Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Dawn's character, Dawn :)


    Dawn's character, Dawn :) Empty Dawn's character, Dawn :)

    Post by Guest Thu May 15, 2008 4:35 am

    Name: Dawn

    Title: Trainer/Co-ordinator

    Age: 18

    Sex: Female

    Starter Pokemon: Pichu

    Appearance: 5ft 6", long blonde hair, normally topped with some retro goggles, fair skinned, short sleeved jacket, tight black trousers and boots. She carries her poke balls, vitamins, potions, etc. in her brown satchel.

    Dawn's character, Dawn :) Pokemon_Trainer_Anna_by_viandi-2

    Brief History: Dawn, 18, is a lover of the water type and is great friends with all Cerulean City sisters. Her parents are divorced and she lives with mum and younger sister called Riva.

    She met her partner Sparky, a Pichu, when it was just an egg whilst she was out for a walk with Riva in the woods. Riva spotted the egg hiding in the bushes when she was being pushed on a swing by Dawn. "Eggy!" shouted Riva; Dawn looked dazed at Riva and thought nothing of it, until Riva shouted it again the next day. This time Dawn walked towards where Riva was pointing with her saliva-covered fingers! She carefully worked her way through the branches, trying not to cut herself and give her a good view of the "eggy". It was beautiful. A pale yellow shell with red markings on it. She held it in her hands and then suddenly put it back. "It's not mine." She thought to herself and took Riva home.
    Later that night there was a terrible storm, "I hope that egg is ok" she thought as she got into bed. Just as she did a huge bolt on lightening came crashing from the skies and thats when Dawn sprang from her bed put on her coat and shoes and ran to the park. She hurried as fast as she could to the spot where she saw the egg last, but it had vanished. She looked worriedly all around her when she saw out the corner of her eye a Mankey with the egg in it's hands battling another pokemon, one she had not seen before a yellow mouse-like pokemon. The mankey was winning.... Dawn realised that the mankey must be stealing the egg as the yellow of the egg matched the colour of the mouse-like pokemon,
    "Hey you; Mankey, put that egg down right now!" The mankey turned quickly and looked Dawn straight in the eye and ran for her. "Owwwww!!!!" yelled Dawn as she took a low kick stright in the midrift. The yellow pokemon realised Dawn was trying to help and ran to her side and released an electric shock to the mankey as it was about to use a karate chop attack. The mankey fell back and the egg slipped from its clutches and fell towards the ground. Dawn jumped up and dived in the direction the egg was falling to and just managed to grab a hold of it before it hit the floor. "phew!" she muttered to herself; suddenly, the egg started to glow...
    "WOW! ITS HATCHING!!!" The yellow pokemon ran beside Dawn and watched as a tiny little yellow pokemon appeared in Dawns hands.
    "Owww it's so cute!" She said, smiling.
    "Pika" cried the mother. Dawn put the little pokemon down infront of the mother but just as she started to walk away and leave the mother and baby together, the mum said,
    "Pikachu, pika pi" Dawn turned puzzled.
    "What....? want me to take it?"
    "Pika" The mother nodded.
    "I guess it could be unsafe if it stayed here in the forest, with pokemon like that mankey around." Dawn proclaimed. "Are you sure?"
    The mother nodded again and smiled, as if to say I'm sure and thankyou.
    "Ok, you might not be a water pokemon but you sure are cute! I will don't you worry I'll take good care of it and as I don't know your name and you hatched in a thunderstorm, I'll call you Sparky!"
    "Pi!" Smiled the newly hatched pokemon.

    Dawn and her Pichu, who is now a Pikachu, travelled all over the Aikou region, catching new Pokemon and participating in Gym battles. She managed to win all 8 badges, but failed to qualify for the Pokemon League. Since then she has turned her attention towards Pokemon Contests and almost made it to the Grand Festival last year, narrowly missing out on her 5th contest ribbon.

    Here and now: Since then, Dawn has learnt a lot more about Pokemon; the battling, evolution, types, etc. This was mainly due to her friend Brennan, whom, she met not long after starting her first journey, but then the two parted ways to focus on their own dreams.

    Dawn is currently on a cruise ship destined for Pallet Town and will be arriving soon, to begin her next adventure...[center]

    Last edited by Sasami on Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:36 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Wild Pokemon!)

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