Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Feign (Magus Satus)


    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Feign (Magus Satus) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Feign (Magus Satus) Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Feign (Magus Satus) Empty Feign (Magus Satus)

    Post by Shine Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:22 pm

    I realize that this character sheet is kinda late... If I remember right, I PM'd the original to Ryu at some point, but I feel the character deserves a little more attention, and the site only holds onto so many PMs at a time, anyway. Most alterations made I won't even notice, since I really can't even remember- things like age or specific ability are completely lost to me.

    Name: Feign Tremor
    Age: 17 (popular age choice, heh)
    Sex: Male

    Magi Ability: Feign is relatively unique in that rather than having lordship over an element such as Fire or Ice, Feign can alter vibrations in great detail. He has a wide range of capabilities with such an interesting skill. Among these, not only can he change the frequency, speed, and volume of sound, but he can also slow projectiles or soften falls to some degree (not so much to, say, prevent a broken bone in a fall, but enough to perhaps avoid death, or to throw an arrow or bullet off course). When earthquakes and other such phenomena occur, Feign can attempt to soften the vibrations, rendering the seismic vibrations within a short radius of himself relatively harmless, or at least less dangerous. With his ability to alter sound, Feign has the potential to deafen foes, disrupt their balance, and alter his voice among other things, with practice. Feign's gifts develop very slowly, however, and can take weeks of practice to become combat ready, as vibrations are very small, delicate, and precise. With concentration, Feign can see vibrations to a degree, and can feel them as well. Because he can amplify sound from a good distance, he's a useful spy, picking up on sounds others wouldn't be aware of. Unfortunately, Feign's abilities are very dependant on his ears, so if he can't hear very well, then he can't really do much. Muffled vibrations are too difficult to visualize and alter.

    Equipment: Feign packs small explosives and fireworks with him for their knack at making loud noises- since Feign can only alter a vibration so much, he has to work with whatever he can- he can be something of a spectacle on the battle field, setting off explosives, clapping, stomping, even clicking his tongue to get the appropriate sounds he needs. Funny as he would seem, though, he's a difficult opponent when he puts forth the effort.

    Appearance: Feign generally looks relatively scruffy, unkempt, and simply casual. His clothing is simple, and properly fit as opposed to baggy or tight, usually with very dull or earthy colors, and preferring completely sleeveless shirts or shirts with removable sleeves. His body type is considered by most of his peers as "frail" or "wimpy," when infact he's simply very lithe- graceful, thin, and light on his feet. Regardless of how you call it, he's not especially muscular, and heavy armor isn't very becoming of him. His left eye sports a diagnally split-iris, the upper-half a vibrant blue, striking in contrast to the lower-half, which sits as a listless grey. His right eye's entirely grey. Feign's hair, a little less than shoulder length, is platinum blonde, and somewhat stringy, seperated in the middle with a shock of blue going down the right side. His hair's usually kept behind his ear, so he can see better- Feign refuses to get it cut any shorter. He usually has some sort of burn or singed spot on his face and/or arms, being that he works with explosives and fireworks.

    History: Feign's an orphan. He was adopted and apprenticed at an early age by a fireworks engineer, and to this day lives with his mentor, also a Magi, although considered "retired" or "discharged" for his old age. Feign affectionately refers to his mentor as "grandpa," due to the stark differences in age between the two of them. Feign met with the other Magi as kind of a draft or inheritance of his adopted guardian's prestige.

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