Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

5 posters

    Rate my basic team

    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:58 am

    Ok just worried about how my team feels well,weak
    i need item ideas as well

    Shadow ball
    Sludge bomb
    Toxic spikes
    Mega drain
    its high sp att and decent speed make it one of my first choices not to mention a wide move pool for a grass type

    Meteor mash
    Bullet punch
    Zen headbutt
    my lead high def and att makes it a good starter but generally not to fast

    Dragon Pulse
    Close combat
    He just a pawn or a delay mostly their incase of blissey

    Destiny bond
    Fast moderately powerful it serves its purpose then goes KAMAKAZI

    i have cloyster and an unfilled spot i'm thinking a better sweeper and an electric type probably jolteon
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Zenith Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:49 pm

    You don't have EV spreads.

    The main problem with Cloyster is that it's weak to Stealth Rock and it has godawful Special Defense...I did damage calcs once, with max Sp.Def it can be one-shotted by a Pachirisu's Thundershock.

    Mega Drain isn't very good. I'd just use something like Grass Knot or Leaf Storm on Roserade. The item to use on Roserade really depends on your set.

    Don't use Psychic on Metagross ever. Especially since you already have a stronger psychic attack anyway. If it's a lead, I recommend Stealth Rock. Explosion is also handy to have on Metagross. Additionally, why do you have two steel moves? You shouldn't have two moves of the same type unless you're a MixMence or something. I'd get rid of one of them for Earthquake or something along those lines. Finally, if you're concerned about its speed, I'd use an Agility set. Leftovers is my recommended item for him.

    Lucario seems okay. I'd use a different move over Aura Sphere, though. I'd give him a Life Orb, or maybe a Choice Scarf. I don't have much Lucario experience, myself.

    I have no idea why you have a Froslass on a non-hail oriented team. Froslass is built for teams that revolve around Hail, whereas on this team it mostly seems like it would hurt you. And once again, you run into the trouble of having two moves of the same type. I'd get rid of one of them and use Shadow Ball instead...Honestly, I really have no idea what you're doing with this set, so I can't recommend an item. Leftovers is always a nice choice.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
    Age : 29
    Location : carebear village
    Yen : 1500
    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:50 pm

    yeah cloyster blows..

    reason for two steel moves on metagross bullet punch = suprise finish on weak opponent and meteor mash is strong and can raise att

    as i said frosslass can OHKO weak pokemon or flying ,ground,dragon,grass types and
    say i'm being raped by IDK a electrivire for some reason an i want it gone frosslass guarantees a higher speed and boom destiny bond electrivire goes bye bye

    oh and i switched hail for shadow ball

    ok lucario is going to learn probably thunder fang or something
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Zenith Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:24 pm

    Why would you be losing to an Electivire? It's like Weavile, one of those Pokemon in OU that doesn't deserve to be there.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:22 pm

    well it was an example idk but just to demonstrate its KAMAKAI power thats all

    Number of posts : 1642
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Shine Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:13 pm

    I WANT to kick this team in the nuts, but I'm gonna be nice about it.

    First off, proper RMT format includes EVs, natures, and items in addition to what you've got up now. An RMT should be for a team you've already run through a couple of battles and can't seem to fix for whatever reason, or if you just wanna brag... Needless to say, you should already HAVE six Pokemon here.

    Pokemon Name @Hold Item
    Ability, Nature

    (Description of what the Pokemon is supposed to do, and problems you are encountering with it.)

    ^ Basic format. No, it doesn't have to be in italics. On another note, you should list your LEAD as the FIRST Pokemon.

    Now, onto the actual rating.

    Everything in your team right now is weak to Fire! Seriously, considering that a max Sp.Def Cloyster is OHKO'd by a Pachirisu's Thundershock (120 power with STAB and weakness), it and the rest of your team wouldn't stand a chance against a Scarfed or Spec'd Typhlosion (Eruption = 225 power after STAB, weakness and resistance), and an Infernape could probably even threaten to OHKO Lucario with Vacuum Wave if it Nasty Plots up against the Roserade (assuming you'd Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes, or switch first thing).

    Rate my basic team Dpmfa407
    Roserade (I decided to make my RMT somewhat fancy for lack of anything else to do right now).

    First off, I'll note that Roserade probably doesn't belong here in the first place. Roserade's specialty is setting up Toxic Spikes early-game for stall teams. Besides the fact that your Roserade isn't built well for setting up Toxic Spikes, you're not using a stall team, and there are Pokemon in OU that can do it much better (since it looks like you plan on taking this team into OU).

    If you insist on sticking with Roserade as your lead, I would suggest giving it Sleep Powder to shut-down opposing leads before attempting to setup Toxic Spikes. Since you're not running a stall team in the first place, though, I would run a more sweeping oriented set.

    Roserade @Choice Scarf
    -Sleep Powder
    -Sludge Bomb
    -Leaf Storm
    -Hidden Power Fire
    Natural Cure, Timid
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP

    A set like this is primarily geared towards shutting down the enemy lead and then switching out to an appropriate setup Pokemon or something. Late-game, it can come back out to sweep with Sludge Bomb, or take out threats in a hit-and-run fashion using Leaf Storm, which compliments the Scarf, since it has to switch out, anyway.

    Tip: When it comes to team building, the first thing you do (or at least the first thing I do...) is pick a lead. Once you have a lead chosen, the rest of the team is usually cake, because you just need a Pokemon that covers the weaknesses of the last. For instance, Roserade is weak against Fire, Ice, Flying and Psychic. So, you just need a Pokemon that can resist as many of those types as possible, and deal with potential threats accordingly. Steel types resist Ice, Flying, and Psychic, but they're also WEAK against Fire, like Roserade. Empoleon, Bastiodon, Probopass, Aggron, and Heatran on the other hand don't take any Super Effective damage from Fire, while still resisting the other types of attacks fairly well.

    Rate my basic team Dpmfa376

    I'm gonna have to agree with Ryu here. Metagross probably shouldn't be running both Meteor Mash AND Bullet Punch, and there's NO reason to run Psychic. Metagross isn't really meant to be super-speedy or anything to begin with, but it CAN run Agility very well. I'd sooner run Bullet Punch than Meteor Mash, and DEFINITELY pack EQ over Psychic. The last moves could be any combination of Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Explosion, or Agility. However, I wouldn't immediately cast off the potential worth of a Choice Band set, which COULD do very well, depending on how you use it- Metagross also gets Trick, which could allow you to trip up some walls.

    Metagross @Life Orb/Leftovers
    -Meteor Mash/Explosion
    -Thunder Punch/Ice Punch
    Clear Body, Adamant
    112 HP, 252 Atk, 12 Def, 132 Spd (Pretty much Smogon copypasta cause I'm lazy).

    Here's a standard Agility Metagross set. Basically, Agi up, sweep. Smogon says Agi, MM, EQ, and either one of the Punches or Explosion, but EQ and Ice Punch have good coverage, and you can Explode on anything that might actually wall you, soooo... Yeah.

    Tip: On most sets, if you don't have an item that would directly benefit the Pokemon or its set, Leftovers is usually a pretty safe choice

    Rate my basic team Dpmfa448

    This set actually isn't bad, but it's pretty hard to screw up Lucario since everyone wants to give it ExtremeSpeed and Close Combat, anyway... You don't really need Aura Sphere at all (I would sooner replace it with Vacuum Wave or Bullet Punch), but you can use Dragon Pulse to bait Blissey, then OHKO with Close Combat or something... To call Lucario a "pawn" is a SEVERE under-estimation of its potential. Lucario is one of the best wall-breakers in the game right now, period.

    Lucario @Life Orb
    -Dragon Pulse
    -Close Combat
    -Swords Dance
    Inner Focus, Jolly
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP (One extra point of Sp.Atk doesn't make any difference.)

    After doing a few calcs, well... This set could work out all right. Dragon Pulse does enough damage to Salamence and Dragonite that an ExtremeSpeed can take them out almost 95-98% of the time afterwards WITHOUT a Swords Dance, assuming max HP and Def/Sp.Def IVs on the Dragons' ends, and minimum damage for both attacks on Lucario's end. FatMence and BulkyMence would murder it, though- of course, these scenarios assume that you haven't given away the fact that you've got Dragon Pulse yet, and that they Dragon Dance up, assuming you'll switch, in which case ExtremeSpeed finishes the job.

    Tip: Mixers love Life Orb- at the cost of just 10% of your health for every direct attack, you get a 30% damage boost to both Physical AND Special attacks!

    Rate my basic team Dpffa478

    Once again, Ryu's right. Froslass REALLY hurts this team. Besides the fact that Cloyster's the only Pokemon on the team which is immune to Hail (aside from Froslass itself), the fact that it takes a turn to set up is painful enough. Also, Froslass is pretty easily walled here by, well... Any given Water type. Froslass is built primarilly for Hail teams, and there's a VARIETY of Ghost types open to you which can fill in for Froslass much better- Gengar comes to mind. If Froslass has any advantage here, it's Ice Beam and Destiny Bond. Froslass is best left as a Spiker suicide lead or something.

    Froslass @Choice Scarf
    -Ice Beam
    -Shadow Ball
    -Destiny Bond
    Snow Cloak, Modest
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP

    I went to the bathroom, wiped, and this was the skidmark left on the TP. Scarf'd revenge killer, I guess. BoltBeam for good coverage, Shadow Ball for STAB, Destiny Bond for taking things out late-game. You could also run Trick to trip up Walls and such...

    Rate my basic team Dpffa091

    Cloyster's really not THAT bad... But a lot of people don't use him for a reason. There are plenty of Pokemon that do what Cloyster does much better. STAB'd Surf and Ice Beam can be useful, since they've got pretty decent coverage together, but he's left to run a Hidden Power or Toxic to cover other Water types, which could probably KO pretty quickly by means of Surf. On the other hand, it could help deal with threats like Gyarados and Swampert, which tend to run physical sets, and counter with Hidden Power Electric or Grass. Since it's not too terribly slow, either, it can run Icy Wind pretty well against switch-ins, and then Explode on their faces.

    Cloyster @Leftovers
    -Surf/Rapid Spin
    -Hidden Power Electric
    -Icy Wind
    Shell Armor, Naive
    252 HP, 196 Sp.Atk, 60 Spd

    With this Cloyster, you should be able to switch into oncoming physical attacks, and force switches. If you figure they're gonna switch, you can Icy Wind for a Spd drop and react accordingly, either Surfing, Exploding, or switching. If you're up against a Gyarados or something, Hidden Power Electric will 2HKO. With the Spd investment here, Cloyster can outspeed Pokemon like Lucario after an Icy Wind- Pokemon that max at 306 Spd. Things like Blissey and Roserade you should be able to easily Explode on. Surf and Rapid Spin are both options against Swampert. A Swampert will likely be setting up Stealth Rock for the team, so you could Rapid Spin, Surf when they try to set it up again, Rapid Spin once more, and then Explode on their face.

    As for some final tips...

    Well, you don't have to worry about Electivire... At all. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person to have used one in OU in, like... A long time. Same goes for Weavile, no one uses it.

    Number of posts : 112
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa372
    Registration date : 2009-07-14

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Nogette Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:22 pm

    hm.... when i battled you, there were more
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:33 am

    ...first cloyster equals water and he weill be replaced with water

    second Metagross is my lead can you read?

    yeah well i didn't want to learn everything about them aka i only understand how to get evs not the whole cycle for a rating

    so far i want to make this clear i don't run hail and the speed frosslass has is freaking amazing as well as high sp att

    by pawn i meant filler hes basicly their for blissey and slacking

    meta is my lead and yeah psycic equals bad got it EQ it is

    OU? no intention of using it in a specific way just for the offhand battle

    remember i have a couple choices for a 6th (o just so you know its a charizard until i decide what i really want)

    well i'll hax me some items and moves (instead of move tutor since it would be a pain to switch that many moves )

    o my ideas for a 6th:

    Event pikachu(evolved to raichu) with surf (you know fire weakness)
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Sasami Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:16 am

    I think the main problem with this team is that it's just a bunch of random Pokemon thrown together. There's no real strategy and the Pokemon don't really work well together. It's also hard to rate because you didn't give EV spreads and natures. But I'll give you a few pointers.

    In OU, the only reason to even consider using Roserade is as a lead (with Sleep Powder, which you lack right now). But since you're leading with Metagross, your Roserade looks really out of place. If you MUST use it and not as a lead, try running a Choice Specs set (Leaf Storm/Sludge Bomb/Hidden Power Fire/Sleep Powder would work) to take advantage of it's high special attack.

    I also agree with the other posters in that Froslass seems thrown in randomly. Once again, in OU, it's more of a lead Pokemon. To be honest, I wouldn't use it at all with all of the Scizors around (Bullet Punch is going to OHKO and Froslass is kinda out-classed by other sweepers anyways). You mentioned thinking of using Jolteon--I think that'd be a good replacement for Froslass.

    Lucario, IMO, should never run mixed sets. If you want a mixer, go with Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, etc. Lucario is better off using special OR physical attacks. In general, the best set is Swords Dance/Close Combat/Extremespeed. The last slot should be an extra move for coverage--Stone Edge, Ice Punch, and Crunch are popular.

    On Metagross, Zen Headbutt > Psychic, if you want a psychic move. But considering how poor of an attack type psychic is, you might want to consider a completely different attack anyways. I would actually suggest something like Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch/Stealth Rock/Earthquake or Explosion. That set will keep the two steel moves you wanted while helping the team out with Stealth Rock and getting better type coverage with another attack. If it was my Metagross, though, I'd ditch Bullet Punch altogether since Scizor is a better user of it.

    Cloyster sucks in OU and should never be used there. Luckily, though, there are plenty of great defensive water types out there =). Suicune (the Calm Mind set is amazing late-game) and Swampert would fit in nicely (and Swampert can set up Stealth Rock in case you can't find room for it on Metagross). Other great bulky waters are Vaporeon (can provide Wish support and also Toxistall or Baton Pass), Starmie (can Rapid Spin and utilize the BoltBeam strategy, all while being quite's more fragile but good on an offensive team), Gyarados (a bulky Gyarados with something like Taunt/Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Earthquake is both defensive and offensive), Milotic (great status absorber with Sleep Talk and also a nice user of Hypnosis), and Tentacruel (can Rapid Spin, lay down and absorb Toxic Spikes, and has decent speed and attack).

    For your last team slot, consider something like Choice Scarf Heatran. It's a standard, I know, but it could help the team out. It'll remove your fire weakness completely and help you out a lot against the dragons. Since your team isn't too fast right now, it can also take over the role of revenge killer. But only run it if you're going to use Jolteon, too. Otherwise, you'll just be begging a Gyarados to sweep you.

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Shine Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:57 pm

    that guy 01 wrote:...first cloyster equals water and he weill be replaced with water

    second Metagross is my lead can you read?

    yeah well i didn't want to learn everything about them aka i only understand how to get evs not the whole cycle for a rating

    so far i want to make this clear i don't run hail and the speed frosslass has is freaking amazing as well as high sp att

    by pawn i meant filler hes basicly their for blissey and slacking

    meta is my lead and yeah psycic equals bad got it EQ it is

    OU? no intention of using it in a specific way just for the offhand battle

    remember i have a couple choices for a 6th (o just so you know its a charizard until i decide what i really want)

    well i'll hax me some items and moves (instead of move tutor since it would be a pain to switch that many moves )

    o my ideas for a 6th:

    Event pikachu(evolved to raichu) with surf (you know fire weakness)

    Oh my, someone's hostile... I'll make my responses in order with your own.

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "cloyster equals water and he weill be replaced with water," but whether or not he's a Water type or not, he's also part Ice AND quite slow compared to any given OU Fire-type, meaning he takes NEUTRAL damage from Fire attacks. Considering his Sp.Def and HP stat, it'd be easy to take care of, so yes, Cloyster NEEDS to be replaced if you aren't hellbent on using it, or don't have a proper way to deal with its weaknesses.

    Clearly, I CAN read, considering I rated your team, and actually educated you on a more proper format and RMT process, not to mention, I believe my spelling and grammar skills just might be a little better than your own. As for Metagross being your lead, yes, I KNEW Metagross was your lead because you SAID it was, but for the case of proper formatting, your lead SHOULD be listed as the first Pokemon.

    You won't do well here if you don't learn enough to be a competent player. We're a tolerant bunch, and rather laid back, but a disorganized team like that isn't going to fair very well. We're TRYING to teach you how to pay attention to these kinds of things so you CAN do well, so I recommend you don't act like a shit in response. The whole purpose of an RMT is so that you can learn from someone that knows better.

    ... The RMT SAYS that your Froslass runs Hail. Destiny Bond, Hail, Ice Shard, and Blizzard. Yes, Froslass DOES have high Spd, but... There are plenty of Pokemon that are faster or just as fast AND have higher Sp.Atk. For instance, Gengar ties with Froslass for Spd and has much higher Sp.Atk, while Jolteon has HIGHER Spd and a fuckton more Sp.Atk. Don't be so closed-minded, consider your options.

    I know what you meant by pawn- basically, a pawn is worthless, a throw-away. I'll say it again, though- you GREATLY underestimate Lucario's potential. It's OU for a reason. Besides that, your team should NEVER have a "filler." If you can't fill the spot with something important or useful, then why is it there in the first place?

    Again, I already know Metagross is your lead... And it's good to know you replaced Psychic. Now work on getting rid of Zen Headbutt.

    There are tiers, good sir. Uber, OU, UU, NU, NFE, etc, etc... The team you're building can only be used in OU and up (Ubers being the only thing higher), because it contains OU Pokemon. It's not like you'll be able to bring a team like this into all tiers. You've only got two options on where to battle, only one of which you would do well in with OU Pokemon, and that is, of course, OU. As such, you should be preparing for OU THREATS, like Salamence, Flygon, Scizor, etc.

    A Charizard, considering you already have Froslass and Cloyster, gives you a major Stealth Rock weakness. Besides that, you really do NOT want to stick with this team as it is right now, anyway. It's going to need some MAJOR renovations if you want to make it decent. Honestly, I'd consider starting from scratch. Like I said, once you've got a lead chosen, just make sure each Pokemon after that covers its predecessor's weaknesses.

    Hax is fine...

    As for your ideas for the last Pokemon... Well, they honestly don't mean much considering you'll have to change the team as whole, anyway, but...

    Wigglytuff barely survives in NU, let along OU, so it's really not going to do you ANY good... As for Pikachu, besides that it only ever does well in UU or NU anyway (and is generally outclassed by bunches of things, anyway), the Surfing Pikachu is always Hardy, so you can't get max Spd, which is something Pikachu is highly dependent on.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:03 pm

    funny part is with this team i'm six and 0 but i want to make the team better thats the reason i'm even getting a rating but most of the advice i like , I WILL NEVAR GET RID OF FROSSLASS

    Number of posts : 1642
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Shine Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:56 pm

    that guy 01 wrote:funny part is with this team i'm six and 0 but i want to make the team better thats the reason i'm even getting a rating but most of the advice i like , I WILL NEVAR GET RID OF FROSSLASS
    Well, if you insist on not losing Froslass, then you should probably make it a lead and redesign the team. Maybe try-

    Froslass @Choice Scarf
    -Ice Beam
    -Shadow Ball
    -Destiny Bond/Thunderbolt
    Snow Cloak, Timid
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP

    It's like a crappier TrickScarf Gengar.

    Keep in mind that Froslass is weak against a LOT of types... Fire, Rock, Steel, Dark and Ghost, all of which being VERY common in OU. Heatran and Empoleon are good choices to follow this up, since they resist Rock, Steel, Dark, and Ghost, and take no or neutral damage from Fire attacks, but either way, an Infernape will give you major problems.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Sasami Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:12 pm

    that guy 01 wrote:funny part is with this team i'm six and 0 but i want to make the team better thats the reason i'm even getting a rating but most of the advice i like , I WILL NEVAR GET RID OF FROSSLASS

    No offense, but you're only 6-0 because you haven't fought anyone like myself or Shine yet. The experienced players.

    Anyways, I would take Shine's advice for the Froslass lead. It's still going to suck, just not quite as much. If possible, get Spikes on it, by the way, so that it can actually support the team in some way.

    By the way, insulting and being hostile towards the people rating your team is a pretty bad idea. It's not like team rating is my job (or Shine's or Zenith's). When people post incomplete RMTs that don't follow the rules and then get mad when they're given advice, it makes team raters not want to help them in the future.
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    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Zenith Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:11 pm

    Basically, Sami is saying "Don't be a fucktard and listen to people's advice" but in a nicer manner. I understand that you probably have some issues with the English language, so there you go.

    I'd recommend listening to Shine and Sasami, if you don't want to totally suck. Also, don't ask for advice only to snap at people. That's idiotic, and you won't last long here if you do so.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:07 pm

    calm down i said i'm listening to their advice but listening to my own
    its called compare and comtrast gor example i like what their saying about meta and not frosslass thats all

    Number of posts : 112
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa372
    Registration date : 2009-07-14

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Nogette Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:36 pm

    wow, and either half or more than half of his wins were against me.
    That just shows you that he isn't very good.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

    Number of posts : 60
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    Rank : Rate my basic team Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Rate my basic team Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-07-13

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by that guy 01 Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:53 pm

    ... nogifil just STFU dude
    if i hadn't lost my old copy of diamond their would be no conversation
    you know how many wins i had back then? i lost count a thirty (yeah bad counter so what?)
    how can u say i'm bad? yeah i beat you alot i've been back what three days?
    also just to point out i'm very simple i only know basics so calm down i was only concered about like 3 things on my team

    o i bought platinum got to set up new squad but i can't get the pokemon needed for breeding,
    anyone got a good platinum ar code site?

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    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Nogette Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:34 am

    Please capitalize my name when you type it. If you only know the basics, then how'd you get over 30 wins? Dude, if you beat me most of the time... I have only had one win...
    If it was so good, why don't you just repeat your old team?

    I thought that we couldn't swear on the forums.

    Last edited by Nogifil on Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Improved Point)
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:03 am

    that guy 01 wrote:... nogifil just STFU dude
    if i hadn't lost my old copy of diamond their would be no conversation
    you know how many wins i had back then? i lost count a thirty (yeah bad counter so what?)
    how can u say i'm bad? yeah i beat you alot i've been back what three days?
    also just to point out i'm very simple i only know basics so calm down i was only concered about like 3 things on my team

    o i bought platinum got to set up new squad but i can't get the pokemon needed for breeding,
    anyone got a good platinum ar code site?

    Calm down and stop flaming, thanks.

    If you think you're great at battling and don't require any help, just go enter a tournament and prove it. Actually, how about you complete the dojo challenge? I'll see you at the Master Dojo.

    And no, I'm not making fun of you, I'm just saying that talk is cheap, ya know? Wink I'm sorry about your Diamond (by the way, my first copy of Diamond corrupted, so I feel your pain) but you can't act so cocky and expect people to just let it slide.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

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    Post by that guy 01 Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:33 am

    ugh do i have to explain

    and flamming? not a big fan of being called bad by people, i'm sorry i wasn't trying to flame anyone

    That just shows you that he isn't very good.

    yes i was good but i lost my team and two of my best are banned now so yeah

    i am just looking for what i need thats all just some advice on certain things jeeze

    listen you guys are making me seem like i'm the one wrong here

    i just want some ideas since, honestly not very creative

    listen i'll take my time and work out the chinks in my team,did i come off cocky?

    i'm taking things step by step and Nogifil talking trash to me isn't my cup of tea(capitolized name)

    also i'm very calm while talking right now and i've come to this conclusion,

    I do something nice for nogifil,i search for a shiny adament gible for hours, we battle, he begs me to clone him my roserade , i say no, he begs someone else, we have a couple more battles, which i win...,and he calls me bad? am i missing gomething whats up with the random insult? that really bothers me
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    Post by Sasami Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:19 am

    This was un-called for:

    that guy 01 wrote:second Metagross is my lead can you read?

    And this is just plain cocky and obnoxious:

    that guy 01 wrote:funny part is with this team i'm six and 0 but i want to make the team better thats the reason i'm even getting a rating but most of the advice i like , I WILL NEVAR GET RID OF FROSSLASS

    I'm sorry, but those kinds of comments are really not tolerated here. You keep implying that you're better than us and that your team is great already and yet you want advice. It makes no sense.

    If you're going to post a RMT at least follow the format, listen to the advice given (you don't HAVE to follow it, just be nice about it), and, oh, I don't know, maybe THANK the people who spent so much time trying to help you. I mean, come on.

    Once again, people are trying to HELP you. We don't gain anything from this.
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

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    Post by that guy 01 Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:09 pm

    .... i only said fross wasn't going any where thats all its not like
    I AM INVINCIBLE NOTHING CAN STOP ME , no me and fross are the only remnant from the old team
    (my friend had a clone lucky me)

    jeeze sry for being undefeated for 3 measly days i'm sure i'd lose to people but i haven't got around to it

    well i mean i kinda made it clear meta was my lead so that i could get proper advice but fine ,i said that jokingly so really?

    yes i understand there trying to help and i appreciate it but nofigils random spam messages are ticking me off...

    also proper rmt i don't get the stats at the bottom... plus lucarioand roserade and done lukes lvl 51 roserades lvl 73 so yeah
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    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Zenith Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:37 pm

    that guy 01 wrote:ugh do i have to explain

    and flamming? not a big fan of being called bad by people, i'm sorry i wasn't trying to flame anyone
    You were never called bad by anyone. People only pointed out that you hadn't fought people like me, Sasami, Ninja, or Shine know, the people that have been playing for a very long time. To quote you, "learn to read hurr"

    yes i was good but i lost my team and two of my best are banned now so yeah
    Considering I didn't even see your presence on Aikou when I joined, I doubt you were WOWOMG AMAZING. And don't you have an AR anyway? You could just make that team again, you know.

    Also, isn't Garchomp the only OU to be banned to Ubers after being in OU for a significant amount of time?

    i am just looking for what i need thats all just some advice on certain things jeeze
    It's not like you specified.

    listen you guys are making me seem like i'm the one wrong here
    Because maybe you are?

    i just want some ideas since, honestly not very creative
    I barely know what this sentence means! If you want ideas, try smogon maybe?

    listen i'll take my time and work out the chinks in my team,did i come off cocky?

    i'm taking things step by step and Nogifil talking trash to me isn't my cup of tea(capitolized name)
    Considering you talk trash to like everyone...

    also i'm very calm while talking right now and i've come to this conclusion,

    I do something nice for nogifil,i search for a shiny adament gible for hours, we battle, he begs me to clone him my roserade , i say no, he begs someone else, we have a couple more battles, which i win...,and he calls me bad? am i missing gomething whats up with the random insult? that really bothers me
    Actually, iirc, Nogifil pointed out that most of your wins were against him. He was calling himself bad. Once again, "learn to read durhurr"
    that guy 01
    that guy 01

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    Registration date : 2009-07-13

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    Post by that guy 01 Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:14 pm

    Wow way to be a jerk when i'm trying to sort this out right your so cool quoting old things




    3.5(EDIT) When i said people i ment nogifil





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    Registration date : 2009-07-14

    Rate my basic team Empty Re: Rate my basic team

    Post by Nogette Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:26 pm

    that guy 01 wrote:ugh do i have to explain

    also i'm very calm while talking right now and i've come to this conclusion,

    I do something nice for nogifil,i search for a shiny adament gible for hours, we battle, he begs me to clone him my roserade , i say no, he begs someone else, we have a couple more battles, which i win...,and he calls me bad? am i missing gomething whats up with the random insult? that really bothers me

    Yes... you are missing gomething. XD
    Didn't capitalize my name again...
    Searched and did not find a shiny adamant gible...
    I only begged you... I asked somebody else...
    And I did not call you bad. I said you aren't very good...

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