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Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

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    The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.)

    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:52 am

    (OOC: Do you happen to have AIM? I've been using AIM Express since you don't have to download anything to use it...It sucks but it's my only way of communicating with people right now, haha.)

    The wolf ran ahead of Mel and snarled. Who did this wolf think she was? Here they were, offering them shelter and she just shoved through...

    Another wolf suddenly ran over and the lead wolf stopped growling. He then turned to Jill and spoke.

    "Get some rest."

    Jill walked after Mel quickly, turning back at the wolves every so often. They seemed very cold, not welcoming like the forest tribes. The smaller, subordinate wolves stared at Jill and Mel as they left and it was a bit disconcerting.

    After walking for a few minutes, they came to a quiet area, dense in vegetation. Jill turned to Mel.

    "It should be safe for you to transform here, I can't smell anyone close by."

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:49 pm

    (AIM: sagehawk12)

    Just as Mel finished her transformation, Jason spotted them. He stayed in the air just watching at first. "So... are we going to stay with them? I'm not sure its a good idea..." Mel said as she leaned in and gave Jill a qick kiss. "Although... getting some food wouldnt be a-"
    Mel was interupted as Jason landed next to them. Mel jumped back, instinctively she grabbed for a gun but then remembered she didnt have one of those since they left.
    "What a nice welcome... No 'nice to see you'? Or 'hi'?" He smirked a bit.
    "What do you want?" Mel asked she spread her wings out behind her.
    "You guys," Jason said. Mel braced herself for a fight, but then jason said, "Not dead..." Jason put both hands out in front of him as if he could hold mel back just by his hands alone. "Wether the queen wants it or not... We need you guys. We cant take the 3rd camp. The queen cant figure out the next plan of action with out sacraficing tons of lives."
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:39 am

    (OOC: Alrighty, added! ^^ )

    Jill backed up, growling. "So you only decided to actually look for us when you needed help? I'm not sure why we should even bother."

    A large number of wolves gathered around them, many snarling at the sight of a stranger. Most were transformed, they were probably planning on going on a hunt.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:13 pm

    "Well you know... it's not that I need help.... its everyone." Jason said a bit annoyed. "Obviously if we lose, its over for everyone. Humans will hunt us till we are all dead," He continued.
    "Unfortunatly he has a point..." Mel said. "However... It was already over for all of us when the queen banished me the first time."
    Jason sighed, "Mel this isnt time to hold a grudge..." He glanced at the other wolves around them. "Unless they have gotten in to that pretty little head of yours." Jason looked at Mel a little closer. "Well they have already taken away your manners." He dug in his pack and threw Mel clothes. "Not that I'm complaining..."
    Mel flashed her fangs and made a low hissing sound. She put on the clothes, but only so Jason would stop staring at her. "No clothes for Jill?" Mel asked.

    "She's an animal, clothes wouldnt make a differ-" Jason was cut off by Mel's fist. He stumbled back wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.
    "Oh I forgot, your... one too..." He laughed a bit.
    "If this is asking for help your bad at it." Mel said.
    "Vampires were never good at that..." He said looking Mel in the eyes.
    "No they never were, but then again they never need it." A voice came from behind Jason fallowed by two clicking sounds. Mel knew that click sound, it was the click of a gun. But it wasnt just one gun it was two.

    1 WEEK AGO

    "I still can not find her... I know its been almost a year... NO!.... that wont do!" Ray said as she practiced in the mirror. She was at a hotel in a small town in Florida. She had been hierd by Brandon the CEO of a Major Assasin company to find thier best assasin who had dissapeared with out any trace. She turned to the bed and clicked shut her gun case which had to identical pistols. She was good with duel weilding weapons. Under the case was the minilla folder that had Mel's mission in it. She reached out and grabbed it. Ray opened up the minilla folder for the hundrth time. A job had come up but only Mellonie Morgan could handle it.

    Objective: Kill Vampire Queen
    Contractor: ______________
    Reward: $56.6 billion

    Was the first few lines. The contractor was not listed, most likely private. She was suposed to find Mel and give her the folder. It was saposed to be an easy job. It was her first one, it was saposed to get her name out there, but now her carreer was probubly destroyed if she couldnt even do a simple dilivery mission.

    Ray ran her hand threw her long red curles and sighed. Just then the phone rang. Frusterated she grabbed it and picked it up. 'I'll prbubly be charged for this call too...' she thought. "Yeah..."
    Static buzed through the ear peice and then a scratchy voice came through.
    "This Ray?"
    Ray had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.
    "I heard you were looking for Mel..." The voice said.
    "Thats classified..." Ray said. There was something about the call that made her nervous.
    "That would be a yes....Try the artic tribes..."
    Then there was a clicking sound and the line went dead.
    "Wait! Hello? Who is this?" She said in to the reciever.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:02 am

    Jill froze at the sound for a second and then turned to the source slowly. It was a human with two guns, a young female. She didn't seem particularly experienced and Jill relaxed, confident that she would come out on top should it turn into a fight. She immediately transformed as her human form left her much more vulnerable to gunshot wounds.

    It seemed like the whole pack had gathered, curious as to what was going on between these new strangers. Visitors were rare up north and some of the wolves hadn't even seen a real human before. These were mainly the younger wolves who had never wandered too far from their homeland. The older wolves, though, were wiser and more suspicious. Seeing the weapons, these wolves instructed the young ones to stay back and ready themselves should they need to attack.

    The pack leader approached the assassin slowly and cautiously, fangs bared and claws sharpened. Without any sort of warning, he charged. But his intent was not to kill or even injure, only to disarm the woman by knocking the pistols out of her hands. It looked like a risky move but a regular gun isn't too much of a threat for such a strong wolf. After all, that night would be a full moon.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:31 am

    Ray noticed the wolf charging and quickly rolled to the side to get out of the way, but it only half worked as one gun flew threw the air. Ray swore under her breath as she finished rolling back to her feet. Mel quickly advanced before Jason could react. She had always been faster than him. Before the gun hit the ground Mel caught it and aimed it at the assassin at the same time she recovered. the two woman now stood face to face gun to gun. "Who are you and what do you want?" Mel asked in a serious tone.
    "Wow... your movement is amazing..." Ray answered. Mel didnt look amused.
    "I said who-" Mel was about to ask, but then noticed a folder peeking just out of the womans coat. "-Are you from... where I think your from?" Mel was slightly shocked. She didn't think he would come looking for her.
    Ray lowered her pistol and said, "Yeah Brandon sent me... you have an assignment."
    Mel smirked and threw the pistol at the womans feet. "Sorry but I'm retired..."

    "Besides, I was here first girly... " Jason said annoyed. Ray pointed the pistol at jason and some of the wolves looked like they were going to attack her. Jason smirked. "Pull that trigger and it seems you'll die before me."
    "Actually... I really dont care if you die..." Mel said, then turned to the wolves,"hes not with us..." The wolves backed off and Jason look worried.
    "Come on! I need you to kill the Queen! I cant have you fucking around!" Jason shouted after a few moments. Mel shrugged. "Its not my problem."

    I look crossed Rays face and she looked at Mel. "But if you dont kill her the wolves will be wiped out... she is going to make her move in two days. She is going to betray them. She made a deal with the US she has backed out. It seems the last camp was too much for her... So if you dont kill her... Dammit you have to kill her! ISNT 5 BILLION ENOUGH FOR YOU!?" Silent tears ran down her cheeks as she started shouting at Mel. She bent down and grabbed her second gun and pointed them both at Mel. "you vampired make me fucking sick and I wish you would all die!" Jason made a move but Mel stopped him with her arm out. "She isnt going to shoot me... she needs-" BAM-BAM!! two shots went off and one hit Mel in the arm. The other went in to the air as Jason pushed one of Rays hands in to the air.
    Ray then pressed the other gun to Jason's side and pulled the trigger. It wouldnt kill him but he'd be out for a day or so. If it was normal bullet it would had only hurt, but Mel could feel the burning in her arm that indicated silver. Jason's body dropped to the ground.
    "Your right I do need you, but not him..."
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:54 am

    The lead wolf leaped at Ray, pinning her down and growling, trying to prevent more fighting. At this point, the alpha female walked over and shifted to her human-like form. She was very tall and had long, silvery hair that was up in a neat bun. Her eyes were a deep, forest green and she wore a long, white fur coat and brown leather boots. She talked in a very calm matter and her words seemed to have a relaxing effect upon the other wolves.

    "I won't allow any more needless bloodshed in our territory," she said, walking over to the group of humans and vampires. She approached Ray, looking her right into the eyes. "If you try to pull anything like that again, I won't hesitate to rip you to shreds," she said sternly.

    "I suggest that you all settle your issues elsewhere. Now, as for you two, " she added, turning to Jill and Mel, "if you need to stay a night, feel free but don't cause any more problems. This is a peaceful area and I'd like it to stay that way." Smiling warmly (which actually seemed out of place, considering the circumstances) at them, she turned to walk away.

    The alpha male also shifted to his human form, still holding onto Ray. "What should we do with this one?" he asked the female.

    "Have some of our wolves escort her out of our territory. I don't like humans, especially not the violent type. If I see her again, I will kill her," she answered nonchalantly.

    As this conversation was going on, Jill had run over to Mel. "Are you alright?!"

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:26 am

    "Yeah I'm alright... " Mel smiled at her and touched her face. Then kissed Jill. Ray watched and stood up. "So thats why your here..." Mel glanced at her but didn't say anything. "I know how you feel..." Ray said as she dropped the folder on the ground and was calmly lead out of the territory.


    3 Years Ago

    "Please come with me!" Jamie said as she crawled through the window and in to her secret lovers arms. They were both 17, almost done with high school Jamie was a wolf but her parents wanted her to have a good education, so she snuck her in to the human territory. Ray, and her had met in school and fell in love but there was a problem. Jamie would have to leave to the wolf reserve after she graduated and Ray couldn't fallow her. No humans allowed.
    "We've talked about this Jamie-" Ray started but Jamie cut her off with a kiss.
    "Come on you know you cant resist... meet me at Jefferson park after graduation... I found a way you can live with me..."


    Something in Ray's voice Made Mel decide to go find her later. "As soon as I get this taken care of-" She nodded towards Jason. "I should go after the girl... she may know more... Her and Jason's story dont match up either... which is odd...might be good to investigate" She said to Jill. "In the mean time... you should eat..."


    Graduation Night

    "Its ok... it will only hurt for a bit... and then you'll be fine the first change wont be for a few more days so you have time to recover..." Jamie said as she stood in front of Ray deep in the woods. It was in the park, that had lots of trees fro privacy.
    "I don't know Jamie... Wont they be mad? From what you told me there is strict law in changing someone. Wont you be like... killed?" Ray said scared. Jamie smiled at her and kissed her again. "No because no one will find out... we will say you came from a far north tribe... no one has much contact with them..." Ray still looked worried but gave Jamie the ok.

    Jamie gently touched ray's face and pulled her in to a hug. She started kissing her lips then her neck. Suddenly Jamie bit in to her neck. Ray let out a scream. Suddenly streaks of movement swirled around them and knocked them over. A vampire appeared in front of Jamie, and Ray screamed again. He picked her up off the ground by her shirt.
    "Sorry to spoil your party... but there wont be new wolves made on my watch. You have made a terrible mistake. Do you know what the penalty is for attempting this in my territory? Death." Jamie's eyes went wide. Ray got up off the ground and ran at the vampire . Half way to them he smirked and ripped in to Jamie's neck with his teeth.
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:23 am

    "Yeah, I'm starving. You need to eat too, though, so come back soon," replied Jill, giving Mel a quick kiss.

    She then ran over to the alpha male. "I'd like to join your wolves for the hunt if they haven't gone yet."

    "That would be excellent. I'd appreciate it," he replied. "Oh, and my name is Weland. My mate's name is Freyja. It's nice to meet you." Weland had shoulder-length white hair that was tied back. His eyes were a light green and his skin was very rough, especially in comparison to Freyja. He wore a brown fur coat and leather boots which seemed worn out.

    "My name is Chasca, as I'm sure you've been told. Nice to meet you too."

    After the introductions were made, Jill headed off with several pack members to look for food. The bitter cold seemed to pierce right through her, even her fur didn't help much. Of course, her fur was also not as thick as the Northern wolves. After all, they had adapted to the weather.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:30 pm

    Mel walked over to Jason. He tried to get up but she pushed him to the ground. He made an oof sound as he made contact with the ground. "What are you doing!?" Jason said looking at Mel. She reached down and pulled out the bullet and he let out a yell. Mel smirked.
    "Baby..." She held the bullet and took a look at it... it was a regular one nothing special. 'stupid girl... ' she thought.
    "Pfft, not like you could take it any better, those pistols hurt like a bitch!"
    Mel turned to Jason and said, "Shut up, and get the hell out of here...."
    "But what about the Quee-"
    "Im not helping you..."


    After Mel got Jason to leave she went over and picked up the folder. With out looking in it she took to the air. It didn't take long before she spotted her. She hadn't gone any farther than her escorts had taken her. She was sitting at the base of a tree and she was alone. Mel landed next to her.
    "Shouldn't you be leaving?" She asked. ray looked up at Mel.
    "Technically I am not in their territory..." Ray said.
    "Thats true...I'm curious though... why are you still here?" Mel said back.
    "I cant leave until I know you are going to kill that bitch..." Ray glanced at the folder in Mel's hand. Mel took a deep breath and looked at the folder. She twirled it in her hands a bit. Then handed it the Ray.
    "It's not possible..." Mel said. Ray got a confused look on her faces.
    "What do you mean its not possible!?" She stood up and looked Mel in the eyes.
    "This mission... If he had known that she was my mother he wouldn't have sent it to me..."
    Rays face didn't change at this information, she just said, "I know... its in my folder... about you...apparently who ever the client is that wants her dead knows a lot about you..."
    "Well they apparently don't know enough... i cant beat her..."
    "You have to, she is the one that enforces the laws and makes it imposable for someone who loves a wolf to be happy! This whole thing is her fault!" Ray said raising her voice.
    Mel looked at her annoyed.
    "This is what I mean. If they truly knew anything about me and the queen, your client would know that the queen herself loves a wolf! this is a waste of time...and im starving..." Mel threw the folder down and pushed past her back to the wolf territory.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Post by Sasami Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:10 am

    (OOC: I just went to check to see if you had replied and it looks like the reply I posted about a week ago is gone ;_;. Must have been when the site glitched up that morning...gah. I'll have to re-write it, I guess >_>.)

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:00 pm

    Sasami wrote:(OOC: I just went to check to see if you had replied and it looks like the reply I posted about a week ago is gone ;_;. Must have been when the site glitched up that morning...gah. I'll have to re-write it, I guess >_>.)
    really? fuck, that sucks
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:02 pm

    Suen wrote:
    Sasami wrote:(OOC: I just went to check to see if you had replied and it looks like the reply I posted about a week ago is gone ;_;. Must have been when the site glitched up that morning...gah. I'll have to re-write it, I guess >_>.)
    really? fuck, that sucks

    (OOC: Yeah, I know ;_;. It was long too >_<. I'll try to re-write it when I get home from school (in about four hours) but it probably won't be as detailed XD;.)



    Jill arrived back at the camp about two hours later, helping a few pack members drag the carcass of a deer. It had been a lucky catch, they just happened to come across a lame deer while chasing rabbits. Weland approached them as they entered the clearing. When he saw the deer, his face lit up.

    "Looks like we'll be having a feast tonight!" he said cheerfully. Weland and his mate ate a small amount of the meat first, as was tradition. After a moment, they gestured to the other wolves that they could join them now.

    Jill scanned the crowds for Mel, hoping she was back by now.

    Number of posts : 1148
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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:57 am

    Ray looked at herself in the mirror. She had just reached the nearest hotel five minuets ago. She had undressed and was about to get in the shower. It had been a few days since she had been able to have the luxury of a shower. she touched the scar on her neck. The one given to her by Jamie. She sighed and said out loud, "Its too bad it didnt work...I'm no wolf. How am I supposed to do this? how am I supposed to avenge your death if i dont even have the power. Mel, she has the power... but she is week in a whole different way."

    "Then perhaps being a wolf wasnt what the fates had in mind." A low pur like voice came from all around her.


    Mel stretched out. The clothes she recieved from jason started to feel uncomfortable. frowning she continued back to camp. 'God, I miss my leather...'
    when Mel returned she found lots of happy full wolves. Smiling she found Jill.
    "hey, I dont think we will have any issues from them for now. But sooner or later... well... we cant hide up here forever. Even If we'd like too."

    (I have no idea if this makes sence anymore but we will get it going again anyways LOL)
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    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:25 pm

    (OOC: Oh man, I don't even remember half the characters, hahaha. I'll try my best! I think I'll go back and read the last few pages to remember what happened.)

    "You didn't kill her, did you?" asked Jill, although she didn't sound concerned either way. Not pausing to wait for an answer she continued, "I don't understand how people are tracking us. Where can we even go? This is practically as far from civilization as it gets..."

    At that point, Weland (OOC: He's the alpha male of this tribe, iirc.), walked over. "Welcome back, Mel. Please, join our feast."


    In the woods nearby:

    A man shivered in the cold, even though he had been bundled up so much that his face was almost impossible to see. He was crouched down near a tree and was looking at a map.

    "It's amazing how far they made it. I don't know how much of this cold I could have taken without all of my gear."

    In the far distance, he could hear the sounds of wolves. He had always had a gift for hearing much better than the average person. Or so he assumed, anyway. Since he couldn't remember his past very well, it was mostly guesswork on his part.

    He took a deep breath and fumbled around with his gun, mentally preparing himself for his mission.

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:22 pm

    "Who-what are you?" Ray said as a dark mist circled her. It then coiled up like a snake in front of her. Slowly the mist took the shape of a man and got thicker, soon a solid dark colored man stood before her. ray quickly grabed a towl off the shelf and rapped it around her. she then looked him up and down, he had only pants on which looked like they were made from some kind of animal hide. Since he had no shirt Ray saw the chizled muscles this man possesed. He was young looking maybe in his early 20s. Ray knew of course that that was no indication of his true age. After all he was some type of magical being.
    "Because of the fact that you could not come up with a more original question i just might retract my offer." He said as he crossed his arms.
    Ray mirrored his move and said, "What exactly was your offer?"
    He smiled and long fangs flashed. Ray backed up a bit losing her tough composure.
    "I'm sorry but I will never take the offer to be a vampire... NEVER." Her voice was shaky.
    He let out a loud booming laugh at the fear Ray let flow out of her at the prospect of being a vampire. Ray just glared at him.
    "Wow i have really aproched this wrong... I should start over. Your orriginal question was who what am I correct? Who i am... hmm well there are too many words for that, i assume you want a name. I am so old I dont even remember my name. most of my kind is gone, and the ones left do not see the point in names." He shifted on his feet a little.
    "But, the what i can asure you is NOT a vampire" Ray visible relaxed.


    Mel waved a hand at the question. "No I didnt kill her..." she got a thoughtful look on her face for a breif second. "but that would have been a good idea for Jason..."
    "I know. Well I dont know how specifically. But I think we need to know more of who, then how. so far my boss has been hireing people to find me for jobs...there has to be someone else tracking us. Or someone who knows where we are. If they were tracking us themselves it would take longer than this."
    Mel's stomach growled at the mention of food and happily walked towards the feast.
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    Post by Sasami Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:54 am

    Jill's eyes lit up as they approached the feast. "Wow, I don't think I've eaten this well in months!" she exclaimed cheerfully. The amount of food she ate would be considered most amazing to outsiders but it was actually rather normal for her. Jill could probably beat any human in an eating contest, that much was certain.

    While they ate, Weland and his mate suddenly took off with a few older wolves. Moments later, the group returned and Weland looked concerned.

    "There seems to be an intruder in our woods," he said in a serious tone, glancing around and sniffing the air. He was in wolf form and looked a bit tense. After all, the northern wolf tribes rarely ever saw strangers--to have this many intruders in one day was causing a lot of stress among the older wolves.

    Jill translated for Mel since Weland was speaking the wolf language (even Jill had some trouble understanding at times because of their heavy accents). She then sniffed the air, assuming that Ray or Jason was back. But wasn't them.

    The scent, however, was oddly familiar. She couldn't quite place it but she HAD to know this person.

    "It's another wolf," said one of the younger wolves who had also caught the scent in the air.

    At this news, many of the wolves began to get anxious. What reason would there be for a strange wolf to be wandering around in the northern forests? Weland and Freyja were muttering amongst themselves.

    Jill ran over to Weland, although it felt awkward to run as she had eaten so much. "I'll go check it out, I recognize the scent. I have a feeling that whoever it is just wants Mel or myself, anyway. No need for anyone else to get involved."

    "Are you sure?" asked Weland.

    "Yeah, it's fine."


    Not too far away-

    Agent 6209, call name "Jackson" (whether or not this was his true name, he didn't know), sat quietly, waiting. He knew that it was only a matter of time before his targets stepped out into the small clearing where he was. Bracing himself, he pushed a small button on his receiver to let the helicopter crew a few miles away know what the status of the mission was.

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:32 pm

    Mel stopped Jill before she could leave with a hand on her shoulder.
    "Your not going out there alone... this doesnt feel right."


    The pain was so intense ray thought for sure she was dieing. Her spine was on fire and as paws emerged where there were once hands a sickening popping sound floated through the air. She choked and almost suffocated as her head and insides readjusted. She cryed out as her spine elongated in to a tail. Soon standing in the woods was a leopard. The pain of it all disappeared so quickly it was as if it was never there. Ray stretched out and she realized she felt better than she had ever felt in her entire life...
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    Post by Sasami Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:17 pm

    Jill nodded, "Ok, let's go."

    They walked out into the woods cautiously and Jill finally recognized the scent as a man walked out of the woods. Only it wasn't just a was Polevik!

    If she hadn't known his scent, Jill wouldn't have ever guessed who the guy was. He had a crew cut and was neatly shaved. He was wearing a simple, camouflage uniform and carrying a gun. He looked...human.

    "Polevik?! But...h-how...?" was all Jill could get out her mouth.

    "He died in the explosion back at the lab! This can't be him!"

    "Polevik? Sorry, but I don't understand your language..." said the man.

    "What are you talking about?! And where have you been?!" said Jill, starting to step closer.

    The man held up his gun and aimed at Jill and Mel.

    "Freeze. Come any closer and I'll have to shoot."

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    Post by Sagehawk Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:40 pm

    Mel stepped in front of Jill putting herself between Jill and the gun.
    "What the hell are you doing?"


    Ray ran through the trees and along the terrain so easily if you didnt know her you'd think she had lived there her entire life. 'If Mel wouldnt help me as human, maybe I'll have a chance now.' She thought. But it wasnt in words. She saw the thought in pictures.

    Eventually she came across a hill. With out thinking and acting purely on instinct, ray ran up over the hill jumped on to a rock. Then before the man even saw her, her teeth bit down on the barrel of his gun. Once it was out of his hands ray kept running with the gun. She wanted it for herself anyways. She never picked up the ones she left in the wolf territory.(OOC: maybe she did but I dont remember so whatever Very Happy) It was purely a bonus that she saved Mel and Jill in the process.
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    Post by Sasami Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:42 am

    "I said freeze. Listen, vampire, I'm not here to have a chat with you--WHA?!"

    That was what the man said as a large animal barreled into him and grabbed his gun.

    "What the hell was that?!" exclaimed Jill. "It looked like a fucking cat!" she sputtered.

    "It took my gun!" yelled the man after taking a moment to regain his composure. "This is NOT my day...", he thought. Muttering to himself, he pushed a button on a small machine in his pocket.

    The ground began to crumble underneath Mel and Jill and they found themselves at the bottom of a pit.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:13 am

    "Is this guy joking or is he just this stupid?" Mel said getting up from the ground and brushing her pants off. "All I have to do is fly out of here..."


    Ray transformed in to her human self again. She checked how loaded the gun was and what type of ammunition was inside. She smiled. Silver. Would work against anything she would come up against in this forest. Except her. The man back at the hotel told her silver would do nothing to her. Might hurt a bit, but it wouldn't burn or kill her. It was because of some mystical protection crap about the goddess Bast. She didnt really pay attention, it wasnt really important to her, just some rambling from long ago that probably never had even happened.

    She then heard a thud back from where Mel and Jill were. She went in to shooting stance and started walking back towards where she came from.
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    Post by Sasami Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:50 am

    Seconds after Mel spoke, a large, extremely heavy metal net of some kind was thrown over the pit. It was made of some sort of special material--Jill had never seen anything like it.

    "Spoke too soon, vampire," the man shouted down into the pit.

    The sounds of helicopters could now be heard quite clearly. They'd be landing soon, Jill guessed.

    Jill stood up and shouted at the man. "Polevik! Why would you betray us like this?!"

    "You have me confused with someone else. My name is Jackson."

    "No, I KNOW you're Polevik. Who are you working for, anyway?!"

    Jackson turned away, ignoring her. "I don't know what that wolf was rambling on about..."

    A couple helicopters landed, full of armed men and women ready to fight if needed. One of the helicopters looked like it was specifically designed to transport prisoners.

    A man shouted down the pit. "You are now our prisoners. Everything will be explained by our boss, keep your mouths shut in the meantime. Cooperate and we won't harm you."

    Jackson boarded a small, private helicopter. "Finally, I've done my part of the mission. Time to report back and get out of this dreaded place."

    Growls could suddenly be heard. The northern wolves had heard the commotion and many were running over, prepared for combat.

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:18 am

    Ray circled back and positioned herself in tree. She started taking out the men one at a time. Soon however they found her hiding place and a man in the helicopter took aim and hit her in the shoulder. She fell out of the tree and in to the hole Mel and Jill where in.

    "Fuck jack you idiot..." She heard as she fell through the air.

    Mel was pissed. She couldnt believe this mess. The hole, the net...but what really took the cake was this annoying girl that kept getting in the way. Mel ripped through the net in a rage and grabbed Ray and shoved her up against the wall of the pit.
    "You do this!?"
    "NO! God I would never!" Ray said shocked at the accusation. Mel then smelled the blood and looked down. She saw the gun shot wound in rays shoulder.
    "Can you use that arm?"
    "Good, then your getting us out of here!" Mel said as she grabbed the gun that fell in the hole with Ray. She shoved it in her hands.
    "I dont need take it. Dont vamps like these things?" ray replied.
    "You'll be killed, you are just a human after all..." Mel said. She said 'human' as if it was an insult.
    Ray threw the gun down.
    "Have fun staying in this pit," ray replied. Then she transformed and very ungracfully climbed out of the pit. Slipping a little on the lose soil.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:47 am

    It was complete and utter chaos.

    "Is she...a cat...?" stammered Jill, feeling rather confused.

    After hearing all of the commotion, "Jackson" had jumped out of the helicopter to see what was going on. He quickly (and without really thinking) climbed onto a ledge towards the top of the pit and threw down a rope.

    "I need you two alive. Climb up," he commanded, "Otherwise, I can't really guarantee your safety."

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