Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

4 posters

    My Team! Whee!


    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
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    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:42 pm

    Weavile @ Choice Band
    Jolly - Pressure
    6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed

    Ice Shard
    Aerial Ace
    Brick Break

    -The point of this Weavile is to be a revenge killer. Pursuit OHKO's Azlef, Gengar, and Alakazam even if they stay in, and will fell Starmie as a bonus. Ice Shard gets those silly Dragon Dancers, and Choice Scarf Garchomp, too, along with one of the only pokemon faster than Weavile, Aerodactyl. Brick break for Tyranitars, steel/rock pokes and weaker darks. Aerial Ace is mainly for Heracroos and Infernape, but functions well to get other fighters!

    Electivire @ Expert Belt
    Adamant - Motor Drive
    6HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed

    Ice Punch
    Cross Chop

    -Your basic physical sweeping Electivire. Motor Drive stops electric attack spam on my pokes with Electric weakness, for fear of a sweep, as well.

    Tangrowth @ Heat Rock
    Modest - Chlorophyll
    6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed

    Sleep Powder
    Sunny Day
    Sludge Bomb

    -Tangrowth, amazing, yes. Use sleep powder, then Sunny Day on the switch to set tangroth up for a sweep. SolarBeam is obvious, and Sludge Bomb is easy to put on. HP is also well applicable. (Mine has HP Dark, I believe)

    Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
    Calm - Liquid Ooze
    204 HP, 96 Special Attack, 172 Special Defence, 36 Speed

    Rapid Spin
    Toxic Spikes
    Ice Beam

    -Basic Support. A rapid spinner/spikers all in one is nice, and Ice Beam/Surf prevent some annoying switch ins.

    Slowbro @ Leftovers
    Sassy - Own Tempo
    212 HP, 252 Defence, 40 Special Defence

    Slack Off

    Amazing ToxiStaller, with Flamthrower to murder steel types.

    Togekiss @ Leftovers
    Calm - Serene Grace
    252 HP, 6 Defence, 252 Special Defence

    Thunder Wave
    Air Slash

    Paraflinchax sweeper with defences and roost for survivability.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Sasami Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:29 pm

    I like the idea of having so many electric-weak Pokemon to get Electivire in but it seems a little over-board to me. If something happens to him, then your average BoltBeamer destroys everyone. If you're careful not to reveal Electivire too early you should be ok, though.

    A big threat to this team is Heracross so be sure that Weavile stays alive until you know whether or not the other team has one. If it's Scarfed then you have even more problems (but if that's the case then Pokemon like Tentacruel should be able to take a hit from him).

    Standard Heracross set is Swords Dance/Stone Edge/Megahorn/Close Combat or Pursuit over Swords Dance on a Choice set.

    The reason that Heracross is a problem for this team is that not only does he have a powerful super-effective move to take out 5/6 of your Pokemon but he also benefits from Toxic Spikes. When poisoned, his attack is insane thanks to Guts.

    Your only hope is to beat him with good prediction and switches. One interesting way to counter him would be to replace Tentacruel with Nidoqueen. Nidoqueen counters him perfectly and she can still lay down Toxic Spikes. You'd lose the ability to Rapid Spin, though. A standard Skarmory can do the same, only it would set up Spikes and Stealth Rock instead. Donphan can spin, set up Stealth Rock, and take hits from Heracross but I think he'd only 2HKO it. Sandslash, surprisingly, could do the same general things AND it has Aerial Ace o_0. I haven't run damage calcs, though, so I don't know if it'd OHKO.

    It seems like the only way to solve the Heracross problem would be to replace two Pokemon =/. I think you'll be ok playing around him but just be wary. Luckily, Heracross isn't as common now as he used to be ^^.

    That's the only major problem I see. Although I wonder how this team will deal with defensive poison types like Weezing. Weezing can take any of the hits this team will deal to him and can then cripple your team with status, haze away stat changes, or just fire off super-effective moves from his nice move pool. You can beat him, he's just going to be tricky to take down. Giving Togekiss Psychic would fix that problem but you should wait and see if he's actually an issue first.

    Movesets look pretty solid though you can consider giving Togekiss another move over Flamethrower (Slowbro has it anyways).

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:44 pm


    *uses Focus Blast Togekiss instead*

    But I didn't do the electric weakness un-purpose. XD

    But the Donphan over Tentacruel thing sounds good. Hmm...

    Number of posts : 382
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    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa133
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Shadows Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:20 pm

    Also; Gary's a racist.

    But aside from that its a very boring team. Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff. The pokemon do little to support eachother and its full of OU's. For battling this is fine but personally I'd get bored of battling or using a team like this.

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:09 am

    Shadchild wrote:Also; Gary's a racist.

    But aside from that its a very boring team. Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff. The pokemon do little to support each other and its full of OU's. For battling this is fine but personally I'd get bored of battling or using a team like this.

    They do support each other.

    I'm just too lazy to post what ways they do it in, and I don't have a strict support unit.
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
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    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Sasami Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:40 am

    Shadchild wrote:Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff.

    ...Says the guy who uses Garchomp :p. Haha.

    Donphan is cool, he can switch in on electric attacks if Electivire goes down, too. He also can counter most Garchomp/dragons in general if he has Ice Shard.

    Number of posts : 224
    Age : 39
    Location : Murfreesboro, TN
    Yen : 12000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblueg_3129
    Registration date : 2008-05-10

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by KOkingpin Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:46 am

    Very nice competitive team only thing i see is that Toxic Spikes are kinda scary from Guts Pokemon like Machamp and Heracross. If a Heracross comes out he will more than Likely sweep your Team. you would have to Toxic Stall him pretty much.

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:54 pm

    Sasami wrote:
    Shadchild wrote:Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff.

    ...Says the guy who uses Garchomp :p. Haha.

    Donphan is cool, he can switch in on electric attacks if Electivire goes down, too. He also can counter most Garchomp/dragons in general if he has Ice Shard.
    I was thinking exactly that.

    Now I need to breed a Donphan.

    And, still. People love to say "Bog standard" and "too many OU's" in a competitive league, which bugs me.

    UU exists for a reason, and cool points aren't concurrent to winning. =/

    Number of posts : 382
    Age : 32
    Location : Great Britain
    Yen : 500
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa133
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Shadows Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:16 pm

    Sagechild wrote:
    Sasami wrote:
    Shadchild wrote:Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff.

    ...Says the guy who uses Garchomp :p. Haha.

    Donphan is cool, he can switch in on electric attacks if Electivire goes down, too. He also can counter most Garchomp/dragons in general if he has Ice Shard.
    I was thinking exactly that.

    Now I need to breed a Donphan.

    And, still. People love to say "Bog standard" and "too many OU's" in a competitive league, which bugs me.

    UU exists for a reason, and cool points aren't concurrent to winning. =/

    I actually don't even bother raising pokemon to battle any more. I raise them so I know I can battle if I should so desire. I picked Garchomp out for my team before the damn game even came out, which is why it is the only pokemon that has been in my team throughout.
    And wouldn't you get bored of seeing the same like 20 pokemon over and over again? Variety = Fun + The edge
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
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    Yen : 121200
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Sasami Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:39 pm

    Sagechild wrote:
    Sasami wrote:
    Shadchild wrote:Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff.

    ...Says the guy who uses Garchomp :p. Haha.

    Donphan is cool, he can switch in on electric attacks if Electivire goes down, too. He also can counter most Garchomp/dragons in general if he has Ice Shard.
    I was thinking exactly that.

    Now I need to breed a Donphan.

    And, still. People love to say "Bog standard" and "too many OU's" in a competitive league, which bugs me.

    UU exists for a reason, and cool points aren't concurrent to winning. =/

    I agree with you. Most competetive players (like myself) play to win and guess what? Winning is fun :p.

    If I find a Pokemon will fit the best on my team then I'm going to use it regardless of what tier it's in. I don't care if it's the most over-used or under-used Pokemon in the world...if it looks like the best choice, I'm using it.

    But meh, let's not turn this into a debate.

    Zack, if you breed a Donphan, remember that Ice Shard is an egg move. It's REALLY handy to have on him for dragons ^_^.

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
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    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:10 am

    Shadchild wrote:
    Sagechild wrote:
    Sasami wrote:
    Shadchild wrote:Yes technically it works well, but its just pretty bog standard stuff.

    ...Says the guy who uses Garchomp :p. Haha.

    Donphan is cool, he can switch in on electric attacks if Electivire goes down, too. He also can counter most Garchomp/dragons in general if he has Ice Shard.
    I was thinking exactly that.

    Now I need to breed a Donphan.

    And, still. People love to say "Bog standard" and "too many OU's" in a competitive league, which bugs me.

    UU exists for a reason, and cool points aren't concurrent to winning. =/

    I actually don't even bother raising pokemon to battle any more. I raise them so I know I can battle if I should so desire. I picked Garchomp out for my team before the damn game even came out, which is why it is the only pokemon that has been in my team throughout.
    And wouldn't you get bored of seeing the same like 20 pokemon over and over again? Variety = Fun + The edge
    Well, I do have a variety of EV'ed PokéMon, but that's my main team.

    If I'm battling for fun, I'll pop out UU's.

    Number of posts : 224
    Age : 39
    Location : Murfreesboro, TN
    Yen : 12000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblueg_3129
    Registration date : 2008-05-10

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by KOkingpin Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:25 am

    hehe my Steel Type Counter (besides Skarmory) is Trapinch he Rapes and is the 1st form of three. I have to say that i stole this pokemon idea from a Smasher Friend of name by the name of TheReflexWonder.

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:14 pm

    Sagechild wrote:Weavile @ Choice Band
    Jolly - Pressure
    6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed

    Ice Shard
    Aerial Ace
    Brick Break

    -The point of this Weavile is to be a revenge killer. Pursuit OHKO's Azlef, Gengar, and Alakazam even if they stay in, and will fell Starmie as a bonus. Ice Shard gets those silly Dragon Dancers, and Choice Scarf Garchomp, too, along with one of the only pokemon faster than Weavile, Aerodactyl. Brick break for Tyranitars, steel/rock pokes and weaker darks. Aerial Ace is mainly for Heracroos and Infernape, but functions well to get other fighters!

    Electivire @ Expert Belt
    Adamant - Motor Drive
    6HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed

    Ice Punch
    Cross Chop

    -Your basic physical sweeping Electivire. Motor Drive stops electric attack spam on my pokes with Electric weakness, for fear of a sweep, as well.

    Tangrowth @ Heat Rock
    Modest - Chlorophyll
    6 HP, 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed

    Sleep Powder
    Sunny Day
    Sludge Bomb

    -Tangrowth, amazing, yes. Use sleep powder, then Sunny Day on the switch to set tangroth up for a sweep. SolarBeam is obvious, and Sludge Bomb is easy to put on. HP is also well applicable. (Mine has HP Dark, I believe)

    Heatran @ Wise Glasses

    252 HP, 252 SpAtt

    Dragon Pulse
    Earth Power

    -Special Attack/Tangrowth (and Physical Sweeper) support. Flamethrower under the sun and after Flash fire boost is triple STAB. O.O Explosion for fun, and HP over speed for survivability, because I'm not scarfing it.

    Slowbro @ Leftovers
    Sassy - Own Tempo
    212 HP, 252 Defence, 40 Special Defence

    Slack Off

    Amazing ToxiStaller, with Flamthrower to murder steel types.

    Donphan @ Leftovers
    Impish - Sturdy

    Ice Shard
    Stealth Rock
    Rapid Spin

    Spinner/SR user. Ice Shard for Dragons, and I need a phazer, so roar.

    Changed to..... (things in Bold are changes)

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : My Team!  Whee! Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : My Team!  Whee! Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Team!  Whee! Empty Re: My Team! Whee!

    Post by Prostiboots Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:18 pm

    KOkingpin wrote:hehe my Steel Type Counter (besides Skarmory) is Trapinch he Rapes and is the 1st form of three. I have to say that i stole this pokemon idea from a Smasher Friend of name by the name of TheReflexWonder.

    Trapinch is on Smogon now. lulz

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