Down 'n dirty rating.
First, the team.
I'm not sure, but I think a MixApe might be able to kill nearly everything on your team. Overall, your EV spreads could use some work. There's no reason not to take advantage of those last four points (252/252/4 spreads as opposed to 255/255). They're more helpful than you think.
Like Sami said, it's kinda predictable. Actually, REALLY predictable. I almost always keep a Pokemon with Roar nowadays, and anytime I see a Ninjask, that's about the first thing I do- switch in something with Roar. After that, I usually win, because so many teams with Ninjask tend to be heavily reliant on it for easy sweeping. If you wanna run Ninjask, anyway, definitely run a Jolly or Adamant nature, cause Impish isn't going to do anything for it.
Again, kinda in agreement with Sami. Fire Blast will help you deal with things like Scizor, what with Intimidate and all. Bullet Punch shouldn't be too terrible after the first drop in Atk, and Sally won't really care about X-Scissor or Superpower. I don't see too much wrong with Yache over Life Orb (both are viable options, really), since Pokemon with Ice Shard aren't all that common nowadays. You never see Weavile or Donphan in today's metagame. The only thing I might consider is that most Pokemon that pack Ice Beam might still have enough power to OHKO even after Yache. Experiment with both on Shoddy and see what suits your fancy. I WILL say, however, that the Naughty nature really makes Yache kinda pointless, since that negative Sp.Def nature is really gonna beg for an Ice Beam.
Wow, Sami got in all the good comments already. Yeah, if you wanna sweep with Empoleon, Agility with a Petaya Berry is the way to go. As for the move to abandon for Agility? Why, that's an easy one. There's no reason to pack Flash Cannon on Empoleon, considering there's really nothing that can't be handled better by one of your other attacks. Surf and Grass Knot can both comfortably handle Rock types, and, well... Nothing else is weak against Steel attacks! There's just no real use for it besides STAB, and you get a stronger STAB with Surf, anyway. Why run a Bold nature for an offensive Pokemon? Modest nature here, or Timid, depending on what you plan to outrun with Agility. Usually, in my experience, Modest is fine. The EVs also don't bode well for SWEEPING. A sweeper is fast. A BULKY sweeper doesn't have to be, but in that case, there would be no reason to pack a Salac Berry.
I personally don't see the point of running Psychic, and Wide Lens only benefits ONE move, which is still going to miss too often for it to be considered useful (in my opinion). If you want to continue running Wide Lens, you may as well get some real benefit out of it by replacing Psychic with Hypnosis. Substitute would be another good option, but whether or not you're packing Focus Blast, Blissey will always wall you. From what Sami tells me, however, Blissey more often than not pack max Sp.Def nowadays instead of Def to deal with SpecsLatias, so you might be able to change up Gengars EVs a bit and go for Focus Punch or Explosion instead. Do some damage calculations and see what works. You don't have a nature listed for Gengar here, but generally, Timid is good- probably adjust that to what you need if you decide on Focus Punch or Explosion, though. In that case, run Hasty.
This Pokemon seems too easy to setup on to me. Anything with Taunt effectively walls it, considering its meager Sp.Atk stat isn't going to do much anything for it (not to mention, Careful nature reduces Sp.Atk). Umbreon's big strength is being able to effectively trap things and BP out to effective counters MULTIPLE times because of its bulkiness. On another note, Umbreon already has epic-huge Sp.Def, so I would sooner consider dropping some of that, and investing more in your HP- remember, every 16 HP is another point of Leftovers recovery every turn, and that recovery adds up. Consider Payback instead of Dark Pulse, it's generally pretty effective. Mean Look, Baton Pass, Payback, and Wish/Taunt- that's probably the way to go.
I'm not entirely sure why you're running Earthquake here. For some reason, it just seems very... Misplaced. Also, no Shadowsneak? I'm shocked. Remember, Fighting and Ghost combination has perfect coverage. I would definitely consider Close Combat over Brick Break- it's useful being able to bust up Screens, but Close Combat is practically broken. It's worth investing in. Consider a Jolly nature.
Now for the axillary Pokemon.
I dislike this set for a wide variety of reasons. Mainly because this Pokemon has SO many better options open to it. For instance, you're running THREE moves that are essentially weaker variants of MUCH more powerful moves. Flare Blitz > Fire Fang, ExtremeSpeed > Facade, and Crunch > Bite. You might not like the recoil, but Flare Blitz is simply too useful to ignore. The chances that Arcanine will go down in the same turn as its opponent after a Flare Blitz are slim at best, which means that even after it takes down an opponent, it still has the opportunity to take down ANOTHER, or at least get in some damage with ExtremeSpeed, or hell, switch out to fight another day! Thunder Fang isn't THAT bad, considering he doesn't have much to say for coverage, but Crunch has always just kinda been stuck in there. It doesn't really have THAT much use on Arcanine. People nowadays usually run Toxic on Arcanine. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but dammit, it WORKS for some reason. The item doesn't make much sense to me, either. Life Orb or Leftovers would be much better choices. I would sooner invest in a MIXER set with HP Grass.
Can't argue TOO much with this set- but I'd sooner run Leftovers as the item, since you don't have Rock Head to absorb Head Smash recoil, and maybe Rock Polish over Brick Break. The nature might be kinda bad, too... Rampardos is so fragile that it might not make much of a difference, but if it can take ANY kind of hit, it's more worth it to make it Adamant or Jolly, depending on what you want it to outrun with Rock Polish.
Two words- Steel types. There's a reason Yanmega tends to pack Hypnosis/Protect and Hidden Power Ground or HP Fighting (HP Ground generally having much better coverage), and THAT'S why. Once again, Wide Lens is worthless here unless you wanna start running Hypnosis. Otherwise, probably wanna toss on a Life Orb. Generally, unless you're looking for STAB, Psychic isn't a very good offensive type, and Shadow Ball doesn't cover anything much better than Air Slash or Bug Buzz can, besides Ghost types (which you could still handle all right with Air Slash or a Hypnosis).
Raichu's very fragile. Very, VERY fragile. Basically, any hit it takes will probably kill it, ESPECIALLY if it actually outspeeds the opponent and gets in a Volt Tackle, essentially crippling itself and setting itself up for a OHKO. Brick Break COULD work out all right, but I'd sooner run Focus Punch, with Substitute over Iron Tail, Iron Tail being utterly worthless in most every scenario. Another worthless move here is FACADE. If Raichu's BURNED, his damage is gonna suck, because he doesn't have Guts. If he's PARALYZED, he's gonna get outsped and OHKO'd. If he's POISONED, well... His damage is still gonna suck. And, of course, Frozen or Sleeping, he'll just be plain worthless. Generally, because of his fragility, a SPECIAL set is the way to go with Substitute, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, and Hidden Power Ice. I had a physical set I used in NU that ROCKED, but I dunno how well it would fair in any other tier...
I can't really say much about this set... Pretty much every Electivire runs it for a good reason, but... No one really uses Electivire anymore. He's just not that great. Overrated.
Why does everyone insist on just maxing Glaceon's Sp.Atk, handing it a bunch of random Sp.Atks and hoping for the best? First off, Blizzard here is a no-no without Hail. Run Ice Beam instead. Second, Hyperbeam is worthless. If you're going to run a purely offensive Glaceon, you may as well hand it a Specs with Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Ground, and, like, I dunno... Water Pulse or Signal Beam, depending on what you wanna cover better. Signal Beam is good for Celebi, but I don't see it too terribly often nowadays, myself.
Marilland is a little overrated, and I find this set strange, but eh... I would sooner pack Roost and a Shed Shell for the likes of Magnezone.
Why does it have Guts if it's running moves like Focus Blast and Fire Blast? Give it No Guard and MIX it with Life Orb, running Dynamic Punch, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, and Payback. Fuck Spd, it only needs enough to outrun Pokemon in its Spd tier with no Spd investment, besides that one li'l point that people tend to invest with 252/252/4 spreads...
I've heard from a variety of sources that DD-Tar sucks pretty bad compared to a lot of the other sets. I'll also tell you right now that Tyranitar with PURSUIT is the way to go. If you wanna DD up, run a Clefable in Doubles with Follow Me and Magic Guard so that you'll have a turn or two to DD up, and consider replacing Stone Edge with Rock Slide.
Why is it packing Swarm if it doesn't have any BUG type moves? Close Combat > Brick Break, pack Mega Horn somewhere, and Shadow Claw's probably outclassed by something else that I don't know about cause I never use Heracross. Pinsir FTW.
Brave Bird > Aerial Ace, Quick Attack > Roost. Swellow can't possibly survive a turn against an attack to make any use of Roost. You'd Roost off the Burn damage and get OHKO'd by Covet or something stupid like that.
Again, Focus Punch > Brick Break, and Ampharos LOVES to Sub up and T-Wave shit, so, yeah... Sub, T-Wave, Focus Punch, Thunder Punch.