Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

12 posters

    Chat Record Thread

    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
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    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Ninja Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:40 pm

    [16:20:18] Hero X has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:20 pm
    [16:21:03] Hero X : .......................................
    [16:21:07] Hero X : lbdsbnsfjkdlbvdfjlsbvgadf
    [16:21:10] Hero X : dcbsdjkvhcasdhkcvj,sdhCJ< d
    [16:21:17] Hero X : vcx
    [16:21:20] Hero X : sdacfasdvjxasg
    [16:21:23] Hero X : asdx dssdac sda
    [16:21:26] Hero X : jlkvlkljb ,
    [16:39:09] Hero X has been disconnected the Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:39 pm (session timeout)
    [16:39:15] Ninja has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:39 pm
    [16:39:19] Ninja : o_0
    [16:39:42] Ninja : Ghesundheit

    Number of posts : 382
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    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Dpmfa133
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Shadows Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:10 pm

    [16:39:19] Ninja : o_0
    [16:39:42] Ninja : Ghesundheit
    [17:01:03] Ninja has been disconnected the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:01 pm (session timeout)
    [17:09:21] Shadchild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:09 pm
    [17:09:43] Shadchild : Parki run! Itz Hitl0r!!!
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:49 pm

    [17:29:46] Shadchild has been disconnected the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:29 pm (session timeout)
    [17:30:03] InsaneCultist has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:30 pm
    [17:32:07] Lord Ryu has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:32 pm
    [17:32:19] Lord Ryu : Run, it's a time paradox!
    [17:34:09] InsaneCultist : OMANZ
    [17:35:13] Lord Ryu : Man I'm bored!
    [17:38:39] Tobi has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:38 pm
    [17:38:43] InsaneCultist : Lame.
    [17:38:46] Tobi : you ass IC
    [17:38:53] Tobi : what the hell is wrong with you?
    [17:39:01] InsaneCultist : I THINK THAT'S FLAMING WORTH AT LEAST A 3 DAY BAN
    [17:39:28] Tobi : Ah yes, calling you an ass after you told me to fuck off 2 times
    [17:39:40] InsaneCultist : Because you were being stupid.
    [17:39:48] Tobi : What i did is the worst thing since JFK
    [17:40:05] InsaneCultist : You should think before you speak. But apparently, that's something foreign to you.
    [17:40:08] Lord Ryu : dun dun DUN
    [17:40:18] Lord Ryu : God you guys are argumentative.
    [17:40:24] InsaneCultist : And now, my broke is over, so back to work. Also, something foreign to you.
    [17:40:28] InsaneCultist is Disconnected on Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:40 pm
    [17:40:29] Lord Ryu : Hey look, fancy vocabulary
    [17:40:40] Lord Ryu : Foreign, Pakry
    [17:40:41] Lord Ryu : God
    [17:40:47] Lord Ryu : Foreign
    [17:43:10] Lord Ryu : I'm so bored
    [17:43:56] Tobi : sweet
    [17:44:05] Tobi : also, i saw that thing with hero x!
    [17:44:12] Tobi : that was funny as hell
    [17:44:23] Tobi : i love how the little guy never sayd fuck
    [17:44:25] Lord Ryu : inorite
    [17:44:31] Tobi : he says ****
    [17:44:36] Lord Ryu : If you know him and MC in real life, hurt them
    [17:44:39] Tobi : which is funny
    [17:44:39] Lord Ryu : Fer teh lulz
    [17:44:44] Tobi : i don't
    [17:44:54] Lord Ryu : Aren't they Dunk's friends?
    [17:44:55] Tobi : i thought i did, but dunk told me i didn't
    [17:45:05] Lord Ryu : Well get Dunk to show you xD
    [17:45:08] Tobi : MC is great, you say he was your friend
    [17:45:10] Lord Ryu : They're retards
    [17:45:19] Lord Ryu : MC is my friend...?
    [17:45:20] Tobi : I like hero
    [17:45:27] Tobi : ya, thats why i like them'
    [17:45:29] Lord Ryu : Hero X is stupider then offense...
    [17:45:40] Tobi : someone dumber then me on site is fucked great!
    [17:45:46] Tobi : fucken
    [17:45:59] Lord Ryu : *fucking
    [17:46:02] Tobi : it's like getting laid by twin asains AT THE SAME TIME!
    [17:46:04] Lord Ryu : =O
    [17:46:08] Lord Ryu : Threesome!
    [17:46:11] Tobi : whatever ninja clone
    [17:46:21] Tobi : XD god made twins for uit
    [17:46:24] Lord Ryu : =3
    [17:46:29] Lord Ryu : Uit?
    [17:46:57] Lord Ryu : I got Dr. Mario Online Rx
    [17:47:02] Lord Ryu : Friggin kickass
    [17:47:19] Lord Ryu : And Sami got My Pokemon Ranch, one of the worst games ever
    [17:47:41] Tobi : i'm no payng no fucking 10 dollors for that shit
    [17:48:23] Tobi : anyway, where are them two?
    [17:48:30] Tobi : they are never hear when i am
    [17:48:43] Tobi : and why did you give me the gay job on the MM game
    [17:48:46] Lord Ryu : Them two?
    [17:48:56] Lord Ryu : What did you get again...?
    [17:49:15] Lord Ryu : That reminds me, I have to go kill off the first person
    [17:49:24] Tobi : fucking NO BODY
    [17:49:33] Tobi : i was one of the dam three nobodys!
    [17:49:36] Lord Ryu : xD
    [17:49:39] Tobi : i wanted the KILLER!
    [17:49:43] Lord Ryu : Welp, time to go kill off Dunk
    [17:49:45] Tobi : no one would have guessed
    [17:49:50] Lord Ryu : bee are bee
    [17:49:55] Tobi : i would have killed people i like first
    [17:49:59] Tobi : ah damn
    [17:50:06] Tobi : my best bud is dead
    [17:50:12] Tobi : i wonder who the killer is?
    [17:50:15] Tobi : SHADE!
    [17:50:22] Lord Ryu : We'll see~
    [17:50:34] Lord Ryu : If it was Shade, you'd be dead
    [17:50:38] Lord Ryu : Genius
    [17:51:32] Lord Ryu : Well there goes the doctor
    [17:51:42] Lord Ryu : Accusation time!
    [17:52:18] Tobi : shade's ...point
    [17:52:29] Tobi : fine, let me think of who hates right back
    [17:52:35] Lord Ryu : No one?
    [17:52:42] Lord Ryu : Dunk's pretty likable
    [17:53:55] Tobi : ya...i think it's ZACH!
    [17:54:14] Tobi : of all of them, zach hates him the most, since dunk still thinks he was the one who hacked the site
    [17:54:20] Tobi : wait...not zack
    [17:54:28] Tobi : it's hero x, or shiki
    [17:54:34] Tobi : my bets on shiki
    [17:54:39] Tobi : if i die, it is shiki
    [17:54:47] Tobi : IT"S GOD DAMN SHIKI@
    [17:55:40] Lord Ryu : xD
    [17:55:44] Lord Ryu : Calm down there Pakry
    [17:56:56] Tobi : But really, the doc can heal himself?
    [17:57:27] Lord Ryu : No.
    [17:57:36] Lord Ryu : LEARN TO READ =D
    [17:58:29] Tobi : i just found that post
    [17:58:43] Tobi : how could i know? God ryu, you silly goose
    [17:58:45] Lord Ryu : No, I meant in the Dunk dying post
    [17:58:53] Lord Ryu : I said 'Ineffective'
    [17:58:56] Lord Ryu : Silly Pakry
    [17:59:29] Tobi : you think IC and Zack are the SAME PERSON!
    [17:59:53] Lord Ryu : Dunno
    [17:59:58] Lord Ryu : I don't /think/ so
    [18:00:04] Lord Ryu : But they could be
    [18:01:10] Tobi : just IC hated me after 2 fucking posts in the c-box
    [18:01:23] Lord Ryu : Everyone does, except a select few
    [18:01:25] Tobi : and zack is super nice to her, which never happens
    [18:01:33] Lord Ryu : Zack isn't awfully mean to me, Pakry
    [18:02:09] Lord Ryu : I hate it when YouTube decides it won't load a certain vid
    [18:02:27] Shadchild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:02 pm
    [18:02:38] Lord Ryu : Hey Shad~
    [18:02:50] Shadchild : I agree with whatever Parki bashing thing Ruy said earlier
    [18:03:13] Tobi : wha?
    [18:03:21] Tobi : you think Zack = IC too?
    [18:03:28] Shadchild : Nope
    [18:03:32] Lord Ryu : I never siad any Pakry bashing thing xD
    [18:03:36] Lord Ryu : *said
    [18:03:38] Shadchild : They're not the same
    [18:03:50] Lord Ryu : By the way, begin an argument and I'll have Sami temp ban you both
    [18:03:54] Shadchild : You did. You said almost everyone hates Parki after 2 posts in the c-box
    [18:04:08] Lord Ryu : The whole 'everyone flame Pakry because it's cool' thing is getting irritating
    [18:04:16] Lord Ryu : Except a few people
    [18:04:22] Lord Ryu : Me, Ninja, Sailor Moon, etc
    [18:04:30] Shadchild : Who did it because it was cool? Thats just stupid.
    [18:04:58] Lord Ryu : Everybody flames Pakry for no reason
    [18:05:03] Lord Ryu : It's irritating
    [18:05:19] Shadchild : Then why do you do it?
    [18:05:55] Lord Ryu : I don't, silly Shad
    [18:06:13] Shadchild : You jsut did it like 5 minutes ago
    [18:06:32] Lord Ryu : No, I was joking around
    [18:06:39] Lord Ryu : Are you honestly that dense? xD
    [18:06:46] Tobi : no, i swear, ryu and sgae are the only fucking ones that don;t
    [18:06:49] Shadchild : Didn't look that funny.
    [18:06:58] Tobi : and dunk
    [18:07:00] Sagechild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:07 pm
    [18:07:04] Lord Ryu : What about Sami and Moon, Pakry?
    [18:07:07] Lord Ryu : Hry Zack
    [18:07:09] Lord Ryu : *Hey
    [18:07:14] Tobi : great timing
    [18:07:24] Tobi : you can tell us if you are IC
    [18:07:28] Lord Ryu : xD
    [18:07:34] Lord Ryu : Always the subtle one
    [18:07:37] Tobi : sIC acks JUST like poss did
    [18:07:49] Shadchild : Pakry is hardly a name Id've thought Parki would pick out for himself
    [18:07:50] Tobi : like a ninja
    [18:08:06] Tobi : Parker
    [18:08:15] Tobi : or, my new nickname Parki
    [18:08:21] Tobi : that you all gave me
    [18:08:29] Lord Ryu : I gave him Pakry
    [18:08:38] Lord Ryu : Because Ninja missplled it or something
    [18:08:48] Shadchild : So Pakry is a form of flaming for no reason. Thus Ryu = Hypocrit
    [18:08:57] Shadchild : Cyber bullying.
    [18:09:03] Lord Ryu : Pakry is a name.
    [18:09:15] Lord Ryu : By the way, it's spelled 'hypocrite'
    [18:09:18] Lord Ryu : I /think/
    [18:09:36] Tobi : yep, and i like my new name
    [18:09:36] Shadchild : By the way, it's spelled 'think'.
    [18:09:52] Lord Ryu : ...I spelled it think.
    [18:09:54] Tobi : what IC says howevber, herts
    [18:10:06] Tobi : you silly retard
    [18:10:12] Tobi : hurts
    [18:10:37] Lord Ryu : God this conversation phails
    [18:10:42] Shadchild : You spelled it /think/.
    [18:10:46] Lord Ryu : So, how's the weather?
    [18:10:55] Shadchild : By the way, it's spelled 'fails'.
    [18:10:56] Lord Ryu : Slashes are there for emphasis, douchebag.
    [18:11:05] Lord Ryu : Aha, you're so funny.
    [18:11:11] Shadchild : That's not the case in any language
    [18:11:35] Shadchild : Do italics work on this?
    [18:11:42] Lord Ryu : IRC?
    [18:11:42] Shadchild : Yes, there you go.
    [18:11:51] Tobi : no
    [18:11:51] Shadchild : This word is [i]emphasised[/s]
    [18:11:56] Tobi : what is IRC?
    [18:12:07] Shadchild : emphasised*
    [18:12:11] Lord Ryu : I lol'd
    [18:12:27] Lord Ryu : Thing is, in IRC, you use slashes
    [18:12:32] Lord Ryu : To make things in italics
    [18:12:43] Lord Ryu : So it's kind of something like 'lol'
    [18:12:43] Shadchild : But it doesn't work on this
    [18:12:48] Shadchild : So use the form that works.
    [18:12:54] @ Sagechild : >_<
    [18:13:04] @ Sagechild : OH SHIT.
    [18:13:16] Lord Ryu : Zack, you stole my color
    [18:13:20] Tobi : hi sage...i mean zack
    [18:13:22] Lord Ryu : You DOUCHE
    [18:13:29] Tobi : also, are you IC?
    [18:13:30] @ Sagechild : MY COLOUR!
    [18:13:41] @ Sagechild : No, I am not InsaneCultist.
    [18:13:43] Tobi : tell the truth, nobody really cares anyway
    [18:13:47] @ Sagechild : wth?
    [18:13:48] Tobi : are you sure?
    [18:13:53] Lord Ryu : I had it first!
    [18:13:56] @ Sagechild : Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not her.
    [18:14:03] Tobi : you seem to act alot alike. IC = Old poss
    [18:14:10] @ Sagechild : I spell colou correctly.
    [18:14:27] @ Sagechild : IC? She just hates you. Ask KO, he'll know.
    [18:14:32] Lord Ryu : You spell color like a douchebag Brit. No offense Shad
    [18:14:46] Tobi : ....what we're talking about is so dumb-ass i feel smart
    [18:14:54] Shadchild : No offence taken.
    [18:15:04] Tobi : FUCKING COLORS!
    [18:15:14] Shadchild : See what you did? You made Parki feel smart!
    [18:15:20] Tobi : today ius a good day!
    [18:15:24] Lord Ryu : Dear god, what have we done?
    [18:15:25] @ Sagechild : And then I misspel it. *facepalm*
    [18:15:26] Tobi : Tobi feels smart
    [18:15:29] Shadchild : Did I in some way contribute to making you feel smart by any chance?
    [18:15:30] Lord Ryu : I lol'd
    [18:15:32] Tobi : PArki IS smart
    [18:15:40] Tobi : the prick....
    [18:16:11] Tobi : God...Parker is annoying,...always making fin of Tobi
    [18:16:29] Tobi : even if he is smarter i can stay out longer then him
    [18:16:38] Shadchild : So... you have multiple personalities?
    [18:16:42] Lord Ryu : ...
    [18:16:43] Tobi : and i've been here longest
    [18:16:53] Lord Ryu : No, he has forced sciz
    [18:16:54] Tobi : you just now getting that?
    [18:17:05] Lord Ryu : It's something psychological, not metal
    [18:17:09] Shadchild : Riiight. The only way that'd be funny was if one was anti-semitic.
    [18:17:12] Lord Ryu : *mental, even
    [18:17:13] Tobi : now i feel like a fucking SMART ASS
    [18:17:16] @ Sagechild : SCHIZOJOOIA
    [18:17:21] Shadchild : Imagine a sitcom like that!
    [18:17:26] Tobi : i have EVERYTHING
    [18:17:42] Tobi : ADHD< OCD< MPD< SCIZA....
    [18:17:58] Tobi : and a buntch more which i have forgoten
    [18:18:27] Lord Ryu : Actually, Pakry, most of your mental diseases are psychological, as stated
    [18:18:46] Lord Ryu : If you stop believing in them, they'll go away
    [18:18:52] Lord Ryu : Not ADHD though
    [18:18:57] @ Sagechild : SCHIZO. NO 'A'
    [18:19:15] @ Sagechild : Geeze.
    [18:19:21] Lord Ryu : Thank you Zack
    [18:19:31] Shadchild : You know what I've noticed?
    [18:19:32] @ Sagechild : I was getting confused. XD
    [18:19:47] Shadchild : None of Parki's personalities can spell.
    [18:19:48] @ Sagechild : Hmm?
    [18:19:49] Tobi : Tobi will never leave
    [18:19:58] Tobi : Tobi likes it here
    [18:20:04] @ Sagechild : Yeah.
    [18:20:12] Shadchild : Surely the law of probability would make one of those suckers able to spell.
    [18:20:14] Tobi : but all of us are good at MATH
    [18:20:15] @ Sagechild : Hey, hey. j00.
    [18:20:28] Tobi : I don't even iknow WHY
    [18:20:30] Lord Ryu : 2x to the power of pi
    [18:20:38] @ Sagechild : One personality doesn't sudedenly start talking about itself in the third person if it's out of character.
    [18:20:38] Lord Ryu : Equals 61
    [18:20:40] Lord Ryu : Gogogo
    [18:20:46] Tobi : also, we hapen to typ-o alot
    [18:21:03] Tobi : well this way you always now zacky-poo
    [18:21:08] Tobi : know who i am
    [18:21:21] @ Sagechild : 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399
    [18:21:24] @ Sagechild : o.O
    [18:21:26] Lord Ryu : But people with Schiz don't know about the other personalities
    [18:21:38] Lord Ryu : Thus, it is self-inflicted
    [18:21:41] Shadchild : Ryu thats gonna be pretty difficult to solve. Actually the only way to do it would be to rearrange it
    [18:21:45] Tobi : thats why i say i have MPD
    [18:21:51] Lord Ryu : I know psychology, I studied it all day once!
    [18:21:52] Tobi : wait...
    [18:22:01] Tobi : my head hurts now
    [18:22:09] @ Sagechild : lol
    [18:22:17] Tobi : get shiki on here, he knows what the fuck he is talking about
    [18:22:21] Lord Ryu : Isn't MPD just another name for Schiz?
    [18:22:28] Lord Ryu : I do too.
    [18:22:35] @ Sagechild : I'm pretty good with psychology. Ryu's more into psychiatry with that.
    [18:22:39] Tobi : kinda
    [18:23:06] Tobi : MPD and Schiz go together
    [18:23:18] Tobi : not always, but alot of times
    [18:23:31] @ Sagechild : MPD and Schizophrenia are totally seperate things.
    [18:23:34] Tobi : i got alot of them when my mom died
    [18:23:39] Shadchild : x = piRoot 61/2. But thats the best you could get it.
    [18:23:41] Lord Ryu : Oh, okay
    [18:23:45] @ Sagechild : MPD is one person with multiple, inverse personalities that don't interact.
    [18:23:48] Tobi : MPD and Schiz can GO together tought
    [18:23:56] Tobi : not always
    [18:24:00] Lord Ryu : bee are bee
    [18:24:04] @ Sagechild : While Schizophreania is one person who has a large amount of fictional personalities surronding them.
    [18:24:10] Tobi : my personalitiys aren't like 7 diffrent people
    [18:24:30] Tobi : we can talk to each other, and try and change the mood
    [18:24:48] Tobi : it
    [18:24:50] @ Sagechild : >_>
    [18:24:53] Tobi : is
    [18:24:55] Tobi : odd
    [18:24:55] @ Sagechild : Then you don't have MPD at all/.
    [18:25:03] Tobi : my genes are all messed up
    [18:25:08] @ Sagechild : MPD is definable by no personality interaction.
    [18:25:11] Tobi : it's a form of MPD
    [18:25:18] Shadchild : So Parki, who diagnosed you with all this?
    [18:25:33] Tobi : my doc.
    [18:25:57] @ Sagechild : Proof of diagnosis?ORL
    [18:26:02] Tobi : my genes are all messed up cuz my ass of a dad did ALOT of acid as a kid
    [18:26:29] Tobi : i don't have proof, as if you don't want to belive, i'm not going to try and make you belive
    [18:26:30] Shadchild : So tell me again Parki, what conditions do you suffer from?
    [18:26:41] Tobi is Disconnected on Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:26 pm
    [18:26:43] Shadchild : Just list their names.
    [18:26:59] Shadchild : Hm. He died?
    [18:28:39] @ Sagechild : Hopefully

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Prostiboots Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:58 pm

    Shadchild wrote:[16:39:19] Ninja : o_0
    [16:39:42] Ninja : Ghesundheit
    [17:01:03] Ninja has been disconnected the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:01 pm (session timeout)
    [17:09:21] Shadchild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:09 pm
    [17:09:43] Shadchild : Parki run! Itz Hitl0r!!!

    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Chat Record Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Chat Record Thread

    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:06 pm

    [18:57:23] Messages cleared by Sagechild
    [18:57:27] Tobi has been unbanned by Sagechild
    [18:57:40] Tobi has joined the chat the Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:57 pm
    [18:57:51] Tobi : why did you clear the messages?
    [18:57:51] Shiki has been disconnected the Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:57 pm (session timeout)
    [18:57:56] Shadchild : Hey Parki, hows it hangin'?
    [18:58:18] Tobi : ...oh god, why did she say while i was banned?
    [18:58:46] Ninja : WAIT
    [18:58:53] Ninja : Tobi was banned, and I missed it?!?
    [18:58:54] Shadchild hugs Parki
    [18:59:03] Shadchild : Welcome back!
    [18:59:06] Ninja : *what did she say
    [18:59:17] Tobi : i love you too shadows
    [18:59:21] Ninja : Also, he
    [18:59:36] Shadchild : Aww you're so sweet <3
    [18:59:41] Tobi : right, my bad
    [18:59:54] Tobi : no, i want to be friends with you
    [19:00:04] Tobi : as your my fav ex-mod
    [19:00:05] Sagechild smacks Parki.
    [19:00:09] @ Sagechild : He's mine.
    [19:00:25] Tobi : 3 some?
    [19:00:29] Ninja : *Threesome
    [19:00:37] Shadchild : Oh Parki, I love the way you misspell things. Its so darn cute! xxx =)
    [19:00:38] @ Sagechild : ALL MINE.
    [19:00:42] Tobi thins that wouuld be fun
    [19:00:56] Ninja : Lulz, Zach is a jealous lover =P
    [19:00:59] Tobi : aw, i love how you do the funny sighs thing
    [19:01:02] Shadchild : Hehe
    [19:01:12] Sagechild smacks Ninja.
    [19:01:14] Ninja : *Zack
    [19:01:16] @ Sagechild : It's ZACK.
    [19:01:17] Tobi : and how you don't flame me
    [19:01:21] Ninja : HAH
    [19:01:24] Shadchild sits next to Parki
    [19:01:26] Tobi : ZACH!
    [19:01:40] Sagechild sits on Shad's lap.
    [19:01:55] Ninja stays away from the homosexuality
    [19:02:02] Tobi : Tobi goes under both of them
    [19:02:10] Tobi : ninja, we are all bi
    [19:02:11] Ninja : No, moar liek Tobi phails
    [19:02:23] Tobi : ninja, as your a chick, you can join so we can prove it
    [19:02:29] Ninja : Well, when you're doing stuff like that, it's still considered homosexuality.
    [19:02:31] Shadchild : Eugh... Anyway Parki, which do you prefer; Banoffee or Strawberry?
    [19:03:08] Tobi : i felt like what i said crossed the line too
    [19:03:17] Tobi :
    [19:03:28] Shadchild : Which one?
    [19:03:32] Ninja : *Cocoa
    [19:03:42] Shadchild : Me too!
    [19:03:48] Tobi : all 7!
    [19:03:54] @ Sagechild : Hmm.
    [19:03:57] Shadchild : I'm totally gonna have to invite you round to my house to have some cocoa!
    [19:04:20] @ Sagechild : I'm already there, seemingly.
    [19:04:48] Tobi : i'm next door
    [19:04:49] Ninja : Heaven knows what for.
    [19:04:59] Shadchild : Oh, you're there..... We could go to the movies instead, Parki!
    [19:05:00] Tobi : look out the windom, i'm the one with curly hair and no pants
    [19:05:07] @ Sagechild : I'm a hostage.
    [19:05:12] Shadchild : Hehe you're so funny! x
    [19:05:27] Tobi : or love?
    [19:05:30] Tobi : of*
    [19:05:51] Shadchild : So Parki, where'd you grow up?
    [19:05:54] Ninja : Lol, Ryu made a mistake in his RP xD
    [19:06:04] Ninja : Inside your mother.
    [19:06:07] @ Sagechild : I'm a hostage of a hostage situation.
    [19:06:23] Tobi : KY
    [19:06:26] Tobi : You?
    [19:06:32] Shadchild : Oooh what was that like?
    [19:06:50] Ninja : Zack, no one will save you now.
    [19:06:53] Tobi : fun
    [19:07:07] Tobi : drinking is a sport here, started at about 14
    [19:07:09] @ Sagechild : Ninja's mean!
    [19:07:14] @ Sagechild : No one will save me?
    [19:07:15] @ Sagechild : DX
    [19:07:18] Tobi : you can BUy anything with a bit of money
    [19:07:25] Ninja : Gawd, just ban Tobi so we can have some peace.
    [19:07:27] Shadchild : Wow you should totally show me round Parki. x
    [19:07:32] Tobi : if you don't mind work, it's really fun
    [19:07:43] Shadchild : Don't ban Parki! =(
    [19:07:59] Tobi : but even then, it gets you healthy doing alot of work
    [19:08:21] Tobi : you can leave both your car and house unlocked, and no one will break in and steal
    [19:08:32] Sagechild fawns over Shad.
    [19:08:32] Ninja : And by thirteen, which personality are you talking about?
    [19:08:34] Tobi : and even if they do, we know who they are, and we get them back
    [19:08:37] Ninja : *fourteen
    [19:08:40] Shadchild : How nice! x
    [19:08:45] Tobi fawns over Shad
    [19:09:07] Ninja : Tobi, you don't even know what "fawns" means.
    [19:09:08] Tobi : ninja, i was born 18 years ago, so wtf you talking about 9 year old
    [19:09:16] Shadchild : Oooh hehe parki you're so sweet! x
    [19:09:20] Tobi : i don't need to
    [19:09:20] Sagechild pushes Tobi away.
    [19:09:27] Ninja : "drinking is a sport here, started at about 14"
    [19:09:32] Shadchild : 18? I loooove older guys. x
    [19:09:38] Tobi kicks zach in the beanbag
    [19:09:47] Shadchild : Hehe
    [19:09:53] Tobi : old are you?
    [19:10:07] Tobi : 16? 17?
    [19:10:11] Sagechild laughs at the a attempt to hit him. He's sitting ON Shad.
    [19:10:11] Ninja : 12
    [19:10:30] Shadchild : I'm sweet 16 =P... legal age...
    [19:10:34] @ Sagechild : He's 4.
    [19:10:43] Tobi : ah yes, i loved 16
    [19:10:49] Ninja : Wow, I just realized how much more peaceful it is here without Azn and Zihark.
    [19:10:56] Tobi : other then the fact 16 is an Unholy number
    [19:11:01] Ninja : *than
    [19:11:03] Tobi : ...who are they?
    [19:11:18] Shadchild : Ahhh Zihk!
    [19:11:29] Tobi : who is he?
    [19:11:29] Ninja : Well, I wonder which of your personalities knows them?
    [19:11:32] Tobi : wat....
    [19:11:32] Shadchild : I remember him. Whatever happened to Narutodoucheguy?
    [19:11:41] Tobi : let me check....
    [19:11:49] Ninja : And I need to find that bastard who keeps calling me "Nin"
    [19:11:50] @ Sagechild : I think he's banned.
    [19:11:55] Tobi : he's dunks friend who spaming in my gym post one too many time
    [19:11:55] Shadchild : Wayy
    [19:12:01] Tobi : Nin?
    [19:12:07] Tobi : your new name is nin
    [19:12:26] Shadchild : Nin! It's sooo funny! hehe x
    [19:12:39] Ninja : It really only bothers me when whoever it is calls me "Nin", because I have no idea who they are.
    [19:13:19] @ Sagechild : xD
    [19:13:41] Ninja : And they talk to me like I'm their friend o_0
    [19:13:48] Tobi : i meade the name nin
    [19:13:55] @ Sagechild : xD
    [19:13:58] Shadchild : Hehe Nin!
    [19:14:01] Tobi : hey buddy, want to go grab a beer after work?
    [19:14:09] Tobi : your paying!
    [19:14:25] Shadchild : Who, me?
    [19:14:26] Ninja : Tobi, I'm not stupid. My head isn't up my ass. Unlike yours
    [19:14:31] @ Sagechild : >_> Yuck. Beer. How uncouth.
    [19:14:46] Ninja : Alcohol = Blech
    [19:14:53] Tobi : beer is like ninja. working class
    [19:15:04] Tobi : i like Vodka MUCH better
    [19:15:09] Shadchild : I'd love to go get a beer with you! x
    [19:15:19] Ninja : Hey, you actually spelled "Vodka" right this time!
    [19:15:20] @ Sagechild : Vodka. How much MORE uncouth.
    [19:15:20] Shadchild : Oh yeah totally, Vodka is better...
    [19:15:21] Tobi : great
    [19:15:30] Tobi : VODKA IS WAY BETTER
    [19:15:35] Tobi : it's MANLY
    [19:15:43] Ninja : It's Russian.
    [19:15:44] Tobi : which is why zack doesn't drink it...
    [19:15:50] Ninja : HAH
    [19:15:53] Ninja : INTEJECTION
    [19:16:03] @ Sagechild : Anything that someone says is manly usually loses its "manliness"
    [19:16:08] Ninja : It's Russian, which is why Zack doesn't drink it!
    [19:16:35] @ Sagechild : ^ Indeed
    [19:16:40] Ninja : *Interjection
    [19:17:00] Tobi : vodka = king when mixed with other stuff, like apple/orange juise
    [19:17:05] Shadchild : Brb Parki bbe x
    [19:17:19] Ninja : Tobi, you're made of Vodka.
    [19:17:32] Ninja : And you're still phail.
    [19:17:44] Ninja : Which is why Vodka = Phail.
    [19:17:46] Tobi : i'll count the secs shad
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    Post by Ninja Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:28 pm

    Only Tobi would log a conversation that poses no interest to anyone whatsoever.
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    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:31 pm

    It's about love, which is why i did it Mr. But Hole.

    [19:17:55] Ninja : Because Alcohol = phail.
    [19:18:48] Tobi : no, you = phail
    [19:18:57] @ Sagechild : >_<
    [19:19:01] Ninja : No, that comeback =/= original.
    [19:19:29] Ninja : Alas, you phail at math as well.
    [19:19:53] @ Sagechild : I'm not against alcohol when used in moderation and not for the sole purpose of getting drunk.
    [19:20:01] Tobi : i'm great at math
    [19:20:07] Tobi : i'm with zach on this
    [19:20:30] Tobi : i like being drunk, but i don't drink to just get drunk
    [19:20:32] Shadchild : I'm back hun
    [19:20:36] Ninja : Which is very interesting. And not because you agree with him..........
    [19:20:38] @ Sagechild : Ojay then, Jewbi.
    [19:20:44] @ Sagechild : What is the cubed root of 216.
    [19:20:49] Ninja : 6
    [19:20:52] Tobi : 60 + 56 = 116 nin, you silly little dumby
    [19:21:07] @ Sagechild : >_>
    [19:21:13] Ninja : *FACEPALM*
    [19:21:19] @ Sagechild : That's basica addition.
    [19:21:21] Tobi : it has 16, i will not deal with it
    [19:21:21] @ Sagechild : 1st Grade.
    [19:21:30] Ninja : So much for "basic spelling".
    [19:21:31] @ Sagechild : Hmm.
    [19:21:38] Tobi : well nin said 60 + 56 = 100
    [19:21:59] Ninja : *FACEPALM, AGAIN*
    [19:22:05] @ Sagechild : Fine then. th root of14641?
    [19:22:20] @ Sagechild : the fourth root* of 14641?
    [19:22:20] Ninja : What th root?
    [19:22:27] Ninja : Fourth
    [19:22:29] Shadchild : It's got to end in 1, hint
    [19:22:36] Ninja : Obvious.
    [19:22:45] Tobi : ...41?
    [19:22:49] Ninja : Oh noez, you made Tobi's head explode/
    [19:22:56] @ Sagechild : 11
    [19:23:00] Ninja : *.
    [19:23:10] Ninja : Obviously 11
    [19:23:16] @ Sagechild : *is piecing these together in his head*
    [19:23:19] Ninja : It even has a repeating pattern.
    [19:24:05] Tobi : Tobi is 7, got no clue what the hell your talking about
    [19:24:10] Tobi : ask Parker
    [19:24:15] Tobi : he might know
    [19:24:20] Ninja : Tobi is an excuse making douchebag.
    [19:24:39] Shadchild : Eugh I've had enough.
    [19:24:49] @ Sagechild : YAY!
    [19:24:52] Ninja : Which is an inclusive statement of all your personalities.
    [19:24:57] Tobi : with me?
    [19:25:07] Tobi : you hate me now shad?
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    Post by Ninja Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:34 pm

    Again, reinforcing my previous statement.

    Also, *butt.
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    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:37 pm

    FINE, but when i'm there for some reason you say it's never funny.

    Nin, i love you too!
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    Post by Zenith Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm

    [17:31:22] Shade has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:31 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:10] Sagechild has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:15] Lord Ryu has joined the chat the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm
    [17:36:23] Duncan has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:25] Lord Ryu : I blame the French
    Ubers Sensei
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    Post by Tobi Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:50 pm

    [17:20:59] Sagechild has joined the chat the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:20 pm
    [17:21:03] @ Sagechild : o.O
    [17:31:22] Shade has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:31 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:10] Sagechild has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:15] Lord Ryu has joined the chat the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm
    [17:36:23] Duncan has been disconnected the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:36 pm (session timeout)
    [17:36:25] Lord Ryu : I blame the French
    [17:48:03] Tobi has joined the chat the Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:48 pm
    [17:48:08] Tobi : Ryu, you jack ass, you just left me. IT'S THE FRENCH SPYS!

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    Post by KOkingpin Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:43 pm

    Matthew = Me
    Zack = Sagechild for those who dont know
    *edit - this post is so huge cause MSN phails compared to Trillian

    matthew says:
    do you follow comics at all

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Yoo lazy

    matthew says:
    well you know who stan lee is dont you

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    he created basically every superhero on the Marvel Side

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I hate most comic book super heroes

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    who do you like?

    matthew says:
    or villians

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    The villians are worse.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I do like Electra

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    /throws up

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    NOT the movie

    matthew says:
    /still throws up

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    She's a much more realistic character. No Lois Lance, Mary Jane, or Kryptonite to hold her

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Just her own mind.

    matthew says:
    she is a weakminded char not very capable and kinda stupid

    matthew says:
    daredevil beats her

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    *thinks spiderman, buperman, and batman are about the most retarded things ever*

    matthew says:
    i want a Captain America Movie

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    he owns so much

    matthew says:
    but his villians suck ass

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    *can't stop involuntary wretching*

    matthew says:
    like Red Skull

    matthew says:
    Red Skull is such a bitch

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    he is

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Comic book villians phail.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    They need to put ME there

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    or my Villian

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    no more heroes

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    the only hero i would really have trouble with is Batman

    matthew says:
    but then again

    matthew says:
    i can use him to help me

    matthew says:
    cause i can basically control humans

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'd take Lois Lane, kidnap her, and tranform some of her internal structure into kryptonite.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Shoot superman when he rescues her.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Shoot = whatever I must do to kill him.

    matthew says:
    or just make her stab Supes with a Kryptonyte Dagger

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    All I have to say is Spider Silk burns.

    matthew says:
    all i have to say is

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    id have her Kill him

    matthew says:
    in his sleep

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I wouldn't even use her

    matthew says:
    his spider sense wouldnt sense his wife

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    (remember, this is just ME)

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    no supah powas

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    spiderman would own you

    matthew says:
    with no powers

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    he can sense you doing anything to him

    matthew says:
    Spider Sense

    matthew says:
    he is super strong

    matthew says:
    can almost Fly

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    >_> if spider sense is that omnipotent, Spiderman is even MORE stupid,

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    And spider silk BURNS. Whoo.

    matthew says:
    how are you gonna burn his Spider Silk

    matthew says:
    if its wrapping you up

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    >_> it won't touch me is the point.

    matthew says:
    with your third arm *wink*

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    he is also super fast

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'd own him.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I might have to use MJ, but it'd happen.

    matthew says:
    without powers Supes would own you

    matthew says:
    cause Kryptonyte is poisonous to humans

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    lex luthor style

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    even though he got poisoned by it too

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    he is lex fucking luthour

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Surprisingly, batman would be the easiest.

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Batman would out plot you

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    he already knows how to beat you

    matthew says:
    its in his super computer

    matthew says:
    he showed me

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'd break the shit out of his super computer, and then quickly figure a way to sabotage his
    utility belt.

    matthew says:
    you dont know where his supercomputer is

    matthew says:
    and even if you knew

    matthew says:
    you wouldnt be able to get to it

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    he already knew you would try that

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    He's only human.

    matthew says:
    he is almost omnipotent

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Nothing an a-bomb wouldn't fix

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Yay! Timid Smoochum.

    matthew says:
    you would have to plant it on him somehow

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Not really.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    He NEVER leaves metropolis.

    matthew says:
    see phail

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Making it a radioactive wasteland owuld own him.

    matthew says:
    supes is in metropolis

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Batman is in Gotham

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    *hates superheroes this much*

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Well, gotham would be gone.

    matthew says:
    and actually

    matthew says:
    the JLA base is in Space

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    JLA doesn't count.

    matthew says:
    so he does leave gotham

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    JLA no counts.

    matthew says:
    but Batman does Leave gotham due to Being in the JLA

    matthew says:
    shit he had his back Broke by Bain and Still kicked Bain's ass

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    So? If his home is a nuclear wasteland, he'd cry.

    matthew says:
    how would you get a nuke?

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    het, I said I have no superpowers.

    matthew says:
    plus Batman is part Cochroach

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    My resources, however, are unlimited.

    matthew says:
    he survives Nukes

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Gotham wouldn't.

    matthew says:
    Batman doesnt Really Care about Gotham though

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    He will when there's no city to hide in.

    matthew says:
    he just wants to Defeat those who killed his parents

    matthew says:
    and you just did him a favor

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    now he is gonna have to Kill jooo

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    But, without a city full of shadows in the night, batman's fighting style is broken.\

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    he still has the Batmobile

    matthew says:
    and the Batwing

    matthew says:
    and his bat-a-rangs

    matthew says:
    and his little Rope and hook thingu

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    If all of Gotham is gone, I'm assuming his lttle base is boned

    matthew says:
    he is bruce wayne

    matthew says:
    you think he just has one house?

    matthew says:
    he has more Money than Bill Gates

    matthew says:
    almost as much as Tony Stark

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I think he has just one batmobile.

    matthew says:
    but its Underground

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    where Nukes cant touch it

    matthew says:
    waaaaaaaaaay underground and reinforced

    matthew says:
    the Batcave yo

    matthew says:
    he has prepared for this

    matthew says:
    now that you nuked Gothan

    matthew says:
    Batman is gonna take over the world

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Gotham was the only thing keeping him for taking over

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    OH< WAIT.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Unlimited resources for Zack.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'd buy him out of his own company.

    matthew says:
    he has Unlimited Resources

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Well, then.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    i'd do the simple thing.

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Get Araida to smite him.

    matthew says:
    he doesnt believe in such non sense

    matthew says:
    batman is god in batman world

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Belief matters not.

    matthew says:
    there for being immune to other religous beliefs

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Someone could believe I'm not holding a gun to their head. It doesn't change the fact their
    brains are going KABLAMMO

    matthew says:
    batman has a bullet proof helmet

    matthew says:
    in the end

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    AND, to top it off, and being that's worshipped as a diety by some is, by definition in my
    religion, another side to the goddess. AND if the being is mortal, it can be murdered.

    matthew says:
    Batman Counters you

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'd do the easy thing.

    matthew says:
    Batman is Tyranitar

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Go back and kill the guy who invented batman.

    matthew says:
    you are Blissey

    matthew says:
    do you know who he is?

    matthew says:
    without looking

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    But, with the internet anything is possible,.

    matthew says:
    btw Batman knew you would look

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Bob Kane

    matthew says:
    and had it erased with his supercomputer

    matthew says:
    he has every counter

    matthew says:
    the only way to beat him is to be a better fighter

    matthew says:
    you cant mindgames him

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Not hard at all.

    matthew says:
    and being a better fighter is not garaunteed

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I wouldn't bother with mindgames. I'd just tell him to batlle in the daylight. Like every
    other non-pussy fighter.

    matthew says:
    he is a master of Kung fu

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    I'df master Caporeia

    matthew says:
    oh and he knews Jeet Kun Do

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Meh. Caporeia is pretty superior.

    matthew says:
    no way

    matthew says:

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Jeet Kun Do RAAAAAAAAAAAAPES Caporeia

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Then I'd get Muay Thai.

    matthew says:
    and to master it, it would take you years

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Jeet Kun Do is what Bruce Lee Invented

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Eww. Bruce Lee.

    matthew says:
    and batman knows all the Mak Dim

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    Dim Mak

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    Death Touch

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Because I'd so allow him to get that close.

    matthew says:
    they dont actually Kill per say

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    per se*

    matthew says:
    but they paralyze certain areas

    matthew says:
    Batman is a beast

    matthew says:
    You (a normal human/Person) cannot beat him

    matthew says:
    i would get owned

    matthew says:
    even with my super power

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    >_> Then I'd fuck the shit out of his girlfriend.

    matthew says:

    matthew says:
    Batman Laughs at you

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    Give her AIDS. And then have her put out to him. XD

    matthew says:
    batman doesnt have "A" girlfriend

    matthew says:
    if you have fucked her

    matthew says:
    batman fucked her longtime ago

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    *calls the damsel-in-distress characters girlfriends*

    matthew says:
    and kicked her to the curb

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    you cant counter Batman

    matthew says:
    theres just no way

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
    It's simple to counter batman. He's not real. I am.

    matthew says:
    btw this is the best conversation ive had in a while

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:

    matthew says:
    im laughing my ass off seriously

    [c=#090376]Zack[/c] says:
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    Post by Zenith Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:35 pm

    [17:16:22] Legit00 has been disconnected the Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:16 pm (session timeout)

    Legit was on! =O
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    Post by Zenith Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:59 pm


    [16:57:39] Lord Ryu : btw since Nina's not here I claim Tuxedo Mask.
    [16:57:53] GreetsTheMoon : KISS ME TUXEDO MASK
    [16:57:57] @ Sagechild : ^gay
    [16:57:57] GreetsTheMoon : Ass.
    [16:58:02] Tobi : XD
    [16:58:03] @ Sagechild : >_>
    [16:58:11] Tobi : truth!
    [16:58:12] @ Sagechild : You weren't supposed to type.
    [16:58:25] @ Sagechild : Dx
    [16:58:28] Lord Ryu : xD
    [16:58:31] @ Sagechild : *was combo broken*
    Ubers Sensei
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    Post by Tobi Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:52 pm

    [22:28:34] Tobi has joined the chat the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:52 pm
    [22:29:00] Tobi : whats up?
    [22:29:54] Shadchild has been disconnected the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:29 pm (session timeout)
    [22:30:02] Sagechild has been disconnected the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:38 pm (session timeout)
    [22:30:56] Uber-Student: Near has been disconnected the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:38 pm (session timeout)
    [22:31:19] Ninja has been disconnected the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:40 pm (session timeout)
    [22:31:19] KO+America+KO has been disconnected the Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:41 pm (session timeout)
    [22:32:08] Tobi : ......why everyone leave?
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    Post by Zenith Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:46 pm

    [21:44:59] Near : Here comes Peter on a close-line, but his name's not Peter it is Spider Man! Spider Man!
    [21:45:04] @ Sagechild : My parents are moving to the south! Dx
    [21:45:07] Lord Ryu : ...fine point good sir
    [21:45:18] Lord Ryu : IT'S PETER PAKRY
    [21:45:25] @ Sagechild : O.O
    [21:45:29] Lord Ryu : OH NOES
    [21:45:31] @ Sagechild : HIDE ALL THE VIRGINS.
    [21:45:39] Near : OMG
    [21:45:42] @ Sagechild : *under table*
    [21:45:47] Lord Ryu : HE'LL RAPE AND/OR KILL US ALL
    [21:46:18] Sagechild pulls the virginal Matt under the table for safety.
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    Post by Ninja Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:52 pm

    [19:23:39] Sagechild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:23 pm
    [19:23:43] Hero X : ......................................
    [19:23:44] Sagechild is Disconnected on Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:23 pm
    [19:23:48] Hero X : hey child
    [19:23:52] Hero X : uh....
    [19:24:56] Tobi has joined the chat the Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:24 pm
    [19:25:04] Tobi : sorry for being an ass
    [19:25:08] Hero X : hey
    [19:25:17] Hero X : it ok
    [19:25:20] Tobi : Lu took over after you started bragging
    [19:25:27] Hero X : as long as i get a blet....
    [19:25:35] Hero X : belt*
    [19:25:42] Hero X : and 6k yen ^^
    [19:25:45] Hero X : btw
    [19:25:45] Tobi : your my member, so you get it
    [19:25:54] Tobi : 5k yen
    [19:25:55] Hero X : what can i buy with the yen?
    [19:26:00] Hero X : yay ^^
    [19:26:07] Tobi : pokemon, tms, and shit from ryu
    [19:26:17] Hero X : uh....
    [19:26:23] Hero X : what kind of pokemon?
    [19:27:42] Hero X : i just beat the E4 with my Wifi SamdStorm team lulz^^
    [19:27:53] Hero X : never lost 1 member
    [19:28:45] Hero X : every team i make sucks...
    [19:28:52] Hero X : i post them and well....
    [19:29:02] Hero X : ppl say that they dont go well
    [19:29:55] Hero X : tobi
    [19:30:10] Tobi : try making a team with 2 attackers, two s.a attackers, and two walls
    [19:30:26] Hero X : can you please EV raise my Nosepass into a Probopass amd EV it in Atack and Speed
    [19:30:30] Tobi : speed?
    [19:30:35] Tobi : you kidding?
    [19:30:39] Hero X : ya
    [19:30:44] Tobi : make it def/s.d if you must
    [19:30:55] Hero X : i want Attack and anyother you want
    [19:31:01] Tobi : also, go buy some protiens
    [19:31:08] Hero X : can you please ev it then?
    [19:31:09] Tobi : they give 10 evs each
    [19:31:19] Tobi : for what?
    [19:31:25] Hero X : im busy EVing someone else
    [19:31:28] Tobi : as i really hate eving
    [19:31:37] Hero X : ...................
    [19:31:43] Tobi : and i barely do my own pokemon, much let other peoples
    [19:31:49] Hero X : fine ill wait and ask someone else
    [19:32:05] Hero X : i was going to pay you 1000 Yen
    [19:32:56] Hero X : tobi
    [19:32:57] Tobi : yes?
    [19:33:04] Tobi : 1000 yen = 10 bucks
    [19:33:05] Hero X : can we have a 1 on 1 fight?
    [19:33:08] Tobi : sure
    [19:33:13] Hero X : i know
    [19:33:15] Hero X : ok
    [19:33:21] Hero X : 1 pokemon each
    [19:34:04] Hero X : im ready
    [19:34:19] Hero X : free battle
    [19:34:31] Hero X : you'll be surprised
    [19:34:33] Tobi : fine
    [19:34:36] Tobi : free?
    [19:34:39] Tobi : not lv 100?
    [19:34:43] Ninja has joined the chat the Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:34 pm
    [19:34:49] Hero X : ya
    [19:34:54] Hero X : hi ninja
    [19:34:57] Ninja : Oh noez, I stumbled into idiocy.
    [19:35:00] Tobi : fine
    [19:35:06] Hero X : ............................
    [19:35:13] Tobi : nina = ass, don't talk to him
    [19:35:20] Hero X : im not stupid... at least not anymore
    [19:35:22] Tobi : waste of time
    [19:35:40] Tobi : ok, but this 1 on 1 is mostly luck
    [19:35:57] Hero X : not really
    [19:36:01] Ninja : So, on another note, have either of you gotten Deoxys yet?
    [19:36:02] Hero X : ill win
    [19:36:10] Tobi : use any poekmon? even ubers?
    [19:36:16] Hero X : i do
    [19:36:19] Hero X : ya
    [19:36:27] Tobi : i've had it sence ruby\
    [19:36:34] Ninja : That'll be the one he's using, Tobi xD
    [19:36:50] Tobi : ah
    [19:36:53] Ninja : Gotten Deoxys from Gamestop, tard.
    [19:36:55] Tobi : so ubers = yes?
    [19:36:59] Hero X : i have a shiny deoxys(GTS), lv100 deoxys(emerald cheat), and lv 35 Deoxys(eb=vent)
    [19:37:03] Hero X : event*
    [19:37:07] Hero X : yes
    [19:37:16] Hero X : no
    [19:37:22] Hero X : ubers= allowed
    [19:37:44] Tobi : then fine. i'v got mine from today as well
    [19:37:49] Tobi : good luck
    [19:37:53] Hero X : ok...
    [19:37:57] Hero X : you to
    [19:38:16] Ninja : *too
    [19:38:25] Hero X : ninja...
    [19:38:30] Hero X : im sorry but...
    [19:38:44] Tobi : but?
    [19:38:44] Ninja : No you're not.
    [19:38:47] Tobi : but what?
    [19:38:51] Hero X : that is kinda hard for me to tell if you use the to or too
    [19:38:51] Tobi : tell me!
    [19:38:59] Tobi : i must know!
    [19:39:13] Hero X : i know that doesnt make sense but you get what i mean
    [19:39:28] Ninja : Too means "as well" or "also"
    [19:39:43] Hero X : good luck have fun dont suck tobu lolz
    [19:39:44] Tobi : i will do lv 100 battle, or nothing
    [19:39:45] Ninja : All the other times, it's "to".
    [19:39:50] Hero X : i know that
    [19:39:57] Hero X : tobi....
    [19:40:03] Hero X : no.....
    [19:40:08] Tobi : i don't feel like doing what you want me to do
    [19:40:11] Ninja : Or "two"
    [19:40:13] Hero X : i need a free battle
    [19:40:21] Tobi : why?
    [19:40:25] Tobi : tell me why!
    [19:40:27] Hero X : to test my pokemon >_>
    [19:40:42] Tobi : fine. but this is not a real battle, only a test one
    [19:40:54] Hero X : now lets see my FEAR's powers
    [19:40:54] Tobi : i will dc if i'm about to die
    [19:41:01] Hero X : yes i know
    [19:41:13] Tobi : XD
    [19:41:24] Hero X : FEAR
    [19:41:26] Hero X : MY
    [19:41:29] Tobi : wow
    [19:41:33] Hero X : RATATTA!
    [19:41:42] Ninja : He's going to win.
    [19:41:43] Tobi : a lv 1
    [19:41:51] Hero X : yup
    [19:41:55] Ninja : One on one Ratatta wins.
    [19:41:58] Hero X : just like marriland
    [19:42:00] Ninja : ALWAYS
    [19:42:07] Hero X : ya
    [19:42:08] Tobi :
    [19:42:14] Hero X : i win
    [19:42:19] Tobi : that...can we try again
    [19:42:22] Ninja : Well, if you don't know what it's going to do, it wins.
    [19:42:42] Hero X : no offense tobi but you just got wrecked by a lv1 ratatta
    [19:42:43] Tobi : i'm liking what your doing, so i want to do it too
    [19:42:55] Ninja : *you're
    [19:42:58] Tobi : no offense hero but i owned your team, so fuck off you little prick
    [19:43:01] Hero X : heres what you need
    [19:43:09] Tobi : now, be quike of i hurt you
    [19:43:18] Tobi : quite
    [19:43:28] Tobi : ....what i mean is, shut the hell up
    [19:43:33] Ninja : *quiet
    [19:43:39] Hero X : two raticates one male one female and both know Quick Attack and Endeavor
    [19:43:49] Tobi : then, lets try this again
    [19:43:53] Hero X : then breed
    [19:43:57] Tobi : 2 on 2
    [19:43:59] Hero X : then there you go
    [19:44:03] Tobi : or 1 on 1, again
    [19:44:12] Hero X : ok
    [19:44:15] Hero X : 1 on 1
    [19:44:20] Ninja : Actually, you need a female Raticate and any male poke that knows Quick Attack and Endeavor that can breed with Raticate.
    [19:44:38] Hero X : no
    [19:44:40] Ninja : *and can
    [19:44:42] Hero X : i tried that and
    [19:45:02] Hero X : it didnt know Quick Attack and Endeavor
    [19:45:12] Ninja : You obviously phail at breeding, then.
    [19:45:19] Hero X : no
    [19:45:20] Tobi : ok, well then, mabye you mixed up male and female signs?
    [19:45:26] Ninja : Females pass on species, males pass on moves.
    [19:45:34] Hero X : i used a Female Raticate and a male one
    [19:45:35] Ninja : Yeah, like Tobi.
    [19:45:41] Tobi : females also pass on Ivs
    [19:45:47] Ninja : So do males
    [19:45:52] Hero X : male knew Quick Attack and Endeavor
    [19:46:09] Hero X : Female knew Endeavor
    [19:46:19] Tobi : mero, battle
    [19:46:23] Tobi : hero
    [19:46:25] Hero X : the ratatta knew Endeavor
    [19:46:30] Hero X : i know
    [19:46:34] Hero X : im on
    [19:46:38] Ninja : Tobi, your profile gender is female again
    [19:46:44] Hero X : so then i read marriland's post
    [19:46:56] Hero X : and it said
    [19:47:20] Tobi : what? i just fixed that!
    [19:47:36] Hero X : 'to get ratatta with Quick Attack and Endeavor you must
    [19:47:52] Ninja : If that were true, then breeding to get egg moves would be impossible
    [19:48:02] Tobi : yep
    [19:48:08] Ninja : As you would need a pokemon with those moves in the first place
    [19:48:09] Tobi : um...not lv 100 man
    [19:48:10] Tobi : free
    [19:48:23] Hero X : Breed a Female raticate with Quick Attack and Endeavopr
    [19:48:23] Tobi : remeber?
    [19:48:27] Hero X : Ebdeavor*
    [19:48:39] Hero X : Endeavor*
    [19:48:49] Ninja : And if you already had a pokemon with those moves, you wouldn;t need to breed for those moves.
    [19:48:50] Hero X : same for the male
    [19:48:57] Hero X : then there you go
    [19:49:04] Hero X : .................
    [19:49:09] Hero X : ok ninja
    [19:49:10] Ninja : So you were definitely doing something wrong. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
    [19:49:11] Hero X : SFU
    [19:49:16] Hero X : STFU
    [19:49:24] Ninja : GTFO
    [19:49:32] Hero X : -_-
    [19:49:44] Hero X : tobi
    [19:50:05] Hero X : should i tell sami to give ninja a warning?
    [19:50:09] Hero X : or a ban?
    [19:50:17] Ninja : xD
    [19:50:23] Ninja : Sorry, but that made me lol
    [19:50:37] Hero X : .....................................................
    [19:50:38] Ninja : And now I'm going to have to log this conversation, if you don't mind.
    [19:50:45] Hero X : i agitate easily
    [19:50:52] Hero X : i do mind

    Noobish-ness and phail, in summation.
    Ubers Sensei
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    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:58 pm

    Great job on the log.

    Sorry, but hero was really pissing me off. If he loses, he crys, cuts him self, jack-off, and say he will quit pokemon. If he wins, he mocks, brags, and laghts at you, even if your useing your worst team to help him out.

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    Post by Shadows Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:43 pm

    Ninja fails because 'too' can also be used to describe a quantity, as in 'too much' or 'too far'.
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    Post by Tobi Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:47 pm

    [21:17:46] Shiki : Indeed, but I don't usually listen to Japanese songs that are anime OP/EDs lol
    [21:18:11] Shiki : If you like the Death Note OP so much, just download more Maximum the hormone songs
    [21:18:23] Shadchild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:18 pm
    [21:18:35] Tobi : i ddi
    [21:18:36] Shadchild : get Buiki Kaesu!!!
    [21:18:37] Tobi : did
    [21:18:41] Shadchild : Buikki*
    [21:19:04] Shiki : Nanodesu by Yui Horie
    [21:19:07] Shadchild : get the whole damn album or you'll burn in hell
    [21:19:13] Tobi : ok, i'm on it with youtube
    [21:19:14] Shiki : You'll get diabetes from it
    [21:19:24] Tobi : XD
    [21:19:26] Shadchild : its a bloody awesome album
    [21:19:47] Shadchild : HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR are alright... one or two good tracks. ditto UVERworld
    [21:19:49] Tobi : great
    [21:19:52] Tobi : i plan to
    [21:19:57] Tobi : not really
    [21:20:09] Tobi : we aren't getting it
    [21:20:38] Shadchild : and for some non-jap music, get 12 Stones' latest album, Anthem for the Underdog
    [21:21:04] Shadchild : theyve got 3 or 4 good tracks on their rpevious 2 albums, but AftU is brilliant
    [21:21:28] Tobi : i'm in the mood for some deathmetal
    [21:21:43] Tobi : Jap deathmetal = win
    [21:21:49] Shadchild : then go jump off a bridge and listen to the sound you make as you fall.
    [21:22:24] Tobi : done that
    [21:22:31] Tobi : not as cool as i hoped
    [21:22:40] Tobi : bungle jumping
    [21:22:53] Shadchild : i listened to some doom metal once. it was a pretty cool intro, then the guy started ...'singing'. oh dear.
    [21:23:09] Tobi : tell it to me!
    [21:23:14] Tobi : thats the best kind!
    [21:23:27] Shadchild : Agalloth or somethin
    [21:23:51] Shadchild : Agalloch
    [21:25:08] Shiki : there's some gay ass metal genre's now
    [21:25:09] Shadchild : falling snow is the name of the song
    [21:25:33] Tobi : you really like music shad
    [21:25:37] Tobi : good for you
    [21:26:03] Shiki :
    [21:26:06] Shiki : Best metal
    [21:26:20] Shadchild : yeah i do. but i like melodic stuff mainly
    [21:26:22] Shadchild : oh god
    [21:26:29] Shadchild : ive turned on this agalloch again
    [21:26:33] Tobi : thanks, your a good friend shiki
    [21:26:45] Shadchild : its cool, like listening to HIm, then the singer comes on and its like Leatherface is the singer
    [21:27:00] Tobi : shiki. amazing
    [21:27:25] Shadchild : thats a funny vid
    [21:27:30] Shadchild : but the music is just too much
    [21:27:32] Shiki : Job for a Cowboy is actually really good, despite the spongebob rape lulz
    [21:28:13] Shiki : Lol, there's worse bands in screaming too
    [21:28:18] Shiki : This isn't even brutal death metal
    [21:28:38] Tobi : ...give me the most brutal shit you have
    [21:29:07] Shadchild : i prefer melodies in my music. tonality is very important for me
    [21:30:38] Shiki : blah, jewtube doesn' have much of White chapel
    [21:30:58] Shiki : The Red Chord is pretty good
    [21:31:01] Shiki :
    [21:31:18] Shiki : Drummer is pretty crazy
    [21:31:27] Tobi : go to i hear they have good music XD
    [21:33:59] Shadchild : you want some crazy drumming? listen to the intro of broken soul by Seventh Seal. man that intro rocks
    [21:34:12] Shadchild : when I saw Linkin Park, the drummer did a pretty awesome solo
    [21:36:10] Shiki : Rob Bourdon? Iirc he's they're drummer, yeah, he's pretty good, doesn't use double bass much though
    [21:36:20] Shiki : Then again, double bass is only really for heavy songs
    [21:36:28] Shiki : Which isn't really LPs thing anymore
    [21:36:49] Shadchild : It's a shame, Minutes to Midnight
    [21:37:09] Shiki : Yeah, I liked it better than Meteora though
    [21:37:14] Shiki : Waayyyyy too angsty
    [21:37:14] Shadchild : i downlaoded it asap, listened to the first track and was impressed. then spent like an hour going 'what the fuck is this?'
    [21:37:19] Tobi : i like pie
    [21:37:26] Shadchild : omg no, hell no. Meteora > MtM
    [21:37:46] Shiki : Meteora is one big /wrist fest
    [21:37:46] Shadchild : minutes to midnight was a good attempt at going in another direction but ultimately a fail.
    [21:38:22] Sagechild has joined the chat the Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:38 pm
    [21:38:23] Shadchild : Meteora has far better riffs, the style of MtM makes all the songs very samey in a bad way
    [21:38:32] @ Sagechild : o.O
    [21:38:57] @ Sagechild : MtM does fail.
    [21:39:05] @ Sagechild : Like HORRIBLE fail.
    [21:39:08] Shadchild : i do like how i got to buy a CD of the exact show I saw LP in though. I can actually hear myself at one point.
    [21:39:44] Tobi : zack, are you messing with my gender?
    [21:39:47] @ Sagechild : >_>
    [21:39:52] @ Sagechild : No, I'm not.
    [21:39:59] Shadchild : Remote surgery?
    [21:40:02] @ Sagechild : I've never been to any concerts. Dx
    [21:40:19] @ Sagechild : Overly loud screaming btw... sounds painful.
    [21:41:10] Tobi : like haveing your cherry poped, it is
    [21:41:15] @ Sagechild : How loud were you screaming to hear yourself, I mean really.
    [21:41:18] Shadchild : i like how on my live Bleed it Out it gets to a point where you think 'didnt this song end like 7 minutes ago on the recording?
    [21:41:21] Tobi : \i'm just guessing with this
    [21:41:45] Tobi : blled it out is a BEASTLY SONG
    [21:41:54] Shadchild : I wasn't screaming over the band, it was before their encore. Me and my friend started some chants tog et them back on and you can hear us then more people join in
    [21:42:54] Shiki : Bleed it Out is one of their better songs on Minutes
    [21:43:13] Shiki : In Pieces, In Between, and Hands Held High are the other good ones
    [21:43:19] Shiki : All the rest are mediocre, more or less
    [21:43:19] @ Sagechild : Bleed it Out is on of the ones that pissed me off.
    [21:43:27] Shadchild : Yeah they're good, although I don't really like Bleed it Out
    [21:43:43] @ Sagechild : I'm like "Sigh. I thought they knew how to use English to properly express things without utilising fuck."
    [21:43:44] Shiki : I liked it since it was like Hybrid theory
    [21:44:03] Tobi : they used fuck once, at the very begining of the song
    [21:44:11] Shiki : Meh, not cussing EVER made them seem like they were a kids band
    [21:44:14] Tobi : and it was in a funny way too
    [21:44:39] Shiki : I mean Will Smith doesn't cuss when he raps, only 12 year olds like anything he drops
    [21:45:05] @ Sagechild : I actually thought it was a tribute to people with brains who realise you don't need to cuss to express emotion.
    [21:45:27] Tobi : will smith rapes?
    [21:45:31] Tobi : i mean, raps?
    [21:45:38] Shiki : Rapes too
    [21:45:46] Shiki : And that would be incredibly pretentious, Sage
    [21:45:48] Tobi : but cussing once = win
    [21:46:00] Shadchild : I agree with SC
    [21:46:03] Tobi : cussing every other owrd = pussy song
    [21:46:12] @ Sagechild : Hence why the people who cuss the most (uneducated chigaboos, spics who don't know Engrish well enough, and 5 year olds) are generally just learning what the English language is, or are too stupid to comprehend it.
    [21:46:48] Tobi : 5 year old don't cuss. also, mabye you should remember you cuss alot as well?
    [21:46:51] Shiki : I cannot believe I am typing this, but Tobi is right, they may have used a swear like a handful of times on the entire album
    [21:47:03] Tobi : ....
    [21:47:13] Tobi : i'm logging this, just for it's epicness
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    Post by Zenith Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:09 am

    [10:08:24] Hero X has been disconnected the Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:08 am (session timeout)
    [10:08:32] Lord Ryu has joined the chat the Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:08 am
    [10:08:49] Lord Ryu : I have epic timing
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    Post by Ninja Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:17 pm

    [21:47:44] Ninja has joined the chat the Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:47 pm
    [21:49:16] @ Sagechild : yes
    [21:50:04] Ninja : Okay
    [21:50:12] Ninja : Soooo, I got Deoxys today.
    [21:50:15] @ Sagechild : ??
    [21:50:25] @ Sagechild : Did you save a shitty one?
    [21:50:37] Ninja : I saved in front of the deliveryguy so that I could SR for a shiny one
    [21:50:49] Ninja : SR'ed for one
    [21:50:53] @ Sagechild : xD
    [21:50:55] Ninja : tried again
    [21:50:56] @ Sagechild : Got one?
    [21:51:12] Ninja : Then I decided that I wanted to check out its moves and forms
    [21:51:21] Ninja : So I flew to Veilstone
    [21:51:26] Ninja : Went south one route
    [21:51:35] Ninja : Killed a Geodude with Psycho Boost
    [21:51:36] @ Sagechild : lol
    [21:51:45] @ Sagechild : o.O?
    [21:51:49] Ninja : And I was like "Fuck Yeah, that looks cool"
    [21:51:58] Ninja : So then I went back to Veilstone
    [21:52:06] Ninja : Looked at all the different forms
    [21:52:15] Ninja : Ended up with speed form
    [21:52:15] @ Sagechild : mmmmmmmyes
    [21:52:23] @ Sagechild : Okay.
    [21:52:32] Ninja : Then I realized that I had forgotten to look at the Cherish Ball effects
    [21:52:41] Ninja : So I went back down one route
    [21:52:49] Ninja : Walked around in the grass
    [21:53:02] Ninja : And a fucking shiny ponyta appeared
    [21:53:23] @ Sagechild : ohshit
    [21:53:45] Ninja : So, naturally, I caught it, but now I am stuck with a shitty Deoxys (a Docile one)
    [21:53:56] @ Sagechild : Awww
    [21:54:12] Ninja : And it makes me think that if I had SR'ed two more times, I would have ended up with a shiny Deoxys >_<
    [21:54:37] Ninja : Horrible timing, shiny generator.
    [21:54:52] @ Sagechild : SR how many times for the shiny?
    [21:54:55] @ Sagechild : Dx
    [21:55:00] @ Sagechild : I just got myself a Sassy one. XD
    [21:55:07] Ninja : I guess I could always steal my little sister's pearl if I want to keep SR'ing
    [21:55:14] Ninja : I only SR'ed twice
    [21:55:27] Ninja : 1/8192 chances D=
    [21:55:42] @ Sagechild : XD
    [21:56:03] Ninja : That would have been awesome, shiny Deoxys in only 4 SR's
    [21:56:13] @ Sagechild : lol
    [21:56:18] Ninja : /wrist
    [21:56:41] @ Sagechild : Dun do that!
    [21:56:43] Ninja : At least shiny ponyta looks cool
    [21:56:43] InsaneCultist has joined the chat the Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:56 pm
    [21:56:55] @ Sagechild : lol
    [21:57:03] Ninja : But it has a Bold Nature and Run Away ability >_<
    [21:57:14] @ Sagechild : Yuck. DX
    [21:57:34] @ Sagechild : OMG. My WiiMote batteries are already dying?
    [21:57:35] @ Sagechild : DX
    [21:57:57] Ninja : And it has IV ranges above 20 in everything butSp.Atk (0-3) and Sp.Def(16-19)
    [21:58:28] Ninja : Well, that's just my luck.
    [21:58:35] @ Sagechild : awww
    [21:59:15] Ninja : Good IV's, bad Nature and/or ability. Good Ability and/or nature, bad IV's/
    [21:59:17] @ Sagechild : s'okay
    [21:59:22] Ninja : *.
    [21:59:44] Ninja : Zack, stop being's creepy.
    [21:59:54] @ Sagechild : Why?
    [22:00:10] @ Sagechild : I'm actaulyl a really nice person to people who aren't passive aggresive. XD
    [22:00:51] Ninja : I love how I've been trying to battle Duncan for like a month now, and I still haven't been able to.
    [22:01:07] @ Sagechild : Oh, yeh.
    [22:01:14] @ Sagechild : You're going to your grandparents?
    [22:01:24] Ninja : Yeah.
    [22:01:31] Ninja : Cut off from civilization
    [22:01:44] Ninja : Well, by civilization I mean internet
    [22:01:48] @ Sagechild : XD
    [22:02:34] Ninja : I have to wake up early in the morning tomorrrow to go get shots
    [22:02:37] Ninja : T_T
    [22:02:48] @ Sagechild : Why?
    [22:03:18] Ninja : To go to my grandparents's xD
    [22:03:29] Ninja : It's really useless anyways
    [22:03:52] Ninja : I've been there lots of times before and I never had to get Yellow Fever vaccinations before!
    [22:04:06] InsaneCultist : Passive-aggressive? So you're nice to people who are just regular aggressive?
    [22:04:25] @ Sagechild : With conditions, of course.
    [22:04:30] InsaneCultist : lulz
    [22:04:53] @ Sagechild : Where in the hell do you gradparents live, dude?
    [22:04:56] @ Sagechild : Panama?
    [22:05:03] Ninja : Santa Cruz
    [22:05:12] @ Sagechild : What the?
    [22:05:12] Ninja : ....Bolivia xD
    [22:05:16] @ Sagechild : WHY
    [22:05:29] Ninja : I actually have already lived in Panama twice now.
    [22:05:42] Ninja : Wait
    [22:05:43] Ninja : Once
    [22:05:58] @ Sagechild : What the fuck?
    [22:06:04] @ Sagechild : Is your grandpa in the army?
    [22:06:09] Ninja : My older sis was born there, then my parents moved to NC and I was born there along with my little sister
    [22:06:20] Ninja : Then we moved back to Panama
    [22:06:32] Ninja : Erm, no.
    [22:07:02] Ninja : My Grandparents (on my mom's side) are Bolivian.
    [22:07:09] Ninja : My mom is Bolivian.
    [22:07:14] @ Sagechild : Oh, okay.
    [22:07:31] Ninja : My dad is in the Navy. We move a lot.
    [22:07:47] Ninja : I don't look hispanic at all though >_<
    [22:07:55] Ninja : Neither does my mom, actually.
    [22:07:56] @ Sagechild : And suddenly ymy mental image of you just got more suicidal and tan.
    [22:08:32] @ Sagechild : xD
    [22:08:32] Ninja : Only her dad looks really hispanic. Her mom is white, too xD
    [22:08:37] @ Sagechild : lol
    [22:08:46] @ Sagechild : Still.
    [22:08:55] @ Sagechild : the suicidal stays put.
    [22:09:05] Ninja : So yeah, I'm still really white, and only happen to speak Spanish fluently.
    [22:09:20] @ Sagechild : lol
    [22:09:21] Ninja : I still wonder why you never asked how I knew fluent Spanish before.
    [22:10:01] @ Sagechild : I never knew you knew fluent spanish before.
    [22:10:12] Ninja : It's funny when Spanish people here in Florida talk about you in Spanish and they think you don't know what they're saying, and then you go over and talk/yell at them in Spanish xD
    [22:10:31] Ninja : Yes, you did. You just never caught on.
    [22:10:46] @ Sagechild : xD
    [22:11:05] Ninja : I remember one time I said that I had read the Brawl Dojo page in Spanish, because I understood it, and then you said that you read it in French.
    [22:11:06] @ Sagechild : Not really, you didn't exactly show much skill beyond a Spanish II student here.
    [22:11:17] @ Sagechild : xD
    [22:11:23] @ Sagechild : I did, didn't I. XD
    [22:11:33] @ Sagechild : French is so rediculous.
    [22:11:48] Ninja : Gawd, I wonder why I remember these random things o_0
    [22:12:14] @ Sagechild : Iuno.
    [22:12:19] @ Sagechild : I'm just that awesome?
    [22:12:29] Ninja : It was the day that they posted the internet test battles
    [22:12:40] @ Sagechild : Meh. I limitedly understand Spanish.
    [22:12:42] Ninja : And I saw that the japanese version had a different vid
    [22:12:47] @ Sagechild : Es por que soy negro.
    [22:12:51] Ninja : So I looked at the Spanish one
    [22:13:04] Ninja : Yes, you are very black, zack.
    [22:13:24] Ninja : We should speak in Spanish and French when other people come on xD
    [22:13:25] @ Sagechild : Ahora, soy blanco.
    [22:13:29] @ Sagechild : xd
    [22:13:34] @ Sagechild : that'd be funny
    [22:13:44] Ninja : Don't pull a Michael Jackson.
    [22:14:08] @ Sagechild : XD
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    Post by Ninja Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:25 am

    [23:54:30] Ninja : *now
    [23:54:44] Ninja : Ask me later, when my internet isn't about to cut off
    [23:57:12] @ Sagechild : MY HERPES DIE ON THEIR OWN
    [23:57:22] @ Sagechild : There's your theme
    [23:58:07] Ninja : Thanks for that, Zack.
    [23:58:24] Ninja :
    [23:58:27] Ninja : READ THEM
    [23:58:38] Ninja : *static interference*
    [23:59:01] Ninja : EXPLODE
    [00:03:09] Shiki has been disconnected the Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:03 am (session timeout)
    [00:12:10] Ninja : HOLY SHIT
    [00:12:14] Ninja : MY INTERNET WORKS
    [00:12:22] Ninja : =DDDDD
    [00:12:50] Ninja : Yay for glitches!
    [00:13:25] Sagechild has been disconnected the Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:13 am (session timeout)
    [00:13:30] Ninja : On a sadder note, my iTunes isn't working for some reason
    [00:14:26] Ninja : I [/i]would[/i] restart my computer, but I don't know if my internet would still work >_<
    [00:14:32] Ninja : Blah
    [00:15:12] Ninja : Awwwww, I'm alone
    [00:15:22] Ninja : Figures.
    [00:15:36] Ninja : The one time my internet doesn't cut off, no one here.
    [00:18:13] Ninja : Just like the one time I decided to check out Deoxys, shiny ponyta appears >_<
    [00:24:05] Ninja : Dammit
    [00:24:12] Ninja : T_T


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    Post by Prostiboots Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:58 pm

    [15:26:55] Lord Ryu : I friggin hate Harry
    [15:29:16] Lord Ryu : And now my ICQ connection keeps failing >.<
    [15:30:42] Lord Ryu : It's not like I have any contacts on ICQ
    [15:30:45] Lord Ryu : But y'know
    [15:31:01] Lord Ryu : Who am I talking to?
    [15:38:12] Sagechild has been disconnected the Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:38 pm (session timeout)
    [15:47:32] Lord Ryu has been disconnected the Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:47 pm (session timeout)
    [15:56:16] Sagechild has joined the chat the Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:56 pm
    [15:56:24] @ Sagechild : XD
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    Post by Zenith Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:17 pm

    I was gonna post that xD

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