Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

12 posters

    Chat Record Thread


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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:06 pm

    15:54:49] Poss*Child has joined the chat the Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:54 pm
    [15:54:55] Poss*Child : o.O
    [16:01:17] Ninja has been disconnected the Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:01 pm (session timeout)
    [16:04:36] Poss*Child : OHNOEZ!
    [16:05:40] Poss*Child : Now my dreams of being able to open a combination chocolate shop/bakery/Pure Pleasure at the end of the world have been foiled again!
    [16:05:47] Poss*Child : CURSES TO YOU, VILE WOMAN!
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:34 pm's a woman?


    [23:30:26] Shiki : That's pretty emo
    [23:30:32] Poss*Child : KIKEBAG
    [23:30:39] Shiki : A BAG OF KIKES
    [23:30:46] Tobi : yep
    [23:31:00] Tobi : night was to deal when...some bad shit happend
    [23:31:19] Shiki : With such original names, how can you lose!
    [23:31:29] Tobi : i'm neo-pagan, so you can shove it up your ass
    [23:31:33] Shiki : Make sure to name the next one you create Darkz or some shit
    [23:31:39] Tobi : Bob is boring, and rather sleepy
    [23:31:46] Shiki : xXDarkzXx perhaps
    [23:31:50] Tobi : Larry is dead inside
    [23:31:53] Tobi : ...
    [23:31:55] Tobi : no
    [23:32:03] Shiki : Oh please, and Night is better?!
    [23:32:08] Tobi : they only get made when something bid happens, and i can't deal with it
    [23:32:30] Tobi : when my gf really gets knocked up, i'll make 2 or 3
    [23:33:58] Tobi : or when someone dieds
    [23:34:19] Tobi : hell, when lily dies, i made on, that was proply killed by my other personalys
    [23:34:37] Tobi : but, i've got both male, and femal ones. Just more male
    [23:36:38] Tobi : ..what?
    [23:36:43] Tobi : is it really that shocking
    [23:36:58] Tobi : Well? Is it?
    [23:37:15] Tobi : You're rather smart, you shouldn't be shocked.
    [23:37:40] Shiki : Actually I'm playing FFXI
    [23:37:50] Shiki : And that's very RL Mary Sue
    [23:38:36] Shiki : There's this crazy ass method to cope with tragedy called "Facing it", but it seems it still hasn't gotten around
    [23:38:51] Shiki : Christ, between you and Poss this is a Fall Out Boy concert
    [23:39:14] Poss*Child : EWWWWWWWWW
    [23:39:21] Poss*Child : FUCKNIGGER
    [23:39:34] Poss*Child : >.>
    [23:39:42] Poss*Child : Ahhhh, much much better
    [23:40:07] Tobi : I like PATD a bit better little boy.
    [23:40:10] Poss*Child : Anyways, no stealing my text colour.
    [23:41:35] Tobi : I don't find it stealing, it's a diffrent hue.
    [23:42:00] Tobi : It might be the same basic color, but not the hue.
    [23:42:18] Tobi : finly then, i'llz do a diffrent one.
    [23:42:22] Shiki : When will you ignorant coons learn that white is right
    [23:42:25] Tobi : GOLD
    [23:42:36] Tobi : but...i'm not a coon
    [23:43:07] Shiki : Jew, same thing
    [23:43:10] Poss*Child : GO THE WHITE WAY.
    [23:43:19] Poss*Child : Err... RIGHT WAY*
    [23:43:24] Poss*Child : OH, WAIT, SAME THING.
    [23:43:37] Tobi : ...Hey jew, shikis talking to you!
    [23:43:39] Poss*Child : ^.^
    [23:44:01] Tobi : wait.....shikis not a jew, I'm not, and childs not...whos the 4th jew?
    [23:44:25] Shiki : Tobi's schizophrenia is finally getting worse it seems
    [23:45:00] Tobi : ....
    [23:45:08] Tobi : i know, i'm taking pills for it
    [23:45:21] Tobi : i started about...a week ago
    [23:45:44] Tobi : i started to see people that weren't there that i couldn't tell if they were real of not
    [23:45:55] Shiki : They're telling you to bone your mom
    [23:46:41] Tobi : nope
    [23:46:45] Tobi : she's dead
    [23:46:51] Tobi : my step-moms ok
    [23:47:13] Poss*Child : o.O
    [23:47:15] Poss*Child : O.o
    [23:47:19] Tobi : at dads 57, shes 28
    [23:47:22] Shiki : They don't care if she's dead
    [23:47:28] Shiki : Just means she can't say no
    [23:47:34] Poss*Child : NECROPHELIA
    [23:47:41] Tobi : coz your an asshole shiki
    [23:48:09] Shiki : Yeah, pretty much
    [23:48:16] Shiki : I'm that awesome
    [23:48:36] Tobi : taped your mom when you were 14 shiki....
    [23:48:50] Tobi : it juts sound like something you'd do
    [23:48:57] Shiki : taped?
    [23:49:02] Shiki : The hell did I tape
    [23:49:27] Shiki : That's a bit of an ambiguous comeback
    [23:49:36] Poss*Child : HETEROCHROMIA!
    [23:49:52] Shiki : DESU
    [23:50:12] Poss*Child : xD
    [23:50:23] Poss*Child : Central section heterochromia ftw
    [23:50:31] Shiki : As a part of the Aryan Society, I am proclaiming that heterochromia is a positive Aryan trait
    [23:50:47] Shiki : You're one step closer to attaining the dream Poss
    [23:50:49] Tobi : ...wha?
    [23:51:03] Poss*Child : lolwhut
    [23:51:24] Poss*Child : The hair dye phailed. Too dark, must go way lighter to get results.
    [23:51:49] Shiki : Oh, you failed as an Aryan then
    [23:52:44] Poss*Child : I'm redying tomorrow.
    [23:54:42] Shiki : Shit, with your ginger hair you'd need to probably bleach it first
    [23:54:59] Shiki : tone up with bleach, then tone down with dye
    [23:55:26] Shiki : My mom was a hairdresser before an English proffesor, I know my goddamn hair
    [23:55:28] Poss*Child : *sends you a Slowpoke on jewbook*
    [23:55:36] Shiki : NOOOOOOOOOOOO
    [23:55:42] Poss*Child : I'm going to keep a bit of my gingerness.
    [23:56:14] Tobi : FIRECROUCH!
    [23:56:14] Shiki : To remind you of the fail?!
    [23:57:02] Poss*Child : No, I'd look horrible without at least a little ginger.
    [23:57:30] Poss*Child : Yes, yes. My pubic hair is, in fact, red.
    [23:57:32] Shiki : Ah, the freckles, true
    [23:57:39] Poss*Child : Yeah.
    [23:58:10] Poss*Child : *sent you Slowpoke*
    [23:58:30] Shiki : *not going to add that app*
    [23:58:32] Tobi : shiki, log this chat...whoa zack, tmib
    [23:58:49] Shiki : Why would I log it?
    [23:59:17] Poss*Child : XD
    [23:59:24] Poss*Child : Not even SLOWPOKE!?
    [23:59:25] Poss*Child : WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY?
    [23:59:30] Tobi : i told about my MPD, and coz your my bitchz
    [23:59:32] Tobi :
    [00:00:21] Poss*Child :

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    Post by Zeph Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:34 pm

    Shadow7123 (5:47:58 PM): In Soviet Mushroom Kingdom, Yoshi rides you!
    Overlord Ryu (5:48:10 PM): In Soviet Canada, maple syrups you!
    Shadow7123 (5:48:15 PM): Eh.
    Overlord Ryu (5:48:25 PM): In Soviet Russia, Tetris plays you!
    Shadow7123 (5:48:44 PM): In Soviet America, food eats you!
    Overlord Ryu (5:48:50 PM): ......xDDDDDDD
    Overlord Ryu (5:49:06 PM): In Soviet Japan, DS touches you!
    Shadow7123 (5:49:40 PM): In Soviet Jerusalem, money chases you!
    Overlord Ryu (5:50:27 PM): In Soviet Shuten, Pakry rapes you!
    Shadow7123 (5:51:00 PM): In Soviet Crossfire, Zebesian fears you!

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    Post by Guest Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:43 pm

    Har har.

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    Post by Prostiboots Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:00 am

    InsaneCultist wrote:Har har.
    Hardidily har har.

    (you forgot, "In Soviet pokymanz, Mudkip lieks you!")
    Ubers Sensei
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    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:47 pm

    I think i posted that picture.

    Anyway, good job post on the admin job.

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    Post by Zeph Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:50 am

    [00:42:53] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:42:58] GreetsTheMoon : JELLY
    [00:43:07] Shade : PEANUT BUTTER
    [00:43:13] GreetsTheMoon : Wait.
    [00:43:14] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:43:22] Shade : GODDAMN IT MOON
    [00:43:23] GreetsTheMoon : I want whole wheat bread.
    [00:43:34] Shade : We'll do two sets
    [00:43:40] Ninja : Bread, jelly, PB, wait, bread?
    [00:43:47] GreetsTheMoon : God dammit*
    [00:44:04] Ninja : FINE
    [00:44:04] GreetsTheMoon : Mmkay, start again Ninja.
    [00:44:29] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:44:35] GreetsTheMoon : JELLY
    [00:44:42] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:44:43] Shade : PEANUT BUTTER
    [00:44:49] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:44:52] Shade : goddamn it NINJA
    [00:44:58] Shade : No moar bread!
    [00:45:06] Ninja : Too mucj bread.
    [00:45:09] Ninja : *much.
    [00:45:23] Ninja : Although I phail too see what's wrong with that sandwich.
    [00:45:29] Ninja : *to
    [00:45:42] Ninja : I can't see what I'm typing >_<
    [00:45:54] GreetsTheMoon : Okay, just do it again.
    [00:46:05] Shade : Lol this is fun
    [00:46:08] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:46:13] GreetsTheMoon : jelly
    [00:46:27] Shade : GODDAMN IT MOON
    [00:46:30] Shade : NEEDS CAPITALS
    [00:46:35] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:46:45] GreetsTheMoon : I like more peanut butter than jelly.
    [00:46:50] Shade : FIEN
    [00:46:52] Ninja : D=
    [00:47:00] Shade : That
    [00:47:01] GreetsTheMoon : And can't we toast the bread?
    [00:47:02] Ninja : BREAD!
    [00:47:09] Shade : GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
    [00:47:14] GreetsTheMoon : jelly
    [00:47:24] Shade : Moar Jelly
    [00:47:27] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:47:36] GreetsTheMoon : JELLY
    [00:47:40] Shade : Strawberry Jam
    [00:47:44] Ninja : BREAD
    [00:47:59] Ninja : WHITE BREAD
    [00:47:59] GreetsTheMoon : WHERE'S THE PEANUT BUTTER?!
    [00:48:02] Shade : Water
    [00:48:13] Ninja : MILK
    [00:48:43] Shade : MY EYES
    [00:48:54] Ninja : Wow, we phail at teamwork.
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    Post by Zenith Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:52 am

    Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Cracker-launcher

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    Post by Guest Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:08 pm

    Worst. Sammich. Ever.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:46 pm

    You take the bread, then take a knive then tell a woman to make it of you stab.

    Easy. However, if your a woman, you mix the Penut butter and the jelly together. then place it on bread. Then put another peice of bread over it.

    And thats how you do it.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    Post by Ninja Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:56 pm

    Hey, I still phail to see what's wrong with a Bread-Jelly-Bread-Peanut Butter-Bread sammich.
    Ubers Sensei
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    Post by Tobi Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:57 pm

    Nothing, i just find the other way is easyer.

    But, it's your meal, so have it like you want to.
    Element Sensei
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    Post by Shiki Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:14 pm

    You might as well have a bread sandwich.
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    Post by Zenith Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:38 pm

    Shiki wrote:You might as well have a bread sandwich.

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    Post by Prostiboots Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:09 pm

    Lord Ryu wrote:
    Shiki wrote:You might as well have a bread sandwich.
    Delicious indeed.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:41 am

    It's only good if you use white bread.

    As black bread phails.

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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:21 pm

    Tobi wrote:It's only good if you use white bread.

    As black bread phails.

    The only breads good enough to be eaten plain aren't easy to find in America.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:35 pm

    never said american bread, just white bread.

    the more you pay, the better it should be.

    it works with food AND sex.

    Number of posts : 897
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    Post by Zeph Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:52 pm

    Ninja will die by the end of this conversation

    [20:41:07] Hero X : ill try
    [20:41:27] NateRiver : kk tyvm
    [20:41:50] NateRiver : I'll play thro a little to get ahold of a friend code lmao
    [20:44:07] Hero X : k
    [20:45:00] NateRiver : lol I justed started the nbew game lol. But I still remember most of what to do. lmao /\ /\
    [20:45:40] Hero X : lol
    [20:46:00] NateRiver : lol
    [20:46:51] Hero X : im playin whit my tog
    [20:46:55] Hero X : dog*
    [20:47:12] NateRiver : Razz I put the name as 'Near' lol
    [20:47:19] Hero X : lol
    [20:47:22] NateRiver : lol wat kind of dog?
    [20:47:27] Hero X : yorkie
    [20:47:46] Sagechild has been disconnected the Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:47 pm (session timeout)
    [20:47:55] NateRiver : thems is small dogs lol
    [20:47:57] Hero X : i no
    [20:48:03] Hero X : but cute ^_^
    [20:48:14] NateRiver : lol
    [20:48:40] Hero X : u no pokemon mystery dungoen blu
    [20:49:04] NateRiver : yeah
    [20:49:31] NateRiver : I havent played it in awhile tho, een playin the new one
    [20:49:56] Hero X : don hav new 1 but...
    [20:50:03] Hero X : mine is sooo fucked up
    [20:50:12] Hero X : i wont even be read by my ds
    [20:50:30] NateRiver : lol that sucks
    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    Post by Ninja Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:54 pm


    And strangely, I was still able to type that. o.0
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Post by Tobi Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:57 pm

    No ninja, almost dead.

    Shadey-poo, if you had added two more lines he really WOULD be dead.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:08 am

    [00:06:03] @ Sagechild : Someone was like "Your weavile will lose to my CS Garchomp."
    [00:06:06] Sagechild is Disconnected on Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:06 am
    [00:06:07] Sagechild has joined the chat the Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:06 am
    [00:06:19] @ Sagechild : I was like "lol, Ice Shard"
    [00:06:33] @ Sasami : o_0 that person was an idiot
    [00:06:39] Ninja : That might have been me xD
    [00:06:46] @ Sasami : Oh XD hahahaha
    [00:06:50] @ Sagechild : xD
    [00:07:00] @ Sasami : uh, sorry, Ninja :p lol
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

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    Post by Ninja Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:50 am

    [03:35:50] @ Sasami : Suicune is cooler than Raikou
    [03:36:02] @ Sasami : just felt that it needed to be said
    [03:36:05] @ Sasami : lol
    [03:36:25] @ Sagechild : No it hasn't.
    [03:36:48] Ninja : Raikou pwns
    [03:36:54] @ Sagechild : I remember in Red/Blue that it, at least, wasn't that way.
    [03:36:57] @ Sagechild : OOH.
    [03:37:00] Ninja : Because....he has a cloak =P
    [03:37:07] @ Sagechild : Soon... Deoxys event
    [03:37:13] @ Sasami : Nope, it was still an event move in RBY
    [03:37:17] @ Sasami : and yup!
    [03:37:32] Ninja : *cloak cape
    [03:37:37] @ Sasami : You got Surfing Pikachu from Stadium ^^
    [03:37:54] Ninja : PBR
    [03:38:00] Ninja : Team is done planing
    [03:38:01] @ Sagechild : OH... duh.
    [03:38:04] Ninja : *planning
    [03:38:06] @ Sagechild : Stadium doesn't count. fail
    [03:38:15] @ Sagechild : *wants the Deoxys*
    [03:38:18] @ Sasami : Stadium ROCKED
    [03:38:20] @ Sasami : <3
    [03:38:27] @ Sagechild : It has a special item/two secret moves
    [03:38:27] @ Sasami : Loved both of them
    [03:38:30] Ninja : Of course, it'll take a few months for me to actually get motivated enough to make it xD
    [03:38:42] @ Sagechild : Is your gamestop doing the event?
    [03:38:42] @ Sasami : lol, the special item is nevermeltice, you know :p
    [03:38:47] @ Sasami : yup
    [03:38:54] @ Sasami : all of them should be
    [03:38:57] Ninja : I know about that xD
    [03:39:00] Ninja : I laughed
    [03:39:02] @ Sagechild : HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE ITEM IS?
    [03:39:06] @ Sagechild : xD
    [03:39:08] Ninja : I might go.
    [03:39:12] @ Sasami : BECAUSE GAMESTOP'S WEBSITE SAID SO
    [03:39:13] @ Sagechild : *suspicion*
    [03:39:15] @ Sasami : XD
    [03:39:20] Ninja : Japan already had their event
    [03:39:26] @ Sagechild : Meh, it's a Deoxys. I don't have one.
    [03:39:27] Ninja : And got Nevermeltice
    [03:39:30] @ Sasami : It's the same Deoxys given away at the movies in Japan
    [03:39:44] @ Sasami : so it has Extremespeed
    [03:39:56] Ninja : Oh boy, 3:40 am
    [03:39:58] @ Sagechild : lol
    [03:40:06] Ninja : And some other move that I forgot
    [03:40:12] Ninja : SAMI
    [03:40:19] @ Sasami : Gamestop's website has all the info
    [03:40:20] Ninja : ARE YOU EXCITED?
    [03:40:28] @ Sasami : excited? XD about the event?
    [03:40:35] @ Sasami : not really, but I plan on going
    [03:40:42] @ Sasami : I'm not a Deoxys fan
    [03:40:46] Ninja : Not about anything in particular, just asking xD
    [03:40:50] @ Sasami : XD I see
    [03:40:51] @ Sagechild : lol
    [03:40:58] @ Sagechild : What nature is it, then?
    [03:41:03] Ninja : I'm excited about exploding smeargle, though xD
    [03:41:15] @ Sagechild : Sexually excited*
    [03:41:33] Ninja : Yes, I'm horny over explosions
    [03:41:41] @ Sagechild : BREAD
    [03:41:43] @ Sagechild : PEANUT BUTTER
    [03:41:55] Ninja : Now please excuse me while I masturbate to my Smeargle
    [03:41:55] @ Sagechild : APPLE BUTTER
    [03:41:58] Ninja : JELLY
    [03:42:00] Ninja : xD
    [03:42:06] @ Sasami : BREAD
    [03:42:07] @ Sagechild : I give up.
    [03:42:09] @ Sagechild : NEVER.
    [03:42:15] @ Sagechild : APPLE BUTTER.
    [03:42:23] @ Sagechild : That's a nast sammich.
    [03:42:25] Ninja : CACTUS JELLY
    [03:42:31] @ Sasami : LETTUCE
    [03:42:36] @ Sasami : XD
    [03:42:38] Ninja : POTATO
    [03:42:39] @ Sagechild : It's got Alex masturbating, and "xD" whatever that may be.
    [03:42:40] @ Sasami : TOMATOES
    [03:42:57] @ Sagechild : KUMQUATS
    [03:43:06] @ Sasami : CHEESE
    [03:43:12] Ninja : MOAR XD
    [03:43:17] @ Sasami : PINEAPPLES
    [03:43:21] @ Sagechild : SALAMI
    [03:43:29] Ninja : CORN!
    [03:43:32] @ Sagechild : GREEEN APPLES
    [03:43:35] @ Sasami : ICE CREAM
    [03:43:48] Ninja : ....Milk?
    [03:43:48] @ Sagechild : SEMEN!
    [03:44:01] Ninja : xD
    [03:44:01] @ Sasami : XD
    [03:44:07] @ Sagechild : xD
    [03:44:09] Ninja : That's not milk, it's SEMEN!
    [03:44:19] @ Sagechild : AND YOU JUST DRANK IT ALL!
    [03:44:26] Ninja : BREAD
    [03:44:36] @ Sagechild : AIDS
    [03:44:38] Ninja : There, sandwish done!
    [03:44:43] Ninja : Phail
    [03:44:43] @ Sasami : haha, the sandwich is complete XD
    [03:44:48] Ninja : *sandwich
    [03:44:48] @ Sagechild : xD
    [03:44:56] @ Sagechild : BREAD
    [03:44:57] Ninja : The AIDS were too late
    [03:44:58] @ Sagechild : AIDS
    [03:44:59] @ Sagechild : STI'S
    [03:45:02] @ Sagechild : USED CONDOMS
    [03:45:03] Ninja : HERPES
    [03:45:04] @ Sagechild : BREAD
    [03:45:23] @ Sagechild : Tha'ts the Shiki sammich
    [03:45:45] Ninja : You forgot the Hemorrhoides

    Last edited by Ninja on Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Zenith Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:26 am

    [11:02:16] Hero X : lol
    [11:02:20] Hero X : XD
    [11:02:20] Master Chief : yes,yes you are
    [11:02:25] Lord Ryu : You're being stupid MC, that's a crime here
    [11:02:40] Master Chief : what is? standing up for halo fans?
    [11:02:41] Hero X : ur face is a crime
    [11:02:51] Hero X : HALO OWNS
    [11:02:56] Lord Ryu : Additionally, I've been in a fair share of fights myself
    [11:03:07] Lord Ryu : Most of them one
    [11:03:08] Master Chief : and you lost all 2 fights!
    [11:03:10] Lord Ryu : *won
    [11:03:11] Hero X : do u have battle scars?
    [11:03:12] Master Chief : PWNED!
    [11:03:23] Master Chief : omg you were owned
    [11:03:25] Hero X : i do
    [11:03:30] Lord Ryu : The ones I lost were when people are too weak to fight me on their own
    [11:03:40] Hero X : omg
    [11:03:40] Lord Ryu : Yes, I do happen to have a few
    [11:03:43] Hero X : weak
    [11:03:49] Hero X : i have 6
    [11:03:55] Lord Ryu : And they had to get friends to help beat me down
    [11:04:00] Lord Ryu : Good for you Hero x?
    [11:04:03] Master Chief : i have paintball scars, battle scars and a hockey scar i can take a hit buddy
    [11:04:09] Lord Ryu : Because getting injured totally makes you ghetto.
    [11:04:14] Master Chief : and give one 3 times more powerfull back
    [11:04:25] Hero X : and ur emo
    [11:04:29] Lord Ryu : If I poked you you'd be on the ground crying.
    [11:04:31] Hero X : dude get over it
    [11:04:35] Lord Ryu : I'm emo now?
    [11:04:36] Hero X : no
    [11:04:47] Hero X : if i gave u a wussy slap
    [11:05:01] Lord Ryu : I'm not really supposed to hit woman anyway
    [11:05:10] Hero X : u'd b on the ground crying like a baby
    [11:05:17] Hero X : O_o
    [11:05:23] Hero X : BITCH
    [11:05:23] Master Chief : lol now he's going to lame insults, lord you ain't got anything on us, you a useless pokemon nerd, no one likes you and you couldn't insult anyone
    [11:05:27] Lord Ryu : U'd is not a word in the English language.
    [11:05:38] Lord Ryu : Well, enjoy your stupidity
    [11:05:53] Hero X : BITCH
    [11:06:00] Hero X : i did
    [11:06:00] Master Chief : yes but this is a chatroom, people use shortcuts idiot, ever heard of lol?
    [11:07:02] Master Chief : lol, lord get a life
    [11:07:11] Lord Ryu : I always forget what to do after falmebaiting, that step is so much fun
    [11:07:20] Lord Ryu : I wonder if Shae's on
    [11:07:24] Lord Ryu : *Shade
    [11:07:36] Master Chief : wow.
    [11:07:41] Hero X : MC
    [11:07:46] Master Chief : i'm scared.
    [11:07:48] Hero X : watch out
    [11:07:59] Hero X : he might get shade to correct us 2 death
    [11:08:05] Hero X : XD
    [11:08:06] Lord Ryu : No, that's Ninja, silly
    [11:08:10] Master Chief : hell i better leave... actually i don''t care.
    [11:08:30] Hero X : .....................
    [11:08:31] Lord Ryu : Oh noes, MC is SUPER TOUGH
    [11:08:37] Lord Ryu : INTERNET BATTLE SCARS
    [11:08:38] Hero X : go **** ur self
    [11:08:42] Master Chief : lol lord said something funnyish
    [11:08:43] Lord Ryu : The manliest kind.
    [11:08:48] Hero X : lol
    [11:08:59] Master Chief : lol, where the hell did you get that from
    [11:09:18] Lord Ryu : Myself, because I'm intelligent enough to actually make my own insults
    [11:09:26] Master Chief : ever been shot by a paintball gun from point blank range?
    [11:09:32] Master Chief : probaly not.
    [11:09:35] Hero X : lord ur a penis
    [11:09:35] Lord Ryu : Yes.
    [11:09:41] Lord Ryu : I'm a male organ now?
    [11:09:52] Hero X : ya
    [11:09:56] Lord Ryu : Fascinating
    [11:10:03] Hero X : so go **** ur self
    [11:10:04] Master Chief : no you haven't your just saying that cuz i metioned it that
    [11:10:15] Master Chief : wow hero, he actually got you there
    [11:10:24] Lord Ryu : Uh-huh
    [11:10:37] Lord Ryu : Hero's obviously new at this.
    [11:10:44] Hero X : ......
    [11:10:49] Master Chief : that actually made me laugh, "i'm a male organ now"
    [11:10:51] Hero X : ur mom is new
    [11:11:06] Hero X : cock muncher lord
    [11:11:08] Lord Ryu : Wow
    [11:11:13] Lord Ryu : That is made of uber phail
    [11:11:23] Hero X : UGH
    [11:11:25] Master Chief : lord is eating himself now hero?
    [11:11:31] Hero X : I HATE THAT WORD
    [11:11:36] Hero X : ya
    [11:11:39] Hero X : lolz
    [11:11:43] Master Chief : what one penis or cock
    [11:12:08] Lord Ryu : Obviously 'of', he can't understand it
    [11:12:16] Hero X : there the same
    [11:12:25] Master Chief : i know, i know
    [11:12:32] Hero X : lol
    [11:12:53] Master Chief : anyways, this is stupid
    [11:13:06] Lord Ryu : I know.
    [11:13:14] Lord Ryu : But hey, whatcha gonna do
    [11:13:36] Hero X : ryu
    [11:13:40] Lord Ryu : When you're a 'computer nerd' like me, there's nothing else to do!
    [11:13:46] Hero X : i raped ur mom last night
    [11:13:58] Lord Ryu : Wow, you and everyone else!
    [11:14:03] Lord Ryu : Was it a gang bang?
    [11:14:07] Master Chief : i didn't come here to get in a fight lord, just it was rude to say we don't need your type around here.
    [11:14:30] Hero X : -_-
    [11:14:31] Lord Ryu : I'm a rude person, get over it.
    [11:14:42] Master Chief : lol fine.
    [11:14:50] Hero X : mother****er
    [11:15:07] Lord Ryu : I thought you were the one fucking mothers Hero?
    [11:15:08] Master Chief : hero why did you sign out of msn?
    [11:15:25] Master Chief : lord we over this?
    [11:15:27] Hero X : i didnt
    [11:15:32] Lord Ryu : Sure
    [11:15:38] Hero X : .......................................
    [11:15:40] Master Chief : kay
    [11:15:43] Hero X : >.<
    [11:15:45] Hero X : STFU
    [11:15:51] Master Chief : lol
    [11:15:53] Lord Ryu : But Hero X is obviously not
    [11:16:23] Master Chief : anthony, forget it you didn't need to insult him cuz i got in a fight with him.
    [11:16:28] Hero X : .....................
    [11:16:35] Hero X : .................................
    [11:16:44] Lord Ryu : .............................................
    [11:16:54] Lord Ryu : It's a dot party!
    [11:17:01] Hero X : *give both ryu and MC the silent treatment*
    [11:17:09] Master Chief : we speaking in morse code now?
    [11:17:13] Hero X : ...........................................
    [11:17:30] Master Chief : hero, i didn't want you to get in this, for that i am sorry
    [11:17:40] Hero X : ................................................
    [11:17:43] XStatic has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:17 am
    [11:17:54] Hero X : wtf
    [11:17:57] Hero X : who dat
    [11:17:57] Lord Ryu : Oh, hey
    [11:18:06] XStatic : Hey
    [11:18:08] Lord Ryu : That's a friend of mine
    [11:18:17] Hero X : tyler
    [11:18:17] XStatic : Yeah I just wanna make a point
    [11:18:23] Hero X : BIG MAC ATTACK
    [11:18:23] Master Chief : Twisted Evil
    [11:18:50] Hero X : mmmmm
    [11:18:50] Master Chief : this is my colour now aight?
    [11:18:51] XStatic : All you guys; let me point out - That arguing over the internet is seriously just like the special olympics; no matter who wins; our still retarded
    [11:18:53] XStatic : Kay?
    [11:18:54] Hero X : big mac
    [11:19:07] XStatic : your*
    [11:19:11] Master Chief : i know
    [11:19:13] Lord Ryu : X makes a fine point.
    [11:19:15] XStatic : And my Keyboard is spazzing atm
    [11:19:25] XStatic : So forgive my horrendous spelling
    [11:19:30] Hero X : lolz
    [11:19:40] Master Chief : any ways brb
    [11:19:48] Hero X : lord ryu and Xstatic=SPAZ
    [11:19:58] Hero X : lolz
    [11:19:58] Lord Ryu : I'm a spaz?
    [11:20:04] Lord Ryu : I thought I was a penis, Hero?
    [11:20:08] Lord Ryu : Make up your mind.
    [11:20:09] Hero X : yup
    [11:20:15] Hero X : ur both
    [11:20:17] Lord Ryu : Am I...a spazzing penis?
    [11:20:21] XStatic : Ryu; your just gunna dig a hole at this rate...
    [11:20:25] Hero X : ya
    [11:20:27] Hero X : lolz
    [11:20:35] Hero X : DIG DIG DIG!
    [11:20:52] XStatic : and I refuse to endulge myself in this pointless banter any longer. Enjoy your special olympics.
    [11:20:54] Lord Ryu : ...sorry X, this stupidity is just driving me mad!
    [11:21:00] XStatic is Disconnected on Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:21 am
    [11:21:04] Master Chief : i like the r4
    [11:21:07] Lord Ryu : See ya then X
    [11:21:36] Hero X : ryu u suk
    [11:21:43] Hero X : ur sis is older than u
    [11:21:51] Hero X : by like 4-5 yrs
    [11:21:58] Hero X : mabe 6
    [11:22:01] Lord Ryu : Uh, yes, yes she is
    [11:22:04] Hero X : cant member
    [11:22:09] Master Chief : i am the impaired guy in tis olimpic
    [11:22:10] Lord Ryu : 3 years.
    [11:22:13] Hero X : XD
    [11:22:17] Master Chief : the heck?
    [11:22:18] Lord Ryu : Genius.
    [11:22:25] Master Chief : screen went black
    [11:22:28] Hero X : ^^
    [11:22:39] Hero X : reload the page tyler
    [11:22:48] Master Chief : naw it is back to normal
    [11:22:55] Hero X : brb
    [11:23:05] Master Chief : why would you say that, i wouldn't be able to see it
    [11:23:53] Hero X : bak whit my dog
    [11:23:58] Hero X : ...........................
    [11:24:01] Hero X : tru
    [11:24:13] Hero X : DOT FIGHT!
    [11:24:17] Lord Ryu : Well, I'm off to go do something not boring.
    [11:24:18] Hero X : .......................................................
    [11:24:25] Lord Ryu : I suppose I'l lhave to log this though
    [11:24:28] Hero X : later nooblet ryu
    [11:24:28] Lord Ryu : *I'll have
    Obviously this musters attention. There was a large amount more, but it got cutoff.

    I guess they should be banned now?

    Number of posts : 224
    Age : 39
    Location : Murfreesboro, TN
    Yen : 12000
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Shutenblueg_3129
    Registration date : 2008-05-10

    Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by KOkingpin Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:44 am

    Master Chief = Parki clone?
    Hero X = Biggest Noob evar?

    Maybe and yes

    Stay tuned for scenes from the next Noob and Noober

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    Chat Record Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

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