Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

5 posters

    Some of my MANY various teams...


    Number of posts : 28
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    User's Pokemon : Some of my MANY various teams... Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Kai Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:54 am

    Yeah, basically I could make 101 teams with all the pokemon I have, but I'm not really going to list all the possiblilties. Maybe one at a time. Yes, but I'll just list from most powerful, to a flat fart.

    "Shiny Army"

    Ninjask@Focus Sash
    Speed Boost
    Impish Nature
    252 Speed, 252 Attack, 6 HP
    Swords Dance
    Baton Pass
    Aerial Ace

    Ninjask basically speaks for itself. A good SD and Baton Passer. Meant to be used for physical sweepers.

    Salamence@Yache Berry
    Naughty Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Dragon Dance
    Stone Edge

    ImmMENCE was meant to be the main psyical sweeper considering its Max Atttack power. Its speed is also a good relevant help to quick KOs. One or more good swords dance and speed up... Watch out.

    Empoleon@Salac Berry
    Bold Nature
    252 Sp.Attack, 252 Defense, 6 Speed
    Ice Beam
    Grass Knot
    Flash Cannon

    Empoleon was meant to be just a minor specialist with its Salac Berry and the offensive moveset. Not much to describe here.

    Gengar@Wide Lens
    255 Sp.Attack, 255 Speed
    Shadow Ball
    Thunder Bolt
    Focus Blast

    Gengar is the main special sweeper. The only downfall with it is that I have no one to boost its stat, unless I stall with Ninjask for speed. In other cases it is a one-Gengar army.

    Careful Nature
    250 Defense, 250 Sp.Defense, 10 HP
    Confuse Ray
    Dark Pulse

    Basically Umbreon speaks for itself too. An annoying double wall. It is mainly used as the only wall on the team, using the strategy "Confuse and Confound" Often heard from Elite Four Phoebe from R/S/E.

    Gallade@Life Orb
    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Psycho Cut
    Brick Break
    Leaf Blade

    Gallade is another physical sweeper, not being equipped with CC, making it able to endure most battles. Plus with brick break, any of those Light Screen/Reflect users will be countered. With the larger type-trumping moveset it is the perfect addition to the team.

    That is about it for the "Shiny Army" Team.. I'll post other teams later.
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Sasami Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:50 pm

    I don't have time for a full analysis but I'd like to make a few quick suggestions =).

    Consider dropping the Ninjask lead. It's REALLY predictable and won't work against any experienced players. If you really, really want to use it, try saving it for late game. Then you'll screw people over Wink.

    Try Fire Blast on Salamence instead of Stone Edge, it'll help you take down common Mence switch-ins like Bronzong, Skarmory, and Forretress. Also, consider using a Life Orb over the Yache Berry. The extra power will help you more than Mence occasionally living an Ice Shard (Salamence isn't really durable like Garchomp and has more trouble using a Yache strategy since a lot more than ice will kill him).

    Give Empoleon a Petaya Berry and Agility over one of your attacks. You need the extra power to sweep and using Agility means you still get the speed boost.

    Umbreon is just begging for a Scizor to come in and set up on it. Therefore, consider utilizing it's trapping abilities with Mean Look+Baton Pass. This way, when they bring in a counter, you can Baton Pass away and bring in your own counter.

    Leaf Blade is poor type coverage--try Stone Edge, Ice Punch, or Night Slash on Gallade.

    Number of posts : 28
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Kai Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:34 pm

    I see... Well I do have other pokemon in stock XD So I should be able to make it work.

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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Kai Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:12 am

    I know I shouldn't be asking for team bulding, but These are my other SPARE pokemon I use in my teams...

    Arcanine@Expert Belt
    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed.
    Thunder Fang
    Fire Fang

    Arcanine is mainly a double-fanged physicalist.. He really only has use for his amazing speed and power.

    Rampardos@Lax Incense
    Mold Breaker
    Lonely Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed.
    Head Smash
    Zen Headbutt
    Brick Break

    Gigars is mainly a suicide bomber. One clean hit from him and your out of there. Gigars has proven its power time, and time again by combaining with my Ninjask.

    Yanmega@Wide Lens
    Speed Boost
    Hasty Nature
    255 Sp.Attack, 255 Speed
    Air slash
    Bug Buzz
    Shadow Ball

    Yanmega was meant to outspeed and destroy the opponent before they can launch an attack. Most times, it may get flinch hax which can be rather funny.

    Jolly Nature
    255 Speed, 255 Attack
    Volt Tackle
    Brick Break
    Iron Tail

    Mainly the same as Gigars, but faster. Much much faster.

    Electivire@Life Orb
    Motor Drive
    Adamant Nature
    Thunder Punch
    Ice Punch
    Cross Chop

    Electivire really isn't much of a power house, due to the fact that it is from PBR and has crappy as hell IVs. But it makes up for it with excellent moves.

    Glaceon@Life Orb
    Snow cloak
    Modest Nature
    255 Sp. Attack, 255 Speed
    Hyper Beam
    Signal Beam
    Shadow Ball

    Cojiro was an awsoem chocie to have, considering that it is the Eeveelution I didn't have on a team. I made Cojiro mainly to act as a powerful Sp. Attacker.

    Skarmory@Chesto Berry
    Impish Nature
    240 HP, 74 Attack, 196 Defense
    Stealth Rock
    Drill Peck

    MetalFenix, being one of Marriland's creations, really peaked my interest considering Skarmory was one of my favorite pokemon. MetalFenix was meant to be a physical wall plus Sr/Roar Switch in.

    Machamp@Choice Specs
    Modest Nature
    255 Sp. Attack, 255 speed.
    Fire blast
    Focus Blast
    Vaccuum Wave
    ----------- (Don't know yet.)

    chainOf7 basically speaks for itself. The shiny machamp was a crappy nature, but I got the idea form one of my previous clans ot make it into a specsChamp. It turned out pretty well I must say.. Not 100% sure on its battle strategy though.

    Tyranitar@Lax Incense
    Sand Stream
    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Stone Edge
    Dragon Dance

    Tyranitar is mainly another physical offender. Mainly used in either doubles with my ImmMENCE, or in a sandstorm team. Hardly ever used in singles.

    Heracross@Salac Berry
    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Shadow claw
    Stone Edge
    Brick Break

    Heracross does lack in speed, so I equipped it with the Salac berry to help boost its speed. Along with a wide arsenal of moves it can basically take on any type. I didn't equip it with close Combat due to the poularity of it, plus the defenses lacking.

    Swellow@Flame Orb
    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Aerial Ace

    Basically with Aero the tactic is the Guts-Burn-Facade combo. Everyone should know how it works. Aero combines the speed and power needed to pull it off.

    Adamant Nature
    255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Body Slam
    Fire Punch
    Thunder Punch
    Brick Break

    Kershocker is just your average physical Ampharos. Nothing hiding there.

    That's it for the rest of the spares.

    Number of posts : 1642
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Shine Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:59 am

    Down 'n dirty rating.

    First, the team.

    I'm not sure, but I think a MixApe might be able to kill nearly everything on your team. Overall, your EV spreads could use some work. There's no reason not to take advantage of those last four points (252/252/4 spreads as opposed to 255/255). They're more helpful than you think.


    Like Sami said, it's kinda predictable. Actually, REALLY predictable. I almost always keep a Pokemon with Roar nowadays, and anytime I see a Ninjask, that's about the first thing I do- switch in something with Roar. After that, I usually win, because so many teams with Ninjask tend to be heavily reliant on it for easy sweeping. If you wanna run Ninjask, anyway, definitely run a Jolly or Adamant nature, cause Impish isn't going to do anything for it.


    Again, kinda in agreement with Sami. Fire Blast will help you deal with things like Scizor, what with Intimidate and all. Bullet Punch shouldn't be too terrible after the first drop in Atk, and Sally won't really care about X-Scissor or Superpower. I don't see too much wrong with Yache over Life Orb (both are viable options, really), since Pokemon with Ice Shard aren't all that common nowadays. You never see Weavile or Donphan in today's metagame. The only thing I might consider is that most Pokemon that pack Ice Beam might still have enough power to OHKO even after Yache. Experiment with both on Shoddy and see what suits your fancy. I WILL say, however, that the Naughty nature really makes Yache kinda pointless, since that negative Sp.Def nature is really gonna beg for an Ice Beam.


    Wow, Sami got in all the good comments already. Yeah, if you wanna sweep with Empoleon, Agility with a Petaya Berry is the way to go. As for the move to abandon for Agility? Why, that's an easy one. There's no reason to pack Flash Cannon on Empoleon, considering there's really nothing that can't be handled better by one of your other attacks. Surf and Grass Knot can both comfortably handle Rock types, and, well... Nothing else is weak against Steel attacks! There's just no real use for it besides STAB, and you get a stronger STAB with Surf, anyway. Why run a Bold nature for an offensive Pokemon? Modest nature here, or Timid, depending on what you plan to outrun with Agility. Usually, in my experience, Modest is fine. The EVs also don't bode well for SWEEPING. A sweeper is fast. A BULKY sweeper doesn't have to be, but in that case, there would be no reason to pack a Salac Berry.


    I personally don't see the point of running Psychic, and Wide Lens only benefits ONE move, which is still going to miss too often for it to be considered useful (in my opinion). If you want to continue running Wide Lens, you may as well get some real benefit out of it by replacing Psychic with Hypnosis. Substitute would be another good option, but whether or not you're packing Focus Blast, Blissey will always wall you. From what Sami tells me, however, Blissey more often than not pack max Sp.Def nowadays instead of Def to deal with SpecsLatias, so you might be able to change up Gengars EVs a bit and go for Focus Punch or Explosion instead. Do some damage calculations and see what works. You don't have a nature listed for Gengar here, but generally, Timid is good- probably adjust that to what you need if you decide on Focus Punch or Explosion, though. In that case, run Hasty.


    This Pokemon seems too easy to setup on to me. Anything with Taunt effectively walls it, considering its meager Sp.Atk stat isn't going to do much anything for it (not to mention, Careful nature reduces Sp.Atk). Umbreon's big strength is being able to effectively trap things and BP out to effective counters MULTIPLE times because of its bulkiness. On another note, Umbreon already has epic-huge Sp.Def, so I would sooner consider dropping some of that, and investing more in your HP- remember, every 16 HP is another point of Leftovers recovery every turn, and that recovery adds up. Consider Payback instead of Dark Pulse, it's generally pretty effective. Mean Look, Baton Pass, Payback, and Wish/Taunt- that's probably the way to go.


    I'm not entirely sure why you're running Earthquake here. For some reason, it just seems very... Misplaced. Also, no Shadowsneak? I'm shocked. Remember, Fighting and Ghost combination has perfect coverage. I would definitely consider Close Combat over Brick Break- it's useful being able to bust up Screens, but Close Combat is practically broken. It's worth investing in. Consider a Jolly nature.

    Now for the axillary Pokemon.


    I dislike this set for a wide variety of reasons. Mainly because this Pokemon has SO many better options open to it. For instance, you're running THREE moves that are essentially weaker variants of MUCH more powerful moves. Flare Blitz > Fire Fang, ExtremeSpeed > Facade, and Crunch > Bite. You might not like the recoil, but Flare Blitz is simply too useful to ignore. The chances that Arcanine will go down in the same turn as its opponent after a Flare Blitz are slim at best, which means that even after it takes down an opponent, it still has the opportunity to take down ANOTHER, or at least get in some damage with ExtremeSpeed, or hell, switch out to fight another day! Thunder Fang isn't THAT bad, considering he doesn't have much to say for coverage, but Crunch has always just kinda been stuck in there. It doesn't really have THAT much use on Arcanine. People nowadays usually run Toxic on Arcanine. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but dammit, it WORKS for some reason. The item doesn't make much sense to me, either. Life Orb or Leftovers would be much better choices. I would sooner invest in a MIXER set with HP Grass.


    Can't argue TOO much with this set- but I'd sooner run Leftovers as the item, since you don't have Rock Head to absorb Head Smash recoil, and maybe Rock Polish over Brick Break. The nature might be kinda bad, too... Rampardos is so fragile that it might not make much of a difference, but if it can take ANY kind of hit, it's more worth it to make it Adamant or Jolly, depending on what you want it to outrun with Rock Polish.


    Two words- Steel types. There's a reason Yanmega tends to pack Hypnosis/Protect and Hidden Power Ground or HP Fighting (HP Ground generally having much better coverage), and THAT'S why. Once again, Wide Lens is worthless here unless you wanna start running Hypnosis. Otherwise, probably wanna toss on a Life Orb. Generally, unless you're looking for STAB, Psychic isn't a very good offensive type, and Shadow Ball doesn't cover anything much better than Air Slash or Bug Buzz can, besides Ghost types (which you could still handle all right with Air Slash or a Hypnosis).


    Raichu's very fragile. Very, VERY fragile. Basically, any hit it takes will probably kill it, ESPECIALLY if it actually outspeeds the opponent and gets in a Volt Tackle, essentially crippling itself and setting itself up for a OHKO. Brick Break COULD work out all right, but I'd sooner run Focus Punch, with Substitute over Iron Tail, Iron Tail being utterly worthless in most every scenario. Another worthless move here is FACADE. If Raichu's BURNED, his damage is gonna suck, because he doesn't have Guts. If he's PARALYZED, he's gonna get outsped and OHKO'd. If he's POISONED, well... His damage is still gonna suck. And, of course, Frozen or Sleeping, he'll just be plain worthless. Generally, because of his fragility, a SPECIAL set is the way to go with Substitute, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, and Hidden Power Ice. I had a physical set I used in NU that ROCKED, but I dunno how well it would fair in any other tier...


    I can't really say much about this set... Pretty much every Electivire runs it for a good reason, but... No one really uses Electivire anymore. He's just not that great. Overrated.


    Why does everyone insist on just maxing Glaceon's Sp.Atk, handing it a bunch of random Sp.Atks and hoping for the best? First off, Blizzard here is a no-no without Hail. Run Ice Beam instead. Second, Hyperbeam is worthless. If you're going to run a purely offensive Glaceon, you may as well hand it a Specs with Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Ground, and, like, I dunno... Water Pulse or Signal Beam, depending on what you wanna cover better. Signal Beam is good for Celebi, but I don't see it too terribly often nowadays, myself.


    Marilland is a little overrated, and I find this set strange, but eh... I would sooner pack Roost and a Shed Shell for the likes of Magnezone.


    Why does it have Guts if it's running moves like Focus Blast and Fire Blast? Give it No Guard and MIX it with Life Orb, running Dynamic Punch, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, and Payback. Fuck Spd, it only needs enough to outrun Pokemon in its Spd tier with no Spd investment, besides that one li'l point that people tend to invest with 252/252/4 spreads...


    I've heard from a variety of sources that DD-Tar sucks pretty bad compared to a lot of the other sets. I'll also tell you right now that Tyranitar with PURSUIT is the way to go. If you wanna DD up, run a Clefable in Doubles with Follow Me and Magic Guard so that you'll have a turn or two to DD up, and consider replacing Stone Edge with Rock Slide.


    Why is it packing Swarm if it doesn't have any BUG type moves? Close Combat > Brick Break, pack Mega Horn somewhere, and Shadow Claw's probably outclassed by something else that I don't know about cause I never use Heracross. Pinsir FTW.


    Brave Bird > Aerial Ace, Quick Attack > Roost. Swellow can't possibly survive a turn against an attack to make any use of Roost. You'd Roost off the Burn damage and get OHKO'd by Covet or something stupid like that.


    Again, Focus Punch > Brick Break, and Ampharos LOVES to Sub up and T-Wave shit, so, yeah... Sub, T-Wave, Focus Punch, Thunder Punch.



    Number of posts : 28
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Kai Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:11 pm

    Okay... I fought a friend today with my platinum team 3V3 and I won 2-1. I wish to know if this was a good combo to use;
    Kai's Team
    Gyarados/Leviathan Lv100 @ Leichi Berry
    Jolly Nature 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
    Stone Edge
    Ice Fang
    Aqua Tail

    Salamence/ImmMENCE @ Yache Berry
    Naughty Nature 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
    Dragon Dance
    Stone Edge

    Ninjask @ Focus Sash
    Impish Nature 252 Speed, 252 Attack, 6 HP
    Baton Pass
    Swords Dance
    Aerial Ace

    That was my team, I'm not 100% sure on his full team's stuff, but I can list it out almost all of it.
    Nightmare's Team
    Swampert @ Chesto Berry
    Adamant Nature 255 Attack, 255 HP
    Sleep Talk
    Hammer Arm

    Swellow @ Toxic Orb
    Adamant Nature 255 Attack, 255 Speed

    Gallade @ Life Orb
    Adamant Nature 255 Attack, 255 Speed
    Leaf Blade
    Close Combat
    Night Slash
    Psycho Cut

    Give us a rating on how well our teams were and how the out would've gone.

    Last edited by Kai on Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Final Edits.)
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Zenith Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:28 pm

    Why did you use Ninjask in 3v3? Last Pokemon probably should've been a special sweeper of some kind; Latias or Heatran would've been perfect.

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    Post by Kai Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:38 pm

    Latios: Not EVed. Heatran: Not any good natures =/ Mild and something else. Bold I think, either that or Sassy.

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    Post by Kai Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:36 am

    Okay, I've developed an idea for a new team. It might not be a good OU/UU team, but I gave it a shot.

    Metal Burst Aggron
    Focus Sash
    Metal Burst, Stone Edge, Focus Punch, Curse

    Aggron is meant for a counter attack with the Metal Burst&Focus Sash combination. Having 0 IVs in speed makes it the slowest pokemon even with curse. Its also a physical wall if you look at it the right way.

    Ubers Life Orb Gengar
    Life Orb
    Shadow Ball, Psychic, Sludge bomb, Energy Ball

    This Gengar is meant (As it says in the title) to be a Special Sweeper with a Life orb. Combining its massive speed with a lot of power AND a life orb, its lights out for almost ANY opponent.

    Nasy Plot Sweeper Houndoom
    Nasty plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Hidden Power Steel

    This one isn't as good as the normal one, but its the best I can do for now. Its meant ot be another UU sweeper with a Nasty Plot twist. (Lol, like the joke?)

    Special Dragonite
    Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt

    This Spec.Nite is a Dragon murderer. Combining Dragon Pulse (For things like Kingdra) and Ice beam, it is a force NOT to be reckoned with. Thunderbolt dealing with those pesky water/ice types and some flying types with Dragon/Ice type moves
    , and flamethrower for those highly resistant steel types.

    +2 Porygon-Z
    Life Orb
    Nasty Plot, Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

    This little Porygon-Z is a speed-sweeper combining Life Orb and Nasty Plot once again. Tri Attack for a more deadly chance of status causing, Thunderbolt for a secondary attack, and Dark pulse for the Ghost types like Gengar.

    Offensive Calm Mind Alakazam
    Life Orb
    Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast/HP Fight, Signal Beam

    Keep in mind that this Alakazam is mainly a speed fighter. Special Walling the foe with Calm Mind, boosting its power with either Modest or Timid nature, and having an arsenal of extremely powerful Special Attacks, this Alakazam won't go down easily.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:54 am

    Just so you know, your whole team is weak to...Blissey o_0.

    Give Gengar Explosion or change Alakazam's set to a TrickSpecs/Scarf one. Alternatively, you could give Dragonite Superpower and/or make Porygon-Z mixed with Return.

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    Post by Prostiboots Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:34 am

    Huge signature is huge.

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    Post by Kai Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:27 pm

    Prostiboots wrote:Huge signature is huge.


    Sami: I know, but I got most of these off of Smogon, plus I rather like Alakazam and Dragonite the way they are. I guess I COULD give my Gengar a suicide move. rofl. Especially since he's the lead on the team. sweepers FTW.
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    Post by Sasami Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:49 pm

    If you don't want to change your team that's fine, but you DID post it in the RMT section XD. And I'm telling you right now, Blissey walls your whole team.

    Also, could you possibly resize your signature? It's a little large. Even just getting rid of one of the images would work =). Thanks.

    Number of posts : 28
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    Some of my MANY various teams... Empty Re: Some of my MANY various teams...

    Post by Kai Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:58 pm

    Sasami wrote:If you don't want to change your team that's fine, but you DID post it in the RMT section XD. And I'm telling you right now, Blissey walls your whole team.

    Also, could you possibly resize your signature? It's a little large. Even just getting rid of one of the images would work =). Thanks.

    Ah, that damned bliss factor. thanks for reminding me.

    Yeah, I can take out that bad-ass sig for ya. XD

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    Post by Kai Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:14 pm

    I'm not 100% sure on this team, but I think I have a pretty good layout here. Its going to be an "Endurance Team."
    Its consisted of only high HP and walling pokemon.

    Swampert@Expert Belt
    252 HP, 196 Defense, 62 Attack
    Brick Break (Those annoying walls/set ups)
    Purpose: Mainly just an overall Physical Wall. Being a lead and having only one major weakness, it is VERY versatile.

    248 HP, 200 Sp.Defense, 62 Defense
    Leech Seed
    Stealth Rock
    Giga Drain
    Purpose: Mainly to out-last the opponent with a Leech Seed/Leftovers/GD combination. SR and Toxic were thrown in to annoy the foes to submission.

    Skarmory@Chesto Berry
    240 HP, 74 Attack, 196 Defense
    Drill Peck
    Purpose: Mainly to force a switch-out AFTER SR and Spikes were set up, making it hard for the foe to do little to anything to Skarmory. Rest was thrown in for a healing, and Drill Peck for something if its a force pull (Like Probopass' Magnet Pull.)

    252 HP, 252 Sp.Defense, 6 Speed
    Natural Cure
    Seismic Toss
    Purpose: Mainly to wall those evil Special Attackers. With a combo of Leftovers/Softboiled/Natural Cure, this Blissey makes one mean-lean Special Blocking machine!

    190 HP, 172 Defense, 148 Sp.Defense
    Draco Meteor
    Light Screen
    Purpose: Dual Wall/Set up. Draco Meteor is only for a last-resort move, much like Skarmory's Drill Peck. with Light Screen/Reflect supporting the team in both ways, it would be the perfect addition.

    Bronzong@Shell Bell
    200 HP, 155 Defense, 155 Defense.
    Gyro Ball
    Purpose: An offensive double wall, combining Levitate to resist the Ground attacks, and mix it with an Earthquake to deal with the Fires. Gyro Ball for a spare, Hard-hitter, and Explosion for a suicide pact.

    Last edited by Kai on Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : EVs were out of place. (Too high or Too low.))
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    Post by Zenith Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:54 pm

    I'm about to get off, but some quick things:

    - If Swampert is your lead, it should have Stealth Rock. Drop Rest for it. Also, get rid of Expert Belt and run Leftovers.
    - For Bronzong, get rid of the Shell Bell and run Leftovers on him as well. Shell Bell will be useless on him.
    - On Torterra, drop Toxic for Substitute and Giga Drain (wtf) for Earthquake. Between Leftovers and Leech Seed you should be able to consistently recover the substitute penalty. Oh, and go with 252 HP / 20 Def / 236 Spe for the spread.
    - Latias is a weird, weird set. If you want a good Dual Screener, use Cresselia or Uxie, both can do the job much better. If you really want to run Latias, you could run a defensive set such as Calm Mind/Dragon Pulse/Recover/HP Fire or Refresh. But as a I said, if you want a dual screener there are better choices out there unless you have a definite reason for using Latias.

    More later.

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    Post by Kai Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:03 pm

    Zenith wrote:I'm about to get off, but some quick things:

    - If Swampert is your lead, it should have Stealth Rock. Drop Rest for it. Also, get rid of Expert Belt and run Leftovers.
    - For Bronzong, get rid of the Shell Bell and run Leftovers on him as well. Shell Bell will be useless on him.
    - On Torterra, drop Toxic for Substitute and Giga Drain (wtf) for Earthquake. Between Leftovers and Leech Seed you should be able to consistently recover the substitute penalty. Oh, and go with 252 HP / 20 Def / 236 Spe for the spread.
    - Latias is a weird, weird set. If you want a good Dual Screener, use Cresselia or Uxie, both can do the job much better. If you really want to run Latias, you could run a defensive set such as Calm Mind/Dragon Pulse/Recover/HP Fire or Refresh. But as a I said, if you want a dual screener there are better choices out there unless you have a definite reason for using Latias.

    More later.

    Dropping Toxic for Substitute, and GD for EQ? Hmm, it WAS meant for an HP drainer.. The EV Spread? You sure that's a good one for an EnduranceTerra?
    Bronzong, I could swap SB with Leftovers, and Swampert, I already have an SR user. I could swap them out. I prefer to have the rest penalty, but I'm sure it can be worked out.
    Latias, I COULD switch it, so I guess I'll take your word on it. But if I switch to Cress/Uxie what am I going to swap Draco Meteor for?
    So, Bliss and Skarm are good to go?
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    Post by Zenith Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:05 pm

    Bliss and Skarm look fine, though I'm sure someone else can find something wrong with them, don't worry ;D

    I assume by 'HP Drainer' you mean a SubSeeder. Giga Drain sucks super hard no matter who uses it, especially Torterra, whose base SA is a whopping 34 points lower than his Attack, meaning that Giga Drain is going to do almost nothing against anything that takes it for neutral or better. Earthquake will give you better coverage, and while you won't be able to beat Levitaters or Celebi you really couldn't with Giga Drain either. Toxic would be fine, but I think Sub would be more handy in the long run. The EV spread I gave you is for the standard SubSeeding Torterra, which it seems like you're trying to build.

    Do you already have an SR user? I didn't notice. Generally, it's best to have your lead have SR so that you can set them up ASAP (unless you lead with something that can't set up Rocks, like Qwilfish). Rest isn't too helpful on Swampy anyway.

    A bulky Latias shouldn't even be running Draco Meteor in the first place, because what would you use it for? If you're trying to stall you'll be there for a while and the penalties will really begin to pile on, and if you're just trying to Dual Screen you want to get out as soon as possible; Cress is a great Dual Screener mostly because it can sacrifice itself so you can get the next guy in with no penalty. Latias can do the same thing with Healing Wish, but Lunar Dance is more helpful in the long run.

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    Post by Kai Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:08 pm

    Okay, that makes sense. I'll give it a shot. I'll edit my document with the data and see what I can do. (I wish I had a Roselia on my Emerald that way I can get my Armoatherpy Bliss WITH Seismic toss T^T)

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    Post by Kai Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:30 pm

    Okay, I have another one that my friend and I made here.. this is an all offensive team.
    Ninjask&Focus Sash
    Jolly Nature
    252 Speed, 252 Attack, 6 HP
    Swords Dance
    Aerial Ace
    Baton Pass

    Minun&Focus Band
    Timid/Hasty Nature
    252 Speed, 252 S.Attack, 6 HP
    Nasty Plot
    Baton Pass

    Weavile&Bright Powder
    Jolly Nature
    252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
    Ice Punch
    Faint Attack (Fog in PBR is annoying, so I said "Screw Night Slash, Faint Attack is more reliable)
    Brick Break

    Alakazam&Petaya Berry
    Modest Nature
    252 S.Attack, 252 Speed, 6 S.Def
    Shadow Ball
    Focus Blast
    Shock Wave

    Crobat&Enigma Berry
    Adamant Nature
    252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
    Wing Attack
    Cross Poison/Poison Fang

    Yanmega&Wide Lens
    Hasty Nature
    255 S.Attack, 255 Speed (this was from my oldest team)
    Air Slash
    Bug Buzz
    Shadow Ball

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    Post by Prostiboots Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:52 pm

    Ninjask lead is predictable, you'll lkely never get it off.

    Alakazam has a Petaya Berry without reason, you can use Calm Mind with it, or just use TrickSpecs, and drop Shockwave for it, you get perfect coverage anyway.

    A Choice Band set with Brave Bird/Cross Poison/Pursuit/U-Utrn would be better for Crobat.

    Weavile can drop Brigthtpowder for Life Orb, and let X Scissor off for Swords Dance, and maybe be useful if you don't see a Scizor.

    Minun is a horrible plot passer, use Amibpom or Togekiss.

    Rebreed Yanmega and get Hypnosis for it, seriously.

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