Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

2 posters

    Unexpectedness: V3

    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
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    Rank : Unexpectedness: V3 Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Unexpectedness: V3 Empty Unexpectedness: V3

    Post by Ninja Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:59 am

    So, in a righteous fit of procrastination, I made a third element of surprise team. Lulziness; here we go.
    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa291

    Ninjask (Daemon) @ Choice Band
    Adamant, Speed Boost
    -Aerial Ace
    -Night Slash
    -X-Scissor (U-Turn?)
    252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def

    Maybe I am running out of ideas...?

    Well, I guess that since it's a lead, people will assume it'll try to BP to stuff. Yeah, that must have been my mindset. It's flat-out walled by Steel types (besides Metagross, Jirachi and Bronzong), and it still loses to priority, meh. I've always been bad at making leads. >_<

    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa260

    Swampert (Kippy) @ Choice Scarf
    Jolly, Torrent
    -Stone Edge
    -Brick Break
    252 Speed, 252 Atk, 4 HP

    Okay, so I was in a ladder match on Shoddy earlier today and I started out pitted against a lead Swampert. I automatically thought, "Okay, I'll be faster than it." Then, out of effing nowhere, the most random thought popped into my head: "Unless it has a Choice Scarf..." I actually laughed at myself. Out loud.

    So, I decided to humor my subconsience and make this! This was actually the inspiration for making an entirely new third team, by the way. =P

    At the very least, this should catch people off guard, hahaha.

    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa169

    Crobat (Tactical) @ Leftovers
    Careful, Inner Focus
    -Aerial Ace
    -Roost/Quick Attack/Return/Pursuit
    252 S.Def, 252 HP, 4 Atk



    Anyways...Crobat's Speed is still decent enough (296) in a Speed neutral nature without any EVs, but this set reduces his speed and tries to make him more of a tank-ish thing. Lulz. He has 3 different x4 resistances and one x2 resistance, so it shouldn't be entirely too hard to get in and at least start cursing. There's some flexibility with the last slot, since he's already got Leftovers Roost seems kind of iffy, but still could be useful. Quick Attack would be nice for priority since he's given up speed but usually only pokemon with Technician could pull that sort of thing off, and it isn't as powerful as Return. Pursuit is just something I was considering. Need some suggestions here, plz.

    If there were a move that temporarily turns Special attacks into Physical attacks and vice versa, then that would kinda screw him over....but thankfully a move like that doesn't exist (would be cool if one did, though)! o_0

    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpffa488

    Cresselia (Artemis) @ Toxic Orb
    Bold, Levitate
    -Lunar Dance/Ice Beam
    -Psycho Shift
    252 HP, 128 Def, 128 S.Def

    I thought this was kinda lulzy, and I wanted to do it with Clefable, but it doesn't get Psycho Shift. Lameness. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to finally use Cress for once. I stall until Poison starts to become threatening to my survival, where I Shift it to my opponent. Since the poison will keep its "turn counter", it'll kill the opponent before they knew what hit 'em. Meanwhile, I'll Moonlight back up if I need to. Then I'll have another Toxic a-brewin'!

    Lunar Dance could be used as a last ditch Wish effort, which could be nice (especially in conjunction with Reflect, there are some good possibilities there), but Ice Beam will at least let me do something if I happen to be Taunted. Need feedback. =P

    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa286

    Breloom (Rabid) @ Toxic Orb
    Timid, Poison Heal
    -Fake Tears
    -Energy Ball
    -Hidden Power (Ice)
    -Vacuum Wave
    252 S.Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def

    Hahahahah, Special Breloom is like Special Machamp (only not as epic, but it gets its own kicks =P). This thing is a bit sketchy because it's kind of fragile and takes a little bit of setting up. I'd tack on a Sub here but I like the coverage that he has and I like the priority STAB (critique me if I'm making a poor decision, lulz).

    Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa485

    Heatran (Steamer) @ Choice Band
    Brave, Flash Fire
    -Iron Head
    -Stone Edge/Return/Crunch
    252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 S.Atk

    Heh, a team with Cress and Heatran? Lulzy. Unfortunately quite weak to EQ, and even worse since it isn't Scarfed, but that's why I think I'll save it for late game. Flamethrower will probably still hit for better damage than Fire Fang will (and it has better accuracy) since I still have 297 S.Atk. I can lure people into activating Flash Fire with Ninjask and Breloom, as well, although since it's Banded that would only be of use if I am able to accurately predict that the fire pokemon that activated it will switch out. I was thinking about Life Orb, and while it would give flexibility, I really don't believe that Heatran needs to be taking extra damage...

    Although I could see it being more effective than Choice Band, I guess. =/


    Number of posts : 435
    Age : 30
    Yen : 26000
    Rank : Unexpectedness: V3 Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Unexpectedness: V3 Dpmfa008
    Registration date : 2009-08-02

    Unexpectedness: V3 Empty Re: Unexpectedness: V3

    Post by Malachi Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:06 pm

    The Ninjask is nice, although its inability to survive an explosion, face steel types, and if you U-turn with Rocks out and then send it back in it'll be at at least 50%. I am still trying to figure out the 252 HP EVs on it.
    I will critique more later, I have things to do and people to see.

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