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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

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    The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.)

    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
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    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Empty Re: The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.)

    Post by Sasami Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:16 pm

    (OOC: It's totally fine, I understood everything.)

    Jill was in shock for a few seconds but her instincts quickly took over and told her to shift. Now in wolf form, she rushed at a couple of soldiers that were nearing Mel and slammed them to the ground. There was something very wrong with Mel but Jill didn't have any time to react or contemplate what had happened. Right now, survival was the priority. Survival of both her and Mel.

    Jackson was shooting bullets everywhere, hitting basically anyone who got near him. "Shit, shit, shit!" he yelled, trying to make some sense out of the mess. The bullets in his gun were of a special variety and were supposed to affect wolves and vampires. He wasn't sure what they were made of, only that his boss said to use them in an emergency. As he was shooting, he pressed a button on his beeper that was meant to send a distress signal to his boss.


    Jackson's boss frowned when he got the signal. "It would be such a pity to lose one of my best agents", he thought.

    Then a sly smile crossed his face as he punched in some buttons on a device. "Well, it would be a good time to test it out..."


    As his boss hit the last button, a strange sensation filled Jackson. He had this weird, burning energy--he had never felt anything like it. It felt like adrenaline and was completely overwhelming to the point of nausea. Falling to the ground, he felt what seemed to have been an electrical shock. Only, it was coming from inside him. As he tried to regain his senses, he noticed that his hands were covered in fur. Shocked, he began to choke as the fur spread over his whole body. Fear overtook him and everything went black.


    Rusalki had been sent with her troop to help and arrived at the scene in the middle of the chaos. While directing her soldiers, she noticed a familiar scent in the air and turned around. There was Polevik, charging around like a lunatic and foaming from the mouth. She couldn't believe her eyes.


    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:18 pm

    Mel became uncontentious again because of the pain and soon found herself back in a lush green forest. Her appearance kept jumbling between three images. Only there was no physical feeling, it was like someone was changing the channel on a T.v. Her vampire form with its long silver hair, pale skin, dark eyes and large black bat like wings, to her gray and white fur coat, to her slightly tan complexion, shoulder length dark curly hair and bright blue eyes.

    They said I had to marry him.

    "It's time to chose."
    Mel looked around for where the voice was coming from. She then looked down at her hands and watch them shift back and forth.
    "This is what you meant. My forms... they are the tools your talking about?" Mel said looking up. Ray faded in to view. She looked a bit different, her red hair was longer and her skin seemed to glow.
    "Yes." Mel Looked at her.
    "Who are you?" She asked.
    "It doesnt matter... My story has played a thousand times, and it will continue. Long ago, I put my heart and myself before my kind and my lover. I was foolish and it ended my people. There are only 3 of us left. We travel through life times to preserve ourselves, and to make sure our cousin species dont meet the same fate." Ray said. She got closer gently touched Mel's face.
    "There are three blood lines with in you. Wolf and vampire." She continued.
    "thats only two..." Mel pointed out.
    "Vampires are human and bat. They walk the day time as human and the night as a bat." Ray said frowning as if it was obvious.
    "You know enough... now you must chose. The strength of the wolf, the speed of the bat or the intellect of the human. Only one can accomplish this task. because of my mistake, a creature that shares all three must chose one."


    I couldnt so I ran.

    Mel stood up. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders. She took a deep breath of
    fresh night air. She smiled she never felt so alive before in her life. Energy filled
    her veins. It felt like electricity.


    She was going to run away with me.

    "No not until you explain more." Mel said annoyed. Did she really expect her to chose with out knowing the full story?
    Ray sighed.
    "Why did i think it was going to be that easy?" Ray laughed a bit and she looked like her self for a moment,
    herself in reality. "Fine, i will tell you, but do not mention it to me in the waking time. I
    have not yet learned of my true identity. I am ray, but I am her higher self."

    It was countless decades ago.

    They discovered our plan to leave, so they eradicated the pard.

    A human... or maybe a vampire, it didnt matter either way, she raised her leg up in to a side kick.
    the man went flying in to a near by tree. Another came from behind her and she side stepped out of the way
    grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder. She instantly grabbed a knife from her boot
    and plunged it in to his chest. Two more came from her right, she stood and back handed on in the
    temple. He instantly dropped to the ground. She then ducked the other one's punch, and went in to a leg sweep.


    Now that you know, choose.
    Since love started it, I'll chose the same form as my true love.

    (ooc: urg i just cant write anymore lol)
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
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    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

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    Post by Sasami Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:10 pm

    Jill dragged Mel's body to the side to keep her away from the main battle. "Please wake up soon," thought Jill, knowing that she'd only be able to protect Mel for so long. Jill stood a few feet away so as not to attract attention to where Mel lay.


    Rusalki ran over to the wolf she knew was Polevik. But it was strange, he didn't seem like he was aware of what was going on. She shouted again but was shocked when he turned around and charged toward her.

    "What are you doing?!" she yelled, leaping out of the way. He didn't respond and attacked again.

    "I don't want to fight you, Polevik! Can't you hear me?!" she said, knowing deep down that it was probably useless.

    At that point a bullet was fired and hit Polevik in the side. He buckled and fell to the ground, shifting back to humanlike form. "The bullet must have made him transform..." thought Rusalki. She wanted to run over and help but she also had to be cautious. He didn't seem to recognize anyone.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 5 Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:21 pm

    Mel turned and saw Rusalki with Polevik and she ran over to them. She grabbed Rusalki by the arm.
    "Be careful! Dont get hit by anything, not even blades, you got that? If you do you might as well be dead." She then let go and looked at Polevik.
    "And you! Dont look at me like that, I dont care if you dont remember anything, your going to listen to me if you want to survive. Understand?"


    Ray slowly became conscious. She felt dizzy and nauseous. To on lookers she looked very pale. Her lips were void of color and her eyes looked droopy. She remembered what happened she had been run through with a sword. She wasnt sure if she was dieing or what. Everything felt strange and cold.

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