Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

2 posters

    My Newest team


    Number of posts : 97
    Age : 30
    Location : The Anime World(Montreal,Canada)
    User's Pokemon : My Newest team Dpmfa133
    Registration date : 2008-12-23

    My Newest team Empty My Newest team

    Post by Fujin-kun Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:21 pm

    This is the team I'm planning to build next.I'm not quite sure about the last pokemon and the items to use.Also,if you wonder,I chose this team based on personal favourites

    Adamant Nature,Intimidate
    -Ice Fang
    -Night Slash

    Hasty/Jolly nature,Flash Fire
    -Flame Wheel/Flare Blitz
    -Bounce/Iron Tail

    Impish/Adamant,Rock Head
    -Head Smash
    -Metal Burst
    -Protect/Iron Defense

    Timid,Tinted Lens
    -Bug Buzz
    -Air Slash
    -Giga Drain

    -Stealth Rock
    -Gyro Ball

    Timid/Modest,Natural Cure
    -Water Pulse
    -Ice beam
    -Rapid Spin

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : My Newest team Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : My Newest team Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    My Newest team Empty Re: My Newest team

    Post by Shine Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:44 am

    Your EQ weakness is over nine-thousand. If this team is built off "personal favorites," you might wanna personally favorite something with Levitate.

    Luxray is often mistaken for a straight-up physical sweeper, despite not having the speed or the movepool to do so. Luxray's better off as a bulky tank, or a Life Orb'd wall-breaker. For the former, go with Spark, Ice Fang, Light Screen, and either Rest or even Attract. Sleep Talk is a possible choice over Light Screen, but Luxray does not run ResTalk as well as Lanturn. For the latter set, I'd recommend something similar to what you already have, but T-Bolt should be run over Spark, and Ice Fang possibly replaced by Toxic to help wear down walls that can restore their own HP. I prefer Crunch to Night Slash on most Pokemon, to note.

    No Pokemon (save Raticate) should ever consider Flame Wheel as their primary Fire attack- especially if they are Fire type. There's no excuse for it, considering the better options of Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Overheat, and Fire Blast. Funny enough, no one suspects a special Rapidash, so Fire Blast is usually a pretty safe route, especially considering you're packing Hypnosis along with it, which both give you plenty excuse to run a Wide Lens. Don't bother with Iron Tail or Bounce. I'd sooner go for a Hidden Power, preferably Ground or Rock so it isn't completely walled by other Fire types. You won't be leaving Rapidash in against many Water types very often, anyway. It's not going to be OHKO'ing many things with HP Grass anytime soon- aside from maybe Quagsire.

    Aggron relies heavily on a lot of paralysis support on the team, and as of now, you're not giving him that. Your Aggron, sir, is a sad panda. Give it Substitue, Focus Punch, Thunder Wave, and Head Smash, and he'll be right as rain. Just watch out for Claydol.

    Dunno why Yanmega has Tinted Lens OR Giga Drain OR Whirlwind. It's your only EQ defense and happens to die after two turns of SR switch-in. After that, you get swept with relative ease.

    Honestly can't say much about Forrey. I never use it. I'm puzzled by the fact that it's not running Rapid Spin OR Spikes, though. EQ would hold up better against Scizor than Gyro Ball, too. Much more threatening.

    I don't understand why Starmie is running Water Pulse over Surf. Surf is better in just about every way that matters, considering Starmie is something of a sweeper in many cases- often comes in late-game for cleanup. However, the most effective Starmies I see are the defensive ones that have a lot of bulk and run Recover. Go for that.

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:33 am