Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories


    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
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    Rank : Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories Empty Kingdom Hearts: ReChain of Memories

    Post by Shine Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:14 pm

    So far, it's really nifty. I'm not even half-way through, of course, and I'm still on Sora's story (I'm trying to savor it and spread it out across a while so I dont' do Pokemon QUITE as much as usual), but it's good.

    It IS very easy, I can say that much. If you have a few Zeroes at the back of your deck, you'll never really have a problem with boss fights, and it's still the kind of difficulty where so long as you've got eights and nines more than anything else, you pretty much can't lose.

    One of the things that makes it most easy is that you almost never "waste" cards, because Sora will practically jump across the entire field to reach an enemy with an Attack card. He'll auto-lock onto something. Even if his current target dies mid-combo (not stock/sleight), he'll jump straight to the next enemy to continue/finish the combo. I'm hoping that'll be different in Proud mode.

    Besides the ease of the game, it's fun. There are new/different bosses, and you have to play them a little differently than you would in the original. For instance, if you don't have a Zero for Axel's Flame Wall sleight, you WILL be hit, because it's not just a line that goes across the screen, it's literally a WALL of fire that fills the entire screen, and it hurts. Also, some attacks (like all of Larxene's magic) are much more difficult to avoid, because they cover such massive area.

    There ARE some new cards (including map cards), and there are some new sleights, too, including alternative methods to make the sleights happen (different card combinations, etc). One of the most nifty (which I don't have yet) is Stop Raid, which lets Sora unleash a flurry of swings with the keyblade which initially do nothing, but all hit in succession after a second or two, giving you time to put distance between yourself and the enemy, stock more cards, reload, look for an enemy card in your deck, etc. Sonic Blade is much more useful, too, as is Ars Arcanum, which you can add hits to in similar fashion to KH2 with the Triangle reaction command.

    I'll note that Ars Arcanum works well in combination with the Jafar enemy card, preventing your attacks from being broken, considering that Ars Arcanum can only be made with three attack cards ranging with a total ranging from 1-5.

    I haven't seen it in ReChain yet, but probably the most broken sleight in the original was Tornado, made with a Gravity, an Aero, and any Summon. It stays for a while and circles around the screen (you can steer it), sucking up enemies and damaging them. Essentially, you can suck up the entire field and blow them all away at once. Two or three of those, and you basically can't lose any normal battles. I'm hoping Tornado's less broken in ReChain, thought it'd be cool to watch (like Vaan's White Whorl Quickening in FFXII).

    A nifty new Map Card called Bottomless Darkness creates a massive room with a limitless number of Shadow Heartless, which makes it easier to pick up map cards. There are also cards that create "Roulette Rooms," where you often end the battle with a Roulette Challenge, essentially giving you free map cards.
    Basically, it's a hella lot easier to pick up map cards. In the original, it was kind of a bitch, cause you'd be at the end of the game and just... Not have enough cards. You'd have to go back and look for rooms you can remake with whatever map cards you've got left and HOPE for a Teeming Darkness or something.

    I'm in Atlantica right now (to get it over with), and I'll be doing Neverland afterwords to pick up Ars Arcanum. Wish me luck. Very Happy

    Also, another note, you pick up abilities like High Jump and Glide the same way you got 'em in the first game. Very cool.

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