen is having troubles with the 3rd.
    7. this rpg may turn political/sexual/controversial, so in other worlds if you have morals done join(lmao joking).
    8. If your character is in an 'ADULT' situation, please put a warning at the top of your post. (adult meaning anything someone under 17 is not allowed to see/read.
    9. if you have any questions PM me.

    P.S. no you dont have to read every post before your main character comes in. Just make sure you know what is currently going on. read atleast 8-10 of the last posts ...thanks...

    Last edited by Suen on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:29 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) Shutenblackg_2964
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    Post by Sagehawk Fri May 09, 2008 8:54 pm

    "No not really, whats the worst that could happen? I get shot?" Mel chuckled a bit. Mel started to walk away as Rusalki talked to jill. She took a few steps then turned back to Jill. Everything felt a bit odd between them. Mel kept telling herself she needed to pull away at least for a few days, just until she knew they both came out of this alive. Mel would do everything she could to make sure Jill did live however she didn't know about herself. She knew the humans would have got their hands on some type of weapon to easily kill both races. If Mel really did get hit by a bullet she almost certainly would die tonight.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Fri May 09, 2008 10:40 pm

    Jill sighed. It was a nervous sigh more than anything. She knew that while Mel would be coming along, they wouldn't be together at all times. "What if something happened to..." She quickly stopped herself. No, nothing was going to happen to either of them. Jill needed to have confidence, right?

    "I guess I should go get changed," said Jill, smiling. "You know how Rusalki gets."

    Without another word, Jill bounded off.


    A few hours later...

    Several wolves and vampires boarded a small plane. Jill was among them, now in a prison uniform to match the ones the imprisoned wolves had. She looked around to see who she would be directly working with...any wolves that were also in uniforms would be accompanying her into the actual building.

    There were four other wolves in uniforms, none of which she even recognized. Jill always felt odd when she was with wolves she didn't know. After all, she had been raised like a human and tended to act that way.

    "I guess those guys will be helping me distribute the capsules..." she thought as her hand sub-consciously felt the capsules in her pocket.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 10, 2008 1:18 am

    Mel was to take a regular airliner so she would not have any connection to the wolves. The only problem was there would be a 30min delay which meant the wolves had to fend for them selves before Mel and the other vampires got there. It was risky but they had no other choice.

    Mel got to the security and stepped through, the beeper went off and she stopped herself from physically cringing. What did she forget about?

    "Oh don't worry its probably your necklace...." a security personal said as Mel turned and walked back through. she took it off and put it in a bin then walked back through. No beep.

    Other than that there were no problems and in 2 hours she arived at her destination.
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Wed May 14, 2008 5:44 am

    Just as planned, alarms were going off at the prison camp because of a "chemical spill". Jill barely had time to react as they quickly began moving prisoners to a nearby building. Security was high but hopefully the distraction would do the trick.

    "The distraction! Where are those guys?!" thought Jill. They were only seconds late and she knew they'd be coming but it was hard not to feel panicked. For the first time today she felt truly nervous. It was already difficult to keep track of everyone with all of the prisoners and security personnel around. Everything had seemed so simple when they had gone over it back at the castle but now Jill was having doubts.

    "What if something--" At that moment, Jill felt someone touch her shoulder. When she turned around she saw that it was Rusalki.

    Jill felt a bit embarrassed as she had probably jumped nearly a foot into the air.

    "Hey, calm down. The other group just arrived. They'll be attacking soon and that's our chance to sneak in. Be alert, alright? We can't afford to lose anyone," said Rusalki quietly.

    "I AM calm," replied Jill, rolling her eyes. She then took a deep breath as she waited for the attack as well as the chaos that would soon ensue.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Wed May 14, 2008 10:49 am

    Finally the vampires along with Mel arrived at the prison. Everything was going exactly as planned the wolves were being moved. Mel was surprised at how sloppy it was. "This will be easy.." she muttered under her breath. A second later Jason(was that his name I forgot XD) keeled next to her. "This place is in chaos already and we haven't even attacked yet." The humans where unorganized so much that there was now a line , a very large one to the building they were moving the wolves too. If any of them were to oh lets say not have a guard, the ranks would be broke and more than half of them would be able to escape. A few seconds later Mel saw an angry man to the far right, he was dressed like a general would be. She assumed he was yelling at a guard below him that should have handled things better. Mel smirked and picked up her sniper. "Kill one of the guards when i count to three..." Jason nodded and picked up his sniper.

    "1....2.....3!" Mel yelled.

    There was a delayed reaction. when the guard and higher ranked solider fell both the wolf he was guarding and the general just stood there in shock. They didn't seem to believe it until more guards fell. Then chaos erupted. Guards raced around franticly as they tried to figure out where the shots were coming from leaving their prisoners short even more guards.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    User's Pokemon : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) Dpmfa368
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    Post by Sasami Thu May 15, 2008 9:37 pm

    The next few minutes were a complete blur to Jill. She heard the gunshots and started to move but after that it seemed like her feet carried her. At one point someone grabbed her but she couldn't remember who it was or how she got free.

    It was complete chaos.

    Jill ended up amongst the prisoners, some of which were attempting to escape. She tried shouting at them to stop but her cries were lost in the crowds. She hoped that none of them would be hurt...perhaps that was purely optimism on her part.

    She fumbled around for the capsules and was relieved that they were still there. She knew, however, that she wouldn't be able to give them out until the prisoners had been lead back inside the building. Right now it was too loud to get anyone's attention, anyway.

    Suddenly she felt someone grab her again but this time it was a more rough grip.

    "Where do you think you're going?! Get back in line with the rest of the mutts!" said a human voice. Jill instinctively growled a bit and then went back to the line...she hadn't realized that it was moving.

    As she was lead along with the prisoners, she tried to look back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mel. It was impossible to see her with so many people, though, so all Jill could do was hope she was ok.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) Shutenblackg_2964
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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 24, 2008 8:29 pm

    Mel smirked and fell in to the moment as the guards spotted them and began shooting back. She ran up higher and took two of the guys out. They were risky but it just make Mel more excited.
    "Fuck Mel! I just got intelligence on those bullets! They have what is equivalent to liquid sun in them!" Jason shouted as he ducked out of the way of on coming bullets. Mel laughed she was having quite a bit of fun. She made a game out of it and only moved at the last second as she was being shot. then getting three feet in front of the shooter and killing them.
    "Oh whats wrong Jason? Afraid of a little bullet?" Mel said as she ran out in to the chaos on the ground dodging bullets and shooting down more guards. Jason rolled his eyes and ran after her.

    As she was taking out the humans with ease she spotted the line Jill was supposed to be in. the wolves in the line were almost completely in side the building. 'good we are almost done...' she thought.

    Mel turned and at the same time a gun was pressed in to her gut. At first she was surprised until she realized who it was. It was the detective from the presidential candidate shooting. She smirked.
    "You think your good don't you?" He said with anger.
    "I haven't been alive for as long as i have for nothing." She replied in a serious ton.
    "Well this is where I win...."
    He pulled the trigger.

    Mel side stepped.

    The bullet grazed Mel's side.

    The detective fell to the ground.

    Mel cringed at the pain then glanced up at Jason still in firing pose.
    "You know... I'm the faster one... why did you even try that?"
    Mel turned to face him and smirked ignoring the pain. "What cant I have some fun?"
    Then a guard came up behind Jason and Mel shot him.
    She was beginning to feel a bit dizzy now but ignored it.
    "Last phase. just wait for them to break out...." Jason nodded and ran off to take his area. Mel glanced back at the building Jill was in, all the wolves were in side now. She turned and ran a few feet and took out more guards then collapsed to her knees by a building. Her vision blurred. Just before she blacked out she heard Jason's voice over her head set.
    "Team I just got a call in from the queen the UV ray bullets are the same ones that put werewolves in a half state. So if you wolves don't want you powers weekend watch out."
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Sun May 25, 2008 5:54 am

    Jill and the other wolves were herded inside the building. The faculty was old and not in the best shape...attacking this camp first was definitely a good choice. There were bright fluorescent lights which illuminated everything harshly. As Jill got back her bearings, she was suddenly grabbed again.

    Growling, she spun around to see who did it and was shocked to find Supai, her childhood friend and constant companion. He had been captured at the very beginning of the war, according to Catequil.

    He frowned. "It is you...I can't believe they captured you, too..."

    "Geez, you haven't seen me in months and that's the first thing you say?!"

    "I figured that you'd have taken off somewhere."

    "I wasn't captured!" Jill said quietly.

    "...What do you mean? What are you doing here, then?" he asked, confused.

    "Breaking you guys out, obviously," said Jill in a tone that implied that it was completely obvious. "Now shut up and listen..."

    Although she sounded indifferent at seeing him again, she was really relieved. Jill had worried that something worse had happened to him. Still, it was depressing to see him how he was...tattered and grizzly in appearance. There were rings under his eyes and he was extremely skinny and pale. It looked as if he had nearly lost all hope. For a moment, Jill felt guilty as she had been doing so well lately...

    At that moment, Jill realized that guards were beginning to search the prisoners. If someone's capsules were found, it was all over. "Fuck..."

    "Supai! Swallow this!" she said to him, frantically shoving a capsule down his throat.

    Nearly choking on it, he managed to get it down. "Uh...what exactly did I just swallow?"

    "It'll let you shift again, you'll have all of your strength back. I need to get everyone to take these!"

    Supai's eyes lit up for a second and then he grabbed some capsules from Jill. "Let me help, you're not going to be able to do this in time. The prisoners won't trust you." Before she could even say anything, he disappeared into the crowd.

    Jill noticed another wolf nearby taking a capsule. "At least someone else has been successful..."

    As she tried to get another prisoner's attention, she heard a loud voice from behind her.

    "What do you have there?" asked the guard.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun May 25, 2008 11:10 pm

    "Sr, all the wolves are now contained-"
    The higher rank officer shouted as he looked over the facility from his ruling tower. The walls were fully glass and the only thing in the room was a gun to kill any escapers.
    "Huh!?" The guard said as he turned to look down below them on to the camp.
    "Thats imp-" The guard was cut off as he took in the scene.

    Below was a silver colored wolf taking out everyone before they could even lift their guns to shoot. The wolf's fur was dripping wet with the blood of its victims. The last few guards ran away in terror and the wolf looked up at the tower and met eyes with the higher ranked official. Frightened the man finally picked up the gun., he sighted it on the silver wolf, but before he could shoot, the lower rank officer pushed the gun to the side and the bullet shattered one of the windows and missed the wolf below.

    "What are you doing!?" The higher rank yelled in a rage.
    "Those men were only two feet from that wolf and they were killed instantly... what makes you think you can do a damn thing about that wolf from up here?"
    The higher rank shoved him to the side.
    "That is exactly why I think I will succeed.... I'm way up here..."
    But when he got to the window the wolf was gone.
    "What the-"
    Just as he was about to finish his statement of confusion the wolf tackled him to the ground ripping him to shreds. the wolf then turned to the other officer with a hungry look.

    The man backed up. He was highly trained but there was something powerful about this specific wolf, something different. It made him wonder how it ever got captured in the first place. "Wait.... please.... I'm here to help my name is Jason I'm with the vampire wolf alliance-" Jason then recognized the wolfs eyes. They were the same icey blue color Mels were when she was in vampire form. "M-mel?" Jason had dressed and disguised himself to get to the main tower to make sure the higher officer couldn't call for reinforcements. The wolf started growling and creeping closer.
    "Mel dont you recognize-" Then Jason remembered The Queens story about their daughter. If Mel was the same, she wouldn't be able to control herself. Mel in her silver wolf form ran at Jason, he cringed waiting for the impact but it didn't come. He turned in time to see her tail go through the door and back down the stairs towards the main building.

    As Mel's paws hit the ground dirt flew up. When she got to the doors of the building she threw her body in to them and busted them down.
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Sun May 25, 2008 11:58 pm

    Jill's heart sank as she turned around and saw several human guards. What she did next could have been planned out better if she had time. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case.

    "Everyone! Swallow these and shift! We're breaking out of here!" she shouted, throwing the remaining capsules into the crowd. Before the guards could do anything, she shifted and took off, barreling down anyone in her path. The other wolves that had sneaked in followed her lead, quickly giving out capsules and transforming. The prisoners quickly got the idea and did the same. Within minutes, every wolf in the room had shifted. Every wolf, that is, besides Supai. He had been left in a strange half-shifted form...keeping the tail, ears, and fangs of a wolf but nothing else. His nails were sharper and seemed to curve into claws. Some fur had started to grow in but suddenly stopped, leaving odd fur patches here and there.

    Supai realized what was going on but that wasn't going to stop him from helping. He punched and kicked his way through the human crowd that was forming, taking out several guards. Jill caught a glance of him but was unsure about what was going on. She didn't have time to think as bullets raced by her.

    Howling, Jill signaled for all of the wolves to retreat to the outdoors, where fighting would be easier for them. The rest of the group should be waiting there to help. Peace settlements would come later.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Mon May 26, 2008 12:48 am

    As Mel got half way through the hall a storm of guards and wolves pured in. Instead of fighting they seemed to be running for the door, the wolves in front. Mel went straight in to the on coming crowd and killed some more guards. Her vision started to blur again as the pain in her side worsened from the gun shot before. She paused before attacking another guard and she got kicked to the side. Then the pain worsened and traveled through out her body and she felt like she was transforming with out her pendant. Mel's body shifted back in to her vampire form then began transforming in to a wolf but stopped half way through. She had wings and fangs, wolf ears, paw like hands and a tail. As she laid there for a moment she was kicked once again as a guard tried to get away from a wolf chewing on his arm. Mel shook here head to clear it then got back up. Where was Jill? She clawed a guard in his throat as he tried to attack her.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Mon May 26, 2008 2:44 am

    One guard in particular seemed determined to take down Jill. She wasn't sure if he recognized her or what but he seemed to be a strong opponent. It's hard to say what happened exactly but at some point Jill slipped and found his gun aimed at her head. The sudden fall seemed to surprise him too, though, and Jill was able to react in time. She slammed into his hand, causing him to drop his gun.

    Even with his weapon gone, they continued fighting until Jill found herself backed against a wall. Snapping at his face, she suddenly changed direction and bit down on his leg. The guard hollered out in pain and fell to the ground, kicking her on the way down. Jill took this opportunity to snap his neck. As more guards approached her, she tried to lunge at them but then realized that the kick had done more damage than she had thought. Wincing because of the pain, she evaded their attacks and was able to lose them.

    Just then, she caught a familiar scent. It was Mel.

    Jill ran faster, ignoring the sharp pains in her side. She finally caught up to her but was shocked at what she saw. Was that really Mel?! What happened to her?!

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon May 26, 2008 3:16 am

    The guards seemed to be running now more than fighting but Mel was a bit out of control. The violence excited her. A guard bumped in to Mel trying to run away, and she suddenly had a burst of rage and grabbed him and ripped his throat out with her teeth. As she turned she saw Jill. She just stared at her for a moment. Jill looked confused. Before she could say anything Jason ran up to them.
    "Shit... what the hell... oh .. god.. the bullets...." He glanced down at Mel's wound. Then at Jill. "she took one of those vamp bullets it also half transforms wolfs. it seems it has had an interesting effect on her... " he said. "But we don't have time.... we may have won but others will be on their way when they get word this place has been taken out."
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Mon May 26, 2008 11:56 pm

    Jill paused for a moment but then nodded. She looked around...the bullets didn't seem to be affecting anyone else the same way...what was going on?

    Then she heard Rusalki's voice in the distance. "Alright, everyone, let's move out! Let the humans retreat!"

    Rusalki and her group began to leave and the others soon followed. Some wolves and vampires lagged behind a bit to care for the wounded, including Jill. Back in human-like form, she carried a white wolf who was unconscious. The walk back to the plane, although short, seemed to drag on forever. Exhaustion took over her body and every muscle ached. She wondered if there was going to be a new moon coming up...that would explain it. Even Rusalki wasn't quite as energetic as she usually was.

    Jill's mind was on Mel, though. Was she going to be ok?

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue May 27, 2008 4:20 pm

    Jason handed Mel a capsule that was used to disable the chips. He wasn't sure if it would work for the bullets but assumed they worked in a similar way. They were now in a safe camp 100 miles away from the facility on a wolf reservation. There were tons of tents set up and vampires and werewolves helping each other. Everything from dressing wounds to talking and consoling each other. There weren't many lost lives but there were still enough lost to cause grief through out the camp.

    Due to the complexness of the second facility it would be a few days before they could plan the next break out perfectly. They needed to regroup and really think about the plan. The next facility would be expecting them.

    Mel Took the pill from Jason and swallowed it. At first nothing happened. Just as Jason was about to go get a scientist Mel started to slowly shift in to full wolf form. Inside her head a scene from just an hour ago flashed through her head of ripping through the officers throat. She closed her eyes. "Quick. I don't think I will be able to control this... You need to get someone... I don't want to lose control again." Mel said with worrie in her voice.

    "What do you mean again?" Jason asked confused.
    "I didn't mean to slaughter everyone back there, I don't know what happened...." Mel replied.
    "It wasn't intentional?"
    "No." Jason looked at her surprised. He saw how precise and fast the silver wolf was. She had to of been in control.
    "but you were so precise, you were just attacking guards you seemed in perfect you were born a wolf..." Jason said in amazement.
    "I...I wasn't... I killed three wolves....any one that came near me...It was only at the end when we were up in the tower that I gained some control..." Jason took in a sharp breath of air.
    "Damn. This better not rune the alliance!" Jason said angered.
    "Is that all you can think of? I killed what we were protecting! The grieving you see out side if because of me..."

    Shaking his head Jason left. Soon he found Jill. She was the only one Mel wouldn't hurt if she transformed, or at least he hoped.
    "I gave Mel one of the pills... good news is that it worked... she can transform fully again. But... she is afraid she has no control." He explained. "Oh and I'll give you a brief explanation, or at least my theory of what happened. You remember the queens daughter? The story she told us before we left? I think Mel is like her. Half wolf half vampire...."
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Fri May 30, 2008 5:44 am

    Jill played the words over in her head a few times before saying anything. "How is that possible...?"

    "...Is she going to be ok?" asked Jill, her voice a bit shaky.

    "Chasca! There you are! The council is going to be holding a meeting, it'd be nice if you actually showed up," said Rusalki, walking over.

    "...Oh, I'll be there in a minute..."

    "Take care of that injury, too, geez!" replied Rusalki, looking down at Jill's leg.

    Jill hadn't realized it, but her leg was bleeding. "Yeah, I'll be right on it..." she said, then turning back to Jason as Rusalki ran off.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 31, 2008 1:18 am

    "I...I am not sure... I was hoping a could help her gain some control?" Jason said concerned.

    After a few moments they arrived back at the tent Mel was in. Everything was quiet. Jason entered first expecting to find Mel gone but instead he saw curled up on the cot in tears. Her appearance was a mess. It seemed her body was still confusing her transformations. Jason had never seen Mel cry before but what was happening to her looked quite unbearable. Her amulet started glowing with Jill's presence still but did not seem to protect against the pain of transforming. Mel was in a half wolf half vampire state again only with more fur, but if you watched closely for a few seconds it would disappear and return again as if the wolf and vampire forms were fighting for dominance.
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    Post by Sasami Sat May 31, 2008 2:02 am

    Jill's heart sank when she saw Mel in such a state. Rushing over, she cradled Mel in her arms and began to talk softly.

    "You need to breathe slowly, ok? Just relax and focus on your human form. Imagine locking away the wolf inside you. Try to think about each part disappearing back into your body...first your tail, then your ears, then your fur..."

    She held Mel tightly, wishing that she could help more.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 31, 2008 2:47 am

    Mel relaxed and closed her eyes and did what Jill said. She sat there for a few moments like that and soon the pain disappeared. She opened here eyes and smiled up at Jill. She then placed her head in her lap and got snuggled up closer to her. She was relived and happy that Jill had come. "Oh my god it worked! Good! Now we have a meeting!" Jason said in a rush. Mel blinked and then frowned.
    "Already? But its so soon... everyone is-"
    Just then the Queen burst through the tent entrance.

    "What the hell is going on here!? There is supposed to be a meeting! I got word that a wolf-" The queen's gut twisted in a knot as she realized what had happened.
    "Whats wrong?" Mel asked. Then she reilized that she was very close to Jill. Mel quickly moved away from Jill. "I can explain, its.. not.."
    "I should have kept you in exile where you belong..."
    The queen grabbed Mel by the arm and pulled her out of the tent.

    Mel was confused. Sure a werewolf and a vampire together was punishable by death but she thought that everyone was pass that by now. The queen herself broke that law years ago herself. So why was the queen so angry? Did she know it was her that killed the three wolves? Or was it that they were both... female? For the first time in a long long time Mel was scared. She didn't know what would happen.
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    Post by Sasami Sat May 31, 2008 3:16 am

    Jill followed them outside, confused and angry.

    "Hey, don't talk to Mel like that! I don't care if you're a queen," she growled, not fully understanding the situation.

    Her words attracted a small crowd of wolves and vampires, wondering what was going on and who was being so disrespectful. Rusalki was among them, and rolled her eyes when she saw it was Jill. She hoped that the Queen wouldn't take it too seriously.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 31, 2008 3:30 am

    The Queen shoved Mel to the ground hard, and she landed with an 'oompft' sound. She then turned to Jill. "This is none of your business! She has compromised everything just because she couldn't resist an impulse, she is as worthless as her sister! I shouldn't of listened to Catequil!" The Queen yelled.

    Mel looked up at the Queens words. "Sister?" The Queen turned and looked at Mel in shock. She hadn't meant to reveal what she had just said. Jason stood in front of the tent a bit shocked. He had a theory but didn't think it was actually true.
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    Post by Sasami Sat May 31, 2008 3:38 am

    Jill got up, glaring. "Sister? Who's Mel's sister?! Where is she?"

    People in the crowd exchanged looks and began whispering amongst each other. At that moment, Catequil walked over.

    "What's going on here?" he asked.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 31, 2008 3:50 am

    The queen said nothing, Mel just looked back and forth from Catequil to the queen and back.
    Jason watched and sighed. "Are you all that retarded? Look at the silver hair...Look at her eyes... now Catequil's... and in the day time she has the queens... after all there the only two in history to ever have a child between the two races-" The Queen grabbed Jason by the collar of his shirt. "If you say one more thing your dust..."
    Mel got to her feet. "No...This makes sense-"

    "wait...I've known Mel since before she was exiled.... why hasn't she changed before if she is part wolf? After all you need proof of this accusation." A voice came from the crowd. Everyone looked. Mel recognized the vampire. He was just a common solider. He had short black hair an jeans and a T-shirt on. A hand gun around his waist. Mel couldn't think of his name though.
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    Post by Sasami Sat May 31, 2008 3:59 am

    "It's possible that her body just didn't feel the need to. Maybe this battle felt more dangerous or she was extremely worried about something or someone..." suggested a wolf, shrugging.

    Jill was stunned at first but it quickly began to make sense.

    "And who's Mel's sister?!" she asked.

    Catequil sighed and looked at the Queen, not sure what to say. He then turned to the crowd. "Don't you guys have jobs to do?!"

    They began to scatter, not wanting to get on his bad side.

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