by Sasami Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:03 pm
Ok, so you're continuing through the passage. You're now in a room with four chests (lolzelda?), one for each member of your group. Each of you should roll to find out what item is in your treasure chest.
1-Rare Candy
2-Ruins Key
4-Moon Stone
5-King's Rock
6-Dragon Scale
After you guys find out what item you got, you'll need to complete the following puzzle to move on:
Requirements: Everyone in the group should attack with a Pokemon. The final damage totals should all be consecutive numbers (ex: 10, 11, 12, and 13) and you may re-arrange the numbers to achieve this. Attacks/abilities that are based around what the opponent does fail. No attacks are banned, however.
After that puzzle is a second one:
Requirements: Use Unown to complete this Pokemon name: _M_ _RG_E