Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Kurth, the undercover quiet guy (Ryu's second character)

    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
    Age : 30
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    Rank : Kurth, the undercover quiet guy (Ryu's second character) Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Kurth, the undercover quiet guy (Ryu's second character) Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Kurth, the undercover quiet guy (Ryu's second character) Empty Kurth, the undercover quiet guy (Ryu's second character)

    Post by Zenith Wed May 14, 2008 5:40 pm

    Name: Kurth, last name unknown

    Title(EX. breeder, trainer, etc.): Agent (Undercover)

    Age: 15

    Sex: Male

    Starting pokemon(must be 1st evo): Dratini

    Appearance: Kurth has straight brown hair going past his ears, but not to his neck; green eyes with a scar over the left one, slightly darker complexion, a green T-Shirt and jeans. He almost always wears a large, brownish-yellow cloak that, unlike Ryu's (which fans out), covers his entire body up to his ankles. The cloak also has a hood which is usually worn over his head as well.

    Home town: Ever Grande City, moved to Blackthorn when younger

    History: Kurth was born in Ever Grande City (aka the mystery land of no buildings). His father died when he was about two and lived with his mother. Around four, he was playing outside when he accidentally angered a group of wild Graveler. Luckily for him, Drake of the Elite Four saved his life, though he obtained a scar from the experience. His mother was now working quite a bit, so Drake became a father-like figure to him. Kurth would often hang out in the E4 building and watch the intense battles, adopting a love for Pokemon. When he was eight or so, he had to move to Blackthorn City in Johto. Drake gave him two letters: one for his son Lance, and the other for his daughter Clair. About a month after he arrived, his mother died from a heart attack, and he was placed in an orphange. One day during school, a bunch of kids were picking on him, but Ryu came to his rescue, and the two became immediate friends and were inseparable. He delivered his letter to Clair, but couldn't find Lance. When he was ten, Drake sent him a Dratini for use on his Pokemon journey. He traveled with Ryu, but they were separated during a cave-in at Mt. Mortar. He escaped, but couldn't find Ryu; saddened, he continued his journey, studying Pokemon as he went. After placing in the Top 16 at the Silver Conference, he was noticed by Lance, who gave him a job at the Pokemon Association. His Pokemon were now fully eveolved, and he decided he would become a Pokemon Researcher (though he's still a trainer for now). Giving the letter to Lance, he became a field agent. One day, a new agent came to the association; it was Ryu! They had finally found each other. Along with a third agent, Lucia, a friend Ryu had made on his journey, they became one of the better trios in the Association.

    Any Extra info about your character: Ryu's best friend. He is calm, kind, and quiet, and is the character foil to Ryu's blunt, loud, sarcastic personality. He can be somewhat nervous, but is a great battler.

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