Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Another New UU Team


    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Another New UU Team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Another New UU Team Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Another New UU Team Empty Another New UU Team

    Post by Shine Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:04 pm

    Made it last night out of boredom. This is the one that 6-0'd Tobi.

    Another New UU Team Dpmfa215

    Sneasel @Muscle Band/Leftovers
    -Focus Punch
    -Ice Punch
    Inner Focus, Jolly
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def

    I like this as a lead. It's pretty easily wrecked by things like Steelix- just bulky physical walls, and Slowbro and Slowking wall it completely. Thankfully, at least when Steelix comes in, you'll probably already have a Sub up to Focus Punch from behind before switching out- and if they SR first thing, well, there's two Focus Punches right there. If you've got something else to deal with Steelix, just Taunt from behind the Sub to keep 'em from getting up Rocks in the first place. This works well against Froslass, being faster and packing Taunt, then getting a free Sub on the switch or allowing you an easier switch in with a nice wall.

    Another New UU Team Electabuzz

    Electabuzz @Choice Scarf
    -Cross Chop
    -Ice Punch
    -Seismic Toss
    Static, Lonely
    212 Atk, 128 Spd, 170 Sp.Atk

    Based loosely on Sami's Mixer Scarf Golduck, which rocked my socks off in NU. Electabuzz packs a lot more speed, and higher offensive stats in general, so I don't see why this wouldn't work in UU- in fact, I already know it works pretty well. I tried a similar one before, but this one's better, by far. Pretty much a revenge killer. ^^

    Another New UU Team Clefable

    Clefable @Life Orb
    -Fire Blast
    -Grass Knot
    Magic Guard, Quiet
    216 Atk, 224 Sp.Atk, 68 Spd

    Smogon copypasta, I'll admit. Wallbreaker, mostly. Easily takes care of things like Steelix, Slowbro, and Hypno. Softboiled adds bulk. Hooray for Magic Guard lameness.

    Another New UU Team 429Mismagius

    Mismagius @Leftovers
    -Pain Split
    -Shadow Ball
    -Hidden Power Fighting
    Levitate, Timid
    88 Sp.Atk, 220 Spd, 200 Sp.Def

    Mismagius is really great. Stealth Rock is everywhere, and unlike Froslass, this thing isn't weak to it. Besides that, it also has three immunities, meaning it doesn't have any problems getting on the field, and is speedy, so it can drop its own HP and protect against status with Substitute, and later Pain Split to syphon off the enemy's HP, leaving them weakened for a STAB'd Shadow Ball or an HP Fighting. Mismagius is pretty awesome in UU.

    Another New UU Team Dpmfa369

    Relicanth @Lum Berry
    -Rock Polish
    -Head Smash
    Rock Head, Adamant
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    Physical boost sweeper. Rock Polish up to about 418 Spd, or Yawn against a status move (like T-Wave or WilloWisp), and then get in the boost. After that, abuse Head Smash and Waterfall.

    Another New UU Team Dpffa031

    Nidoqueen @Leftovers
    -Earth Power
    -Ice Beam
    -Stealth Rock
    -Seismic Toss/Fire Blast/Sludge Bomb/Roar
    Poison Point, Modest
    64 HP, 192 Def, 252 Sp.Atk

    Bulky Sp.Sweeper with Stealth Rock support. Seismic Toss I stuck on, well... Cause it's Seismic Toss. The choice between moves is up to preference, really... Stronger Fire attack for things like Grass types, Sludge Bomb for STAB, or Roar for PHazing support. Pick your poison.

      Current date/time is Thu Jul 04, 2024 10:42 am