Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

12 posters

    Chat Record Thread

    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
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    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:05 pm

    You could only name 5 of the big ones?

    that wouldn't take very long.

    *chat box is dead, so shiki get on, so i can log something.

    [22:06:54] Tobi : shiki
    [22:06:57] Tobi : talk to us
    [22:07:14] Shiki has joined the chat the Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:07 pm
    [22:07:24] Shiki : Wtf are you, Smeagle?
    [22:07:27] Tobi : shiki, you saw what i typed
    [22:07:32] Shiki : Would suit a jew such as yourself
    [22:07:39] Tobi : smeagle? wtf?
    [22:07:46] Tobi : i'm slaking
    [22:08:02] Tobi : what you talking about fool
    [22:08:45] Shiki : Oh, a monkey eh
    [22:08:49] Shiki : Black jew
    [22:08:55] Tobi : XD
    [22:09:03] Tobi : you really are an ass hole arn't you
    [22:09:47] Shiki : I sincerely hope it didn't take you this long to figure that out
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Zenith Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:24 am

    That was one of the best chat logs /ever/
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
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    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:50 am

    I know, but i still have no clue what the hell he's talking about.

    [10:59:43] KOkingpin : i know
    [10:59:44] Tobi : look at this page
    [10:59:55] KOkingpin : and if you dont show me then it just backs me more
    [10:59:57] Lord Ryu : Element, you're not allowed to refuse a Dojo Master's hack check request
    [11:00:17] Tobi : ya
    [11:00:19] Lord Ryu : SHUT THE FUC KUP ABOUT IT
    [11:00:22] Lord Ryu : *FUCK UP
    [11:00:25] Tobi : i just said he could man
    [11:00:32] Tobi : i even posted a link
    [11:00:35] KOkingpin : either show me the team or lose
    [11:00:36] Tobi : Gosh
    [11:00:47] Tobi : Ele, ko just does this, so do it
    [11:01:01] KOkingpin : i do this because i dont want fucking cheaters ruining this site
    [11:01:16] KOkingpin : because i actually give a damn
    [11:01:18] KOkingpin : so shut the fuck up pakri
    [11:01:25] Element : then i lose
    [11:01:39] Lord Ryu : Pakry's hurtin' for a ban
    [11:01:49] KOkingpin : come back when you have a legit team
    [11:01:51] Lord Ryu : Well, now we know Element has hax.
    [11:01:58] Lord Ryu : This has obviously made us better people
    [11:02:05] Lord Ryu sighs
    [11:02:07] Lord Ryu : Fucking drama
    [11:03:17] Tobi : why should i be banned when i'm trying to help?
    [11:03:39] Lord Ryu : Because you're being a douche
    [11:03:57] Lord Ryu : And all you're doing is arguing with Matt
    [11:04:14] Tobi : ....which matt?
    [11:04:33] Tobi : i'm telling elemetn just to show his team
    [11:05:08] Lord Ryu : Yes, Pakry, I'm talking in third person
    [11:05:17] Lord Ryu facepalms
    [11:05:48] KOkingpin : atleast when i used hacked pokemon they were 100% legit
    [11:05:57] KOkingpin : keyword "used"
    [11:05:58] Lord Ryu : Same
    [11:06:10] KOkingpin : shit they dont even all have 31 IVs
    [11:06:42] Lord Ryu : No one with a brain hacks for all 31 IVs
    [11:06:46] Lord Ryu : Too obvious
    [11:06:56] KOkingpin : if something happens that doesnt seem legit im Always gonna ask to see your team
    [11:07:01] KOkingpin : ALWAYS
    [11:07:18] Element : i dont have all 31 hacks
    [11:07:19] KOkingpin : wtf no garchomp goes Full HPs
    [11:07:23] Tobi : hey, i've been only doing 31 iv's in two statss, MAX
    [11:07:25] KOkingpin : and Max Defense
    [11:07:59] Tobi : but ya, other then that, and the fact i'm picking what nature they are, and where i can find them, they are ligit
    [11:08:17] Tobi : and i'd be glad to show you my team before we battle
    [11:08:43] KOkingpin : thats fine and im sorry for calling Hacks on your pokes Pakri but they were hacked i just thought you did the wrong ability on Medicham
    [11:09:06] KOkingpin : i thought it had to have The Absol ability to hit 5 - 6 crits
    [11:09:20] Tobi : oh, nope, it was an item. And, thosos pokemon weren't hacked, but i used a hack to change my name
    [11:09:24] KOkingpin : with non crit moves
    [11:09:57] Tobi : however, the pokemon who i'm going to used....kinda hacked. By that, i just mean i;'m making them be in a place that they aren't normaly
    [11:10:15] KOkingpin : well fix it
    [11:10:18] KOkingpin : its not hard
    [11:10:48] KOkingpin : when you hack them you have to make them undetectable
    [11:11:00] KOkingpin : any other competitive league will ban you for that shit
    [11:11:19] KOkingpin : most of Smogon is against any hacking of any sort
    [11:11:28] Tobi : ya, but this site said it was cool, as long as evs, moves, and iv's weren't hacked
    [11:11:35] KOkingpin : MLG is cracking down on the hacking
    [11:11:42] Tobi : which, is one reason why i'm still here
    [11:11:53] KOkingpin : well fuck it then ill fix that god damned rule
    [11:12:06] Tobi : why?
    [11:12:21] KOkingpin : because i can
    [11:12:27] KOkingpin : and if we want REAL members
    [11:12:31] KOkingpin : we have to do these things
    [11:12:35] Lord Ryu : Matt, you do realize Sami uses a large amount of hacks, right?
    [11:12:39] Tobi : XD
    [11:12:47] KOkingpin : im tired of getting over hacking chumps like some people
    [11:12:48] Lord Ryu : True story XD
    [11:12:52] KOkingpin : yeah i know
    [11:12:53] Tobi : told you, never gona happen
    [11:13:00] KOkingpin : but she makes them almost undetecable
    [11:13:02] Element : thats y he didnt put no hacked pokemon in the rulez
    [11:13:07] KOkingpin : detectable
    [11:13:09] Lord Ryu : I had to have hacked at least 80-100 Pokes for Sami XD
    [11:13:22] Tobi : some perople don't want to spen forever getting the right pokemon
    [11:13:23] Lord Ryu : Element, Sami is a girl and my older sister XD
    [11:13:25] KOkingpin : i know i used to hack for her too
    [11:13:34] Element : loop hole in the rulez
    [11:13:44] Tobi : XD
    [11:13:55] Lord Ryu : lulz
    [11:13:56] KOkingpin : If you dont want to spend a long time on them
    [11:14:00] KOkingpin : THEN FUCKING HACK THEM RIGHT
    [11:14:00] Tobi : i could make them undetecable, but why? i'm telling you right now
    [11:14:07] KOkingpin : Or you will NEVER
    [11:14:10] Tobi : yep
    [11:14:16] KOkingpin : Get passed My Dojo with a skip card
    [11:14:29] KOkingpin : without~
    [11:14:33] Element : i will mae a legit team then time 2 migrate
    [11:15:10] Tobi : dude, what you did is still not cool
    [11:15:26] Element : i know
    [11:16:00] Element : is there a way 2 delvl a pokemon
    [11:16:15] Lord Ryu : Mo
    [11:16:18] Lord Ryu : *No
    [11:17:38] KOkingpin : im checking Facebook and im going to sleep
    [11:18:40] KOkingpin is Disconnected on Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:18 am
    [11:19:54] Tobi : ko, i wanted to abttle you
    [11:19:59] Tobi : X(
    [11:20:07] Tobi : dam
    [11:25:55] Lord Ryu : DENIED
    [11:28:38] Lord Ryu is Disconnected on Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:28 am
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
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    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Zenith Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:13 am

    [04:34:11] Shiki : Oh now that's some bullshit
    [04:34:27] Shiki : It doesn't convert Japanese characters
    [04:35:33] Shiki : So much for my super awesome 志貴 name
    [04:39:23] Shiki : うそだ!
    [04:39:31] Shiki : うそつき!
    [04:41:47] Shiki :    _, ._
    [04:42:00] Shiki : ( ・ω・)  嘘だッ!!!
    [04:42:13] Shiki :   ○={=}〇,
    [04:42:27] Shiki :    |:::::::::\, ', ´
    [04:42:40] Shiki : 、、、、し 、、、(((.@)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    [04:43:01] Shiki :    \    .|       ,,...-‐‐‐--、,      l    /    /  
    [04:43:15] Shiki :    |、  /  |   ,.べ;;;;;::、--- 、:::;;`ヽ、   ''‐-‐'゙/   /   
    [04:43:41] Shiki :  、,_,.! ゙'-'゙(.    //::/´       ``ヾ、      l       &#
    [04:43:54] Shiki :   )    (.  /:,`!ヾ、.      ,      ゙>-    ヽ、_,,./  &
    [04:44:07] Shiki :  '゙"`ヽ, /``/::;:゙;゙:Exclamation.Neutral ``'''‐--‐''゙   '-‐'゙ ゙、       /   &
    [04:44:16] Shiki : WTFNOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    [04:44:23] Shiki : Fuck you smileys
    [04:44:37] Shiki : Ruined my ASCIIあrt
    [04:44:55] Shiki : 猫猫にゃああああああ
    [04:46:05] Shiki : 追いいいいい意、市キーちゃん
    [04:46:36] Shiki : まあまあ
    [04:50:30] Shiki : Okay, clearly I am in no state to be posting on a message board, I will take my leave
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:08 pm

    [16:57:36] Lord Ryu : v furry
    [16:57:36] @ Sagechild : ^ gay
    [16:57:40] @ Sagechild : XD
    [16:57:40] Tobi : XD
    [16:57:40] Lord Ryu : XD

    [17:03:01] Tobi : I lvoe you NINA!
    [17:03:02] @ Sagechild : ^ bent over chair
    [17:03:23] Tobi : god damnit, not combo broken, which means the combo is faggy
    [17:03:24] Lord Ryu : lulz
    [17:04:09] @ Sagechild : mwahahahaha
    [17:04:24] Lord Ryu : ^ a French person
    [17:04:35] Lord Ryu : ULTIMATE INSULT
    Element Sensei
    Element Sensei

    Number of posts : 706
    Age : 37
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    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfa490
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Shiki Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:11 pm

    Oh that's jewy, I thought the chat log gets deleted if no one else is on. Last fucking time I'm going on here at 4am under the influence of cocksMudkipsJewsJewsJewsDESUGregory Housesome inebriating substances.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
    Age : 30
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    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Zenith Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:45 pm

    Shiki wrote:Oh that's jewy, I thought the chat log gets deleted if no one else is on. Last fucking time I'm going on here at 4am under the influence of cocksMudkipsJewsJewsJewsDESUGregory Housesome inebriating substances.
    Haha, I turned on the archive, saw that and NEEDED TO LOG IT.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:51 pm

    I saw it as well, and then ryu logged it, and i died a bit inside.
    Element Sensei
    Element Sensei

    Number of posts : 706
    Age : 37
    Yen : 19700
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfa490
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Shiki Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:04 pm

    Fuck, I've never noticed the Archive button before.

    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:06 pm

    [16:48:28] Lord Ryu : lulz, beat Pakry
    [16:48:35] xXSpeed HunterXx : that would suck
    [16:48:35] Lord Ryu : Now I need to beat Dunk or something
    [16:48:40] Tobi : good job ryu
    [16:48:40] Lord Ryu : I hate Doubles
    [16:48:46] Lord Ryu : good game Pakry
    [16:48:49] xXSpeed HunterXx : ya
    [16:48:51] Tobi : no ryu, i've taked over that dojo
    [16:48:52] @ Sagechild : XD
    [16:48:56] Lord Ryu : Skill Swap and walls kill your team
    [16:49:00] Lord Ryu : OH SO I WIN
    [16:49:04] Lord Ryu : WHOO-HOO
    [16:49:06] Tobi : so, you get the belt
    [16:49:13] Lord Ryu : ZACK GIMME MY BELT
    [16:49:21] Shiki : Because Pakri doesn't play right
    [16:49:23] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [16:49:30] Lord Ryu : lulz
    [16:49:35] Tobi : ya, i did the same thig with zack...other then the fact i killed him the first time
    [16:49:45] Tobi : shut up hero, i can wipe you out
    [16:49:57] xXSpeed HunterXx : .......................................................
    [16:50:04] Tobi : don't mock people for loseing if they can beat you
    [16:50:09] xXSpeed HunterXx : i making a third wall
    [16:50:20] @ Sagechild : I tried to lose the first tiem, Jewbi.
    [16:50:20] Shiki : Just like the Jews were wiped out by the Ger
    [16:50:24] @ Sagechild : I built a shitty team.
    [16:50:24] xXSpeed HunterXx : XD
    [16:50:31] Shiki : Oh yeah, a Jew here
    [16:50:31] @ Sagechild : And you only won because of a lucky crit.
    [16:50:32] Tobi : and, i've yet to see someone who CAN'T beat you
    [16:50:41] xXSpeed HunterXx : my friends
    [16:50:45] Tobi : so, i still won
    [16:50:51] Tobi : don't mater
    [16:50:51] xXSpeed HunterXx : my ex friends
    [16:50:53] @ Sagechild : xD
    [16:50:53] Ninja : =X
    [16:51:07] @ Sagechild : It's sad that the only reason you beat someone who built a team to lose is buy a crit.
    [16:51:07] xXSpeed HunterXx : almost anyone at my school or neighborhood
    [16:51:12] Tobi : PLAY TO WIN!
    [16:51:15] Ninja : Beedrill is the coolest bug pokemon EVAR <3
    [16:51:18] Tobi : and you lie zack
    [16:51:25] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [16:51:25] Tobi : they were all eved, so you lie
    [16:51:28] xXSpeed HunterXx : it is awsome
    [16:51:35] @ Sagechild : No, I don't.
    [16:51:38] Shiki : Ninja has been fapping to Beedrill for the past five minutes
    [16:51:44] @ Sagechild : Yeah, I'm not going to use un ev'ed.
    [16:51:45] @ Sagechild : XD
    [16:51:51] Ninja : -_-
    [16:52:01] @ Sagechild : It's true.
    [16:52:07] Lord Ryu : lolshiki
    [16:52:12] Ninja : I still think that Torkoal deserves Fire Fang
    [16:52:19] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [16:52:21] @ Sagechild : LULZ.
    [16:52:33] Shiki : Good news Ninja, since everyone at Smogon bitched and moaned about Ice Shard, Beedrill is no longer such a worthless space!
    [16:52:34] @ Sagechild : I'm going to raise a Jynx and name is Sarai.
    [16:52:42] @ Sagechild : it*
    [16:52:49] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [16:53:22] xXSpeed HunterXx : shiny dialga with spacial rend and judgement
    [16:53:23] Ninja : Beedrill isn't weak to ice xD
    [16:53:26] Tobi :
    [16:53:27] xXSpeed HunterXx : total hax
    [16:53:38] Tobi : go to that page
    [16:53:39] xXSpeed HunterXx : y
    [16:53:47] Tobi : tells ubers
    [16:53:56] Tobi : and doesn't list D-S, or Wob
    [16:54:04] Tobi : why is wob so good anyway?
    [16:54:04] xXSpeed HunterXx : i jist go serebii
    [16:54:21] Tobi : it's so slow
    [16:54:34] Ninja : And Beedrill learns Baton Pass in XD
    [16:54:44] xXSpeed HunterXx : i know
    [16:55:24] xXSpeed HunterXx : if wob has 255 EVs in atk and has a focus sash
    [16:55:43] xXSpeed HunterXx : one hit left with one hp..... you'll know hte result
    [16:55:50] xXSpeed HunterXx : Counter or Mirror coat
    [16:56:00] Shiki : Why would you EV attack? Counter ignores Attack
    [16:56:00] xXSpeed HunterXx : either one you're toast
    [16:56:02] Tobi : ...but then, he waits till nest turn to kill
    [16:56:13] xXSpeed HunterXx : srry i meant HP
    [16:56:21] Tobi : why is DB so good on a slow guy?
    [16:56:27] xXSpeed HunterXx : i get lost when typing lol
    [16:56:31] Shiki : But yeah, it basically guarantees at least one of the opponents Pokes is dead
    [16:56:34] Shiki : That's pretty cheap
    [16:56:37] Tobi : so does FEAR
    [16:56:39] xXSpeed HunterXx : DB?
    [16:56:45] xXSpeed HunterXx : ya
    [16:56:46] Tobi : destony bond
    [16:56:54] Tobi : also
    [16:56:57] xXSpeed HunterXx : ahhh
    [16:56:57] Tobi : ryu
    [16:57:05] Tobi : what happened to the MM games?
    [16:57:17] xXSpeed HunterXx : MM?
    [16:57:38] Lord Ryu : Murder Mystery?
    [16:57:40] Lord Ryu : Totally forgot
    [16:57:44] Lord Ryu : Send in votes
    [16:57:46] Shiki : Pakri is so much of a Jew that he shortens everything into acronyms
    [16:57:46] Lord Ryu : XD
    [16:57:54] @ Sagechild : lulz
    [16:57:55] @ Sagechild : SAMI WAS THE MURDERER?
    [16:58:05] Tobi : i just bumbed the darn thing
    [16:58:12] Shiki : TIME IS MONEY
    [16:58:32] Tobi : do, just heros the only one who doesn't get them
    [16:58:32] @ Sagechild : *just feels like knowing the second killer, screw the rest of the game*
    [16:58:42] Lord Ryu : Bah
    [16:58:43] Tobi : ya, lets restart the game
    [16:58:50] Lord Ryu : The killer was
    [16:58:56] Tobi : ME
    [16:59:00] xXSpeed HunterXx : ahh
    [16:59:01] Tobi : yes, me
    [16:59:03] Lord Ryu : Shiki
    [16:59:04] @ Sagechild : Nope.
    [16:59:07] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [16:59:11] Tobi : right ryu?
    [16:59:13] @ Sagechild : I used my psychic powers on the Jew.
    [16:59:15] Lord Ryu : IT WAS SHIKI
    [16:59:15] @ Sagechild : Civilian.
    [16:59:20] Shiki : Jewbi doesn't have the cunning to be a killer
    [16:59:28] Lord Ryu : XD
    [16:59:30] Tobi : ...thats why i'd be great at it
    [16:59:40] Tobi : no one would think it was me
    [16:59:45] @ Sagechild : No.
    [16:59:47] Tobi : yes
    [16:59:50] @ Sagechild : You'd be caught.
    [16:59:52] Tobi : by who?
    [16:59:58] Shiki : I killed Duncan so everyone would suspect Pakri
    [17:00:08] Tobi : but he's my friend
    [17:00:14] @ Sagechild : Ryu would be like "There was a murder commited. A bloody star of david was found on the gorund near the victim."
    [17:00:14] Tobi : XD
    [17:00:19] Tobi : tharts not fair
    [17:00:20] Lord Ryu : XD
    [17:00:23] Lord Ryu : I WOULD
    [17:00:26] Shiki : Lol, star of david
    [17:00:27] @ Sagechild : ground*
    [17:00:36] Tobi : and, i'm Neo-pagan
    [17:00:41] @ Sagechild : I'd be like "SHIKI OR TOBI? SHIKI OR TOBI?
    [17:00:43] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [17:00:46] Tobi : XD
    [17:00:47] Shiki : How is that not far, everyone knows Jews mark their place on murders
    [17:00:53] Tobi : fair
    [17:00:56] Shiki : fair*
    [17:00:58] Tobi : XD
    [17:00:59] @ Sagechild : neo-PAgan is a way to say "DEERRRRRRr"
    [17:01:19] Tobi : wait....have i eaten today?
    [17:01:24] Tobi : i don't think i have
    [17:01:29] xXSpeed HunterXx : brb
    [17:01:31] @ Sagechild : ^ cock
    [17:01:31] Lord Ryu : XDDDDDDDD
    [17:01:33] Tobi : yes, i have one
    [17:01:36] Lord Ryu : XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    [17:01:40] Shiki : The broken dreams of the people you oppressed
    [17:01:40] Lord Ryu : COMBO BROKEN
    [17:01:44] GreetsTheMoon has been disconnected the Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:01 pm (session timeout)
    [17:01:44] Tobi : XS
    [17:01:45] @ Sagechild : You've eaten lotsa cock todayo
    [17:01:48] @ Sagechild : XD
    [17:01:50] @ Sagechild : Cunt.
    [17:01:58] Tobi : cunt licker!
    [17:02:15] @ Sagechild : ^ he wishes he could be one
    [17:02:20] Shiki : Greets left to eat some cock also, but he has an excuse since he's gay
    [17:02:25] @ Sagechild : xD
    [17:02:32] Tobi : and what are we?
    [17:02:39] Lord Ryu : lulz, I got Lucario, Kirby, Luigi and Snake in the Random Tounrey I entered
    [17:02:40] @ Sagechild : Shine's boyfriend is on holiday I think.
    [17:02:41] Tobi : really, am i gay, Bi, or Straite
    [17:02:49] Shiki : Jew, so asexual
    [17:02:53] Tobi : XD
    [17:03:08] @ Sagechild : I was going to say hermy...
    [17:03:14] Shiki : Jews reproduce by budding
    [17:03:17] Tobi : ^Gayer then shine^
    [17:03:20] Tobi : shiki
    [17:03:24] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [17:03:27] @ Sagechild : YAY
    [17:03:35] @ Sagechild : HE USED WORDS THAT AREN'T REAL.
    [17:03:37] Tobi : whyed you do that?
    [17:03:47] @ Sagechild : ^ fag
    [17:04:13] xXSpeed HunterXx : lol
    [17:04:15] Shiki : It's fine, no one would suspect Shine was gay unless he started talking
    [17:04:16] Tobi : ^About as smart as hero^
    [17:04:23] xXSpeed HunterXx : ^ idiot^
    [17:04:27] Shiki : Pakri is pissing me right the fuck off now though
    [17:04:27] Tobi : DAM
    [17:04:38] xXSpeed HunterXx :
    [17:04:39] Tobi : sorry
    [17:04:45] Lord Ryu : Zack go kick Tobi XD
    [17:04:50] Tobi : i try for zack and you pop up
    [17:04:52] Sagechild is Disconnected on Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:04 pm
    [17:04:53] Sagechild has joined the chat the Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:04 pm
    [17:05:03] Shiki : About to reinstate the Final Solution
    [17:05:05] Tobi : v Gay
    [17:05:09] @ Sagechild : He's my guard.
    [17:05:09] Tobi : YES
    [17:05:13] Tobi : IT WROKED
    [17:05:15] @ Sagechild : v fag
    [17:05:29] Shiki : ^ MIRROR MOOOOOOOOOOOOVE
    [17:05:31] @ Sagechild : I'm not a cigarette
    [17:05:36] Tobi : ^ fag v
    [17:05:36] Lord Ryu : lulz
    [17:05:45] Lord Ryu : Fuck you Pakry.
    [17:05:48] @ Sagechild : /kcik Tobi
    [17:05:50] Tobi : XD
    [17:05:55] Tobi has been kicked by Sagechild
    [17:05:59] @ Sagechild : Yay
    [17:06:00] Lord Ryu : XD
    [17:05:57] You are disconnected.
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    Post by Zenith Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:18 pm

    [15:15] Ryu: Also
    [15:15] Ryu: Garchomp has killed OU
    [15:15] Ryu: ...actually, more like raped and implaed it
    [15:15] Ryu: *impaled
    [15:15] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Yeah.
    [15:15] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Stealth Rock helped him do it.
    [15:15] Ryu: But Stealth Rock isn't as bad as Garchomp
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Meh.
    [15:16] Ryu: Garchomp has HUEG movepool and massive stats
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: I've never had issues with Garchomp
    [15:16] Ryu: Good for you?
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: lulz
    [15:16] Ryu: He's stil lbreaking OU
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: He is.
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: And Stealth Rock is breaking EVERYTHING.
    [15:16] Ryu: How so?
    [15:16] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Well.
    [15:17] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: (Link: (ead that)
    [15:17] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: read*
    [15:17] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: First post. lulz
    [15:17] Ryu: Bah, if you can't come up with an argument on your own, I don't feel like speaking
    [15:17] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: lmao
    [15:18] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: My arguemnt is nearly the same as his.
    [15:18] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: It makes pokemon unviable entirely.
    [15:18] Ryu: Sami still uses Moltres, and it stil lrapes
    [15:18] Ryu: *still rapes
    [15:18] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Spinning is on a decline anyways, and a lot of spinners take 25% damage.
    [15:18] Ryu: Al lyou need is a Rapid Spinner
    [15:18] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: From SR.
    [15:19] Ryu: Whereas you can't rapid spon Garchomp
    [15:19] Ryu: *spin
    [15:19] Ryu: I CANNOT TYPE TODAY
    [15:19] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: It's an overly high reward move for such a small amount of work.
    [15:19] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: You can Ice Shard Garchomp easily.
    [15:19] Ryu: But G-chomp is bulky.
    [15:19] Ryu: It'll likely still be alive
    [15:19] Ryu: AND THEN YOU'RE DEAD.
    [15:19] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: OHKO'ed every one.
    [15:19] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: XD
    [15:20] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: STAB Life Orb Uce Shard from Weavile gets every dragon in OU.
    [15:20] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Ice*
    [15:20] Ryu: But it's quite conditional.
    [15:21] Ryu: Also, what is a Uce Shard?
    [15:21] Ryu: XD
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Anyways, both moves have overcentralised the metagame.
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: things****
    [15:21] Ryu: Ice Shard?
    [15:21] Ryu: XD
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Garchomp and Stealth Rock.
    [15:21] Ryu: MORE ON THIS AT ELEVEN
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: XD
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: We should make a prank article on shuten.
    [15:21] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: xDD
    [15:22] Ryu: =DDDDDDDDD
    [15:22] Ryu: LET'S DO IT
    [15:22] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: WE have to now.
    [15:22] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: xD
    [15:22] Ryu: I'LL GO WRITE IT
    [15:22] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Okies?
    [15:22] Ryu: You can post it because no one would believe me.
    [15:23] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: lol, okay.
    [15:23] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: xDD
    [15:23] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Make sure Steph's forewarned.
    [15:23] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: xD
    [15:23] Ryu: I will ,dun worry
    [15:23] Ryu: *will, dun
    [15:24] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: XD
    [15:24] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: This'll be fucking awesome.
    [15:24] Ryu: inorite
    [15:24] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: XD
    [15:31] *** [c=#090376]Zack[/c] has received D:\Matt the Awesome\iceshard.txt.
    [15:31] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: xD
    [15:31] Ryu: lulz
    [15:31] Ryu: COME ON CHUMS LET'S DO THIS
    [15:32] Ryu: LEEROOOOOOOOOY
    [15:33] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: XD
    [15:33] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: Posted.
    [15:33] [c=#090376]Zack[/c]: lulz
    [15:33] Ryu: LULZ
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:21 pm

    Um...i was on when this was posted, and you seem to have changed some stuff.

    No way in hell hero would shut up, so we'd see him in there, and shiki....shiki mockes.

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    Post by Prostiboots Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:19 am

    [00:13:01] Sagechild has joined the chat the Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:13 am
    [00:13:05] Tobi has been banned by Sagechild
    [00:14:33] Tobi has been unbanned by Sagechild
    [00:14:59] Sasami has joined the chat the Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:14 am
    [00:15:25] @ Sagechild : But was it really worth it?
    [00:15:59] @ Sasami : *says something funny*
    [00:16:02] @ Sasami : :p
    [00:17:59] @ Sagechild : EPIC PHAIL.
    [00:18:14] @ Sagechild : Not to be confused with Epic Boobs.
    [00:18:48] @ Sagechild : (side effects of Epic Boobs may turn straight women into lesbians)
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
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    Post by Zenith Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:32 am

    Tobi wrote:Um...i was on when this was posted, and you seem to have changed some stuff.

    No way in hell hero would shut up, so we'd see him in there, and shiki....shiki mockes.
    What are you talking about? I posted an MSN log.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:09 pm


    right, right. My bad.

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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:25 pm

    [16:00:52] GreetsTheMoon : HAY
    [16:00:53] GreetsTheMoon : HAY
    [16:00:54] GreetsTheMoon : HAY
    [16:00:56] GreetsTheMoon : BE ONLINE
    [16:11:11] Lord Ryu : . . .
    [16:11:15] Lord Ryu : I lol'd
    [16:11:27] Lord Ryu slaps Shine
    [16:11:29] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:30] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:32] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:35] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:36] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:37] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:38] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:39] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:40] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:41] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:43] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:44] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:46] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:47] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:49] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:50] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:52] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:54] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:11:55] Lord Ryu : HAY
    [16:11:57] Lord Ryu : LISTEN
    [16:12:07] Lord Ryu : Well, I'm eating dinner now
    [16:12:10] Lord Ryu : lulz
    [16:17:27] Tobi : dam
    [16:22:17] InsaneCultist : Hiiii Toniiii.
    [16:22:33] InsaneCultist : Toni = Way cooler than Tobi.
    [19:20:30] You are disconnected.

    Ahhh. Archives
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:35 pm

    Who is Tony, and why do i want him wacked?

    Chat Record Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:53 am

    InsaneCultist (11:33 PM): Sometimes I imagine DAvid Bowie pooping.
    Shiki says (11:33 PM): And now I have that mental image in my head
    Shiki says (11:33 PM): I can't unsee it
    InsaneCultist (11:33 PM): Haha.
    Shiki says (11:34 PM): I better go scrounge up some porn to offset this horrifying image
    Shiki says (11:34 PM): The worst part is he's singing too

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    Post by Prostiboots Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:38 pm

    [15:11:03] Sagelord Ryuchild : 0_o
    [15:11:09] Sagelord Ryuchild : IS IT A TIME PARADOX?
    [15:11:16] Sagelord Ryuchild : YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT TIME PARADOXES!@
    [15:14:59] Ninja : LolSage
    [15:24:56] Sagelord Ryuchild : lolsage indeed
    [17:46:02] @ Shadchild : Mary had a little lamb
    [17:46:18] @ Shadchild : She tied it to a pylon...
    [17:46:44] @ Shadchild : A thousand volts shot up its ass and turned its wool to nylon
    [17:47:01] @ Shadchild : Don't you just love a happy ending?
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:21 pm

    [17:33:57] Duncan : Hey yo
    [17:34:16] Duncan : ...I said HEY YO!
    [17:58:22] @ Sagechild : ^ lulz
    [18:09:10] Jehyt12 : hello?
    [18:09:22] Jehyt12 : any1 here?
    [18:09:56] Jehyt12 : hello?
    [18:10:33] Jehyt12 : hello is there a live chat?
    [18:11:42] Jehyt12 : HHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLOOO?
    [18:13:16] Lord Ryu : . . .
    [18:13:18] Lord Ryu : Calm down.
    [18:13:40] Tobi : uo
    [18:13:49] Lord Ryu : Hey Pakry
    [18:13:51] Tobi : whats up my negro amego?
    [18:14:37] Jehyt12 : oh srry hi
    [18:14:53] Lord Ryu : ...I'm not black Tobi XD
    [18:14:57] Lord Ryu : Hi new person
    [18:14:59] Jehyt12 : i am tho

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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:14 pm

    [18:54:25] Shiki has joined the chat the Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:54 pm
    [18:55:50] Shiki : JIBUN O
    [18:55:53] Shiki : SEKAI SAE MO KAETE SHIMAESOU NA
    [18:56:03] Shiki : etc and so forth
    [19:07:39] Shiki : ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ Hop (ノಥ_ಥ)ノ♤ Step ╭(ಭ_ಭ)╮♧ Jump 乀(〠_〠乀)♢
    [19:07:54] Shiki : ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ Drew (ノಥ_ಥ)ノ♤ Draw ╭(ಭ_ಭ)╮♧ Drawn 乀(〠_〠
    [19:08:07] Shiki : ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ Chips (ノಥ_ಥ)ノ♤ Syrup ╭(ಭ_ಭ)╮♧ Whipcrᦆ
    [19:08:22] Shiki : ╰(ಠ_ಠ)╯♡ My (ノಥ_ಥ)ノ♤ would-be ╭(ಭ_ಭ)╮♧ self! 乀(
    [19:08:40] Shiki : Wtf fagbox, WHIPCREAM
    [19:09:28] Shiki : My Shugo Chara ASCII is now ruined
    [19:10:25] Shiki : HOW WILL I CHARACTER CHANGE NOW
    [19:10:31] Shiki : I fucking won't, that's how
    [19:11:34] Shiki is Disconnected on Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:11 pm
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    Post by Zenith Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:39 pm

    We love you too, Shiki Razz

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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:50 pm

    Lord Ryu wrote:We love you too, Shiki Razz

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    Post by Shine Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:34 pm

    [22:25:35] xXSpeed HunterXx : claydol sucks
    [22:26:58] xXSpeed HunterXx : what nature should my happiny be?
    [22:27:03] xXSpeed HunterXx : mines adamant
    [22:27:31] GreetsTheMoon : Happiny?
    [22:27:36] GreetsTheMoon : Uhhh...
    [22:27:40] GreetsTheMoon : Certainly not Adamant...
    [22:28:01] GreetsTheMoon : Happiny inevitably becomes a Blissey, and Blissey should be Bold...
    [22:28:18] xXSpeed HunterXx : bold?
    [22:28:26] xXSpeed HunterXx : wha it do?
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    Post by Zenith Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:35 pm


    lolherox, Claydol is one of the best spinners ever.

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