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    The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.)


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    Post by Sagehawk Sat May 31, 2008 4:26 am

    "It's The daughter Catequil and the Queen lost years ago. The one they told us about back at the castle. That is Mel's sister. I'm afraid however, she is no longer with us..." Jason said. The queen had removed her hand from his collar a moment ago so he felt brave enough to speak. The Queen glared at him. "None of this even matters! The fact is Mel broke our alliance... she needs to be punished."
    "Your right... I'll leave..." Mel went to turn but the Queen grabbed her arm again.
    "Oh no, that is strike two. This is strike three... you know what that means... it wont be as simple as exile Mel." she said. Mel jerked her arm away from the queen.
    "And what about punishment for your crimes?" Mel said glaring at her.

    "Yeah you should of had like three funerals-" The queen gave Jason a dirty look and cut him off. "Oh sorry... uh...I'll be going now.." and Jason left to attend to other wolfs and vamps needing help.
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    Post by Sasami Sat May 31, 2008 4:35 am

    "If you hurt Mel, I swear I'll---" started Jill.

    "She didn't 'break' the alliance. We're still allied, aren't we?" interrupted Catequil, sighing. "Don't we have more important things to worry about right now? Like...oh, I don't know...maybe the humans trying to kill us?!"

    Catequil was clearly running out of patience.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:18 am

    "Humans will become a lesser concern if she is allowed freedom...." The queen said.
    "you have to be joking! ... I controlled myself in the tent just now! I'm fine..." Mel said. taking a step closer to the queen.
    "So are you saying you intentionally killed those wolves?" the queen asked.
    "Then you are out of control... end of story....Jason!" the queen called him over and he came with reluctance.
    "Take Mel back home... she is to be locked away until this war is over.. then she will have a hearing.... the rest of you to the meeting tent..." the queen ordered. Jason bowed and the queen turned to walk back to the tent. When she passed Mel the looked at her then reached out and yanked the pendent from her neck. "Almost forgot about this..."
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:46 am

    Jill tried to follow Mel and Jason but she was stopped by Catequil, who grabbed her arm.

    "Now isn't the time, Chasca..." he said sternly. She could see sadness in his eyes and knew he was serious. "If you say anything stupid to the Queen like before then even I can't guarantee your safety."

    "Isn't she your daughter?! Why don't you do anything?!" As soon as Jill said that, she realized it was completely out of line. "I'm sorry, I just..."

    "Bandage up that injury and head to the main tent, we have a council meeting, remember?" Catequl interrupted angrily.

    Jill nodded and walked away slowly, looking at Mel over her shoulder.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:14 am

    "Jason..I cant leave..." Mel said glancing back at Jill. Jason pushed her against a tree and pushed himself against her pinning her so she couldn't move. "Stop with the Jill shit. You need to stop and think about how your going to get out of this one. The best way would be a political move. The queen is concerned about tradition. Show her you aren't an uncivilized freak like the wolves and you might be spared." he said in a serious tone. Mel looked at him confused. She shoved him off of her.
    "And what exactly would that be hmmm?" Jason stepped back in and kissed Mel. Surprised Mel shoved him to the ground. A wolf like growl escaped from her throat.
    "See your already turning barbaric...." Jason said as he stood up brushing himself off. Two other vampires came up to Jason and Mel at the commotion.
    "This her?" one of them said.
    "Yeah..." Jason replied. "Put her in holding until tomorrow..."
    The vampires grabbed Mel and put hand cuffs on her and led her to another tent.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:40 am

    It's hard to say what the meeting was actually about, since Jill wasn't paying attention. Her thoughts were on Mel and what would happen to her. At one point Catequil asked her a question but she didn't notice until Rusalki kicked her from under the table.

    "I asked, what do you think about that plan?" said Catequil, sighing.

    "'s great..." Jill replied, not sure what it was.

    "Well, if Chasca believes in it then I don't have any problems," he said, looking hopeful.

    After the meeting, Catequil tried to talk to Jill but she didn't notice and took off. Rusalki caught up to her, though.

    "Chasca! What the hell's your problem?! This is a WAR. You need to be serious!" shouted Rusalki, sounding furious. "Do you honestly think that--"

    "I'm not in the mood for your lectures, Rusalki!" she replied, annoyed.

    "I don't even understand why Catequil picked YOU as his tactician."

    Jill turned around. "I got us this far, didn't I?!"

    "Listen, you need to calm down about what happened to Mel. It's affecting your judgment..."

    "You don't understand. Now, where the hell did they move her to?!" mumbled Jill, looking around.

    "I DO understand. How do you think I felt when I heard about Polevik?! At least Mel's still alive!" said Rusalki, storming off.

    Jill now began to feel bad as she shouldn't have yelled like that...but this was only making her more angry. She checked another tent, this one was housing the injured wolves. Jill was about to leave when a nurse walked over to her.

    "Supai was asking about you. Could you maybe visit him?" she asked quietly.

    "Supai? Why, what's wrong?"

    As the nurse began to explain his condition, Jill remembered what she had seen during the battle. "So he can't shift back...?"

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    Post by Sagehawk Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:56 am

    The tent had a portable barred cell. The vampires opened the door and put Mel inside. "I know the cuffs are a bitch but since your so strong they have to stay on.. sorry.." One of the guards said. He was about to leave but Mel said, "Wait, but the sun is coming up..."
    "Its not my problem...." The vampire said then left to stand guard outside.
    "Fuck..." Mel said under her breath.
    When the sun cam however, there were no crys from Mel's cell. She made it a point to not make a sound, not give them the satisfaction. At first it was hard but soon she was in her human form. Silent tears came after and so did a vampire guard.
    When he saw Mel he was surprised.
    "Wow I thought you had escaped. Your helicopter will be here shortly..." then he left the tent. soon she heard the loud sounds of a helicopter in the distance.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:16 am

    Supai was asleep when Jill first walked over to his bed. He woke up after a few minutes, though, and frowned.

    "I really didn't want you to see me in this state..." he said, sighing. "Still, it's good to see you," he added after a moment, smiling.

    "Do they know what's wrong yet?" asked Jill, concerned.

    "Not exactly. But they're hoping I'll have the strength to shift again during the next full moon."

    "...Is it painful?"

    "A little bit but nothing too bad! Just being out of that hellish place makes me feel a lot better. Now listen, Chasca, I heard about Mel. It seems that they're going to be transporting her by helicopter very soon. You should probably get going now if you want to see her off."

    Jill was surprised. "How did you know about--"

    The sounds of a helicopter were now heard on the other side of the camp. Jill thanked him quickly and took off.

    "Rusalki was right, she's changed a lot. Not much of a loner any more." thought Supai.

    Almost everyone had fallen asleep and the camp was eerily quiet except for the sounds of the helicopter. Jill ran as fast as she could and finally found the area that the helicopter had landed. It didn't look like Mel had left yet.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:24 pm

    The guard came in to cuff Mel. "Okay the copter is ready..." Mel held out her hands and the guard cuffed them. "They will be putting you in... oh hell you know what happens..." the guard vampire rolled his eyes. Then he put the keys in the cell door.
    "wait? Your the only one getting me?" Mel said a bit surprised.
    "they really have no choice...short staffed if you will.. this is a war after all..." He seemed slightly annoyed.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:58 pm

    Jill was surprised to see only one guard with Mel and couldn't help but grin. Sneaking up behind him, she quickly whacked him in the head, causing him to fall over unconscious. Without saying anything, she dragged his body into the prison cell and locked him in.

    Walking back outside to Mel, she opened the hand cuffs with the guard's key and smiled at her.

    "This is pretty much all I had planned so I'm not sure what to do next...I assume we should run."

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:03 pm

    Mel grind. She wanted to yell at Jill though for putting herself in this position but figured that would be a bad idea. They would just draw attention to themselves then they would both be imprisoned. Which would do no one any good. She grabbed Jill's hand and pulled her as she ran for the near by woods. As she ran she thought 'who the hell decided to put the prison tent next to the woods? That was stupid of them.... but good for us...'
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:33 pm

    Rusalki noticed that the helicopter hadn't taken off yet and was instantly suspicious.

    "Looks like Mel escaped, huh?" said a voice from behind her. It was Catequil.

    "Yeah, should I go send out a search team?" she asked, sighing.

    Catequil laughed. "If you want to. I doubt you'll catch them, though."

    "What do you mean by 'them'?"

    "I'm sure Chasca has something to do with this," Catequil replied, laughing again.

    "...You don't seem too worried."

    Without another word, Catequil walked off, obviously not too concerned. Rusalki went to gather a search team but then stopped. "It wouldn't hurt to wait a while..." she thought, smiling. Catequil actually had seemed happy about their escape.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:40 pm

    "SHE WHAT!?" The Queen yelled 3 hours later. Jason bowed.
    "I am sorry... It seems the correct guards where not placed where they were ordered. I don't know what happened..." Jason explained.
    "What about a search party!?" The queen said furiously.
    "The wolves have searched, there is no sign of them..."


    "Man this water is freezing..." Mel said as she continued on walking through the stream. She heard somewhere it was hard to track a sent on water. So far it seemed to work. No one had caught up to them.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:51 pm

    " time we run away we should wait until spring..." replied Jill, forcing a laugh. She could barely even feel her legs at this point.

    "It's actually kind of surprising that we haven't even heard anyone yet...Do you think that they're looking in the wrong area?"

    Jill started to feel light-headed all of a sudden and quickly remembered why. "'s a new moon tonight...I almost forgot..."

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:13 pm

    "You really shouldnt have broke me out of there..." Mel said. It was getting darker out. Mel assumed they had been walking for about 4 hours. It was Fall so it would be dark sooner than normal.
    Once the sun dissapeared behind the trees Mel suggested a rest. She stepped out of the river and sat down at the base of a tree. "After the sun goes down, we will have to move again... my transformation may give our possition away...We only have about an hour to rest..."
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:32 pm

    (OOC: Haha, I thought it was winter? XD That's why I wrote about snow before. Not that it matters, either way it would get dark early.)

    Jill nodded and sat down, leaning against the base of a tree. She felt a bit faint and knew that without moonlight it would be difficult to shift if needed. After a minute, the lack of rest during the past couple of days finally took it's toll on her body and she began to drift off into sleep.


    A month earlier...

    He woke up in extreme pain, not totally sure what was going on. There were all sorts of machines and medical instruments...was he in a hospital? What happened? An older man sat in the corner of the room, smiling.

    "W-Where am I?!" asked the patient.

    "You don't remember? Oh...I was afraid of this..." answered the other man sadly.

    "What..." Before he could finish his sentence, the patient realized something. He couldn't remember his name or anything about himself.

    "You're an agent of mine. But you seem to have amnesia..."

    (OOC: Oooh, foreshadowing!! Dundundun.)

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:11 pm

    A month later the Queen had taken out the second base with out Mel or Jill. everything went smoothly and there were minimal lose of life. She was concerned however that the 3rd camp would be the toughest. She went over and over the tactics but couldn't find any good tactical ways of taking it out. sure there forces had practically tripled but it was no use. It was like she was playing chess and she new the perfect move to win was there, right in front of her but she just couldn't see it.

    The Queen slammed her fist down on the wooden desk and it buckled under the pressure. The noise was like thunder and a wolf looked over at her. The Queen felt embarrassed at her sudden out burst. "Sorry..." she said to the wolf and sat down back in the chair. she stared at the map now on top of the ruble that was once her desk. A few moments later the wolf trotted over to the map.

    "Hmmmm" He said startling the queen who was already engrossed in the problem once again.
    "Oh sorry I didnt mean to startle you. but wow... this base is quite the problem. they have thought of everything when building this place..." He said.

    the queen looked up at him. "yeah...except of one thing... but I just cant see it.." the queen said annoyed.
    "How do you know they are missing something?" the wolf asked again curiously.


    Mel pushed further through the snow. She guessed they were in Canada somewhere by now but she wasn't certain. She was in wolf form as it was warmer in the winter. even more so than a leather jacket which she had lost some days ago.

    As she made her way she finally found what she was looking for, a deer.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:04 am

    Jill, also in wolf form, trotted alongside Mel but several feet away. She sensed Mel's excitement and then picked up the deer's scent, speeding up her pace. She noticed that the deer was walking slowly and unsteadily...something was definitely wrong with it. That would certainly make this hunt easier.


    "You understand your mission? I need them alive," said the man, "Your men should give you no problems, they're some of my best."

    "Yes, sir."

    The man stretched out in his chair yawning lazily as the young man before him stood patiently, awaiting further orders.

    "That's all. I'll be off to bed now. You should leave in the morning. Here's a map of the estimated location..." he said, handing a map to the younger man. Without another word, he left the room, mumbling something under his breath.

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:39 pm

    As Mel got closer too the deer she smelled blood and another wolf. Not a human wolf though just your average timber wolf. Mel raced forward toward the deer and the other wolf came in to veiw. It was alone which was rare, but mel wasnt going to ask questions. They had been out of food for some time now. As soon as the other wolf saw Mel it attacked. As it jumped forward Mel slammed in to it in mid air knocking it off balance. The other wolf stumbled in to the snow and rolled. She heard a whimper but it got up again and charged.


    "Dammit! Jill... even Mel would see the weakness, or at least the best strategy for taking it down!" A loud smack ran through the meeting room then a thud as Jason's body hit the ground. "seeking of them is not allowed! They are traitors... How dare you compare them too me!" the Queen yelled. Jason looked up at her in shock. She had clearly lost her mind.

    'I need to find them before the deadline...or we will all die...' Jason thought as he creped away as the meeting continued.
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    Post by Sasami Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:00 pm

    The deer took off in the commotion and by the time Jill noticed, there was no way she'd catch up with it. She ran over to Mel, leaping onto the timber wolf and pulling it down to the ground. It shook free and paused for a moment, perhaps rethinking it's plan after seeing that it was outnumbered.

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    Post by Sagehawk Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:01 pm

    Mel stared the wolf down. it was honestly prossessing wether or not to take them both. it then looked in the direction the deer went and took off after it ignoring Jill and Mel. Mel made a whining sound and her ears flattened on her head. She knew it was usles to go after it. The wolf probubly wouldnt even catch it now. Mel then shifted back to human form.

    "Dammit..." Her stomach growled. She went over to Jill and kneeled next to her.
    "Sorry hun... its rabbits again tonight..."


    Finally after a days travel Jason found the camp they had been in just a month ago. As he walked througgh the bare clearing in the woods he thought about how the camp was laid out. 'Mel's cell....' he walked over and stood in front of what was now a mound of snow. Then he thought a moment about what he would do... 'Mel would do just the opposite...' he thought smirking to himself. He sat down and waited for night fall.

    As soon as the golden sun disspeared behind the horizon Jason spread his wings and took to the air... after flying around for a hour or so he returned to the camp. ' They seemed to have made there way far north...' he thought as landed. 'interesting choice...'
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    Post by Sasami Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:04 am

    Jill shifted back too, yawning. "Yeah...looks like it."

    As Jill finished her sentence, several white wolves suddenly surrounded them. It seemed as if they had come out of nowhere. These weren't regular wolves either...these were werewolves. One of them growled while another said "Freeze" in wolf language.

    Jill looked at Mel and then back at these strange wolves. White wolves tended to live way up north...were they already near Canada?

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:31 am

    Mel looked to Jill. "Great.. what did we do step in someones territory? ... just what we need..." She was annoyed and mostly because they left their clothes back about a mile and now all these wolves were staring at them. Mel let a deep growl escape her throat. It was almost night time and she also needed to change in to vampire form. Whatever was going to happen needed to fast.


    Jason came across wolf prints larger than normal. there was only two sets of tracks. He fallowed them for about a mile and stopped when he noticed several more. 'It must be an arctic pack' Jason thought. He was in northern Canada where most of the arctic wolves were. It was just the edge of their territory. He decided to sit by a tree until night fall which was only a few moments away. 'they must have joined it...'
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    Post by Sasami Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:37 pm

    (OOC: I'm on vacation so I'm going to be slow to reply >_<; )

    One of the wolves was a bit larger and seemed to be the leader of the group. He approached Jill first, sniffing the air around her.

    "You're from one of the forest tribes, eh aren't you?"

    Jill shifted to wolf form and lowered her head. "I am Chasca, a scout from Catequil's tribe." There wasn't much use in lying about her name or anything, that would only get them into an awkward situation later. Honesty is very important to wolves.

    "A scout? You're sure far from home...What are you doing out here?"

    "It's a classified mission...are you from Donar's tribe?" asked Jill.

    "We are. You know him?"

    "Yes. I was in a camp with him and the others up until a few months ago."

    The wolf seemed to relax a bit. "Feel free to stay with our tribe for as long as you want, Chasca." After a pause, he walked over to Mel.

    "And who are you? You have a strange scent, almost like a vampire." He seemed a bit confused and cautious.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : The Job-(PM To Join. story summary in first post.) - Page 2 Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

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    Post by Sagehawk Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:10 am

    (thats ok. Cant wait till ya get back...then we can chat ^^)

    "Uh.. I... my name is Mel... I am... I mean Im both..." Mel mentally kicked herself. 'Smooth...' Of course she did have some what of an excuse. They had not seen people in weeks... or was it months? Mel wasn't sure. "But anyways... Jill... I need to have some privacy... Its almost dark..." Mel said. She could already feel the aching in her back. Soon she wouldn't be wolf, but vampire and the transformation wouldn't be pretty. Mel pushed past the wolf in front of her with out waiting for a reply. It probably wasn't a smart move but Mel wasn't thinking on a empty stomach and the pain was starting to be more and more intense. She did find lately the change was less painful, almost bearable since she first transformed in to a wolf. They were getting less and less dramatic.


    Just as the last ray of sun was about to leave the horizon, Jason's wings appeared. Instead of his short spiky brown hair, he had longer almost golden hair. And his eyes where the yellow of a cats. He smiled and stood up. He took to the air. It wouldn't be long till he caught up with Mel and Jill.

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