Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

8 posters

    UU/NU Discussion


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    UU/NU Discussion Empty UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Shine Sun May 11, 2008 2:48 pm

    Could someone please sticky this to keep challenge threads from being flooded? Thanks. ^__^

    This thread is for the discussion of UU/NU Pokemon.

    Here, you can compare UUs and NUs against each other, or against BLs, OUs, and Ubers. I also expect this will sort of become a database of effective or entertaining setups that can be recommended.
    The following format would be preferred:

    (Pokemon Name) @(item)

    (ability), (nature)
    (EV spread)

    (any other notes you'd like to make about the above setup)

    For example:

    Caterpie @Oran Berry
    -String Shot

    Shield Dust, Jolly
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP


    Happy discussion!

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty Pokemon of the Day! 5/12/08

    Post by Shine Mon May 12, 2008 7:43 pm

    All right, I've decided to start off the thread with a setup myself... Keep in mind, I don't expect people to use these builds, really, but I'd like to show that there are quite a number of UUs which can be put to good use.

    Pokemon of the Day! (Though I doubt I'll be able to shit a build every day. I'm actually just pullin' this from a word pad of builds I keep. Razz)

    UU/NU Discussion Seviper

    Seviper @Salac Berry
    -Dark Pulse
    -Hidden Power (Ice)

    Shed Skin, Modest
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    Well, Seviper's not the greatest Pokemon, but that's why it's UU... I can say, though, that I've already made this beauty for myself, and he's served me pretty well.

    Seviper doesn't last long, obviously... Your best shot is against something that isn't too terribly fast (say, anything with less than 343 Spd once Salac triggers), and isn't running a priority attack like Quick Attack or Aqua Jet. It doesn't have Sludge Bomb because, well... The one I raised happened to have a good Hidden Power, and Poison doesn't cover many types, anyway. Grass types can be taken care of easily enough with Flamethrower, anyway. With a fair bit of prediction, Seviper can be quite the killer - he's one of those Pokemon that people enjoy teasing by setting up Stealth Rock and the likes, so it might give you chance for a free hit while they set up before you've gotta Endure.

    Watch out for T-Tar and Hippowdon especially, as well as anything that commonly runs Roar or Whirlwind. If you don't think you can OHKO it, you might not want to bother trying. EQ takes you down to 1 with Endure, and Sandstorm buffets for the kill. Keep a Steel type handy, and a Rapid Spinner would be recommended. Wink

    Happy battling!

    Number of posts : 1642
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    User's Pokemon : UU/NU Discussion Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty Pokemon of the Day! May 14, 2008

    Post by Shine Wed May 14, 2008 8:09 am

    UU/NU Discussion Df903d7e

    Hitmontop @Leftovers
    -Fake Out
    -Rock Slide
    -Mach Punch

    Intimidate, Adamant
    252 Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP

    So, we were talkin' about Hitmontop the other day... I decided I would put up MY Hitmontop... I originally made this particular Hitmontop as a Weavile counter, before they all started including Ice Shard and/or Fake Out in their repertoire. Toxic was the product of being in a Poison based gym on a Livejournal community before coming here... XD;

    Anyway, I've always found this to be very effective, even without Bulk Up - a popular Hitmontop move. Toxic has actually prove to be quite an asset, and I've KO'd many a Blissey and PorygonZ with Mach Punch, especially after a well placed Fake Out. The thing I like about Hitmontop most is his great ability to switch into most attacks without much fear. Unless he's switching into an attack he's disadvantaged against, (Psychic, Air Slash, etc), he's pretty good about taking it like a pro and thriving after the Leftovers kick in (Fake Out also giving him a free turn for Leftovers healing). Rock Slide, too, has been very useful, especially with Toxic in place. It's got a good chance for some epic flinchax action, which of course lets you outlast the enemy.

    All-in-all, Hitmontop has always FELT like a third wheel in my normal party... But I've yet to find anything that's worked out for me better. I have to say, Hitmontop is versatile and has a lot of utility. My kind of Pokemon. Wink

    Happy Battling!
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Wed May 14, 2008 5:15 pm

    UU/NU Discussion 101-3

    (Shiny for teh awesomeness ^^ Also, #101 FTW)

    Electrode @ Life Orb/Wise Glasses
    -Hidden Power (Water, Ice)

    Timid, Static
    252 Speed, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 HP

    Here we are attempting to abuse Electrode's massive speed stat to its obvious advantage, being the fastest pokemon in the UU Tier to boot ^^

    Electrode can have a couple of uses, and this set is mainly a Special Sweeper-ish one. Toxic can be a good asset (on a variety of pokemon, no less) if it hits, seeing as a properly trained Electrode will usually go first in a UU competition, and even in OU/BL play he is only outrun by Ninjask and scarfed pokemon, as well as priority moves. Anyways, Toxic will slowly drain your opponent's HP as it usually does. Hidden Power offers an option for a surprise to your opponent if you can predict switches, or heck, even if you can't predict switches, since Electrode has nearly the speed of light ^^. Seeing as many people will switch in a Ground type or a pokemon that knows EQ, Water HP is a must if you desire a potential x4 effectiveness against them. HP Ice can also be used for a more incognito version of the bolt-beaming combo if you desire, as well. Thunderbolt for STAB attacks (w00t!) and Endure is a particularly nice move to have especially when your opponent is poisoned and is losing HP. You can use it to delay your death and then strike back for a revenge kill afterwards. Of course, it would also be a suicide if you have Life Orb on, but that's your call =)

    Number of posts : 1642
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Shine Wed May 14, 2008 5:48 pm

    Electrode @ Life Orb/Wise Glasses
    -Hidden Power (Water, Ice)

    Timid, Static
    252 Speed, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 HP

    I like this setup for it's uniqueness, and HP Water is almost a given considering Electrode's unfortunately shallow movepool, but it feels like Endure is just sorta thrown in there... I could only see it being used to stall longer for Toxic, at which Protect would be more efficient - you could prevent all damage instead of setting yourself up for a priority attack, and scout a move to boot.
    Unless you're really planning on whoring Toxic, I'd just replace Endure/Protect with something else. Magnet Rise against plenty of things will save you a turn, considering they'll almost immediately try to EQ you, and you'll almost always outrun them. Being so speedy, Electrode's also good with Taunt. It's funny how many people that screws up... No more Dragon Dance, no more Roost, no more Hypnosis, no more Destiny Bond, etc... It's pretty easy to tell when someone's gonna run moves like that, too, and it can sometimes give you a free attack or a free setup, like Rain Dance to help Thunder, or Magnet Rise against an impending EQ. Substitute+T-Bolt could be a good Yanmega counter, too. While they Protect/Detect for that speed boost, you Sub, and then they're left wide open next turn. Might work out well against Skarmory, too. With STAB, T-Bolt probably oughta OHKO it. Of course, with Sub, you'd probably wanna run Leftovers over Life Orb... It'd kill your damage output a bit, but it might grant you more versatility.

    Did you raise this Electrode already? I bet it's fun to see people WTF over Toxic+Endure. I s'pose you could always switch out of the way of a priority attack you see coming after Endure, too... People normally run about two to three Pokemon with priority attacks if they're smart, so once you get those out of the way, you're pretty much home free I guess, sans Ground types unless you're running HP Water or Ice. XD

    Shiny Electrode FTW. Razz
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Wed May 14, 2008 6:07 pm

    It was actually only a theory Electrode, but I might make it just to anger people over Toxic + Endure, although after a while they would most likely switch to a pokemon (with a priority move, if they're smart). I also thought about replacing Endure with Protect, Taunt, Magnet Rise, and even Torment and Light Screen (xD), but I thought this set seemed fun ^^

    I included Endure instead of Protect for the multiple turn use without fail that Protect comes with.

    At first I looked for a possible Specs set, but was disappointed by Electrode's stiff movepool (which is probably the reason he is UU in the first place).

    I also contemplated a Toxic+Endure+Explosion tactic, but I figured it seemed pretty redundant, and adding his abysmal attack stat makes it pretty useless.

    It would also be pretty neat if you could predict when your opponent would switch away from being Toxic-Endured (as I have dubbed it, see:Toxistall) as you can try your luck for an HP (if you have wise glasses) or just go for Toxic again xD

    Sandstorm or Hail would be pretty annoying, though >_<

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Shine Wed May 14, 2008 6:26 pm

    Ninja wrote:It was actually only a theory Electrode, but I might make it just to anger people over Toxic + Endure, although after a while they would most likely switch to a pokemon (with a priority move, if they're smart). I also thought about replacing Endure with Protect, Taunt, Magnet Rise, and even Torment and Light Screen (xD), but I thought this set seemed fun ^^

    I included Endure instead of Protect for the multiple turn use without fail that Protect comes with.

    At first I looked for a possible Specs set, but was disappointed by Electrode's stiff movepool (which is probably the reason he is UU in the first place).

    I also contemplated a Toxic+Endure+Explosion tactic, but I figured it seemed pretty redundant, and adding his abysmal attack stat makes it pretty useless.

    It would also be pretty neat if you could predict when your opponent would switch away from being Toxic-Endured (as I have dubbed it, see:Toxistall) as you can try your luck for an HP (if you have wise glasses) or just go for Toxic again xD

    Sandstorm or Hail would be pretty annoying, though >_<
    Yeah, Sandstorm and Hail would destroy this... That's normally what gets my Seviper, also. Abysmal is a good word for Electrode's Atk stat. Razz
    Well, if they've got something with Heal Bell, then they might switch pretty early on to a Blissey or something, which could also wall Electrode quite nicely, which is another use for Taunt... Keep 'em from running Heal Bell or something like that, ruining your hard work.
    As I think we've already established, Substitute is simply one of my favorite moves, and I find that just about any Pokemon could benefit from it somehow. XD; That's just me, though.
    I didn't know you could run Endure over and over again without failure, though... I thought it was like Protect or Detect, where it may randomly fail if you use it in succession. You learn something new everyday. Razz
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Wed May 14, 2008 6:34 pm

    Well, in the move description for endure it says nothing about failure caused by repetiton, so I assumed the best =P

    Also, it's nice to catch people off guard with a Toxic from Electrode when they would normally expect something like T-Wave, so they might switch to an Electric or Ground pokemon and then BAM, Toxic xD

    Steel Types also are looking Annoying, although HP Water would be normally effective against them.

    Like I said before, Electode can have a couple of uses, but I just chose that one for the lulz. He could be a decent support pokemon (Light Screen, Taunt, Torment, Protect for scouting, Rain Dance, even Thief and, of course, T-Wave).

    Last edited by Ninja on Thu May 15, 2008 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Prostiboots Thu May 15, 2008 6:19 pm


    Or someone get me a Clefable sprite.

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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Sasami Thu May 15, 2008 9:22 pm

    Might as well throw a set of mine on here ^_^.

    UU/NU Discussion Dpffsa368

    Baton Passing Gorebyss

    Gorebyss @ Leftovers
    -Baton Pass
    -Ice Beam

    Swift Swim, Calm
    252 HP/212 Def/40 Sp.Def

    Gorebyss can make an excellent Baton Passer on many teams. Most people use Pokemon such as Scizor, Ninjask, and even Gliscor for passing speed. Those Pokemon are great but they all share one problem...they have low special defense. If your team needs a Baton Passer that's more durable on the special side then Gorebyss can fit that niche quite nicely. Agility makes up for her abysmal speed and allows her to Baton Pass quickly. Amnesia is a great stat boost to pass down, especially since many common Baton Pass recipients have lower special defense. You can pass down Barrier if needed, just switch the defense and special defense EVs. The EV spread given allows Gorebyss to survive many special attacks thrown at her before she can use Amnesia but gives enough defense that she can take most physical attacks (important in such a physical metagame). No matter what, the Baton Passer Gorebyss should always have her hit points maxed out for survivability. Speed is unnecessary since she out speeds most Pokemon after an Agility but you can add some speed EVs if you need to out speed something specific. Ice Beam is preferred over Surf with all of the dragons running around. Most people won't switch in a fire type when Gorebyss is out anyway as they may assume you have a water move.

    Other move options: As mentioned, Barrier can be passed down as well. You could also try using a Hidden Power over Ice Beam if you want to be unpredictable or have issues with a specific Pokemon. Aqua Ring can be passed down but an actual stat boost is normally more helpful in the long run. Gorebyss has access to Psychic but that's only helpful if you're terrified of Poliwrath or Qwilfish. In these cases, though, Hidden Power Electric is still the better choice. Hydro Pump is another attacking option if you want more power. Gorebyss can also use some supportive moves like Captivate and Confuse Ray but it's hard justifying their use over one of the aforementioned moves. Iron Defense is an option over Barrier since they literally do the same thing.

    Counters to this set: Baton Passers are ruined by Pokemon with the moves Roar, Whirlwind, Haze, and Taunt.

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty Pokemon of the Day, May 18, 2008

    Post by Shine Sun May 18, 2008 7:13 pm


    UU/NU Discussion CLOYSTER

    Cloyster @King's Rock
    -Icicle Spear

    Skill Link, Brave (+Atk/-Spd)
    252 Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP

    ... Untested Flinchax/Physical Wall. I thought it would be a neat idea to try out. Definitely for use with Trick Room, probably best in Doubles with Follow Me support.

    The basic idea is to outrun with Trick Room support, and Icicle Spear. King's Rock has a chance of adding flinch with each of those five hits, and with Skill Link it's always five hits. Other flinchax builds get pwned by this is you're running Trick Room (in theory), because suddenly Cloyster outruns them. Bye bye, Togekiss.

    Cloyster w/ Sub+Rest = Pwn. As long as they don't Taunt you or something, at least... I run MY Cloyster with Sub and Rest, and he outlasted a Bastiodon. Sweetness.
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Zenith Sun May 18, 2008 9:15 pm

    I use a Cloyster =D With a very similar set.

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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Shine Mon May 19, 2008 5:33 pm

    Lord Ryu wrote:I use a Cloyster =D With a very similar set.
    Cloyster is the essence of pwn. :3
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Zenith Mon May 19, 2008 8:26 pm


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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by KOkingpin Mon May 19, 2008 9:53 pm

    UU/NU Discussion 025pikachu-f

    Pikachu @ Light Ball

    Brick Break
    Grass Knot
    Thunderbolt/Volt Tackle
    Surf/Hidden Power Ice|Water

    Nature - Naive
    Ability - Static
    EVs - 100 Atk 252 Speed 156 Sp Atk

    This is the Mixer set Pikachu. In the R/S/E generation the Light ball only boosted pikachu's Sp. Atk but with a new generation comes a new boost for good old pikachu. The light ball boost both Sp Atk and Atk in the D/P Gen. Now Pika can bust thost pesky Special Walls.
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Tue May 20, 2008 10:30 pm

    Get ready for OWNAGE!

    UU/NU Discussion 351-3

    Castform @ Wise Glasses

    Sunny Day
    Weather Ball
    Shadow Ball/Thief/Substitute/Disable/Toxic

    252 Sp.Atk, 126 Def, 126 Sp.Def, 4 HP

    A Castform set made for lulz. Sunny Day for 100 Base Power (and Fire Type) Weather Balls and no-charge Solarbeams. The last moveslot could be used for a variety of effects. Shadow Ball for a main Special Sweeper set, Thief for item stealing, Substitute offers a nice option if you can set it up correctly, Disable can also be helpful if you are fairly good at prediction and wish to render on of your opponent's attacks useless, and Toxic for crazy people.

    Since Castform has 70 in all base stats, feel free to mess around with his EV's/IV's to your tastes, I only put what I would normally go for with this set.

    Castform would be a nice addition to a weather team =D If he were on a weather team, I might recommend giving him a Heat Rock if you wish to lead into another pokemon.

    And now..........PART 2!

    UU/NU Discussion 421-3

    THAT'S RIGHT, (Emo-Shiny)CHERRIM! (@ Quick Claw)

    Leech Seed
    Helping Hand
    Safeguard/Toxic/Lucky Chant/Substitute/Solarbeam

    Ability-Flower Gift

    252 Speed, 256 among HP/Def/Sp.Def (However you choose)

    I would definitely recommend Cherrim as a partner to the aforementioned Castform if you are in a double battle. Cherrim's speed is actually decent for UU, and it is only 2 points under his highest stat, Special Attack. Leech Seed could be used to ensure HP gain and to drain your opponent, Helping Hand to boost Castform's attacks (which are already boosted because of Flower Gift), Aromatherapy to heal any status conditions you may have in your party, and the last moveslot is customisable like Castform's. You might want to choose attacks in the last slots of Castform and Cherrim that you think work effectively together Wink The Solarbeam option is only if you really fear being taunted or if you want to take a small advantage of Cherrim's Special Attack stat.

    Quick Claw was honestly just the first item that popped up in my head while I was making this, but if you find an alternative item that you believe works better or enhances the Cast-Cherrim combo, then go ahead and use it ^^

    Last edited by Ninja on Wed May 21, 2008 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Sasami Wed May 21, 2008 1:27 am

    UU/NU Discussion Dpmfa224

    Choice Specs Octillery

    Octillery @ Choice Specs
    -Energy Ball
    -Ice Beam

    Sniper, Modest
    252 HP/252 Sp.Atk/6 Def

    This guy is one of my very favorite UU Pokemon to use in standard play. If you get owned by one on PBR, then you were probably facing me :p.

    This set requires a lot of prediction but if you predict well then it can tear through a lot of Pokemon both in UU and OU. Switch it in on a Pokemon that can't do much to him/is OHKOd by him and force a switch. Pick your move based on what you think the switch-in will be...pretty simple, really. People tend to underestimate him and don't realize that he has such a great movepool...use that to your advantage!

    Special attack needs to be maxed out for obvious reasons. I like to put the rest of the EVs into hit points because with a base speed of 45, what exactly is he out speeding, anyway? This also gives him some bulk and allows him to take hits surprisingly well. The remaining 6 are usually best off in defense since D/P has such a physical metagame. Special defense is fine, though. If you plan on Baton Passing some speed already to him or need him to out speed a specific Pokemon, take out some hit point EVs and place them in speed.

    Speaking of Baton Passing, that's a great strategy to use on a Pokemon like Octillery. If you plan to have him at the end of a Baton Pass chain then use the Suction Cups ability instead of Sniper. This prevents him from being PHazed. Octillery is also amazing on Trick Room teams. If you decide to include him in one, then use a Quiet nature instead for minimum speed.

    Other move options: Fire Blast is an option over Flamethrower if you want more power. Octazooka is a neat move that has a 50% chance of lowering the opponent's accuracy, but in return you miss out on a lot of power and have a chance of missing. Octillery also can use Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Charge Beam, and Flash Cannon if you need to hit a certain Pokemon harder.

    Counters to this set: Hypno and Grumpig make fine counters but the best way to beat this set is through prediction (this tends to go for all Choice sets on Pokemon).

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty POKEMON OF THE DAY! May 24, 2008

    Post by Shine Sat May 24, 2008 3:39 pm


    UU/NU Discussion Golem

    Golem @Life Orb/Leftovers
    -Stone Edge
    -Rock Polish
    -Stealth Rock/Explosion

    Sturdy, Jolly
    252 Atk, 82 Def, 176 Spd

    I actually miscalculated this EV spread and nature choice about three times before getting it right. Don't laugh, I'm special. x_x

    Anyway, Golem is overlooked pretty often, even in the UU tier I'm sure. But honestly, how could you compete with STAB'd EQ AND Stone Edge? Not to mention, with this setup, you can outrun Jolly Dugtrio after just one Rock Polish boost (assuming maxed Spd IVs), which should, of course, be your first priority. Watch out for Encore and Taunt especially!

    So, once you've got Rock Polish up, you can start sweeping. EQ and Stone Edge are known to cover a multitude of Pokemon weaknesses, and being that they're STAB'd only adds to Golem's fury. Life Orb pumps up all the damage you deal by about 30%, to boot... On the other hand, you could take advantage of the Leftovers and gain a little more survivability.

    Whether you go with Stone Edge or Explosion is completely up to you. If you've already got something with Stealth Rock, you probably shouldn't have Golem in the first place, because you'd probably have the same weaknesses on at least two Pokemon. XD;
    On the other hand, Stealth Rock instantly gives you the upper hand, especially if the foe is keen on switching. Personally, though, I would have Explosion. Once you're low on HP, considering you probably outrun them with Rock Polish in effect, you may as well kamikaze and get in a kill. Watch out for Ghosts. Wink
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Sat May 24, 2008 3:53 pm

    UU/NU Discussion 370-3

    Lulz, it's LUVDISC!

    @ Wet Rock/Leftovers

    Modest/Timid Nature
    Swift Swim Ability
    252 Speed, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 HP
    -Rain Dance
    -Aqua Ring
    -Surf/Water Pulse

    Luvdisc actually has a hidden advantage over other UU pokemon, being the fastest UU to be able to run a Swift Swim, which brings its Speed up to an amazing 644 (assuming that you have max Speed to begin with). You can also go with a Modest Nature to help Luvdisc with Special Attack, but then he would no longer be the fastest UU with Swift Swim (Lumineon would). That said, the rest of Luvdisc's stats aren't too outstanding, but just enough to work with. His Special Attack is pretty worthless, but with Rain Dance up he can hit decently with Surf (or Water Pulse if you want the chance to confuse).

    Luvdisc's HP is pretty darn low, so I would recommend that you have Leftovers on it in conjunction with Aqua Ring. Having multiple sources of HP gain every turn is never a bad idea. Of course, if you're running a Rain Dance team, you might want a Wet Rock on there instead to keep it pouring =)

    Toxic is pretty much a filler move that can be used if you want to leave your foe with a "parting gift" ^^
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Zenith Sun May 25, 2008 9:01 am


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    UU/NU Discussion Empty POKEMON OF THE DAY! May 25, 2008

    Post by Shine Sun May 25, 2008 1:13 pm


    UU/NU Discussion Lopunny

    Lopunny @Iron Ball
    -Natural Gift
    -Magic Coat/Healing Wish/Fake Out/Encore/Substitute

    Klutz, Adamant
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    All right, this one's not SUCH a stretch... It's actually a new take on an older setup taking advantage of Klutz. The Lopunny with Klutz could hold a Flame Orb without getting burned itself, and Switcheroo to burn the target and screw with their items.

    Well, this build isn't just meant to take an item... It's actually meant to completely obliterate them from play! Lopunny doesn't get the slowing effects of an Iron Ball, but she sure can Fling it hard! In the UU tier, she's also fast enough to outrun many a Pokemon, making several Psychic and Ghost Pokemon rather easy targets to a Fling with 130 power (260 in the case of type advantage). But the real advantage is being able to, even once your item is used up, Switcheroo for the target's and react accordingly next turn. You got a berry? Natural Gift! You got just about anything else? Fling it! Unfortunately, once all the items are gone, Lopunny doesn't have much real use... That in mind, I would recommend having Healing Wish in that fourth slot, and have Lopunny come in about mid-game.

    The real point of this build is annoyance and general utility, I s'pose. Wouldn't it be wonderful to Switcheroo a Breloom's Toxic Orb for a Flame Orb, or for that Iron Ball even? Granbull, Ursaring, Raticate, Swellow, and just about anything else with Guts also make great targets. I don't really think this could be viable for real competitive play, but I think the idea is fun. ^__^

    You can use Banette for just about the same effect, but I'd recommend you hold a Choice Scarf to Trick onto the enemy. You could deal more damage with Fling, and you also give up your Klutz for Frisk. Banette can also get Sucker Punch, Shadow Sneak, Snatch, Embargo, T-Wave, Trick Room, Imprison, Pursuit, and Confuse Ray, just to name a few useful ones...

    Really, there are a lot of Pokemon that could run this, just with different smaller details. Mime Jr. with that huge movepool would be a good choice for Little Cup, and Furret is pretty often seen running Trick-Scarf anyway. The only difference here would be that he'll end up Flinging the obtained item at his foe!
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Ninja Thu May 29, 2008 11:36 pm

    UU/NU Discussion 034-3

    Special Sweeper Nidoking! (@ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf/Life Orb)
    Poison Point Ability
    Modest Nature
    -Earth Power
    -Ice Beam
    -Surf/Shadow Ball/Flamethrower/Sludge Bomb/Focus Blast (o_0)

    252 Sp.Atk, 252 HP, 4 Sp.Def (Choice Specs/Life Orb)
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP (Choice Scarf)

    =D Nidoking has just enough base Special Attack to be a decent Special Sweeper in the UU tier. His large special movepool allows for great variation, but this set is a Bolt-Beamer with Earth Power and a customisable slot leftover. You can run either Choice Scarf or Choice Specs with this set, depending on whether you want him to hit hard or if you want him to hit fast. A modest Nidoking with maxed speed and a choice scarf will have about 404 Speed, which is great considering that it outruns most other UU pokemon. Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb would probably be the moves that I least recommend using, seeing as Grass types are already covered by Ice Beam, and Steel types are covered by Earth Power. Surf and Shadow Ball could be used to deal with Lunatone and Solrock, as well as Shadow Ball being your best bet against Grumpig and Hypno. Focus Blast is unfavorable because of its shaky accuracy, but it is a nice option for dealing with Dark types. Poison Point Ability because Rivalry would really be quite useless on this set.

    Number of posts : 1642
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    User's Pokemon : UU/NU Discussion Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty POKEMON OF THE DAY, 6/9/08

    Post by Shine Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:16 am


    UU/NU Discussion Fearow

    Fearow @Power Herb
    -Sky Attack
    -Quick Attack/Mirror Move/Return

    Keen Eye, Adamant/Jolly
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    Fearow... I actually got this request a while ago, and only just now decided to put it up. I'm sure there are more effective modes of attack, but I think this one is pretty interesting. Obviously, any Pokemon in competitive play is gonna have an item... So once you've used your Power Herb to OHKO some poor fool, you can steal the next Pokemon's item with Thief, and maybe take advantage of it. U-Turn is always a popular choice among physical sweepers of this sort, also. Obviously, Sky Attack is probably best as a one-time use thing unless you foresee something like a switch into a slower Pokemon...

    Adamant or Jolly depending on whether you want more Spd or more power. I'd really recommend Adamant, though, as 299 max speed is pretty high for UU, and Fearow will need the extra power.

    The last move is very much up to debate. Quick Attack takes out Focus Sash users like nothing (assuming they're not Ghost type), and I think it would be funny to switch into a Nidoking's EQ or something and then Mirror Move it while they try to T-bolt or Ice Beam you. However, Return may be the best choice, as it would become your only reliable STAB'd attack once you've used up Sky Attack's Power Herb. If you don't like the Thief idea, you could always run both Return AND Mirror Move, or Return AND Quick Attack, or hell, Quick Attack AND Mirror Move. Go crazy.
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    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Sasami Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:33 am

    UU/NU Discussion Dpmfa470

    Swords Dance Leafeon

    Leafeon @ Life Orb
    -Swords Dance
    -Leaf Blade
    -Aerial Ace/X-Scissor

    Leaf Guard, Jolly
    252 HP/54 Atk/204 Spe

    I'm glad Leafeon is UU now, it's a fun Pokemon to use. Even with such a shallow movepool it can be surprisingly difficult to switch in on. Most Leafeons are Baton Passers but this one is meant to stay in and (hopefully) sweep.

    This set is pretty simple. Use Leafeon's surprising bulkiness to switch in on something that can't do much to it and Swords Dance. If played right, you can often get in two of them. Then proceed to sweep with Leaf Blade (which gets critical hits a lot) or use Aerial Ace/X-Scissor for Pokemon that resist grass (usually fellow grass types who expect you to only have one move like standard sets). Aerial Ace is probably the better move overall because it hits bug types but both work nicely. Synthesis allows you to heal damage taken while setting up and also helps Leafeon take the Life Orb recoil.

    HP are maxed out for survivability. Since mine was Jolly, I had taken some EVs out of speed to put into attack but the spread can be edited a bit if you use an Adamant Leafeon.

    Other move options: Return is another attacking option but it's not going to add much type coverage. Wish can be used instead of Synthesis for team support but it's not as reliable for actually healing Leafeon. It might be worth it in OU since Sandstorm and Hail will mess up Synthesis. Roar lets you force out PHazers trying to get rid of your stat boosts but it's difficult to find a move slot for it on this sort of set.

    Counters to this set: In OU, Weezing is by far the best counter as Leafeon can barely do anything to him. In UU, anything with good defense that resists grass and bug/flying will work. This means that steel types in general tend to do well.

    Number of posts : 1642
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    User's Pokemon : UU/NU Discussion Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    UU/NU Discussion Empty Re: UU/NU Discussion

    Post by Shine Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:10 pm


    UU/NU Discussion Manectric

    Manectric @White Herb
    -Discharge/Charge Beam/T-Bolt

    Static, Timid/Modest
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    I decided to do Manectric today because it's nifty... It CAN, after all, both Discharge AND Overheat. As to the primary choice of Discharge, I simply prefer it over T-Bolt for its 30% chance of causing Paralysis. Charge Beam has a little more utility, being able to pump your Sp.Atk and support Overheat, but it's not nearly as powerful as T-Bolt, which is the last and strongest choice. I'd say Overheat with a Pokemon like Manectric warrants the use of a White Herb, as Overheat should be able to OHKO pretty much anything that doesn't resist Fire attacks or have unusually high Sp.Def. Light Screen and Substitute are up to preference... I personally would prefer Subbing against a Calm Mind or something and then Roaring the target out of battle while they try to take down your Sub or something. If you're really lucky they'll not kill it or they'll switch, leaving you with a risk-free attack behind a Sub, but Lightscreen reduces damage and provides some nice team support. Roar gives you PHazing capabilities.
    Static is easily the most annoying ability in the game... 30% chance of paralysis? More like 80%... Hell. It's a major fuck up for Fake Out whores especially.
    Timid v. Modest is another thing of preference. More damage or more Spd, whichever you're looking for.

    Over all, I think Manectric should be BL. Sure, he doesn't have a great movepool, but what he DOES have is pretty damn decent if you ask me.

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