Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

10 posters

    Shoddy Logs


    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:56 pm

    Battle Logs from Shoddy.

    Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle 
    Hunter548 sent out Swellow (lvl 100 Swellow ♂). 
    DarkShaloo sent out Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    DarkShaloo switched in Retro (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ♂). 
    Retro is exerting its pressure! 
    Swellow used Protect. 
    Swellow protected itself! 
    Swellow was badly poisoned! 
    Retro used Rock Slide. 
    It's super effective! 
    Swellow lost 171% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Swellow fainted. 
    Retro lost 10% of its health. 
    Hunter548 switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ♀). 
    Retro used Rock Slide. 
    It's super effective! 
    Froslass lost 135% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Froslass fainted. 
    Retro lost 10% of its health. 
    Hunter548 switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ♂). 
    Shine has entered the room. 
    Retro used Earthquake. 
    Hitmonlee lost 90% of its health. 
    Retro lost 10% of its health. 
    Hitmonlee used Stone Edge. 
    It's super effective! 
    Retro lost 114% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Retro fainted. 
    Hitmonlee's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Hitmonlee restored 6% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Lazar (lvl 100 Venusaur ♂). 
    Shine: Wow, Hitmonlee wasn't Scarfed. 
    Hunter548 switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales ♂). 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    Ninetales lost 73% of its health. 
    Ninetales's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Ninetales restored 6% of its health. 
    Shine: Must be banded. 
    Hunter548: maybe 
    Hunter548: >> 
    Ninetales used Flamethrower. 
    It's super effective! 
    Lazar lost 67% of its health. 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    Ninetales lost 71% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Ninetales fainted. 
    Hunter548 switched in Nidoking (lvl 100 Nidoking ♂). 
    Shine: Yay Venusaur, bein' all bulky. 
    Nidoking used Megahorn. 
    Lazar lost 51% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Lazar fainted. 
    Nidoking lost 10% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    Violet used Hypnosis. 
    Nidoking fell asleep! 
    Nidoking is fast asleep! 
    Shine: But yay Nidoking. 
    Hunter548 switched in Shiftry (lvl 100 Shiftry ♂). 
    Violet used Return. 
    A critical hit! 
    Shiftry lost 150% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Shiftry fainted. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Hunter548 switched in Hitmonlee (lvl 100 Hitmonlee ♂). 
    DarkShaloo: GG 
    Violet used Fake Out. 
    But it failed! 
    Hitmonlee used Close Combat. 
    It's super effective! 
    Violet lost 231% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Violet fainted. 
    Hitmonlee's defence was lowered. 
    Hitmonlee's special defence was lowered. 
    Hitmonlee's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Hitmonlee restored 6% of its health. 
    Hunter548: gg 
    DarkShaloo switched in Drio Drio Drio (lvl 100 Dodrio ♂). 
    Drio Drio Drio used Agility. 
    Drio Drio Drio's speed was sharply raised. 
    Hitmonlee used Stone Edge. 
    It's super effective! 
    Drio Drio Drio lost 132% of its health. 
    Drio Drio Drio hung on using its Focus Sash! 
    Hitmonlee's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Hitmonlee restored 6% of its health. 
    Hitmonlee used Mach Punch. 
    Drio Drio Drio lost 41% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Drio Drio Drio fainted. 
    Hitmonlee's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Hitmonlee restored 6% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Clockwork (lvl 100 Hypno ♂). 
    Shine: Lawl. 
    DarkShaloo: Gah. 
    Hitmonlee used Close Combat. 
    It's not very effective... 
    Clockwork lost 41% of its health. 
    Hitmonlee's defence was lowered. 
    Hitmonlee's special defence was lowered. 
    Clockwork used Psychic. 
    It's super effective! 
    A critical hit! 
    Hitmonlee lost 300% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Hitmonlee fainted. 
    Clockwork's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Clockwork restored 6% of its health. 
    Hunter548 switched in Nidoking (lvl 100 Nidoking ♂). 
    Shine: Yay for bein' bulky. XD 
    Nidoking woke up! 
    Nidoking used Megahorn. 
    It's super effective! 
    Clockwork lost 132% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Clockwork fainted. 
    Nidoking lost 10% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Beaver Boy (lvl 100 Bibarel ♂). 
    Shine: Ho sheet 
    DarkShaloo: xD 
    Shine: Haxed. XD 
    DarkShaloo: GG To you fine sir. 
    Hunter548: yay for megahorn hitting 
    Hunter548: you too 
    Nidoking used Earthquake. 
    Beaver Boy lost 94% of its health. 
    Nidoking lost 10% of its health. 
    Beaver Boy used Ice Beam. 
    It's super effective! 
    Nidoking lost 76% of its health. 
    Hunter548's Nidoking fainted. 
    DarkShaloo wins! 
    DarkShaloo: LAWL 
    Shine: Wow, that was close. 
    Hunter548: :0 
    DarkShaloo: Very good game 
    Hunter548: the shame 
    DarkShaloo: Very good game indeed. 
    Hunter548: gg 
    DarkShaloo: Must Save Log. 

    Last edited by Sasami on Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:29 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Wild Pokemon!)

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Kooper v. Shine (Edited for Length)

    Post by Shine Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:50 pm

    Kooper sent out Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    Shine sent out Pachi (lvl 100 Pachirisu).
    DarkShaloo has entered the room.
    DarkShaloo: Hey Kooper, hey Shine.
    Shine: Good luck.
    Kooper: Sup
    Kooper: You too.
    Pachi used Substitute.
    Pachi lost 25% of its health.
    Pachi made a substitute!
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    It's not very effective...
    The substitute took damage for Pachi!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Pachi used Toxic.
    Pachi's attack missed!
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    The substitute took damage for Pachi!
    Pachi's substitute faded!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kooper switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume).
    Pachi used Toxic.
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Pachi used Substitute.
    Pachi lost 25% of its health.
    Pachi made a substitute!
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    The substitute took damage for Pachi!
    Pachi's substitute faded!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shine switched in Incubus (lvl 100 Nidoking).
    Vileplume used Sleep Powder.
    Incubus fell asleep!
    Kooper switched in Absol (lvl 100 Absol).
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Rhythm was badly poisoned!
    Kooper switched in Shedinja (lvl 100 Shedinja).
    Rhythm used Toxic.
    Shedinja was badly poisoned!
    Shedinja is hurt by poison!
    Shedinja lost 100% of its health. (lol)
    Kooper's Shedinja fainted.
    Rhythm is hurt by poison!
    Kooper switched in Kingler (lvl 100 Kingler).
    Shine switched in PumpSlide (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Kingler used Substitute.
    Kingler lost 25% of its health.
    Kingler made a substitute!
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    PumpSlide used Fake Out.
    The substitute took damage for Kingler!
    Kingler used Swords Dance.
    Kingler's attack was sharply raised.
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kingler used Swords Dance.
    Kingler's attack was sharply raised.
    PumpSlide used Roar.
    Kooper switched in Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    Shine switched in Incubus (lvl 100 Nidoking).
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    It doesn't affect Incubus...
    Raichu used Hidden Power.
    It's super effective!
    Incubus lost 61% of its health.
    Incubus is fast asleep!
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 27% of its health.
    Kooper switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume).
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Rhythm used Fire Blast.
    Rhythm's attack missed!
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    Rhythm lost 25% of its health.
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Kooper switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Rhythm used Toxic.
    Blastoise was badly poisoned!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Kooper switched in Kingler (lvl 100 Kingler).
    Rhythm used Protect.
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kingler used Swords Dance.
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shine switched in PumpSlide (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Kingler used Crabhammer.
    PumpSlide lost 33% of its health.
    The wish came true!
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    PumpSlide used Fake Out.
    Kingler lost 9% of its health.
    Kingler flinched!
    Kingler's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kingler used Return.
    PumpSlide lost 46% of its health.
    PumpSlide used Counter.
    Kingler lost 97% of its health.
    Kooper's Kingler fainted.
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kooper switched in Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 27% of its health.
    Kooper switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Rhythm used Protect.
    Blastoise used Surf.
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 29% of its health.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Kooper switched in Absol (lvl 100 Absol).
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Shine switched in Tilt (lvl 100 Noctowl).
    Absol used Night Slash.
    A critical hit!
    Tilt lost 100% of its health.
    Shine's Tilt fainted. (D: )
    Shine switched in PumpSlide (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Kooper switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume).
    PumpSlide used Fake Out.
    Vileplume lost 9% of its health.
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Kooper switched in Absol (lvl 100 Absol).
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Absol used Night Slash.
    Rhythm lost 48% of its health.
    Rhythm used Toxic. (Risk and reward Very Happy)
    Absol was badly poisoned!
    Absol is hurt by poison!
    Shine switched in PumpSlide (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Absol used Night Slash.
    PumpSlide lost 27% of its health.
    Absol is hurt by poison!
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kooper switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume).
    PumpSlide used Roar. (HACHACHACHA)
    Kooper switched in Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shine switched in Incubus (lvl 100 Nidoking).
    Raichu used Hidden Power.
    It's super effective!
    Incubus lost 39% of its health.
    Shine's Incubus fainted. (D: )
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Kooper switched in Absol (lvl 100 Absol).
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Absol is hurt by poison!
    Shine switched in PumpSlide (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Absol used Night Slash.
    PumpSlide lost 28% of its health.
    The wish came true!
    PumpSlide restored 50% of its health.
    Absol is hurt by poison!
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    PumpSlide used Fake Out.
    Absol lost 15% of its health.
    Absol flinched!
    Absol is hurt by poison!
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    PumpSlide used Aqua Jet.
    A critical hit! (lol)
    Absol lost 32% of its health.
    Kooper's Absol fainted.
    PumpSlide's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kooper switched in Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 28% of its health.
    Rhythm used Protect.
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm protected itself!
    Shine switched in Pachi (lvl 100 Pachirisu).
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    It's not very effective...
    Pachi lost 22% of its health.
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Kooper switched in Vileplume (lvl 100 Vileplume).
    Pachi used Substitute.
    Pachi lost 25% of its health.
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Pachi used Super Fang.
    Vileplume lost 50% of its health.
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    Pachi's substitute faded!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Pachi used Substitute.
    Pachi lost 25% of its health.
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    The substitute took damage for Pachi!
    Pachi's substitute faded!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Pachi used Substitute.
    Pachi lost 25% of its health.
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    Pachi's substitute faded!
    Pachi's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Pachi used Super Fang.
    Vileplume lost 34% of its health.
    Vileplume used Sludge Bomb.
    Pachi lost 8% of its health.
    Shine's Pachi fainted.
    Vileplume's Black Sludge restored a little health!
    Shine switched in Snare (lvl 100 Victreebel). (WHAT A TWIST)
    Snare used Sludge Bomb.
    Vileplume lost 41% of its health.
    Kooper's Vileplume fainted.
    Snare lost 10% of its health. (Life Orb)
    Kooper switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Blastoise used Ice Beam.
    It's super effective!
    Snare lost 52% of its health.
    Snare used Leaf Storm.
    Snare's attack missed! (D: )
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    DarkShaloo: HAX
    Shine: Fucking misshax.
    Kooper: I'll let it hit.
    Kooper: I'll rapid spin
    Shine: :\
    DarkShaloo: Don't do that. . .
    Kooper: I wanted him to kill me though
    DarkShaloo: Comeon just play it regularly.
    Kooper: Then Raichu sweep
    DarkShaloo: Oh ok then xD
    Blastoise used Ice Beam.
    It's super effective!
    Snare lost 38% of its health.
    Shine's Snare fainted.
    (wow, liar.)
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Shine switched in Rhythm (lvl 100 Clefable).
    Blastoise used Surf.
    Rhythm lost 18% of its health.
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Rhythm used Protect.
    Blastoise used Rapid Spin.
    Rhythm protected itself!
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Kooper switched in Raichu (lvl 100 Raichu).
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 26% of its health.
    Rhythm used Toxic.
    Rhythm's attack missed!
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 24% of its health.
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 28% of its health.
    Rhythm used Toxic.
    Raichu was badly poisoned!
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Raichu is hurt by poison!
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 24% of its health.
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Raichu is hurt by poison!
    Raichu used Thunderbolt.
    Rhythm lost 25% of its health.
    Rhythm used Fire Blast.
    A critical hit! (lol)
    Raichu lost 76% of its health.
    Raichu's Salac Berry raised its speed!
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Raichu is hurt by poison!
    Kooper's Raichu fainted.
    Kooper switched in Blastoise (lvl 100 Blastoise).
    Blastoise used Surf.
    Rhythm lost 20% of its health.
    Rhythm used Wish.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Blastoise used Surf.
    Rhythm lost 19% of its health.
    Rhythm used Fire Blast.
    It's not very effective...
    Blastoise lost 10% of its health.
    The wish came true!
    Rhythm restored 50% of its health.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Blastoise used Surf.
    Rhythm lost 18% of its health.
    Rhythm used Fire Blast.
    It's not very effective...
    Blastoise lost 11% of its health.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Blastoise used Surf.
    Rhythm lost 27% of its health.
    Rhythm used Fire Blast.
    It's not very effective...
    Blastoise lost 11% of its health.
    Blastoise's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blastoise is hurt by poison!
    Kooper's Blastoise fainted.
    Shine wins!
    Kooper has left the room.

    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:56 pm

    Astra traced Beaver Boy's Simple!  
    Lord Ryu: Astra is the star of /my/ team  
    Astra used Thunderbolt.  
    It's super effective!  
    Beaver Boy lost 104% of its health.  
    DarkShaloo's Beaver Boy fainted.  
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀).  
    Violet used U-turn. 
    It's super effective! 
    Astra lost 72% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Drio Drio Drio (lvl 100 Dodrio ♂). 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Astra used Will-o-wisp. 
    Astra's attack missed! 
    Astra's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Astra restored 6% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu: FUCK YOU WILL-O-WISP o.o 
    Drio Drio Drio used Drill Peck. 
    Astra lost 67% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu's Astra fainted. 
    DarkShaloo: x_x; 
    Lord Ryu: bleh 
    Lord Ryu switched in Pelleas (lvl 100 Gallade ♂). 
    Drio Drio Drio used Drill Peck. 
    It's super effective! 
    Pelleas lost 119% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu's Pelleas fainted. 
    DarkShaloo: LAWL 
    Lord Ryu: WHAT THE FUCK MAN 
    Lord Ryu: XDDDDDDD 
    DarkShaloo: I'm doing pretty good for a UU team. 
    Lord Ryu: I need to play on Shoddy more XD 
    Lord Ryu switched in Glacies (lvl 100 Regice). 
    Drio Drio Drio used Drill Peck. 
    Glacies lost 27% of its health. 
    Glacies used Ice Beam. 
    It's super effective! 
    Drio Drio Drio lost 123% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Drio Drio Drio fainted. 
    Glacies's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Glacies restored 6% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    Lord Ryu: Stupid Dodrio. 
    DarkShaloo: DRIO DRIO DRIO 
    Violet used Fake Out. 
    Glacies lost 14% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Glacies flinched! 
    Glacies's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Glacies restored 6% of its health. 
    Violet used Return. 
    Glacies lost 38% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu's Glacies fainted. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo: Double Lawl. 
    Lord Ryu switched in Somnium (lvl 100 Cresselia ♀). 
    Violet used Return. 
    Somnium lost 29% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu's Somnium fainted. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Lord Ryu switched in Versi (lvl 100 Shedinja). 
    DarkShaloo: LAWWWWLLL 
    Lord Ryu: x.x;; 
    Violet used Hypnosis. 
    Versi fell asleep! 
    Versi is fast asleep! 
    Lord Ryu: . . . 
    Violet used U-turn. 
    It doesn't affect Versi... 
    DarkShaloo switched in Clockwork (lvl 100 Hypno ♂). 
    Versi woke up! 
    Versi used X-Scissor. 
    It's super effective! 
    Clockwork lost 92% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Clockwork fainted. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    DarkShaloo: Lol I lost. 
    DarkShaloo: Nothing that can hurt Shedninja. 
    Lord Ryu: lol I love Shedinja. 
    Violet used Hypnosis. 
    Versi fell asleep! 
    Versi is fast asleep! 
    Violet used Fake Out. 
    But it failed! 
    Versi woke up! 
    Versi used X-Scissor. 
    Violet lost 59% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo's Violet fainted. 
    Lord Ryu wins! 
    DarkShaloo: Lol 
    DarkShaloo: Totally logged. 
    Lord Ryu: Good game 
    DarkShaloo: Almost beat you 
    Lord Ryu: XD 
    DarkShaloo: Good game. 
    Lord Ryu: I should play on Shoddy more often 
    Shine has entered the room. 
    Lord Ryu: So I don't suck as much 

    Number of posts : 382
    Age : 32
    Location : Great Britain
    Yen : 500
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa133
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Shadows Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:31 pm

    Shade wrote:Battle Logs from Shoddy.

    So not the things I flush away?

    *Removes attached picture*

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Prostiboots Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:54 pm

    Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle
    DarkShaloo sent out Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ?).
    sagechild sent out Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).
    DarkShaloo: I thought UU battle >.<
    sagechild: Froslass is uu
    DarkShaloo: Seriously?
    DarkShaloo: Hmm didn't know that.
    sagechild: YES
    sagechild switched in Hypno (lvl 100 Hypno ?).
    Violet used Hypnosis.
    Violet's attack missed!
    Violet used U-turn.
    It's super effective!
    Hypno lost 53% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster has entered the room.
    DarkShaloo switched in Retro (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?).
    Retro is exerting its pressure!
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    Hypno used Thunder Wave.
    Retro is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
    Hypno's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hypno restored 6% of its health.
    sagechild: =D
    sagechild: Fuck you too.
    DarkShaloo: Mhm.
    Hypno used Wish.
    Hypno made a wish!
    Retro used Taunt.
    Hypno fell for the taunt!
    Hypno's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hypno restored 6% of its health.
    Hypno used Psychic.
    Retro lost 33% of its health.
    Retro used Rock Slide.
    Hypno lost 54% of its health.
    Retro lost 10% of its health.
    The wish came true!
    Hypno restored 50% of its health.
    Hypno's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hypno restored 6% of its health.
    Hypno used Psychic.
    Retro lost 33% of its health.
    Retro used Rock Slide.
    Hypno lost 56% of its health.
    Retro lost 10% of its health.
    Hypno's taunt wore off!
    Hypno's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hypno restored 6% of its health.
    Hypno used Psychic.
    Retro lost 33% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Retro fainted.
    Hypno's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Hypno restored 6% of its health.
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ?).
    sagechild switched in Nidoqueen (lvl 100 Nidoqueen ?).
    Violet used Hypnosis.
    Nidoqueen fell asleep!
    Violet used Return.
    Nidoqueen lost 37% of its health.
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    Nidoqueen is fast asleep!
    Nidoqueen's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Nidoqueen restored 6% of its health.
    Violet used Return.
    Nidoqueen lost 35% of its health.
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    Nidoqueen is fast asleep!
    Nidoqueen's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Nidoqueen restored 6% of its health.
    Violet used U-turn.
    It's not very effective...
    Nidoqueen lost 9% of its health.
    DarkShaloo switched in Lazar (lvl 100 Venusaur ?).
    Nidoqueen's Poison Point poisoned Violet!
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    Nidoqueen is fast asleep!
    Nidoqueen's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Nidoqueen restored 6% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster: You guys are boring >_<
    sagechild: >_>
    sagechild switched in Hypno (lvl 100 Hypno ?).
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    Hypno lost 41% of its health.
    sagechild's Hypno fainted.
    sagechild switched in Leafeon (lvl 100 Leafeon ?).
    Leafeon used Substitute.
    Leafeon lost 25% of its health.
    Leafeon made a substitute!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    The substitute took damage for Leafeon!
    Leafeon's substitute faded!
    Leafeon used Substitute.
    Leafeon lost 25% of its health.
    Leafeon made a substitute!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    The substitute took damage for Leafeon!
    Leafeon's substitute faded!
    Leafeon used Substitute.
    Leafeon lost 25% of its health.
    Leafeon made a substitute!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    The substitute took damage for Leafeon!
    Leafeon's substitute faded!
    Leafeon's Salac Berry raised its speed!
    Leafeon used Aerial Ace.
    It's super effective!
    Lazar lost 43% of its health.
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    Leafeon lost 229% of its health.
    sagechild's Leafeon fainted.
    sagechild switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).
    Froslass used Taunt.
    Lazar fell for the taunt!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's not very effective...
    Froslass lost 42% of its health.
    Froslass's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Froslass restored 6% of its health.
    Froslass used Confuse Ray.
    Lazar became confused!
    Lazar is confused!
    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    Lazar lost 8% of its health.
    Froslass's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Froslass restored 6% of its health.
    Froslass used Spikes.
    Spikes were scattered everywhere!
    Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
    Lazar snapped out of confusion!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's not very effective...
    Froslass lost 43% of its health.
    Froslass's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Froslass restored 6% of its health.
    Froslass used Confuse Ray.
    Lazar became confused!
    Lazar is confused!
    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    Lazar lost 8% of its health.
    Froslass's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Froslass restored 6% of its health.
    Froslass used Spikes.
    Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
    Lazar snapped out of confusion!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    It's not very effective...
    Froslass lost 41% of its health.
    sagechild's Froslass fainted.
    Lazar's taunt wore off!
    sagechild switched in Clefable (lvl 100 Clefable ?).
    Ninjabugmaster has left the room.
    sagechild: Hmm. Probably should've used the team you know nothing about.
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    Clefable lost 66% of its health.
    Clefable was poisoned!
    Clefable used Calm Mind.
    Clefable's special attack was raised.
    Clefable's special defence was raised.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    Clefable lost 39% of its health.
    Clefable used Softboiled.
    Clefable restored 50% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb.
    Clefable lost 38% of its health.
    Clefable used Softboiled.
    Clefable restored 50% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ?).
    Violet was hurt by Spikes!
    Violet lost 19% of its health.
    Clefable used Calm Mind.
    Clefable's special attack was raised.
    Clefable's special defence was raised.
    Violet is hurt by poison!
    Violet lost 12% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Violet used Fake Out.
    Clefable lost 25% of its health.
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    Clefable flinched!
    Violet is hurt by poison!
    Violet lost 12% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Violet used Return.
    Clefable lost 53% of its health.
    Violet lost 10% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Violet fainted.
    Clefable used Softboiled.
    Clefable restored 50% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    DarkShaloo switched in Drio Drio Drio (lvl 100 Dodrio ?).
    Drio Drio Drio used Taunt.
    Clefable fell for the taunt!
    Clefable used Thunderbolt.
    It's super effective!
    Drio Drio Drio lost 210% of its health.
    Drio Drio Drio hung on using its Focus Sash!
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Drio Drio Drio used Baton Pass.
    DarkShaloo switched in Clockwork (lvl 100 Hypno ?).
    Clockwork was hurt by Spikes!
    Clockwork lost 19% of its health.
    Clefable used Thunderbolt.
    Clockwork lost 37% of its health.
    Clockwork's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clockwork restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Clockwork used Nasty Plot.
    Clockwork's special attack was sharply raised.
    Clefable used Ice Beam.
    Clockwork lost 38% of its health.
    Clefable's taunt wore off!
    Clockwork's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clockwork restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Clockwork used Baton Pass.
    DarkShaloo switched in Beaver Boy (lvl 100 Bibarel ?).
    Beaver Boy was hurt by Spikes!
    Beaver Boy lost 19% of its health.
    Clefable used Ice Beam.
    It's not very effective...
    Beaver Boy lost 45% of its health.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    Beaver Boy used Surf.
    Clefable lost 49% of its health.
    Clefable used Thunderbolt.
    It's super effective!
    Beaver Boy lost 194% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Beaver Boy fainted.
    Clefable's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Clefable restored 6% of its health.
    Clefable is hurt by poison!
    DarkShaloo switched in Lazar (lvl 100 Venusaur ?).
    Lazar was hurt by Spikes!
    Lazar lost 19% of its health.
    Lazar used Leaf Storm.
    Clefable lost 68% of its health.
    sagechild's Clefable fainted.
    Lazar's special attack was harshly lowered.
    sagechild switched in Persian (lvl 100 Persian ?).
    Persian used Fake Out.
    Lazar lost 21% of its health.
    Persian lost 10% of its health.
    Lazar flinched!
    Persian used Bite.
    Lazar lost 21% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Lazar fainted.
    Persian lost 10% of its health.
    DarkShaloo switched in Clockwork (lvl 100 Hypno ?).
    Clockwork was hurt by Spikes!
    Clockwork lost 19% of its health.
    Persian used Bite.
    It's super effective!
    Clockwork lost 43% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Clockwork fainted.
    Persian lost 10% of its health.
    DarkShaloo switched in Drio Drio Drio (lvl 100 Dodrio ?).
    DarkShaloo: Good game.
    sagechild: gg
    Persian used Bite.
    Drio Drio Drio lost 34% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Drio Drio Drio fainted.
    sagechild wins!
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:50 pm

    Shoddy Logs Shoddylog


    EDIT: About 10 seconds later....
    Shoddy Logs Shoddylog2

    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:03 pm

    Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
    Ninjabugmaster sent out Metro (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
    beowulfdarkaura sent out speedtar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
    speedtar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    A sandstorm brewed!
    Ninjabugmaster: Fwee, sandstorm team.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in darkmist (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
    darkmist is exerting its pressure!
    Metro used Spore.
    darkmist fell asleep!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Metro is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Metro lost 6% of its health.
    darkmist is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    darkmist lost 6% of its health.
    darkmist's leftovers restored its health a little!
    darkmist restored 6% of its health.
    darkmist is fast asleep!
    Metro used Whirlwind.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in speedtar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
    speedtar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Metro is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Metro lost 6% of its health.
    speedtar used Stone Edge.
    A critical hit!
    Metro lost 88% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Metro fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Ninjabugmaster: Overkill crit
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Sonic (lvl 100 Sandslash ?).
    speedtar used Stone Edge.
    It's not very effective...
    Sonic lost 15% of its health.
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    It's super effective!
    speedtar lost 70% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in darkmist (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).
    darkmist is exerting its pressure!
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    darkmist lost 37% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    darkmist is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    darkmist lost 6% of its health.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    darkmist's leftovers restored its health a little!
    darkmist restored 6% of its health.
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    darkmist lost 34% of its health.
    darkmist woke up!
    darkmist used Hidden Power.
    Sonic lost 35% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    darkmist is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    darkmist lost 6% of its health.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    darkmist's leftovers restored its health a little!
    darkmist restored 6% of its health.
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    darkmist lost 30% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's darkmist fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in Cacturne (lvl 100 Cacturne ?).
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Guinevere (lvl 100 Togekiss ?).
    Cacturne used Focus Blast.
    Guinevere lost 35% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Guinevere is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Guinevere lost 6% of its health.
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne used Focus Blast.
    Guinevere lost 38% of its health.
    Guinevere used Substitute.
    Guinevere lost 25% of its health.
    Guinevere made a substitute!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Guinevere is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Guinevere lost 2% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Guinevere fainted.
    Ninjabugmaster: Ouch.
    Ninjabugmaster: Stupid focus blast didn't miss.
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Thorain (lvl 100 Raikou).
    Thorain is exerting its pressure!
    Thorain used Toxic.
    Cacturne was badly poisoned!
    Cacturne used Focus Blast.
    Thorain lost 43% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Thorain is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne is hurt by poison!
    Cacturne lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain used Protect.
    Thorain protected itself!
    Cacturne used Focus Blast.
    Cacturne's attack missed!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Thorain is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne is hurt by poison!
    Cacturne lost 12% of its health.
    Thorain used Calm Mind.
    Thorain's special attack was raised.
    Thorain's special defence was raised.
    Cacturne used Focus Blast.
    Thorain lost 28% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Thorain is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne is hurt by poison!
    Cacturne lost 18% of its health.
    Thorain used Protect.
    Thorain protected itself!
    Cacturne used Struggle.
    Thorain protected itself!
    The sandstorm rages.
    Thorain is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne is hurt by poison!
    Cacturne lost 24% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster: Lol!
    Thorain used Calm Mind.
    Thorain's special attack was raised.
    Thorain's special defence was raised.
    Cacturne used Struggle.
    Thorain lost 9% of its health.
    Cacturne was hit by recoil!
    Cacturne lost 25% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Thorain is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Cacturne is hurt by poison!
    Cacturne lost 15% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's Cacturne fainted.
    beowulfdarkaura: dam
    beowulfdarkaura switched in speedtar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
    speedtar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
    speedtar used Earthquake.
    It's super effective!
    Thorain lost 21% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Thorain fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Sonic (lvl 100 Sandslash ?).
    speedtar used Earthquake.
    Sonic lost 20% of its health.
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    It's super effective!
    speedtar lost 30% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's speedtar fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in darkwing (lvl 100 Honchkrow ?).
    darkwing used Aerial Ace.
    Sonic lost 33% of its health.
    Sonic used Swagger.
    darkwing's attack was sharply raised.
    darkwing became confused!
    The sandstorm rages.
    darkwing is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    darkwing lost 6% of its health.
    Sonic's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Sonic restored 6% of its health.
    darkwing is confused!
    darkwing used Aerial Ace.
    A critical hit!
    Sonic lost 34% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Sonic fainted.
    The sandstorm rages.
    darkwing is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    darkwing lost 6% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Vengeance (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
    darkwing is confused!
    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    darkwing lost 75% of its health.
    Vengeance used Hidden Power.
    It's super effective!
    darkwing lost 13% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's darkwing fainted.
    Vengeance lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Vengeance is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in chomper (lvl 100 Sharpedo ?).
    chomper used Earthquake.
    Vengeance lost 41% of its health.
    chomper lost 10% of its health.
    Vengeance used Focus Blast.
    It's super effective!
    chomper lost 90% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's chomper fainted.
    Vengeance lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    Vengeance is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura switched in shadowfox (lvl 100 Umbreon ?).
    shadowfox used Payback.
    It's not very effective...
    Vengeance lost 9% of its health.
    Vengeance used Focus Blast.
    It's super effective!
    shadowfox lost 70% of its health.
    Vengeance lost 10% of its health.
    The sandstorm rages.
    shadowfox is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    shadowfox lost 6% of its health.
    Vengeance is buffetted by the sandstorm!
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    shadowfox's leftovers restored its health a little!
    shadowfox restored 6% of its health.
    shadowfox used Wish.
    shadowfox made a wish!
    Vengeance used Focus Blast.
    It's super effective!
    shadowfox lost 30% of its health.
    beowulfdarkaura's shadowfox fainted.
    Ninjabugmaster wins!
    beowulfdarkaura: gg
    Ninjabugmaster: Good game
    beowulfdarkaura has left the room.

    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:51 pm

    Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle 
    Ninjabugmaster sent out Metronome! (lvl 100 Snorlax ♂). 
    DarkShaloo sent out Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    Violet used Fake Out. 
    Metronome! lost 18% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Metronome! flinched! 
    Metronome!'s leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Metronome! restored 6% of its health. 
    Violet used Return. 
    Metronome! lost 50% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Metronome! used Swagger. 
    Violet's attack was sharply raised. 
    Metronome!'s leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Metronome! restored 6% of its health. 
    Violet used Return. 
    Metronome! lost 98% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Metronome! fainted. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster: Whoops, that Swagger was a misclick >_< 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Metro'gnome (lvl 100 Mawile ♂). 
    Violet used Hypnosis. 
    Metro'gnome fell asleep! 
    Metro'gnome is fast asleep! 
    Violet used Return. 
    It's not very effective... 
    Metro'gnome lost 43% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Metro'gnome is fast asleep! 
    Metro'gnome's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Metro'gnome restored 6% of its health. 
    koopah has entered the room. 
    Violet used Return. 
    It's not very effective... 
    Metro'gnome lost 43% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Metro'gnome is fast asleep! 
    Metro'gnome's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Metro'gnome restored 6% of its health. 
    Violet used Return. 
    It's not very effective... 
    Metro'gnome lost 44% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Metro'gnome fainted. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in "Metronome" (lvl 100 Golem ♂). 
    DarkShaloo: You have bad luck, so I don't think Metronome will even have a Super Effective attack. 
    Violet used Hypnosis. 
    "Metronome" fell asleep! 
    "Metronome" is fast asleep! 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Métrónómé (lvl 100 Ludicolo ♂). 
    Violet used U-turn. 
    It's super effective! 
    Métrónómé lost 97% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Lazar (lvl 100 Venusaur ♂). 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    Métrónómé's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Métrónómé restored 6% of its health. 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    It's super effective! 
    Métrónómé lost 124% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Métrónómé fainted. 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Metronome? (lvl 100 Alakazam ♂). 
    Metronome? used Calm Mind. 
    Metronome?'s special attack was raised. 
    Metronome?'s special defence was raised. 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    Metronome? lost 77% of its health. 
    Metronome? used Metronome. 
    Metronome? used Foresight. 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    Metronome? lost 69% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Metronome? fainted. 
    Ninjabugmaster: Foresight -_- 
    DarkShaloo: Lawl. 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in /Metronome/ (lvl 100 Medicham ♂). 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    A critical hit! 
    /Metronome/ lost 201% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's /Metronome/ fainted. 
    DarkShaloo: LAWWWL 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in "Metronome" (lvl 100 Golem ♂). 
    DarkShaloo: This is going to be logged. 
    Lazar used Sludge Bomb. 
    It's not very effective... 
    "Metronome" lost 16% of its health. 
    "Metronome" is fast asleep! 
    koopah has left the room. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Violet (lvl 100 Purugly ♀). 
    "Metronome" is fast asleep! 
    Violet used Fake Out. 
    It's not very effective... 
    "Metronome" lost 7% of its health. 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    "Metronome" is fast asleep! 
    Violet used U-turn. 
    A critical hit! 
    "Metronome" lost 35% of its health. 
    DarkShaloo switched in Lazar (lvl 100 Venusaur ♂). 
    Violet lost 10% of its health. 
    "Metronome" woke up! 
    "Metronome" used Rock Polish. 
    "Metronome"'s speed was sharply raised. 
    Ninjabugmaster: WTF 
    "Metronome" used Metronome. 
    "Metronome" used Metronome. 
    "Metronome" used Iron Tail. 
    Lazar lost 26% of its health. 
    Lazar used Leaf Storm. 
    It's super effective! 
    "Metronome" lost 419% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's "Metronome" fainted. 
    DarkShaloo wins! 
    Ninjabugmaster: -_- 
    DarkShaloo: LAWWWWWLLL 
    Ninjabugmaster has left the room. 
    DarkShaloo: I bet if I made a Metronome team it would Rock. 
    DarkShaloo: GET IT? ROCK? LOOOOLLL1 

    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:48 pm

    DarkShaloo sent out Game (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Deoxys-e is exerting its pressure!
    Deoxys-e used Taunt.
    Game fell for the taunt!
    Game used Transform.
    Game can't use Transform after the taunt!
    WeezingFBaby: I LOVE DITTO
    Deoxys-e used Light Screen.
    A barrier was formed!
    Game used Struggle.
    Deoxys-e lost 8% of its health.
    Game was hit by recoil!
    Game lost 25% of its health.
    DarkShaloo: *high five*
    Deoxys-e used Reflect.
    A barrier was formed!
    Game used Struggle.
    Deoxys-e lost 4% of its health.
    Game was hit by recoil!
    Game lost 25% of its health.
    Game's taunt wore off!
    Deoxys-e used Stealth Rock.
    Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
    Game used Transform.
    Game transformed into Deoxys-e!
    Game used Taunt.
    Deoxys-e fell for the taunt!
    Deoxys-e used Taunt.
    Deoxys-e can't use Taunt after the taunt!
    WeezingFBaby: haha
    Game used Stealth Rock.
    Deoxys-e used Struggle.
    Game lost 12% of its health.
    Deoxys-e was hit by recoil!
    Deoxys-e lost 25% of its health.
    Game used Reflect.
    A barrier was formed!
    Deoxys-e used Struggle.
    Game lost 7% of its health.
    Deoxys-e was hit by recoil!
    Deoxys-e lost 25% of its health.
    Game used Light Screen.
    A barrier was formed!
    Deoxys-e used Struggle.
    Game lost 6% of its health.
    Deoxys-e was hit by recoil!
    Deoxys-e lost 25% of its health.
    Game used Reflect.
    But it failed!
    Deoxys-e used Struggle.
    Game lost 6% of its health.
    Deoxys-e was hit by recoil!
    Deoxys-e lost 25% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Deoxys-e fainted.
    WeezingFBaby switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).
    Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
    Scizor lost 12% of its health.
    Game used Taunt.
    Scizor fell for the taunt!
    Scizor used Swords Dance.
    Scizor can't use Swords Dance after the taunt!
    Scizor's light screen wore off!
    Game used Reflect.
    But it failed!
    Scizor used X-Scissor.
    It's super effective!
    Game lost 71% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Game fainted.
    Scizor lost 10% of its health.
    Scizor's reflect wore off!
    DarkShaloo switched in End (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Pointed stones dug into End.
    End lost 12% of its health.
    Scizor used Bullet Punch.
    End lost 45% of its health.
    Scizor lost 10% of its health.
    End used Transform.
    End transformed into Scizor!
    End's reflect wore off!
    End used Superpower.
    Scizor lost 44% of its health.
    End's attack was lowered.
    End's defence was lowered.
    Scizor used Superpower.
    End lost 98% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's End fainted.
    Scizor's attack was lowered.
    Scizor's defence was lowered.
    Scizor lost 10% of its health.
    End's light screen wore off!
    DarkShaloo switched in Set (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Pointed stones dug into Set.
    Set lost 12% of its health.
    halosiel: lol so many dittos
    halosiel has left the room.
    DarkShaloo: Mhm.

    Scizor used Bullet Punch.
    Set lost 65% of its health.
    Scizor lost 10% of its health.
    Set used Transform.
    Set transformed into Scizor!
    Scizor's taunt wore off!
    Kasumi Todoh has left the room.
    DarkShaloo: I felt like it, Ditto is one of my favorites
    Set used Bullet Punch.
    It's not very effective...
    Scizor lost 16% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Scizor fainted.
    Kasumi Todoh has entered the room.
    WeezingFBaby switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
    Pointed stones dug into Heatran.
    Heatran lost 12% of its health.
    Set used Superpower.
    It's super effective!
    Heatran lost 61% of its health.
    Set's attack was lowered.
    Set's defence was lowered.
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    It's super effective!
    Set lost 294% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Set fainted.
    DarkShaloo switched in Lose (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Pointed stones dug into Lose.
    Lose lost 12% of its health.
    Lose used Transform.
    Lose transformed into Heatran!
    Heatran used Fire Blast.
    Lose's Flash Fire raised its fire power!
    Lose used Earth Power.
    It's super effective!
    Heatran lost 113% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Heatran fainted.
    WeezingFBaby switched in Suicune (lvl 100 Suicune).
    Suicune is exerting its pressure!
    Pointed stones dug into Suicune.
    Suicune lost 12% of its health.
    DarkShaloo: Now lesse, what HP would you have on here.
    WeezingFBaby: haha you wont guess it right
    DarkShaloo: It's Ice, right?
    WeezingFBaby: since i fucked up the IVs

    Lose used Explosion.
    A critical hit!
    Suicune lost 161% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Suicune fainted.
    DarkShaloo's Lose fainted.
    DarkShaloo: I don't have to guess Wink
    WeezingFBaby switched in Shaymin-s (lvl 100 Shaymin-s).
    DarkShaloo switched in Fail (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Pointed stones dug into Fail.
    Fail lost 12% of its health.
    Pointed stones dug into Shaymin-s.
    Shaymin-s lost 25% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby: haha
    Fail used Transform.
    Fail transformed into Shaymin-s!
    Shaymin-s used Substitute.
    Shaymin-s lost 25% of its health.
    Shaymin-s made a substitute!
    Shaymin-s's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shaymin-s restored 6% of its health.
    Fail used Substitute.
    Fail lost 25% of its health.
    Fail made a substitute!
    Shaymin-s used Air Slash.
    It's super effective!
    The substitute took damage for Fail!
    Fail's substitute faded!
    Shaymin-s's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shaymin-s restored 6% of its health.
    Fail used Air Slash.
    It's super effective!
    The substitute took damage for Shaymin-s!
    Shaymin-s's substitute faded!
    Shaymin-s used Air Slash.
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    Fail lost 204% of its health.
    DarkShaloo's Fail fainted.
    Shaymin-s's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shaymin-s restored 6% of its health.
    DarkShaloo switched in Win? (lvl 100 Ditto).
    Pointed stones dug into Win?.
    Win? lost 12% of its health.
    Win? used Transform.
    Win? transformed into Shaymin-s!
    Shaymin-s used Substitute.
    Shaymin-s lost 25% of its health.
    Shaymin-s made a substitute!
    Shaymin-s's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shaymin-s restored 6% of its health.
    DarkShaloo: Oh bother.
    Win? used Air Slash.
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    The substitute took damage for Shaymin-s!
    Shaymin-s's substitute faded!
    Shaymin-s used Air Slash.
    Shaymin-s's attack missed!
    Shaymin-s's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Shaymin-s restored 6% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby: teehee
    DarkShaloo: Oh ho.
    DarkShaloo: What do we have here.

    Win? used Air Slash.
    It's super effective!
    Shaymin-s lost 102% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Shaymin-s fainted.
    WeezingFBaby switched in Salamence (lvl 100 Salamence ?).
    Salamence's intimidate cut Win?'s attack!
    Pointed stones dug into Salamence.
    Salamence lost 25% of its health.
    Win? used Air Slash.
    Salamence lost 49% of its health.
    Salamence flinched!
    DarkShaloo: Good game.
    WeezingFBaby: LMFAO!

    Win? used Air Slash.
    Win?'s attack missed!
    Salamence used Fire Fang.
    It's super effective!
    Win? lost 85% of its health.
    Salamence lost 10% of its health.
    DarkShaloo: I'm logging this =)
    DarkShaloo: OKWTF

    Win? used Air Slash.
    Salamence lost 50% of its health.
    WeezingFBaby's Salamence fainted.
    DarkShaloo wins!
    DarkShaloo: Naaao good game.
    DarkShaloo: Nice to meet you.
    WeezingFBaby: dayum you!
    WeezingFBaby: gg
    DarkShaloo: I hope we battle again!
    WeezingFBaby: same to you
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
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    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:27 pm

    This is why having a team full of sweepers is a stupid idea:

    Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause 
    jman8620 sent out Azelf (lvl 100 Azelf). 
    Ninjabugmaster sent out Metro (lvl 100 Smeargle ♂). 
    Azelf used U-turn. 
    Metro lost 56% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♂). 
    Metro used Spore. 
    Scizor fell asleep! 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Guinevere (lvl 100 Togekiss ♀). 
    Scizor is fast asleep! 
    Scizor woke up! 
    Scizor used Bullet Punch. 
    Guinevere lost 45% of its health. 
    Scizor lost 10% of its health. 
    Guinevere used Substitute. 
    Guinevere lost 25% of its health. 
    Guinevere made a substitute! 
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster: Fuck one turn wakes -_- 
    Scizor used Bullet Punch. 
    The substitute took damage for Guinevere! 
    Guinevere's substitute faded! 
    Guinevere used Air Slash. 
    Scizor lost 44% of its health. 
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health. 
    Scizor used Bullet Punch. 
    Guinevere lost 42% of its health. 
    Scizor lost 10% of its health. 
    Guinevere used Air Slash. 
    Scizor lost 36% of its health. 
    jman8620's Scizor fainted. 
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ♂). 
    Gengar used Thunderbolt. 
    It's super effective! 
    Guinevere lost 7% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Guinevere fainted. 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Metro (lvl 100 Smeargle ♂). 
    Gengar used Thunderbolt. 
    Metro lost 44% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster's Metro fainted. 
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Thorain (lvl 100 Raikou). 
    Thorain is exerting its pressure! 
    Gengar used Destiny Bond. 
    Gengar is trying to take its foe with it! 
    Thorain used Calm Mind. 
    Thorain's special attack was raised. 
    Thorain's special defence was raised. 
    Gengar used Shadow Ball. 
    Thorain lost 18% of its health. 
    Thorain used Calm Mind. 
    Thorain's special attack was raised. 
    Thorain's special defence was raised. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    Gengar used Focus Blast. 
    Thorain lost 14% of its health. 
    Thorain used Calm Mind. 
    Thorain's special attack was raised. 
    Thorain's special defence was raised. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    Gengar used Shadow Ball. 
    Thorain lost 10% of its health. 
    Thorain used Discharge. 
    Gengar lost 100% of its health. 
    jman8620's Gengar fainted. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross). 
    Thorain used Protect. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Metagross used Earthquake. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    Thorain used Discharge. 
    Metagross lost 100% of its health. 
    jman8620's Metagross fainted. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ♂). 
    Thorain used Protect. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Heatran used Explosion. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    jman8620's Heatran fainted. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ♂). 
    Weavile is exerting its pressure! 
    Weavile used Night Slash. 
    Thorain lost 51% of its health. 
    Thorain used Discharge. 
    Weavile lost 100% of its health. 
    jman8620's Weavile fainted. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    jman8620 switched in Azelf (lvl 100 Azelf). 
    Thorain used Protect. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Azelf used U-turn. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    Ninjabugmaster: Phail for the team full of sweepers. 
    Thorain used Discharge. 
    Azelf lost 100% of its health. 
    Azelf hung on using its Focus Sash! 
    Azelf used U-turn. 
    Thorain lost 28% of its health. 
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little! 
    Thorain restored 6% of its health. 
    Thorain used Protect. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    Azelf used Explosion. 
    Thorain protected itself! 
    jman8620's Azelf fainted. 
    Ninjabugmaster wins! 
    jman8620 has left the room. 

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
    Location : Wal Mart
    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Prostiboots Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:57 pm

    ...that was a bad player, too though.

    Also, needs moar losses that were good gaemz.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
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    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:13 pm

    Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle
    Ninjabugmaster sent out Metro (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
    SpectroX5 sent out Alakazam (lvl 100 Alakazam ?).
    Alakazam used Taunt.
    Metro fell for the taunt!
    Metro used Spore.
    Metro can't use Spore after the taunt!
    Alakazam used Psychic.
    Metro lost 168% of its health.
    Metro hung on using its Focus Sash!
    Alakazam lost 10% of its health.
    Metro used Explosion.
    Alakazam lost 264% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Alakazam fainted.
    Ninjabugmaster's Metro fainted.
    Ninjabugmaster: Lol
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Guinevere (lvl 100 Togekiss ?).
    SpectroX5 switched in Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).
    Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
    Hail began to fall!
    SpectroX5: wow
    SpectroX5 switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).
    Guinevere used Substitute.
    Guinevere lost 25% of its health.
    Guinevere made a substitute!
    The hail continues to fall.
    Guinevere is pelted by hail!
    Guinevere lost 6% of its health.
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health.
    Mamoswine used Stealth Rock.
    Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
    Guinevere used Nasty Plot.
    Guinevere's special attack was sharply raised.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Guinevere is pelted by hail!
    Guinevere lost 6% of its health.
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster: Kamikaze Smeargle FTW
    Mamoswine used Stone Edge.
    It's super effective!
    The substitute took damage for Guinevere!
    Guinevere's substitute faded!
    Guinevere used Air Slash.
    Mamoswine lost 71% of its health.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Guinevere is pelted by hail!
    Guinevere lost 6% of its health.
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health.
    Mamoswine used Ice Shard.
    It's super effective!
    Guinevere lost 57% of its health.
    Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
    Guinevere used Air Slash.
    A critical hit!
    Mamoswine lost 138% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Mamoswine fainted.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Guinevere is pelted by hail!
    Guinevere lost 6% of its health.
    Guinevere's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Guinevere restored 6% of its health.
    SpectroX5 switched in Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).
    Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
    Abomasnow used Ice Shard.
    It's super effective!
    Guinevere lost 36% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Guinevere fainted.
    The hail continues to fall.
    SpectroX5: XD
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Vengeance (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
    Pointed stones dug into Vengeance.
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    SpectroX5 switched in Nidoqueen (lvl 100 Nidoqueen ?).
    Vengeance used Fire Blast.
    Nidoqueen lost 45% of its health.
    Vengeance lost 10% of its health.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Nidoqueen is pelted by hail!
    Nidoqueen lost 6% of its health.
    Vengeance is pelted by hail!
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    Nidoqueen used Earth Power.
    Vengeance lost 42% of its health.
    Nidoqueen lost 10% of its health.
    Vengeance used Hidden Power.
    It's super effective!
    Nidoqueen lost 55% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Nidoqueen fainted.
    Vengeance lost 10% of its health.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Vengeance is pelted by hail!
    Vengeance lost 6% of its health.
    SpectroX5 switched in Glaceon (lvl 100 Glaceon ?).
    Glaceon used Blizzard.
    Vengeance lost 70% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Vengeance fainted.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Ninjabugmaster: Boo, 100 accuracy Blizzard >_<
    SpectroX5: =D
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Wrath (lvl 100 Octillery ?).
    Pointed stones dug into Wrath.
    Wrath lost 12% of its health.
    SpectroX5 switched in Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).
    Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
    Wrath used Thunder Wave.
    Abomasnow is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
    The hail continues to fall.
    Wrath is pelted by hail!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Wrath used Gunk Shot.
    It's super effective!
    A critical hit!
    Abomasnow lost 360% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Abomasnow fainted.
    Wrath lost 10% of its health.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Wrath is pelted by hail!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster: Lolz
    SpectroX5: Omg
    SpectroX5 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
    Vaporeon used Toxic.
    Vaporeon's attack missed!
    Wrath used Thunder Wave.
    Vaporeon is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
    The hail continues to fall.
    Wrath is pelted by hail!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Vaporeon is pelted by hail!
    Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
    Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
    Wrath used Seed Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    Vaporeon lost 78% of its health.
    Wrath lost 10% of its health.
    Vaporeon used Toxic.
    Wrath was badly poisoned!
    The hail continues to fall.
    Wrath is pelted by hail!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Vaporeon is pelted by hail!
    Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
    Wrath is hurt by poison!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
    Wrath used Seed Bomb.
    It's super effective!
    Vaporeon lost 80% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Vaporeon fainted.
    Wrath lost 10% of its health.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Wrath is pelted by hail!
    Wrath lost 6% of its health.
    Wrath is hurt by poison!
    Wrath lost 12% of its health.
    SpectroX5 switched in Glaceon (lvl 100 Glaceon ?).
    Glaceon used Blizzard.
    It's not very effective...
    Wrath lost 44% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Wrath fainted.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Thorain (lvl 100 Raikou).
    Thorain is exerting its pressure!
    Pointed stones dug into Thorain.
    Thorain lost 12% of its health.
    Glaceon used Blizzard.
    Thorain lost 43% of its health.
    Thorain used Calm Mind.
    Thorain's special attack was raised.
    Thorain's special defence was raised.
    The hail continues to fall.
    Thorain is pelted by hail!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Glaceon used Blizzard.
    Thorain lost 32% of its health.
    Thorain used Discharge.
    Thorain's attack missed!
    The hail continues to fall.
    Thorain is pelted by hail!
    Thorain lost 6% of its health.
    Thorain's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Thorain restored 6% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster: T_T it missed, GG
    Glaceon used Blizzard.
    Thorain lost 30% of its health.
    Ninjabugmaster's Thorain fainted.
    The hail continues to fall.
    SpectroX5: gg
    Ninjabugmaster switched in Sonic (lvl 100 Sandslash ?).
    Pointed stones dug into Sonic.
    Sonic lost 6% of its health.
    Glaceon used Struggle.
    Sonic lost 4% of its health.
    Glaceon was hit by recoil!
    Glaceon lost 25% of its health.
    Sonic used Earthquake.
    A critical hit!
    Glaceon lost 78% of its health.
    SpectroX5's Glaceon fainted.
    Ninjabugmaster wins!
    Ninjabugmaster: o_0
    SpectroX5: xD
    Ninjabugmaster: Didn't see that coming
    SpectroX5: I forget
    SpectroX5: anyway, gg
    Ninjabugmaster: Lol, good game
    SpectroX5 has left the room.


    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:41 pm

    Actually, even if EQ hadn't criticaled you still would've won because Glaceon was losing 25% a turn. So no epic win for you, just a win.

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
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    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Prostiboots Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:05 pm

    The Epic Win is Struggle KO

    Number of posts : 897
    Age : 34
    Yen : 8,600
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenorangeg_3560
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa407
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zeph Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:07 pm

    Struggle didn't KO though <<;

    Number of posts : 3306
    Age : 33
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    Yen : 1000000
    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Prostiboots Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:31 pm

    He would've died if the guy still had Blizzard, most likely.


    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
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    Rank : Shoddy Logs Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Shoddy Logs Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Shine Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:44 pm

    UPDATED, there's a second one after this one. Zack gets after people for double posting. >>

    Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
    Shine sent out lolwut (lvl 100 Scyther ?).
    Motorbreath sent out Smile2Life (lvl 100 Salamence ?).
    Smile2Life's intimidate cut lolwut's attack!
    lolwut used Hidden Power.
    It's super effective!
    Smile2Life lost 100% of its health.
    Motorbreath's Smile2Life fainted.
    lolwut lost 10% of its health.
    Motorbreath switched in Deoxys-e (lvl 100 Deoxys-e).
    Deoxys-e is exerting its pressure!
    Deoxys-e used Thunderpunch.
    It's super effective!
    lolwut lost 71% of its health.
    lolwut used Silver Wind.
    It's super effective!
    Deoxys-e lost 100% of its health.
    Motorbreath's Deoxys-e fainted.
    lolwut lost 10% of its health.
    Motorbreath switched in BlueMeteor (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
    BlueMeteor's intimidate cut lolwut's attack!
    lolwut used Air Slash.
    BlueMeteor lost 25% of its health.
    lolwut lost 9% of its health.
    Shine's lolwut fainted.
    BlueMeteor used Dragon Dance.
    BlueMeteor's attack was raised.
    BlueMeteor's speed was raised.
    BlueMeteor's leftovers restored its health a little!
    BlueMeteor restored 6% of its health.

    I left after that because I'm just fuckin' around anyway. The rest of the team consists of, like... Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle, lol. Just to get around Species clause so I could go on the ladder.

    I blame Zack for this monstrosity.

    Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
    Walnuts94 sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
    Shine sent out Chanticlear (lvl 100 Blaziken ?).
    Shine switched in Sentry (lvl 100 Exeggutor ?).
    Swampert used Stealth Rock.
    Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
    Walnuts94 switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
    Sentry used Stun Spore.
    Blissey is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 30% of its health.
    Blissey is paralysed! It can't move!
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 32% of its health.
    Blissey is paralysed! It can't move!
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 32% of its health.
    Blissey used Softboiled.
    Blissey restored 50% of its health.
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 31% of its health.
    Blissey flinched!
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 32% of its health.
    Blissey used Softboiled.
    Blissey restored 50% of its health.
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 31% of its health.
    Blissey flinched!
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 32% of its health.
    Blissey flinched!
    Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Blissey restored 6% of its health.
    Sentry used Zen Headbutt.
    Blissey lost 23% of its health.
    Walnuts94's Blissey fainted.
    Walnuts94: hacker
    Shine: o_O;
    Walnuts94 switched in Yanmega (lvl 100 Yanmega ?).
    Shine switched in Spin Cycle (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
    Pointed stones dug into Spin Cycle.
    Spin Cycle lost 12% of its health.
    Yanmega used Bug Buzz.
    It's not very effective...
    Spin Cycle lost 28% of its health.
    Spin Cycle's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Spin Cycle restored 6% of its health.
    Yanmega's Speed Boost raised its speed!
    Yanmega used Air Slash.
    It's not very effective...
    Spin Cycle lost 23% of its health.
    Spin Cycle used Light Screen.
    A barrier was formed!
    Spin Cycle's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Spin Cycle restored 6% of its health.
    Yanmega's Speed Boost raised its speed!
    Yanmega used Hypnosis.
    Yanmega's attack missed!
    Spin Cycle used Thunderbolt.
    It's super effective!
    Yanmega lost 100% of its health.
    Yanmega hung on using its Focus Sash!
    Yanmega is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
    Spin Cycle's leftovers restored its health a little!
    Spin Cycle restored 6% of its health.
    Yanmega's Speed Boost raised its speed!
    Walnuts94: you fucker
    Shine: Dude... Calm down...
    Walnuts94: quit
    Shine: I oughta BP some Calm Minds to you or something. XD;
    Walnuts94: fuck you
    Shine: Why're you getting so ticked off?
    Walnuts94: because you are a haxer
    Shine: No, I'm not.
    Walnuts94: like 5 flinches and 2 para hax
    Walnuts94: and now a hyp miss
    Shine: Yay, I got lucky?
    Walnuts94: lucky
    Walnuts94: that is hax
    Shine: Hypnosis had its accuracy dropped to 60%, kthx.
    Shine: I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say.
    Shine: Also, your time is running out...
    Walnuts94: and you are saying 5 flinch aint hax
    Walnuts94: shoddy is fucking riged
    Shine: It's glitchy, yeah.
    Shine: But it's not something anyone can help.
    Shine: If you want more accurate mechanics, just play on the DS.
    Walnuts94 has left the room.
    Shine wins!
    Walnuts94 has exhausted his or her time.

    WOW. This must be what I sound like. Scary. The whole time I was either, "o_o;" or ">.O."
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:15 pm

    I battled that Motorbreath guy three times in a row on ladder xD

    Coincidentally, I beat him all three times.

    Although the first time was full of hax......
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Tobi Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:17 pm

    Just asking, how can you hax on shoddy?

    I ask, due to the reason i don't have shoddy.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Ninja Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:47 pm

    Tobi wrote:Just asking, how can you hax on shoddy?

    I ask, due to the reason i don't have shoddy.


    Dual phail for not having Shoddy.

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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Prostiboots Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:22 pm

    ... what am I being blamed for?
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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zenith Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:48 pm

    The existence of France
    Ubers Sensei
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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Tobi Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:50 pm

    True, true, but how do you hax up shoddy.

    I don't get it.

    I know the hole parhax, flinchhax thing, but you can't mean people can REALLY hack shoddy.
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    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Zenith Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:51 pm

    He means things like crithax, parahax, flinchax, etc.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Shoddy Logs Empty Re: Shoddy Logs

    Post by Tobi Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:52 pm

    How can you get all pissed off if thats just a turm for good luck.

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