Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

4 posters



    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Gone. Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Gone. Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Gone. Empty Gone.

    Post by Shine Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:57 am

    I was debating all day whether or not to say goodbye. After all, it's not like my time here sucked completely.

    I'm leaving Shuten, and I'm quitting Pokemon... Yeah, for real this time. Coming back one last time to say goodbye really makes it harder, but in the end, I've never been the type of person to just up and leave. I need closure.

    While here, I made some friends, and I found some people I can't seem to stay on good terms with. I had some good times, and I've bitched a lot.

    It's not that I don't enjoy Pokemon anymore. There are actually a lot of reasons for me to leave, and not many for me to stay. I like Pokemon, and this is the only community that I can really seem to get into, but I really just need to stop. I wake up in the morning, and the first thing I do is turn on my laptop to check Shuten. After that, the entire time I'm awake, I'm either foraging for food, in the bathroom, doing chores, or here, playing Pokemon (or wishing there was someone to play Pokemon with) all day until I go to bed (usually around 2:00-4:30AM).

    That's a long time to be sitting on the computer doing nothing. I literally sit and refresh the page over and over and over again, hoping for something to happen, hoping for something to change. I don't really have much else to do...

    I want a life. I want to go out and make friends. I want to DO something during the day. Go see a movie, finally get in the applications for Barnes and Noble and Hollywood Theaters, maybe lose some weight and fix up my acne. Make friends...

    I'm really just not sure what to say. I don't have any real "enemies" here or anything. Generally, I get along with everyone pretty well, but it's just that 99% of the day, I'm alone. Completely alone, and I don't want that anymore. Even days when I've, say, got a new game or something, I still come back here over and over throughout the day, because I'm dying to talk to someone, or just see someone there, and usually, no one is.

    In the end, I think the easiest way to say it is my life is empty, and it feels so pointless and redundant. Every day, the same thing, over and over, never changing, ending with horrible results every time.

    I don't want to stop talking to everyone or anything. I still like most all the people here. Yeah, you've pretty much all pissed me off at some point or another, but I'm just a really pissy person. I probably WILL show up every once in a while, just to talk or see what's going on with everyone... But for the most part, I don't expect to hang out here all day anymore, like I usually do.

    I think my main reason to quit Pokemon in general is just, as funny as it sounds, a kind of detox. I feel like if I can't get over my "addiction" to Pokemon (something that has haunted me all my life), that I won't be able to move on and actually live in the real world. Every time I'm supposed to be doing something else, I'm generally messing around with Pokemon. "Yeah, as much as I'd LIKE to lose weight, I don't have time. I'm too busy refreshing this page a lot."

    Maybe I'll come back full-time (not literally) once I'm over it. I dunno. Like I said, it's not that I don't like Pokemon, it's just that I really need to tear myself away from it to have the damn time and mind I need to do more important things. I'm starting college in January, and I'm still trying to get a job. Between those two, I probably would barely even have time to sleep, let alone get online and do Pokemon crap. And I don't even have friends yet.

    I'm gonna put down some of my contact info for those of you who might want to stay in contact with me, maybe drop me an IM or something every once in a while and see how I'm doing. After all, I really need the friends right now, and as silly as it sounds, quitting Pokemon's really gonna take a toll on me, and it'll be difficult to adjust. I've never been an especially social or dedicated person...

    Till then, I s'pose I'll see you all later. It's been fun.

    Yahoo!: absinthe_rancor
    LiveJournal: calebs_halo
    YouTube: GreetsTheMoon

    ... And like I said, I'll probably drop by here occasionally to check on life at Shuten, so PM me if you're just too lazy to add me on a messenger or drop me an email. If you're too lazy to type a damn email, though, then I probably don't want to hear from you in the first place, so get lost.

    If it's possible, I'd like to give Tobi my Slakoth. He's dying for it, and I really didn't deserve it in the first place. Hell, use yen from my account to buy him a Pokemon to trade with it if you're such a stickler with the rules. Just make sure he gets it. Divide or destroy all my other profile Pokemon as you see fit. Thanks.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : Gone. Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : Gone. Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Gone. Empty Re: Gone.

    Post by Tobi Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:08 pm

    ....GOD DAMNIT!!

    This is gay.

    .....I'm sad now...

    Shine, please come back. Read some more manga, play some more games, get a new boyfriend if you have to, but please, come on back.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
    Age : 30
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    Yen : 89500
    Rank : Gone. Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Gone. Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Gone. Empty Re: Gone.

    Post by Zenith Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:20 pm

    Goddammit, now who's going to be the Strategy Sensei? D;

    But yeah, that sucks. Hope you get over whatever you're trying to get over, Shine.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Gone. Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Gone. Empty Re: Gone.

    Post by Sagehawk Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:30 pm

    you'll defiantly be missed.

    Hope you get your life back on track though. good luck.

    Gone. Empty Re: Gone.

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:46 pm

    Oh, so sad....vv I didn't even know you and i'm sad/

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    Gone. Empty Re: Gone.

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