Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

7 posters

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...


    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:56 pm

    My team isnt fully ready yet but....
    Lv 32 Gallade---> Being Eved in Attack and Speed...
    Lv 34 Togekiss---> Being Eved in Special Attack and speed...
    Lv 100 Froslass---> Fully Eved in Special Attack and Speed...
    Lv 46 Regice---> Being Eved in Special Attack and Speed...
    Lv 64 Garchomp---> Being Eved in Attack and Speed...
    Lv 50 Swellow---> Being Eved in Attack and speed...

    Ill make thier movesets and Etc. in my next post...

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:03 pm

    Lv 32 Gallade @ Wide Lens
    Psycho Cut
    Brick Break
    Stone Edge

    Lv 34 Togekiss @ Wide Lens
    Aura Sphere
    Shadow ball
    Air Slash

    Lv 100 Froslass @ Leftovers
    Ice Beam
    Shadow Ball

    Lv 64 Garchomp @ Wide Lens
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Rush
    Fire Fang

    Lv 46 Regice @ Leftovers
    Ice Beam
    Focus Blast
    Flash Cannon

    Lv 50 Swellow @ Salac Berry
    Aeiral Ace
    Steel Wing
    Brave Bird
    Element Sensei
    Element Sensei

    Number of posts : 706
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    User's Pokemon : Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Dpmfa490
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    Post by Shiki Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:29 pm

    You have a rather glaring weakness to Rock, four of your six Pokes to be exact, but then again, Rock type moves aren't exactly as common as say, Ice type in teams. Incidentally, three of your Pokes have a weakness to Ice, but at least two of your others have a resistance. Your build is pretty solid in terms of no huge weaknesses at least, I've seen far worse(Five weak to Ground, for example).

    As for your movesets, there's some things that can be adjusted, but all in all it's pretty solid. Consider replacing Swellow with Crobat though, since Crobat can get the exact same moveset with superior stats. Possibly replace Regice too since you already have an Ice Pokemon, Dusknoir fits a similar role as Regice, although a Physical Attacker rather than a Special. But if you keep Regice, stop EVing him in Speed, unless you got a Speed nature, it won't break 200 Speed even with max speed IVs and full EVs.

    If you replace Regi and Swellow with Dusk and Crobat, you only get 3/6 weak to Rock, but you gain 3/6 weak to Ghost, a far more likely move to see. In that case, try Magnezone over Regice, it has a plethora of resistances, and a solid special attacker/wall to boot. Your Rock weakness is now 3/6 200%, and 3/6 50%. And, despite the fact that Magnezone has a 400% Weakness to Ground, swapping in Crobat or Togekiss when they throw out an Earthquake renders it useless.

    Still is a fairly good setup, I'm surprised you've lost ten in a row. Do you just not switch your Pokes out when a Super Effective comes your way?

    Well, that's my musings, I didn't feel like a wall of text longer than this in one post.
    Master Sensei/Admin
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    Post by Sasami Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:33 pm

    I think that your problem might be the lack of a good defensive Pokemon. Regice is a good special wall but his EV spread doesn't reflect that. I would re-train him in defense/special defense and HP. Speed is pointless since he only has 50 base speed anyways and should be playing a more defensive role.

    The other problem is that you need a Pokemon with good defense. Since physical attackers are so common, having no one that can take physical hits is bad. Garchomp is the best you have as far as taking physical hits but obviously he's more of an attacker than anything.

    I would recommend swapping someone on the team for a Pokemon with high defense who resists rock. Which brings me to my next point, the rock weakness. Having so many Pokemon weak to rock is actually very bad because of Stealth Rock. It's going to take away a good chunk of HP every time one of those Pokemon switches in. You don't have any way to get rid of it, either.

    You could solve all of these issues by adding a defensive Rapid Spinner to the team (preferably one that resists rock and isn't weak to ice). A more defensive Hitmontop over one of your rock-weak Pokemon would help. Other good Rapid Spinners are Forretress, Donphan, and Starmie. Forretress would give you an ice resist and wouldn't add to your rock weakness. Donphan is weak to ice but with some re-arranging could work. He's also powerful and resistant to rock. Starmie would give you a nice ice resist (and a water resist which you currently don't have) and isn't weak to rock. Starmie is also fast and decently powerful.

    Overall, though, this team just lacks resistances in a lot of areas. The team has NO resists to Water, Flying, Psychic, Dragon, Dark, and Steel. The important ones out of those are Water and Dragon...a team should always try to have resistances to those types since they're common.

    As far as attack variety, it looks good. Some minor changes might be needed but the movesets are all pretty solid.

    One other thing is that being an offensive team, your team hates walls and status problems. A good mixed sweeper for wall breaking (that isn't weak to rock or ice, haha) would be extremely helpful to this team. Status really kills this team so consider making Regice a Sleep Talker so he can take status for you. Offensive teams can work, they just need special consideration. If it was my team, I would actually just re-arrange it so that I don't have more than one Pokemon weak to rock and a lot of rock resists. This would let you get away with not having a Rapid Spinner.

    You need some help with items, I'll get to that in a moment.

    Lv 32 Gallade @ Choice Scarf/Choice Band
    Psycho Cut
    Brick Break
    Stone Edge

    Wide Lens is only helpful for Stone Edge and it seems like other items would be better in the long run. Choice Scarf makes up for Gallade's average speed while Choice Band makes him really strong. Very few Pokemon can switch into a Choice Band attack from a Gallade.

    Lv 34 Togekiss @ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf/Leftovers
    Aura Sphere
    Shadow ball
    Air Slash

    Once again, there are better items out there. The Choice items are best for such an offensive Togekiss but if you EV it to be more defensive you could try Leftovers.

    Lv 100 Froslass @ Life Orb
    Ice Beam
    Shadow Ball

    Leftovers don't make much sense on an offensive Froslass as she shouldn't be taking hits in the first place. Life Orb gives her attacks more of a kick while giving you freedom to switch between moves. She'll be a better sweeper for late-game.

    Lv 64 Garchomp @ Yache Berry/Choice Scarf/Choice Band
    Stone Edge
    Fire Blast

    Outrage is a MUST on Garchomp, almost nothing can survive it. Fire Blast should be used over Fire Fang unless you're using Swords Dance (in which case, ditch Stone Edge for it) or Choice Band. The reason is that the Pokemon you'll be using Fire Fang on are usually going to take more damage from Fire Blast because of their lower special defense. Wide Lens doesn't make sense on a Garchomp so try an item like Yache berry (lets you survive an ice attack which is more helpful than you'd think), Choice Scarf (very few Pokemon will outspeed you), or Choice Band (gives you insane power).

    Lv 46 Regice @ Leftovers
    Ice Beam
    Sleep Talk

    EV him to be more defensive and this moveset should work really well for your team and let him take special hits and a lot of physical ones, too. He can absorb status and Rest it off while still attacking.

    Lv 50 Swellow @ Toxic Orb/Flame Orb
    Steel Wing/Protect
    Brave Bird/Protect

    Swellow is amazing...if you use this combo Wink. Swellow has an ability called Guts which raises his attack when he has a status problem. He also gets an attack called Facade which raises in power...when he has a status problem. So what do you do? GIVE him a status problem by making him hold a Toxic Orb or a Flame Orb. Facade attacks from a poisoned/burned Swellow are ridiculously powerful. Combine that with high speed and moves like Brave Bird and he's a great sweeper. Consider switching Steel Wing or U-Turn for Protect to ensure you get the Toxic Orb boost (it takes a turn to kick in). This will also ease prediction.

    I think that switching Togekiss for a good physical wall/rapid spinner would be a good start for this team. Togekiss is just adding to your ice and rock weakness.

    I hope this helps Smile.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Rank : Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Shutenbrowng_3415
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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:51 pm

    Ok, this is a good team, and would win if not for the fact, then hey, Your using non-eved pokemon vs. fully eved pokemon, and as one that did this, it's really hard to do.

    Froslass SHOULD have the move destany bond, as it's just THAT fast.

    Ha ha shiki, ground kills me, fine. You could try a focus shash for froslass too, that way you can hit, then if they do get you down to 1 hp, use destony bond to wipe him out next turn.

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:36 pm

    ah..... i dont like to replace some moves......
    as for the pokemon switch.... not a good idea.....
    ill give you a full descrption of my pokemon.

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:57 pm

    Gallade Lv 34 @ Choice Band
    Brave Nature
    Stone Edge
    Brick Break
    Psycho Cut

    Swellow Lv 50 @ Salac Berry
    Adamant Nature
    Aieral Ace
    Steel Wing

    Garchomp Lv 64 @ Yatche Berry (as soon as i can get a starly with one XD)
    Adamant Nature
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Rush
    Fire Fang

    Froslass Lv 100 @ Life Orb
    Timid Nature
    Ice Beam
    Shadow Ball
    ThunderBolt/Destiny Bond (if i can get a heart scale there pretty hard to get for me lulz)

    Registeel @ Shuca Berry(once i find a pokemon with it)
    Timid Nature
    Focus Blast
    Thunder Bolt
    Flash Cannon

    Togekiss lv 34 @ Wide Lens
    Serious Nature
    Shadow Ball
    Aura Sphere
    Air Slash
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    Post by Zenith Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:38 pm

    Why are you giving Pokes Flash Cannon?
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:54 pm

    And why did you Dp again, going into another thing of RMSDT?
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    Post by Zenith Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:56 pm

    Learn to edit posts, Hero >.<
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:58 pm

    Or at least, not post 4 that tells the same thing, when one, MABYE two would have been fine.

    Anyway, if you ev your team, and do what sami saids to do, you should be fine.
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    Post by Zenith Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:04 pm

    Hero X wrote:ah..... i dont like to replace some moves......
    as for the pokemon switch.... not a good idea.....
    ill give you a full descrption of my pokemon.
    . . .

    I hate people who post in the RMT thread and don't use the advice.

    I'm now calling it pulling a Shade.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:07 pm


    God, thats the truest thing on this side of Washington D.C.

    But really man, you really DO want to do what Sami/shiki/ryu/ TOBI says you might want to do.

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    Post by KOkingpin Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:34 am

    Gallade Lv 34 @ Life Orb/ Leftovers Ability – Inner Focus
    Brave Nature
    Swords Dance
    Close Combat
    Shadow Sneak (ohko’s Gengar. Alakazam, and Dugtrio after 1 Sword’s Dance)

    Psycho Cut

    This is kinda like the Lucario set with different typing.

    Swellow Lv 50 @ Toxic Orb/Flame Orb Ability - Guts
    Adamant Nature
    Brave Bird (his best move period)
    Façade (with Guts + Stab It is amazing)

    Quick Attack/Pursuit

    Swellow with Guts and Facade can do some massive DMG to alot of pokemon

    Garchomp Lv 64 @ Choice Band/Choice Scarf
    Adamant Nature
    Stone Edge
    Fire Fang/Fire Blast (Fire Blast eats up Skarmory while Fire Fang gets Bronzong)

    Scarf for speed Band for pure power. nothing can switch in on a Banded Garchomp and not feel alot of pain.

    Froslass Lv 100 @ Choice Scarf
    Ice Beam
    Wake Up Slap (This move gives you the element of surprise on Ttar, Bliss, and Weavile)
    Shadow Ball
    Destiny Bond (this ensures a revenge KO)

    This is a Tricky pokemon setup and it can kill alot of its counters while also getting a nice revenge KO.

    Registeel @ Leftovers
    Relaxed Nature (only if you can manage to get one)

    Zap Cannon/Thunder (ACC or Power + auto para pick your poison)
    Ice Punch (kills Dragons)
    Explosion/Toxic (depends on what you like)

    Wall to the extreme. very few weaknesses, loads of resists and massive walling capabilities

    Togekiss lv 34 @ Leftovers/King’s Rock
    Calm Nature
    Paralyze wave/Body Slam (I like body slam over Pwave dmg + 60% paralyze)
    Aura Sphere/Nasty Plot (Nasty Plot for the long haul)

    Air Slash

    This setup has won me many a matches since i trained it. Roost makes you x1 to electric and ice attacks if you are faster.

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:43 pm

    ok...... I have a newish team.
    Gardevoir Lv 36
    Rash Nature
    Magical Leaf
    Shadow Ball

    Same togekiss as i posted

    Swellow Lv33
    Adamant Nature
    Aerial Ace

    Same Registeel

    Garchomp Lv64
    Adamant Nature
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Claw
    Fire Fang

    Froslass Lv100
    Timid Nature
    Ice Beam
    Shadow Ball
    Destiny Bond
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    Post by Zenith Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:51 am

    You don't really need to post levels...

    Gardevoir Lv 36
    Rash Nature
    Calm Mind

    Lucky for you, I am the self proclaimed master of Gardevoirs =D Magical Leaf is almost completely useless in standard play, except for the off chance that you're fighting a BrightPowder Garchomp in a Sandstorm. Then I would recommend switching anyway.

    Calm Mind is there because Garde can take a hit and she can super-charge her moves, and Will-O-Wisp is added to cripple physical attackers that might give her trouble. Wish can be subbed in if you go for a Swellow with Facade and Brave Bird.

    Swellow Lv33
    Adamant Nature
    Brave Bird

    If it has Facade, give it a Toxic Orb. Also, Brave Bird is one of the best attacks Swellow gets; so use it.

    Garchomp Lv64
    Adamant Nature
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Claw
    Fire Fang

    No real problems here; it's pretty hard to accidentally make a bad Garchomp. Crunch could be useful to switch in for Psychic coverage.

    Froslass Lv100
    Timid Nature
    Ice Beam
    Wake-Up Slap/Hidden Power Fighting
    Shadow Ball
    Destiny Bond

    Psychic is not particularly useful on a Froslass. If you want to bother with HP give it Fighting; if not, invest a bunch of EVs in Attack so you can catch people off guard with Wake-Up Slap.

    Number of posts : 224
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    Post by KOkingpin Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:00 am

    if you need a few Heart Scale i can spare a few i have like 57 of them. I spent alot of time Fishing up Luvdisc

    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:21 pm

    ok ill take some.....
    i have a hard time finding them so yeah.....
    ill try your idea Lord Ryu

    Lord Ryu
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    Post by Zenith Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:19 pm

    Hero X wrote:ok ill take some.....
    i have a hard time finding them so yeah.....
    ill try your idea Lord Ryu

    Lord Ryu

    If you're gonna quote Minamimoto, may as well do it with correct grammar.

    Inverse Matrix!

    Last edited by Lord Ryu on Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Ninja Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:16 pm

    Lord Ryu wrote:
    Hero X wrote:ok ill take some.....
    i have a hard time finding them so yeah.....
    ill try your idea Lord Ryu

    Lord Ryu

    If your gonna quite Minamimoto, may as well do it with correct grammar.

    Inverse Matrix!


    Wow Ryu, YOU'RE such a hypocrite xD

    Also, *quote
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    Post by Zenith Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:42 am

    Wow Ninja, YOU'RE such a douche! xP

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    Post by KOkingpin Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:20 am

    Agreed on both accounts
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:38 pm

    I'm with ko.

    Also, that frosslass is a hack i made, just to let everyone know.

    It's stats are fine, mvoes are fine, ect... but still, i made it shiny. I hate eving, so i just made it...then i learned i hated it, so now i'm backl to eving the normal way.

    It's also already eved in S.A. and speed fully....and, i think thats it. Not sure, i hacked it a while ago. Check it out before use.

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    Post by Guest Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:24 pm

    ok... thanks for the team...
    i have a new team now.....

    Adamant Nature
    Dragon claw
    Fire Punch

    Houndoom@Wise Glasses
    Careful Nature
    Shadow Ball
    Dark Pulse
    ---------- (not sure)

    Cradily@Shell Bell
    Brave Nature
    Sludge Bomb
    Confuse Ray

    Nidoking@Life Orb
    Adamant Nature
    Fire Punch
    Ice Punch
    Thunder Punch

    Hariyama@Lax Incense
    Mild Nature
    Stone Edge
    Arm Thrust

    Crobat@Expert Belt
    Naive Nature
    Cross Poison
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    Post by Sasami Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:01 pm

    I think your biggest problem is that you seem to be just sticking six random Pokemon together and hoping they work as a team. That's just not the case in team-building. There should be a general strategy (or they should at least cover for each other's weaknesses).

    Flygon@Choice Band/Choice Scarf
    Adamant Nature
    Dragon claw
    Fire Punch

    Don't make Flygon simply a worse Garchomp. Use his differences to your advantage. U-Turn is a great move, especially on a lead Flygon like this as it lets you scout to see what your opponent plans to do. Flygon does really well with Choice items...either Scarf for extra speed or Band for power.

    Houndoom@Choice Scarf/Choice Specs/Expert Belt
    Careful Nature
    Shadow Ball
    Dark Pulse
    Pursuit/Will O' Wisp/Nasty Plot

    There are better items out there so maybe try one of these. If you go with Choice Scarf or Choice Specs then use Pursuit (for if you know the opponent will switch), otherwise use Will O' Wisp to cripple walls and physical attackers or Nasty Plot to boost your stats. If you're going to use Choice items then you might as well use Overheat instead of Flamethrower for the extra power boost (you'll probably have to switch out afterwards anyways since your opponent will likely bring in a special wall or faster sweeper).

    Brave Nature
    Stone Edge

    Cradily is a wall above all else so try a set like this. Confuse Ray is a good move but use Toxic if you're using Protect anyway (when you Protect, you're racking up poison damage on the opponent AND getting a turn of leftovers recovery). Recover is better than Ingrain on a Cradily like this because otherwise you can't switch out. Stone Edge is a better attacking move since it gets STAB and a high critical hit ratio.

    Nidoking@Life Orb
    Adamant Nature
    Fire Punch
    Ice Punch
    Thunder Punch

    Since you have a Life Orb, you could try throwing a random powerful special attack on there to take out physical walls. Something like Fire Blast or Blizzard, maybe.

    Hariyama@Flame Orb
    Mild Nature
    Stone Edge
    Close Combat/Karate Chop

    If you have Facade, then give it a burn with Flame Orb. The fighting moves I listed are going to do a lot more damage.

    Crobat@Choice Band/Life Orb
    Naive Nature
    Cross Poison
    Aerial Ace

    This Crobat seems's not sure if it's a wall or a sweeper. Substitute is mostly good on more wall-ish ones OR Nasty Plot sweepers. If you're going to go physical with Crobat then don't bother. Hypnosis would be helpful if you use Life Orb over Choice Band. Either way, use one of those items so he actually hurts stuff.

    This team is honestly less balanced then your old one. Four of your Pokemon are weak to ice, one of the most common attacking types. Three are weak to psychic, too. Then you have two Pokemon weak to water but no one with a water resistance. A water Pokemon with Surf and Ice Beam (that's VERY common, btw) would rip apart this team as would a dragon such as Garchomp (you don't have anyone defensive enough to take his hits).

    You'll need to do some serious switching to get balance in this team. Picking six random Pokemon doesn't work. They should all have a reason for being on the team...and not just to be a "sweeper" or a "wall". Why did you choose Crobat as a physical sweeper over, say, Weavile? Why is Houndoom there instead of Porygon-Z? I'm not telling you to use those Pokemon instead but every Pokemon on a team should have a pretty good reason for being there. If you picked a certain Pokemon to be your physical wall then there should be a reason you chose it over someone else.

    You seem to have moveset building down as most of the moves you pick are pretty standard/logical choices. It's the team combinations that are killing you.

    Maybe try using this:

    If you put a team into there, you can see any major weaknesses the team has as well as what resistances there are.

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    Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row... Empty Re: Rate my team..... I lost 10 matches on a row...

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      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:10 am