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    Post by Sasami Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:07 pm

    When the men came within range, Artemis shouted "Fire!" and the archers, herself included, began to fire arrows at the soldiers below. They were dropping like flies, what was wrong with this army?!

    Artemis scanned the men as she shot off arrows and noticed something strange...Ademis wasn't with them. "I wonder what happened to her..." she thought.

    "What's wrong with me? This isn't a good time to be thinking about anything besides what's happening on the battlefield!"

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:18 pm

    Aries watched in disgust. Not being able to take the scene before him he appeared in front of Galen. Galen was horrified at the solders falling all around him. He fell to his knees before Aries. "Please spare us!" He said.

    "You are pathetic! I can not believe you allowed this to happen! I sent you too look after my daughter and you leave her bloody in a field and think you can lead this army better than her!? You dishonor me, and are a pathetic warrior!" Aries then formed an energy ball in his hands and killed Galen.

    He then glanced up at Artemis, and then disappeared once again.
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    Post by Sasami Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:06 am

    Artemis watched Aries kill Galen and was a bit was unlike Aries to get so involved with human affairs. However, it was also understandable based on the circumstances. She noticed that the few remaining soldiers had begun to flee after seeing Galen fall, and Artemis took pity on them.

    "Retreat now and your lives will be spared!" she shouted.

    Artemis then instructed her own men to cease fire and allow the surviving soldiers to escape safely. Still wondering where Ademis had disappeared to, Artemis headed into her temple and eventually fell asleep.

    Just a few hours later, she woke up as the sun rose, stretching and yawning a bit. Although she didn't get much sleep, her hunger caused her to awaken quickly. Selecting one of her best bows and her sharpest arrows, she headed down the road to her forest in search of game.

    What she found on the road, though, shocked her. It was Ademis.

    Bending down to take a look at her, Artemis realized that she was still alive, just unconscious. Normally, for someone declared an enemy of the goddess, this would be the end. But for reasons partially unknown to even herself, Artemis spared her life.

    She carried Ademis to a nearby village, and found an older couple who had some decent medical knowledge. Instructing them to take good care of Ademis, Artemis left and continued on her way, still unsure why she did what she did.

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:22 am

    Ademis woke a couple of days later. When she opened her eyes she found herself in a small cottage. Her wounds dressed. She didnt really remember much that happened and she wondered why she was there. she burnt down houses like this, she didnt live in them.

    A few moments later a older lady walked in the room. "Oh your awake... now maybe we can get more fluids in you."

    "Excuse me... but who are you? How did i get here." Ademis asked she was a bit uncomfortable. "Er better yet, where is here?"

    The older lady smiled and said, "Your in Elis."

    At the mention of the towns name a flash back of men kicking her while she was curled up on the ground went through ademis' head.

    "Artemis brought you here." The woman continued. "We are just an older couple-"

    "Wait did you say Artemis!?" Ademis interrupted. The lady continued to talk but Ademis didn't pay any attention. What was Artemis thinking saving her? If everything went according to ademis' plan before, if her men hadn't betrayed her, this woman would be dead right now. In fact Ademis could kill her now. Was Artemis going insane?
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    Post by Sasami Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:57 am

    Artemis was walking through Elis to deliver a message to someone, when she passed the house of the older couple who had taken in Ademis. Pausing, Artemis went over her actions in her head for the millionth time, mentally kicking herself for not outright killing the woman.

    Perhaps she had taken pity from seeing her in such a vulnerable state, it was really hard to say. "In the future I won't show mercy like that again..." thought Artemis as she continued through the village, passing by the market.

    "If Ademis doesn't change her ways, I won't hesitate to destroy her..."

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    Post by Sagehawk Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:36 pm

    Ademis was thinking of just leaving through the window, after the older lady had left, but decided against it. At least if the solders came back to try and finish her they wouldn't be able find her for a while. She laid down and was about to get comfortable when she heard two men out side arguing. she listened for a bit but nothing too serious seemed to happen so she relaxed again. A few minutes later she heard shouting. It sounded like a small riot out side the house. She decided to investigate. She got out of the bed and looked out the window. There were 2 guys an older one and a younger one. The were in a heated argument and behind them were other angry villagers. It escalated and one of the men threw a punch and the fight between them started. Ademis ran through the house and out side.

    When she got there she found out the reason for the fight. The villagers that were there we shouting. "Yeah you deserve it! Keeping that woman in this village! She just raided a near by village!" One shouted. The younger guy in the fight said, "This is for my Wife!" and punched the older man in the stomach. Ademis winced. 'This good man shouldn't suffer like this for me.' Ademis thought. She ran over and pulled the younger man off the older man with unusual strength for a woman her size. She tossed him to the side and helped the other man up. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't suffer for me." For a few moments the crowd was silent. then then younger man from before got up off the ground. "Your right no one should, you should be hanged!" The crowd then roared their agreement. The older man stepped between Ademis and the small crowd. "You will do no such thing, I have been instructed to take care of her and protect her and I will."

    Ademis touched his shoulder and he glanced back at her. "You don't have to do this... I deserve it..." Before the man could answer Aries appeared before everyone in a bright flash. The people in the crowd were suddenly afraid. Aries just looked at them and they ran away. He then turned to Ademis, "You failed." He simply stated. "Consider this my last favor to you. I just saved your life. For now." And in a flash he was gone once again.

    Ademis fell to her knees in tears. She would never accomplish her goal now. The older man put his arms around her. "Whats wrong my dear?"

    In tears Ademis explained, "My father is in charge of the army in Olympia... 5 years ago he raided a small village. He wanted to kill me and my mom. You see he had an affair...-" Ademis stopped suddenly. She couldnt go on about how her mother had been brutally murdered.

    (in case your wondering the father thing will be explained later XD)
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    Post by Sasami Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:21 pm

    Artemis suddenly heard a commotion, and she could overhear people talking about Aries.

    "What is Aries doing here?" she wondered, walking quickly back to where she heard the most noise. As she approached the old couples' house, she noticed the older man embracing Ademis, who seemed very upset about something.

    "Well, it doesn't affect me," she thought, turning back around and continuing on her way.

    Artemis delivered her message to a small house by simply slipping it under the door and knocking twice.

    She then began to leave the village.

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    Post by Sagehawk Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:26 pm

    "Its ok... I knew there was some reason Artemis wanted us to help you..." The old man said as he held Ademis. "Artemis?" Ademis said looking up at him in confusion. "Yeah, she dropped you off here..." Ademis stood up suddenly.

    "I'm sorry I have to go..." she said distantly.

    "But go where? You wont make it out of the village..." the old man said. And he was right, but for some reason, she felt the need to find Artemis.
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    Post by Sasami Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:12 pm

    Artemis walked back to her temple, where she found Orion.

    "Ready for our hunt? Or do you predict another attack?" he said, somewhat sarcastically.

    "No, I don't think there'll be an attack or anything...we can go," she replied.

    Artemis gathered a bow and some arrows, while Orion prepared as well.

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    Post by Sagehawk Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:25 pm

    A few hours later Ademis was in the kitchen helping the older lady with preparing dinner. A few momwnts later her husband came in the door empty handed and a look of dissapointment on his face. Noticing the older lady went to her husband.

    "What is it?" She asked him.
    "No luck hunting out there... it seems these stiff bones arnt cooperating with me..." He replied.

    Ademis said, "I could go out and take something down for you...would you like deer?" The married couple looked at eachother then back at Ademis.

    "Sure...deer would be great..."


    Ademis walked softly through the woods with her bow and arrow. She had been tracking a decent sized buck for about an hour. When the deer finally stepped out in to a small clearing. She finally had a perfect shot.
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    Post by Sasami Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:07 am

    An arrow flew out from behind the bushes, making almost no sound. The deer fell with a moan, and Artemis stepped out to survey her kill.

    Shocked to see Ademis standing there, also with hunting gear, Artemis just stared for a minute. "What are you doing here?"

    Orion walked into the clearing, not noticing that Ademis was there. "So, did you get it?"

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    Post by Sagehawk Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:03 am

    Ademis threw down her bow in anger. She ran up to Artemis and started shouting at her.
    "What in Zeus name are you doing!? I've been tracking this deer for ever! You are constantly getting in my way! I cant take over a village! I cant Die! I cant even EAT!!!! Not with out your constant interference!"

    Ademis with out waiting for an answer turned and headed the opposite way away from the village of Elis and away from Artemis. She was tired of it. 'I'll just go get a new army and come back here and just destroy them all and her precious little temple...' Ademis thought. Then she remembered the older couple back at their cottage waiting for her to return with food. She cursed under her breath then turned back toward Artemis. As she walked by her She said, "I cant even plot future take overs because your one step ahead of me with out even knowing it!" She then picked up her bow. Artemis was really getting to Ademis in more ways than one. Whether Artemis knew it or not, she had awakened something in Ademis that had been asleep for quite some time. Before she would not care about the old couple no mater how nice or helpful they were. In fact as soon as she had that bow in her hand she would have killed them right then and there. Screw hunting. But now, Ademis wasnt even sure if she could ever bring herself to take over this village at all now that she knew someone there, not to mention Artemis was also here.

    Ademis noticed the change in herself and it frightened her. It made her feel week and helpless. She could not afford to feel love or compassion for anyone in any shape or form. As she stood up straight with the bow in her hand, she realized that by staying she had already failed in taking Olympus and it was all Artemis' fault. In anger she clenched her fists around the bow and in snapped in to three pieces.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:21 am

    Orion chuckled to himself.

    "Isn't that the crazy girl who wanted to take Olympus?" he asked Artemis.

    "She's not crazy, she's just confused," replied Artemis harshly.

    "Calm down, you don't need to get all defensive on me. Let's take this back towards the temple and have a roast," he said, walked towards the deer carcass.

    "I have another idea, actually. I'd like to take the meat to the village and give it to the older people who might be having trouble getting food...I mean, winter is coming and all..." said Artemis, trailing off.

    "What are you talking about? We need to feed ourselves, too, you know!" shot back Orion.

    "It's my kill, I'll do with it what I'd like. We have plenty of food," Artemis said, shrugging.

    "But why would you give it to complete strangers. That's--" started Orion.

    Artemis cut him off. "If they starve to death because of hunger, I won't have any more worshipers, now will I?"

    Orion realized she was serious and sighed. "I suppose that's true. Here, I'll help you carry it." He knew that Artemis wasn't telling the complete truth, but it wasn't really any of his buisness.

    They cut the meat up, wrapping it into neatly tied packages, and slowly made their way to the village.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:45 am

    Disappointed Ademis walked alone towards the cottage. A few steps and she discovered she wasnt alone at all. She heard horses, and not just from a stable, but the amount that would be in an army or large group. They didnt sound like they were on the move either. Ademis, curious enough, walked towards the noise as she got closer she heard men talking.

    "Basil said it shouldn't take more than 2 days to get back to Olympia." A man said.
    "Good I'm ready to get back home... " another man replied.

    Ademis' eyes widened. It was her brothers army.

    "He says when we get there to start washing the horses. He's meeting with Aries." The men continued.

    "The God of War?"

    "What other Aries is there? Anyways-"

    Ademis stepped on a branch and it cracked. The men suddenly grew quiet. Ademis' heart started to race. She had no weapon, not that that mattered. The problem was defending herself against an entire army if they were to alert others.

    "What is it?"

    "I dont know probably a squirrel or something..."

    The men continued to talk as Ademis quietly left them to thier horse chores.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:20 am

    Artemis and Orion arrived at the village and began giving out food. One of the first houses they went to was of the old couple that had cared for Ademis, and they seemed delighted to see Artemis again.

    "Oh, this is too much! Bless your heart!" said the woman, smiling.

    "It's not a problem at all," said Artemis, and with that, she left.

    After handing out all the meat, she and Orion borrowed some horses to ride home on. As they went down the trail, the horses seemed to get a bit skittish.

    "That's strange, I wonder what's gotten into them?" wonder Orion out loud.

    "It's probably because they aren't used to us," assured Artemis.

    In reality, though, the horses were nervous because they could hear the army lurking not too far away...

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:36 am

    Later that night Ademis snuck back in to the cottage and grabbed just the bare essentials. She left a note on a table for the couple thanking them.

    As she strapped the bundle of necessities on her back she noticed shiny metal in the corner of her eye. She turned and saw it coming from under her bed. She bent down and discovered all of her armor and her sword.

    "Perfect..." She said out loud. She sat her bundle down and put her armor on and grabbed her sword. "Now I dont have to buy a new one."

    In the dark Ademis walked just outside Artemis' temple and stared up at it for a moment. It was just outside of the town so it was on the way to Olympia if you were taking the roads. It would take Ademis a lot longer than 2 days on foot to reach olympia but at least she would have time to construct a plan.
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    Post by Sasami Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:01 am

    It was now very late, and Artemis had just arrived at the temple with Orion. After saying good-byes, Artemis went outside onto the front steps and sat there, listening to the calls and cries of many nocturnal creatures who had just woken up.

    She had decided to spend the night there, as her feet were sore from walking all day, and the horses needed a break anyway.

    Deep in thought, she was suddenly alerted to the sound of footsteps coming from nearby. It was a woman who looked a lot like Ademis...wait, WAS it Ademis?!

    Instead of saying anything, Artemis just watched, figuring that Ademis had probably not even noticed her sitting in the darkness.

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    Post by Sagehawk Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:25 am

    Ademis Sat down in the grass in front of the temple. She bit her lip in contemplation. Artemis might still be out. She could just sneak in grab the ambrosia and then instead of walking to Olympia, with no plan, and no army, she could just zap there and destroy her brother instantly. 'Yeah!' Ademis thought. She stood up ready to go in, when she stopped for a moment. She couldn't do that... she sighed to herself and plopped back down in the grass. After a moment she laid back and looked up at the stars.
    'Why cant I get myself to leave...?' Ademis thought to herself.

    In a pink flash of light Aphrodite appeared. She glanced over at Artemis watching and smiled. She giggled and Ademis looked up at her from her star gazing.
    "What the hell!?" Ademis almost shouted.
    "On the contrary...dont you mean what the love?" Aphrodite replied.
    Ademis stood up. "Dont tell me I'm about to add to my collection of annoying goddess'" Ademis said annoyed.
    Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Oh Ademis COME ON! I am TOTALLY not annoying! I'm LOVE RIGHT!? No Artemis... she has a temper... Mother nature for you!"
    "Are you here for a reason?" Ademis crossed her arms.
    "OH RIGHT! Aries sent me to tell you that if your thinking of going to Olympia now-"
    "To forget it right?" Ademis said interrupting.
    "Uh... no..." Aphrodite said simply. Ademis just stood their waiting for her to continue.
    "What!? I'm not going to tolerate your attitude! Just because Aries asked me a favor doesnt mean I have to put up with you..."
    "Just tell me..." Ademis said grinding her teeth together.
    "OOO hun... don't grind your teeth like that... you'll never find love that way..." Aphrodite said looking genuinely concerned. "Anyways... since you gave me attitude I think you need to do me a favor first..."
    "No way!" Ademis said turning to walk away.
    "Oh come on! Your a warroior right! this should be easy for you!" Aphrodite said.
    Ademis stopped and turned back around.
    "You see that temple over there?" She said pointing at Artemis' temple. "If you were thinking about going in it... and going through all that trouble of upsetting Artemis....I wanna watch! I DARE you to go in there! Come on just for some amusement! Immortality is a bored I have to have some entertainment!"

    Ademis growled to herself and angrily walked away from the love goddess towards the path towards Olympia.
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    Post by Sasami Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:21 pm

    Artemis rolled her eyes at the sight of Aphrodite. "What's that crazy goddess up to now?"

    After Ademis had started to walk off, Artemis approached Aphrodite.

    "What are you doing here? This is my temple, you know."

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    Post by Sagehawk Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:12 pm

    "OH! Hey arty! How are your fawns... and trees... and things....doing?" Aphrodite said. "I'm just delivering a couple of messages... and your getting in my way... just a tiny little bit here." She said not waiting for an answer for the first question and not really even caring. Before giving Artemis a chance at a response Aries appeared in a flash of lightning.

    "Note to self, never send love to do wars job." He said. He looked at both goddesses. He didnt have his golden armor on this time just a nice tunic, and a sword in his belt. He almost looked like a mortal man just out walking around. After a moment he addressed Artemis. "I apologize for this rude appearance..." He made a side ways glance at Aphrodite. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in annoyance. "But what Aphrodite was supposed to say, is that I have just visited the fates, and they have said that if Ademis does not take Olympia with in a year, all this precious forest will be destroyed by an opponent far greater than even her Brother Basil. Only Ademis has the power to stop such an opponent."

    "Yes her love for this forest has grown since she was a child... and if will continue to grow. No other warlord out there capable of taking Olympia will care. In fact they would probably like this prime realistate..." Aphrodite mused.

    "Now before you ask what interest I have in your forest, let me explain. Your forest is the only thing standing in the way of these villages here. My army is in charge of this land, and with out the protection of your forest, we are vulnerable." Aries stated.

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