Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Profile Pokemon Information

    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:37 pm

    General Information

    What They Are:

    Profile Pokemon are virtual Pokemon that you can collect, trade, and battle with on the forum. Your collection will show up in your profile. You may also "set" a Pokemon, that is, choose a Pokemon to display in your writer's profile (the mini-profile that shows up on posts). Your set Pokemon will gain experience and eventually evolve.

    How To Get Them:

    Your first Profile Pokemon is completely free of charge from the Official Profile Pokemon Store. Just PM a staff member saying which starter you want.

    You may also purchase Profile Pokemon. Every so often, the shop stock will be rotated out and new Pokemon will become available. The Pokemon bought there can be customized. You may pay 1000 yen to use a sprite from a different generation (RBY, GSC, etc.) and for 500 yen you can also specify gender (otherwise, gender will be chosen at random). In addition, some members have paid for an item called the Profile Pokemon License. This allows them to sell Profile Pokemon in their own stores.

    Sometimes, "wild" Profile Pokemon will be hidden in threads around the forum. No clues are given, you must simply hope to come across one or look yourself. The Pokemon will show up as a small sprite. If you find one, contact a staff member with the exact location and/or a screenshot. Wild Profile Pokemon are always hidden in the first post of the thread, the one by the OP. Items can also be found on occasion. In general, rarer Pokemon and items are hidden in older or dead threads--common Pokemon will be found in active threads. You may only catch one wild Profile Pokemon a day.

    Profile Pokemon can also be caught in the Safari Zone. For more information on the Safari Zone, click here.

    You may also fish for Profile Pokemon in the Lake of Rage if you have a fishing rod. Click here for more information.

    Profile Pokemon can be traded and it's a great way to get a hold of Pokemon that you missed out on or have been searching for. Your best bet is to check out the Profile Pokemon Trading Thread. You must trade one-for-one, you cannot just give away Profile Pokemon.

    There are also Profile Pokemon that must be unlocked by meeting certain requirements.

    Rare and legendary Pokemon may be given out for a short time at an event or won in contests and challenges.


    Your Pokemon can evolve, just like in the games. Each Pokemon will have a certain amount of "experience points" (posts) needed to evolve. A Pokemon must be at least three days old to evolve--this prevents spamming.

    Take Charmander for example. He requires 30 posts to evolve, according to the Official Store. This means that you must make 30 NON-SPAM posts with Charmander as your set Pokemon for the writer's profile. Once you've accomplished that, you would PM a staff member to have it changed to a Charmeleon. Charmeleon requires 50 posts to evolve, so you'd need to make 50 NEW posts to evolve him.

    If you switch which Pokemon is set, that Pokemon will LOSE ALL EXPERIENCE POINTS. You need to make the posts with the same Pokemon set. However, once a Pokemon has evolved, it stays that way permanently regardless of whether it's set or not. If you've met the required amount of posts to evolve your Pokemon but it isn't old enough, PM a staff member to make a note of it. This way you can freely switch between Pokemon while waiting for one to become old enough to evolve.

    If your Pokemon needs an item to evolve you may purchase it from the Official Store or a member's store with an Item License. Can't find the item you need? It might be something rare that needs to be found or won.


    You may battle other members with your Profile Pokemon to earn experience points and yen.

    Check out this thread for more information on battling.


    Once you've started to build up a good group of Profile Pokemon, you may want to try completing some challenges. Profile Pokemon Challenges have all sorts of rewards, everything from yen to items. All challenges have different requirements but this thread has some basic info: Profile Pokemon Challenges.

    Bug Catching Contests:

    The Bug Catching Contests are held in the National Park at least once a month (always on weekends). They are held during the Johto saga of the Profile Pokemon Challenge. They cost nothing to enter and you can win prizes and new Profile Pokemon.

    Profile Pokemon Contests:

    The Profile Pokemon Contests are held in the Contest Hall at least once a month (always on weekends). They are held during the Hoenn saga of the Profile Pokemon Challenge. Like Bug Catching Contests, these cost nothing to enter and you can win prizes. In the Contest Hall you may also make PokeBlocks and Poffins using berries.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:44 pm; edited 20 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:36 am

    Item Information

    Here you'll find a list of all released Profile Pokemon items and what they do.

    Bait: If used immediately in the Lake of Rage, it will decrease the chain number needed by 1 if you hook a Pokemon.

    Balloons: A Profile Pokemon Contest accessory.

    Clear Bell: Unlocks a Profile Pokemon Challenge.

    Contest Ribbon: A Profile Pokemon Contest accessory.

    Cornn Berry: A PokeBlock or Poffin ingredient.

    Dawn Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Deepseascale: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Deepseatooth: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Dragon Scale: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Dubious Disc: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Dusk Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Electrizer: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Elemental Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Glacidia Flower: Changes Shaymin to Sky Forme.

    Glitter: A Profile Pokemon Contest accessory.

    Golden Berry: Used to re-roll ONE dice in a challenge; however, you must guess four different numbers from 1-6 and roll an extra die–the re-roll only counts if the extra die matches one of the numbers you guessed. You must specify which die is the one that will count as the "guesser". Can also be used to make PokeBlocks or Poffins.

    Good Rod: An upgrade from the Old Rod, used in the Lake of Rage game. Requires an odd number OR 2 to hook something. Adds +1 to the total value if you catch something. Chains in odd numbers AND 2.

    Grab Bag: Contains three random items.

    Griseous Orb: Changes Giratina to Origin Forme.

    King's Rock: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Leppa Berry: May be equipped to a Profile Pokemon before a battle or challenge. In battle, it allows a Profile Pokemon to use an attack once that it wouldn't normally meet the conditions for (ex: an attack that states it can't be used more than once or an attack that's only usable if the Pokemon's ability activates). Can also be used to make PokeBlocks or Poffins.

    Magmarizer: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Metal Coat: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Moon Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Old Rod: A fishing rod for the Lake of Rage game. Requires an even number to hook. Chains in even numbers.

    Oran Berry: May be equipped to a Profile Pokemon before a battle or challenge. In battle, it'll make your Pokemon take -3 damage if the opponent rolls a 6. Can also be used to make PokeBlocks or Poffins.

    Oval Stone: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Poffin: Has various effects depending on flavor. Poffins can be used in Profile Pokemon Contests.

    PokeBlock: When used in the Safari Zone, adds +1 to the required damage range of a wild Pokemon. (ex: If a Pokemon had a range of 11-12, it would become 11-13). You may not use a PokeBlock more than once in a week. PokeBlocks can also be used in Profile Pokemon Contests.

    Potion: Allows you one re-roll in any Profile Pokemon Challenge (unless stated otherwise).

    Protector: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Ragecandybar: When used on a Profile Pokemon, you must roll an extra die (this roll does not add on to your attack). If you get any number but 3 or 4, deal +5 damage. If you get a 3 or 4, deal -1 damage.

    Rare Candy: Gives your set Profile Pokemon 25 experience points when used. Only one Rare Candy may be used per day.

    Razor Claw: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Razor Fang: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Revive: Allows you ONE extra chance in a Profile Pokemon Challenge and allows you to avoid the first penalty.

    Ruins Key: Opens a door in the Ancient Ruins.

    Ruins Tablet: Must be used to enter the Ancient Ruins.

    Safari Ball: Allows you a second chance at catching a Pokemon in the Safari Zone. Only one can be used a day.

    Secret Key: Changes Rotom into a different Forme.

    Shiny Berry: Makes one Profile Pokemon shiny.

    Shiny Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Special Lure: If used immediately after failing to hook a Pokemon, allows you a second chance at hooking it (cannot be used to gain a second chance to actually catch the Pokemon). You may not use a Special Lure more than once in a week.

    Squirtbottle: Unlocks a Profile Pokemon Challenge.

    Sun Stone: Evolves certain Pokemon.

    Super Rod: The best fishing rod, used in the Lake of Rage game. Requires an odd number OR 2 to hook something. Adds +5 to the total value if you catch something. Chains in odd numbers AND 2.

    Up-Grade: Evolves a certain Pokemon.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:41 pm; edited 16 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:18 pm

    Shuten Dojo Pokedex:

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa001

    Species: Bulbasaur
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Your opponent's attack power lowers to 1 (special attacks and rolls are not affected).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Bulbasaur gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa002

    Species: Ivysaur
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. Your opponent's attack power lowers to 1 (special attacks and rolls are not affected).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Ivysaur gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa003

    Species: Venusaur
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. Your opponent's attack power lowers to 1 and their roll damage lowers by 3 (special attacks are not affected).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Venusaur gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa004

    Species: Charmander
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, you deal 6 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Charmander gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa005

    Species: Charmeleon
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 3 or 6, add 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Charmeleon gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa006

    Species: Charizard
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 20 damage. Otherwise, deal 5.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Charizard gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa007

    Species: Squirtle
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, damage dealt to Squirtle is decreased by 4.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Squirtle gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa008

    Species: Wartortle
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, damage dealt to Wartortle is decreased by 6.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Wartortle gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa009

    Species: Blastoise
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, damage dealt to Blastoise is decreased by 12. Deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Blastoise gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa010

    Species: Caterpie
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa011

    Species: Metapod
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -10 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa012

    Species: Butterfree
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll a 6, take no damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa013

    Species: Weedle
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage if your opponent rolls an odd number. If that number was 5, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa014

    Species: Kakuna
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa015

    Species: Beedrill
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Roll four dice.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa016

    Species: Pidgey
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 2 or 3, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6 and you roll a 1, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa017

    Species: Pidgeotto
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll a 2 or 3, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6 and you roll a 1 or 2, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa018

    Species: Pidgeot
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an even number, get an extra roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5 or 6 and you roll a 1 or 2, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa019

    Species: Rattata
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 20 damage overall, dodge the attack completely (including roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa020

    Species: Raticate
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 20 damage overall, dodge the attack completely (including roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa021

    Species: Spearow
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage from your attack and take +1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, Spearow takes no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa022

    Species: Fearow
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 4 or 6, deal 15 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, Fearow takes no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa023

    Species: Ekans
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If your opponent rolls an odd number, they deal -1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa024

    Species: Arbok
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If your opponent ends up dealing less than 15 damage overall, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is HALVED.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa025

    Species: Pikachu
    Evolves after 30 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, Pikachu deals 10 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal no damage besides the number you rolled.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they don't deal any damage to Pikachu.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa026

    Species: Raichu
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, Raichu deals 15 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal no damage besides the number you rolled and take +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they don't deal any damage to Raichu.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa027

    Species: Sandshrew
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Sandshrew will now take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa028

    Species: Sandslash
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Sandslash will now take -12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa029

    Species: Nidoran (female)
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Roll the die TWICE.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, take -1 damage and deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa030

    Species: Nidorina
    Evolves after 50 posts and the use of a Moon Stone.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Roll the die TWICE.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa031

    Species: Nidoqueen
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Double the damage you deal from your roll.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa032

    Species: Nidoran (male)
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If your opponent rolls a 6, they deal no damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they deal -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa033

    Species: Nidorino
    Evolves after 50 posts and the use of a Moon Stone.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they deal -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa034

    Species: Nidoking
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals less than 15 damage overall, deal 20 damage. Otherwise, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they deal -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa035

    Species: Clefairy
    Evolves after 40 posts and the use of a Moon Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, deal 9 damage. If you roll a 2, deal 5 damage and take -3 damage. If you roll a 3, take no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll). If you roll a 5, deal 7 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Clefairy always takes -2 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa036

    Species: Clefable
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, deal 11 damage. If you roll a 2, deal 8 damage and take -5 damage. If you roll a 3, take no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll). If you roll a 5, deal 10 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: Clefable always takes -2 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa037

    Species: Vulpix
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1 or 2, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 10, 11, or 12 damage, take no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa038

    Species: Ninetales
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal no damage the first time you use this attack (except your roll). On your next turn, deal +20 damage. This attack can't be stacked.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 damage, take no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa039

    Species: Jigglypuff
    Evolves after 40 posts with the use of a Moon Stone.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Roll the die twice.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa040

    Species: Wigglytuff
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Roll the die twice.
    Ability: Wigglytuff always takes -3 damage from special attacks.

    Last edited by Sasami on Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:17 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:23 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa041

    Species: Zubat
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal damage equal to the damage your opponent deals before their roll, decreased by 2.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage to Zubat.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa042

    Species: Golbat
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal damage equal to the damage your opponent deals before their roll, decreased by 1.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage to Golbat.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa043

    Species: Oddish
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Oddish will take -5 damage from your opponent's regular attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa044

    Species: Gloom
    Evolves after 30 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone OR Sun Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. Gloom will take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa045

    Species: Vileplume
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Vileplume will take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4 or 5, they deal no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa046

    Species: Paras
    Evolves after 30 posts
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If you roll a higher number than your opponent does, deal -2 damage.
    Ability: Deal +2 damage if you roll a 1.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa047

    Species: Parasect
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 14 damage. For every 1, 3 or 4 on the field during the battle round (including extra rolled dice), deal -2 damage.
    Ability: Deal +3 damage if you roll a 1. In addition, if your opponent has a Special Attack or ability that ignores stat modifications, deal +4 damage and add on modifications anyway.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa048

    Species: Venonat
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, completely dodge your opponent's attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa049

    Species: Venomoth
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll a 6, completely dodge your opponent's attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage from their roll and deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa050

    Species: Diglett
    Evolves after 35 posts
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If you roll a 5 or 6, subtract that number from your attack instead of adding it on.
    Ability: Diglett's attacks cannot be completely dodged. Diglett's attack doubles if your opponent does their "maximum amount"* of damage with their Regular or Special Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa051

    Species: Dugtrio
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 14 damage. If you roll a 6, subtract that number from your attack instead of adding it on.
    Ability: Dugtrio's attack doubles if your opponent does their "maximum amount"* of damage with their Regular or Special Attack. Dugtrio's Regular Attack deals +2 damage if your opponent rolls an odd number.

    *Maximum amount refers to when a pokemon does the highest damage they can do with their regular attack or when the same pokemon does the highest damage they can do with their special attack. It doesn't just only work when a pokemon does their absolute maximum amount of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa052

    Species: Meowth
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, roll one more time.
    Ability: If you deal less than 6 damage overall, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa053

    Species: Persian
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an even number, roll again. You can keep adding on rolls this way.
    Ability: If you deal less than 12 damage overall, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa054

    Species: Psyduck
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, deal no damage (besides roll). If you roll a 6, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number OR deals an odd number of damage, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa055

    Species: Golduck
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, deal no damage (besides roll). If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 16 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number OR deals an odd number of damage, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa056

    Species: Mankey
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, roll one more time.
    Ability: Mankey's attack can't be lowered or prevented by special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa057

    Species: Primeape
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Roll the die twice. If you get at least one six, roll one more time.
    Ability: Primeape's attack can't be lowered or prevented by special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa058

    Species: Growlithe
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 16 damage overall, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa059

    Species: Arcanine
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 16 damage. Otherwise, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 14, 16, or 18 damage overall, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa060

    Species: Poliwag
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage and take an extra 2 damage.
    Ability: Take -1 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa061

    Species: Poliwhirl
    Evolves after 40 posts and with the use of a King's Rock or Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage and take an extra 2 damage.
    Ability: Take -1 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa062

    Species: Poliwrath
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, deal 22 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage and take an extra 2 damage.
    Ability: Take -1 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa063

    Species: Abra
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Guess what number you'll roll. If you're correct, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, dodge their attack completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa064

    Species: Kadabra
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Guess what number you'll roll. If you're correct, deal 20 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, dodge their attack completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa065

    Species: Alakazam
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Attack first. Guess what number you'll roll. If you're correct, deal 25 damage. Guess what number your opponent will roll. If you're correct, deal +10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent lowers your attack with a special attack, do the same back.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa066

    Species: Machop
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage (besides the number rolled) and take +1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses an attack or has an ability activate that causes you to not deal damage, deal damage as usual anyway.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa067

    Species: Machoke
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage (besides the number rolled) and take +1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses an attack or has an ability activate that causes you to not deal damage, deal damage as usual anyway.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa068

    Species: Machamp
    Attack Power: 15
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 20 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage (besides the number rolled).
    Ability: If your opponent uses an attack or has an ability activate that causes you to not deal damage, deal damage as usual anyway.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa069

    Species: Bellsprout
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Damage dealt by your opponent is halved.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa070

    Species: Weepinbell
    Evolves after 40 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. Damage dealt by your opponent is halved.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa071

    Species: Victreebel
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa072

    Species: Tentacool
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If your opponent uses a special attack, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa073

    Species: Tentacruel
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If your opponent uses a special attack, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an even number, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa074

    Species: Geodude
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an even number, take -6 damage.
    Ability: Geodude always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa075

    Species: Graveler
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an even number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: Graveler always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa076

    Species: Golem
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an even number, take -12 damage.
    Ability: Golem always takes -7 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa077

    Species: Ponyta
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll a 2 or 5, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa078

    Species: Rapidash
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 2, 4, or 5, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa079

    Species: Slowpoke
    Evolves after 65 posts, with or without the King's Rock.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Take -5 damage from any attack.
    Ability: Slowpoke is not affected by your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa080

    Species: Slowbro
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take -15 damage from any attack.
    Ability: Slowbro is not affected by your opponent's ability.

    Last edited by Sasami on Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:55 am; edited 2 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:31 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa081

    Species: Magnemite
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll a 1 or a 3, lower your opponent's special attack power by 2.
    Ability: Magnemite cannot have its regular attack power lowered.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa082

    Species: Magneton
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 1 or a 3, lower your opponent's regular attack by 3.
    Ability: Magneton cannot have its special attack power lowered.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa083

    Species: Farfetch'd
    Attack Power: (x)
    Special Attack: Attack first. Deal 1 damage. Have your opponent roll two dice (not counted towards their attack), multiply the sum by two, and add it to your damage.
    Ability: Roll two dice (these don't count towards your attack). To determine attack power divide opponent's attack power by two, then add the sum of the dice.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa084

    Species: Doduo
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Roll two dice. If the sum is 2-8, then deal that +1 damage. If the sum is 9-12, then deal that +2 damage. Do not roll another dice to add on damage.
    Ability: If you use your Regular Attack and your opponent uses their Special Attack, then roll an extra die and add half of it to your attack, rounding up where necessary.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa085

    Species: Dodrio
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Roll three dice (not added to your attack); add them all together and multiply them all together. If the sum is even, deal +5 damage. If the sum is odd, deal +7 damage. If the product of all three is even, deal +5 damage. If the product of all three is odd, deal +6 damage. If you roll two of the same number, deal +2 damage. If you roll three of the same number, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: If you use your Regular Attack and your opponent rolls a 5, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa086

    Species: Seel
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: This attack only works if a match is going to contain two or more battles. The first time this attack is used, deal no damage besides your roll. On the second turn, deal an additional 9 damage (this is added on to the damage from your attack). This attack can be stacked (so on the turn you deal 9 damage, you can choose to use it again).
    Ability: Seel takes -2 damage if your opponent rolls an even number.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa087

    Species: Dewgong
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: This attack only works if a match is going to contain two or more battles. The first time this attack is used, deal no damage besides your roll. On the second turn, deal an additional 15 damage (this is added on to the damage from your attack). This attack can be stacked (so on the turn you deal 15 damage, you can choose to use it again).
    Ability: Dewgong takes -4 damage if your opponent rolls an even number.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa088

    Species: Grimer
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: Grimer takes -5 damage from any Special Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa089

    Species: Muk
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Your opponent's Ability will not work this round.
    Ability: Muk takes -6 damage from any Regular Attack. Muk takes -12 damage from any Special Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa090

    Species: Shellder
    Evolves after 30 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa091

    Species: Cloyster
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -14 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa092

    Species: Gastly
    Evolves after 40 posts
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Deal +3 damage if you roll a 1 or a 3. Deal +5 damage if your opponent rolls a 5.
    Ability: Gastly will deal +4 damage with its regular attack if your opponent rolls a 6.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa093

    Species: Haunter
    Evolves after 60 posts
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. Deal +5 damage if you roll a 1 or a 3. Deal +5 damage if your opponent rolls a 3 or a 5.
    Ability: Haunter will deal +6 damage with its regular attack if your opponent rolls a 5.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa094

    Species: Gengar
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. Deal +5 damage if you roll an odd number. Deal +7 damage if your opponent rolls an odd number.
    Ability: Gengar's attacks cannot be completely dodged. Gengar deals +8 damage with its regular attack if your opponent lowers your attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa095

    Species: Onix
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Metal Coat.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Roll three dice (these do not count towards your damage total). Onix will take minus the total damage.
    Ability: Onix always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa096

    Species: Drowzee
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. Force your opponent to use their regular attack or special attack.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa097

    Species: Hypno
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. Force your opponent to use their regular attack or special attack.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, take -6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa098

    Species: Krabby
    Evolves after 50 posts
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll a 2, roll another die. Multiply that roll by two and add it to your damage (as well as the roll of two).
    Ability: Krabby's Regular Attack Power is doubled if it rolls a 1.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa099

    Species: Kingler
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If you roll a 3, roll another die. Multiply that roll by three and add it to your damage (as well as the roll of three).
    Ability: Your opponent may not add on defense/attack boosts if you roll an odd number. In additon, Kingler gets +5 for its Regular Attack if it rolls a 1 or 2.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa100

    Species: Voltorb
    Evolves after 25 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 15 damage. Voltorb will now take double the damage dealt to him. Don't roll the die.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 12 damage, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa101

    Species: Electrode
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 30 damage. Electrode will now take double the damage dealt to him. Don't roll the die.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 12 damage, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa102

    Species: Exeggcute
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Predict what number you'll roll. If you're correct, deal 10 damage and take no damage from your opponent's roll. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa103

    Species: Exeggutor
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 16 damage, but don't add on damage from the die unless you roll a 6.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa104

    Species: Cubone
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Cubone always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa105

    Species: Marowak
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: Marowak always takes -4 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa106

    Species: Hitmonlee
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 18 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If you use your regular attack, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa107

    Species: Hitmonchan
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Double the damage from your roll.
    Ability: If you use your Special Attack, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa108

    Species: Lickitung
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. Your opponent cannot use their regular attack.
    Ability: Lickitung always takes -3 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa109

    Species: Koffing
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +2 damage.
    Ability: Koffing takes -4 damage from any Regular Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa110

    Species: Weezing
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Add your opponent's ability to your own if you roll a 1 or 2.
    Ability: Weezing takes -5 damage from any Special Attack. Weezing takes -10 damage from any Regular Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa111

    Species: Rhyhorn
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: Rhyhorn always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa112

    Species: Rhydon
    Evolves after 50 posts and the use of the Protector.
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: Rhydon always takes -3 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa113

    Species: Chansey
    Evolves after 70 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Add together both you and your opponent's rolls and multiply the value by 2. Chansey takes -x damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa114

    Species: Tangela
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If you roll the same number as your opponent, add twice the roll to your attack.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, 3, or 4, take -6 damage from any Regular Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa115

    Species: Kangaskhan
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: This attack may only be used if you have at least 3 unique Profile Pokemon. Choose 3 Pokemon and attack with each of them (roll the die for them and add on damage as if it was a normal battle). They will deal 1/4 damage (round up).
    Ability: Kangaskhan may not roll the die at all. If your opponent has an attack or ability that relies on your roll, that attack or ability automatically fails/has no effect.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa116

    Species: Horsea
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack. If you roll a 6, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa117

    Species: Seadra
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Dragon Scale.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack. If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa118

    Species: Goldeen
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you and your opponent both roll 6's, you automatically win.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll the same number, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa119

    Species: Seaking
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you and your opponent both roll 6's, you automatically win.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll the same number, deal +8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa120

    Species: Staryu
    Evolves after 40 posts with the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage. If your opponent rolls an even number, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: Staryu's special attack power can't be lowered.

    Last edited by Sasami on Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:39 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa121

    Species: Starmie
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +9 damage. If your opponent rolls an even number, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: Starmie's special attack power can't be lowered.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa122

    Species: Mr.Mime
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 10 damage overall, take half damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa123

    Species: Scyther
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Metal Coat.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, completely dodge your opponent's attack. Otherwise, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If Scyther deals less than 10 damage overall, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa124

    Species: Jynx
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Roll the die an extra time. If you get at least one 6, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa125

    Species: Electabuzz
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of an Electrizer.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 4 damage. If you rolled a 6, deal +2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, roll an extra die.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa126

    Species: Magmar
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Magmarizer.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Deal an extra 4 damage if you roll a 4. Negate your opponent's roll (not their attack) if you roll a 1.
    Ability: Roll an extra die (it doesn't count toward your attack total). If you roll a 1 or a 3, your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa127

    Species: Pinsir
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 18 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: Other Pokemons' abilities cannot lower or avoid Pinsir's attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa128

    Species: Tauros
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 18 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is automatically decreased by 5.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa129

    Species: Magikarp
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 2 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage besides your roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa130

    Species: Gyarados
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is automatically HALVED.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa131

    Species: Lapras
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent's ability causes an automatic effect, deal 16 damage. Otherwise, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Ignore any stat boosts that the opponent gets.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa132

    Species: Ditto
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: Before a match begins, if you are using Ditto then you must roll a die. If you get an even number, copy your opponent's Regular Attack with +3 power and their Special Attack with -3 power. If you roll and odd number, copy your opponent's Regular Attack with -3 power and their Special Attack with +3 power (attack and special attack powers cannot go into the negatives). If you roll a 5 or 6 here, copy your opponent's ability as well.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa133

    Species: Eevee
    Evolves after 50 posts with an Elemental Stone.
    Alternatively, can evolve after 50 posts into Umbreon or Espeon depending on time of day.
    Also, can evolve after 50 posts if the last post was in the Safari Zone (Leafeon) or Profile Pokemon Arena (Glaceon).
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: Eevee gains +2 attack automatically.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa134

    Species: Vaporeon
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If your opponent deals more than 15 damage, take -20 damage. If your opponent deals more than 10 damage, take -15 damage. If your opponent deals less than 10 damage, take -5 damage. If your opponent deals 5 or less damage, there will be no added effect.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 14 or 15 damage, take -6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa135

    Species: Jolteon
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +6 damage. If that number is 4 or 6, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa136

    Species: Flareon
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 16 damage. Otherwise, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, take no damage from their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa137

    Species: Porygon
    Evolves after 30 posts and the use of the Up-Grade item.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2, your opponent takes 5 damage and deals only 1 damage. If you roll anything else, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: Copy your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa138

    Species: Omanyte
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If your opponent rolls an even number, take -3 damage from their attack.
    Ability: Omanyte always takes -1 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa139

    Species: Omastar
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If your opponent rolls an even number, take -6 damage from their attack.
    Ability: Omastar always takes -3 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa140

    Species: Kabuto
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 1 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa141

    Species: Kabutops
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 5 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa142

    Species: Aerodactyl
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. Then add on damage depending on what your opponent rolled (if they rolled a 1, deal +1 damage, for example).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa143

    Species: Snorlax
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's attack or special attack. However, take +2 damage from their roll.
    Ability: Snorlax always takes -5 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa144

    Species: Articuno
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa145

    Species: Zapdos
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa146

    Species: Moltres
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa147

    Species: Dratini
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 2, deal 9 damage.
    Ability: Dratini can always attack, regardless of abilities or special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa148

    Species: Dragonair
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 2, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: Dragonair can always attack, regardless of abilities or special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa149

    Species: Dragonite
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: Roll three dice (these are not added to your damage). If the first one is even, deal 18 damage. If the second one is even, add on +7 damage unless the first number was odd. If all three are even, add on an extra +10 damage. Odd numbers cause Dragonite to take +2 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa150

    Species: Mewtwo
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Roll six dice instead of one.
    Ability: If your opponent lacks a special attack or ability that may cause them to dodge, deal +2 damage. Otherwise, deal -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa151

    Species: Mew
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Choose any Special Attack of any Profile Pokemon and use it. However, deal -3 damage. That Pokemon's Special Attack becomes Mew's Special Attack for the rest of the match.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, deal -2 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa152

    Species: Chikorita
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 4, take -8 damage. If you roll a 5, take no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 6, take no damage from your opponent's regular attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Chikorita gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa153

    Species: Bayleef
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll a 3, take -10 damage. If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 5, take no damage from your opponent's special attack. If you roll a 6, take no damage from your opponent's regular attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Bayleef gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa154

    Species: Meganium
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll a 3, take -10 damage. If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 5, take no damage from your opponent's special attack. If you roll a 6, take no damage from your opponent's regular attack.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Meganium gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa155

    Species: Cyndaquil
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 8 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Cyndaquil gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa156

    Species: Quilava
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 10 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Quilava gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa157

    Species: Typhlosion
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If your opponent deals less than 5 damage total, deal +20 damage. If your opponent deals less than 10 damage total, deal +15 damage. If your opponent deals less than 15 damage total, deal +10 damage. If your opponent deals more than 15 damage, deal no extra damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Typhlosion gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa158

    Species: Totodile
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll a 3, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Totodile gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa159

    Species: Croconaw
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Croconaw gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa160

    Species: Feraligatr
    Attack Power: 15
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Feraligatr gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:31 am; edited 2 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:40 am


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa161

    Species: Sentret
    Evolves after 25 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 3, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If a special attack that requires a 6 to activate targets Sentret, avoid the attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa162

    Species: Furret
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll)
    Ability: If a special attack that requires a 6 to activate targets Furret, avoid the attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa163

    Species: Hoothoot
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 4 damage.
    Ability: At night time, Hoothoot deals +3 damage and takes -2 damage. "Night time" is considered any time after 6pm site time (EST).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa164

    Species: Noctowl
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, completely dodge your opponent's attack. If you roll a 6, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: At night time, Noctowl deals +5 damage and takes -3 damage. "Night time" is considered any time after 6pm site time (EST).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa165

    Species: Ledyba
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls an odd number, they may not use their regular attack.
    Ability: Attacks that rely on rolling extra dice always fail.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa166

    Species: Ledian
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If your opponent rolls an odd number, they may not use their regular attack.
    Ability: Attacks that rely on rolling extra dice or no dice at all always fail.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa167

    Species: Spinarak
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, take no damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa168

    Species: Ariados
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, take no damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, deal +6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa169

    Species: Crobat
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, they deal no damage to Crobat.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa170

    Species: Chinchou
    Evolves after 45 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Take -7 damage from any special attack.
    Ability: Chinchou always takes -2 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa171

    Species: Lanturn
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Take -12 damage from any special attack. Take -10 damage from any regular attack.
    Ability: Lanturn always takes -5 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa172

    Species: Pichu
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, Pichu deals 6 damage. If you roll an odd number, Pichu takes an extra 2 damage and deals no damage at all.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, they don't deal any damage to Pichu.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa173

    Species: Cleffa
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll a 4 or 6, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Cleffa takes no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa174

    Species: Igglybuff
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Roll the die twice.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Igglybuff takes no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa175

    Species: Togepi
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 4 damage and take -6 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa176

    Species: Togetic
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Shiny Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. If you roll an even number, take -6 damage and no damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll a 5, deal +2 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa177

    Species: Natu
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, halve damage taken from special attacks. If you roll and even number, halve damage taken from regular attacks.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Natu takes -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa178

    Species: Xatu
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. Guess what number you'll roll. If you're two numbers away, deal +2 damage. If you're one number away, deal +6 damage. If you guessed the number correctly, deal +12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Xatu takes -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa179

    Species: Mareep
    Evolves after 25 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal 4 damage. Otherwise, deal none besides your own roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3, they deal no damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa180

    Species: Flaafy
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal none besides your own roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3, they deal no damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa181

    Species: Ampharos
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal 15 damage. Otherwise, deal none besides your own roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3 or 4, they deal no damage (except their own roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa182

    Species: Bellossom
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal double the damage that you roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, they deal no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa183

    Species: Marill
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, Marill deals 9 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: +2 REGULAR attack automatically.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa184

    Species: Azumarill
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, Azumarill deals 25 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: +2 REGULAR attack automatically.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa185

    Species: Sudowoodo
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals an odd number of damage, take -12 damage.
    Ability: Sudowoodo always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa186

    Species: Politoed
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an even number, Politoed takes -4 damage from special attacks. If you roll an odd number, Politoed takes -4 damage from regular attacks.
    Ability: Take -2 damage if your opponent rolls a 2.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa187

    Species: Hoppip
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, Hoppip takes no damage from their attack (only their roll)

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa188

    Species: Skiploom
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, Skiploom takes no damage from their attack (only their roll)

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa189

    Species: Jumpluff
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, Jumpluff takes no damage from their attack (only their roll)

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa190

    Species: Aipom
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If both you and your opponent roll odd numbers, deal an extra 5 damage.
    Ability: If you deal less than 6 damage overall, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa191

    Species: Sunkern
    Evolves after 30 posts with the use of a Sun Stone.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. You may not use this attack twice in a row.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an even number, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa192

    Species: Sunflora
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 16 damage. You may not use this attack twice in a row.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an even number, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa193

    Species: Yanma
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa194

    Species: Wooper
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Wooper will take -5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an odd amount of total damage, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa195

    Species: Quagsire
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Quagsire will now take -6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an odd amount of total damage, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa196

    Species: Espeon
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Predict what number you'll roll. If you guessed correctly whether it was odd or even, deal 14 damage. If you guessed the exact number, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses and attack or has an ability activate that would cause you to deal less damage, reflect that effect back at your opponent instead.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa197

    Species: Umbreon
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Roll first. Predict what number your opponent will roll. If you guessed correctly whether it was odd or even, take -15 damage. If you guessed the exact number, take -20 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses and attack or has an ability activate that would cause you to deal less damage, reflect that effect back at your opponent instead.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa198

    Species: Murkrow
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Dusk Stone.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Attack (roll) last. If your opponent had used an attack that does damage, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Murkrow can always attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa199

    Species: Slowking
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage and take -8 damage from any attack.
    Ability: Slowking is not affected by your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa200

    Species: Misdreavus
    Evolves after 45 posts with the use of a Dusk Stone.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 4, deal 7 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 9 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 20 damage overall, take -2 damage.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:34 am; edited 3 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:38 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa201

    Species: Unown
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: To determine Unown's Special Attack power, Pick a number 1-6 and roll a die. If the numbers match, multiply them together to get your special attack power. If the numbers are consecutive, add them together to get your special attack power. If they do not match and are not consecutive, then halve the rolled number to get your special attack power, rounding up where necessary. You still roll another die to add on damage as normal. Repeat this each round you use Unown's special attack.
    Ability: If you use Unown's special attack and your opponent's special attack power is higher than Unown's determined attack, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa202

    Species: Wobbuffet
    Attack Power: 0
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal twice as much damage as your opponent dealt with their special attack. If you roll an even number, deal twice as much damage as your opponent dealt with their regular attack.
    Ability: Wobbuffet's attacks cannot be dodged. In addition, Wobbuffet should always roll last.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa203

    Species: Girafarig
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Attack last. If your opponent had used a Special Attack, reflect it back at the opponent for double the damage (not including their roll).
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa204

    Species: Pineco
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage and take an extra 2 damage. On the NEXT turn, deal double the damage that your opponent dealt to you on the first turn (you must use your Special Attack again; add the die roll on both turns).
    Ability: If your opponent uses any stat modifiers whatsoever, roll an extra dice to subtract damage from their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa205

    Species: Forretress
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses any stat modifiers whatsoever, roll two extra dice. Subtract the sum of the dice from their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa206

    Species: Dunsparce
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If your opponent has any way of dealing extra damage, deal 13 damage. If your opponent has any way to completely dodge an attack, deal 11 damage. If your opponent has both, deal 17 damage.
    Ability: If Dunsparce's rolled number would have activated an effect of your opponent's Special Attack or Ability, deal +3 damage and ignore that effect.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa207

    Species: Gligar
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Razor Fang.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 8 damage. Otherwise, deal 4 damage.
    Ability: Gligar's regular attack cannot be lowered by a special attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa208

    Species: Steelix
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Roll five dice (these do not count towards your damage total). Steelix will take minus the total damage.
    Ability: Steelix always takes half damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa209

    Species: Snubbull
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 6, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa210

    Species: Granbull
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa211

    Species: Qwilfish
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent has a special attack which may grant them an attack boost, deal 20 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa212

    Species: Scizor
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If Scizor deals less than 10 damage overall, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa213

    Species: Shuckle
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If your opponent rolls more than one die, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: Take -16 damage from any attack. In addition, Shuckle may switch its Ability with its Attack Power so it takes -5 damage and does 16 damage. This may not be used two consecutive rounds in a row.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa214

    Species: Heracross
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: Deal 9 damage unless you roll a 1. If you roll a 1, roll two extra dice and multiply them together to get your attack. Do not add on one extra damage for rolling the one and do not roll another die to add on damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's Regular Attack Power is even, take 2 extra damage. If their Regular Attack Power is odd, deal 3 extra damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa215

    Species: Sneasel
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of a Razor Claw.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 4 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent can't get more than one attack boost from an attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa216

    Species: Teddiursa
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, take no damage from their attack (only their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa217

    Species: Ursaring
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, deal 18 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses an attack or has an ability activate that would normally decrease your attack, ignore it and attack with +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa218

    Species: Slugma
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Deal no damage besides the number you roll. Your opponent may not use their regular attack (if they already used it, they'll need to redo their turn).
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa219

    Species: Magcargo
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal no damage besides the number you roll. Your opponent may not use their regular attack (if they already used it, they'll need to redo their turn). Also, any special attacks will deal -8 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa220

    Species: Swinub
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +2 damage. If that number is 4, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa221

    Species: Piloswine
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +2 damage. If that number is 4, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa222

    Species: Corsola
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. The die will now subtract damage from your attack. Your opponent deals -2 times the number you rolled.
    Ability: Corsola always takes -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa223

    Species: Remoraid
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Remoraid has +4 attack automatically. If you roll a 1, your attack completely misses.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa224

    Species: Octillery
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 17 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll a 6, deal +10 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa225

    Species: Delibird
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If both and you and your opponent roll odd numbers, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: Delibird automatically deals +5 damage. However, if both you and your opponent roll even numbers, you'll deal no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa226

    Species: Mantine
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an odd number, roll two more dice (don't add them to your attack). Multiply the two extra dice together and take minus that amount of damage.
    Ability: Mantine deals +5 damage if your opponent uses a Special Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa227

    Species: Skarmory
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If your opponent's overall damage is a multiple of 3, roll a dice. Multiply that number by 3 and take -x damage. If your opponent's overall damage is a multiple of 4, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's overall damage is a multiple of 5, subtract your roll from their attack and roll an extra die to add on damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa228

    Species: Houndour
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 9 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa229

    Species: Houndoom
    Attack Power: 11
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1 or 2, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa230

    Species: Kingdra
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack. If you roll a 6, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 4, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa231

    Species: Phanpy
    Evolves after 45 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: Phanpy always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa232

    Species: Donphan
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an even number, take -10 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage.
    Ability: Donphan always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa233

    Species: Porygon2
    Evolves after 60 posts and the use of the Dubious Disc item.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2, your opponent takes 7 damage and deals only 1 damage. If you roll a 3, you deal 6 damage and your opponent deals -3 damage. If you roll a 4, deal 10 damage. If you roll anything else, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: Copy your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa234

    Species: Stantler
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Roll first. Predict what number your opponent will roll. If you're correct, completely dodge their attack. If you're one number away, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is automatically halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa235

    Species: Smeargle
    Attack Power: 0
    Special Attack: Copy your opponent's special attack, including any requirements or penalties.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa236

    Species: Tyrogue
    Evolves after 30 posts. Evolves into Hitmonchan if evolving on an even number of posts, evolves into Hitmonlee if evolving on an odd number of posts. Evolves into Hitmontop if evolving on a post that's a multiple of ten.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, double your damage. If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa237

    Species: Hitmontop
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Roll two extra dice for a total of three rolls.
    Ability: If you deal less than 12 damage overall, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa238

    Species: Smoochum
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's attack.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa239

    Species: Elekid
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 3 damage. If you rolled a 6, deal +1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, roll an extra die.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa240

    Species: Magby
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 Damage. Deal an extra 4 damage if you roll a 4. Negate your opponent's roll (not their attack) if you roll a 1.
    Ability: Roll an extra die (it doesn't count toward your attack total). If you roll a 1, your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:36 am; edited 2 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:18 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa241

    Species: Miltank
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent's ability activates or is automatic, negate it and deal 13 damage. Otherwise, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Miltank takes -2 damage from any attack. In addition, if your opponent's Regular Attack power is above 13, take another -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa242

    Species: Blissey
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Add together both you and your opponent's rolls and multiply the value by 2. Blissey takes -x damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa243

    Species: Raikou
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, Raikou deals 15 damage. If that number was 6, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses the same Pokemon in two consecutive rounds, Raikou will dodge their attack if they roll an odd number.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa244

    Species: Entei
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: If you roll any number besides 4 or 5, deal 16 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses the same Pokemon in two consecutive rounds, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa245

    Species: Suicune
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, Suicune takes -15 damage. If that number was 5, take an extra -4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses the same Pokemon in two consecutive rounds, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa246

    Species: Larvitar
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll any number besides 5 or 6, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa247

    Species: Pupitar
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll any number besides 3 or 4, take -12 damage.
    Ability: Pupitar always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa248

    Species: Tyranitar
    Attack Power: 15
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1 or 2, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent always takes an extra 2 damage. If this attack is somehow nullified or ignored, take an extra 6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa249

    Species: Lugia
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa250

    Species: Ho-oh
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa251

    Species: Celebi
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. You may choose to re-do the entire turn ONCE after attacking.
    Ability: Celebi's attacks cannot be lowered or dodged.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa252

    Species: Treecko
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 6 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Treecko gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa253

    Species: Grovyle
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Then, deal 1 damage for each point of damage your opponent deals from their roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Grovyle gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa254

    Species: Sceptile
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. Then, deal 3 damage for each point of damage your opponent deals from their roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Sceptile gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa255

    Species: Torchic
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Torchic gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa256

    Species: Combusken
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Combusken gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa257

    Species: Blaziken
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 15 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Blaziken gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa258

    Species: Mudkip
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 3 or 4, deal 6 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Mudkip gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa259

    Species: Marshtomp
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 3 or 4, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Marshtomp gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa260

    Species: Swampert
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Swampert will now take -10 from regular attacks and -5 from special attacks.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, Swampert gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa261

    Species: Poochyena
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa262

    Species: Mightyena
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +10 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa263

    Species: Zigzagoon
    Evolves after 25 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 5 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, your opponent deals no damage, including their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa264

    Species: Linoone
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, your opponent deals no damage, including their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa265

    Species: Wurmple
    Evolves after 15 posts. PM Mod/Admin with Die Roll, 50% chance each for evolving into Cascoon or Silcoon.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If your opponent doesn't lower your attack, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot add their die roll to their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa266

    Species: Silcoon
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage unless your opponent's damage after adding their die roll (NOT their total damage) is 7, 8, 10 or 12, in which case you'll deal 2 damage instead.
    Ability: Silcoon always takes -3 points of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa267

    Species: Beautifly
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. Roll two dice. Add the first one to your damage and subtract the second one from your damage. If the numbers match, deal +9 damage and add on one of the dice. Do not roll a third die to add on damage.
    Ability: Beautifly cannot deal less than 7 damage. If your total drops below 7, then deal an automatic base 14 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa268

    Species: Cascoon
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If your opponent ends up with an odd number of total damage (after your ability), deal +3 damage. If you end up with an odd number of total damage (after adding on the +3 damage where applicable), deal +5 damage. If you end up with the same total damage as your opponent, you deal no damage.
    Ability: Cascoon always takes -1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa269

    Species: Dustox
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Roll three dice. If there are two even numbers in a row, deal 8 damage. If there are two odd numbers in a row, deal 9 damage. If there are three even numbers in a row, deal 13 damage. If there are three odd numbers in a row, deal 16 damage. If you roll [even/odd/even] or [odd/even/odd], then deal 4 damage. If you roll three of the same number, deal 25 damage. Do not roll another die to add on damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's Ability has no effect. Deal +3 damage if your opponent's Ability would have activated (including automatic abilities that add on damage, but not automatic abilities that subtract damage).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa270

    Species: Lotad
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll a 5 or 6 and your opponent rolls a 1 or 2, take -2 damage.
    Ability: If you roll the same number as your opponent, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa271

    Species: Lombre
    Evolves after 40 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If your opponent rolls an odd number, Lombre takes -3 damage.
    Ability: Lombre always takes -2 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa272

    Species: Ludicolo
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If the opponent has an ability that may raise their attack, take -10 damage. If they roll a 6, take -10 damage. If you roll a 1, take -5 damage.
    Ability: Ludicolo always takes -4 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa273

    Species: Seedot
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll a 3, your opponent deals no damage besides what they rolled.
    Ability: If you you roll a 2, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa274

    Species: Nuzleaf
    Evolves after 30 posts and the use of an Elemental Stone.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Your opponent's SPECIAL attack power lowers to 1.
    Ability: If you roll a 1 or 2, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa275

    Species: Shiftry
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. Your opponent's SPECIAL attack power lowers to 1.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, 2, or 3, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa276

    Species: Taillow
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 5 damage. Otherwise, deal no damage besides your roll.
    Ability: If you roll a 4, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa277

    Species: Swellow
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll a 4, 5, or 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, roll one more time.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa278

    Species: Wingull
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, dodge your opponent's attack.
    Ability: Before attacking you may decide whether or not to use this ability. Roll an extra die (it doesn't count towards your damage). If you get an even number, take -4 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal -1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa279

    Species: Pelipper
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, take -15 damage and then roll another die. This second roll overwrites your original one and adds onto your attack instead.
    Ability: Before attacking you may decide whether or not to use this ability. Roll an extra die (it doesn't count towards your damage). If you get an even number, take -6 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa280

    Species: Ralts
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Predict what number you'll roll. If you guessed correctly whether it was odd or even, deal 5 damage. If you guessed the exact number, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: Copy your opponent's ability.

    Last edited by Sasami on Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:52 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:01 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa281

    Species: Kirlia
    Evolves after 40 posts (a male Ralts will evolve into Gallade if a Dawn Stone is used).
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Predict what number you'll roll. If you guessed correctly whether it was odd or even, deal 8 damage. If you guessed the exact number, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: Copy your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa282

    Species: Gardevoir
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Predict what number you'll roll. If you guessed correctly whether it was odd or even, deal 12 damage. If you guessed the exact number, deal 20 damage.
    Ability: Copy your opponent's ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa283

    Species: Surskit
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, avoid their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa284

    Species: Masquerain
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, avoid their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa285

    Species: Shroomish
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Your opponent cannot use their regular attack.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa286

    Species: Breloom
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Your opponent may not attack, but can still roll.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa287

    Species: Slakoth
    Evolves after 25 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If your opponent rolls a 2, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: You may NOT roll the die to add damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa288

    Species: Vigoroth
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If your opponent rolls a 2 or 3, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, roll the die a second time.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa289

    Species: Slaking
    Attack Power: 18
    Special Attack: Deal 12 damage. If your opponent rolls a 2, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: You may NOT roll the die to add damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa290

    Species: Nincada
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage and take -3 damage.
    Ability: Nincada always takes -4 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa291

    Species: Ninjask
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack completely.
    Ability: If you roll a 2 or 4, dodge your opponent's attack completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa292

    Species: Shedinja
    Obtained if Nincada evolves and the member has a Safari Ball (the ball is used).
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals exactly 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 damage, take no damage at all.
    Ability: If your opponent deals exactly 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, or 25 damage, take no damage at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa293

    Species: Whismur
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 4, deal 4 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 5 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot roll the die at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa294

    Species: Loudred
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 4, deal 6 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot roll the die at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa295

    Species: Exploud
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 4, deal 9 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 11 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot roll the die at all.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa296

    Species: Makuhita
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If your opponent has an attack or ability that automatically deals extra damage, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent has an attack or ability that automatically deals extra damage, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa297

    Species: Hariyama
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If your opponent has an attack or ability that automatically deals extra damage, deal 17 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent has an attack or ability that automatically deals extra damage, deal +10 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa298

    Species: Azurill
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5, Azurill dodges completely.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa299

    Species: Nosepass
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If your opponent tries to reduce your damage, ignore that effect and deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot dodge or roll extra dice.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa300

    Species: Skitty
    Evolves after 20 posts and the use of a Moon Stone.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2, deal 4 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, they deal no extra damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa301

    Species: Delcatty
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an even number, your opponent deals -10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, they deal no extra damage from their roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa302

    Species: Sableye
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Your opponent may not dodge, raise their stats, or roll extra dice.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa303

    Species: Mawile
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Take -12 damage from regular attacks. If you roll an even number, take -6 damage from special attacks.
    Ability: Your opponent's attack power is automatically halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa304

    Species: Aron
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: This attack only works if a match is going to contain two or more battles. The first time this attack is used, deal no damage besides your roll. On the second turn, take -10 damage.
    Ability: Aron always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa305

    Species: Lairon
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: This attack only works if a match is going to contain two or more battles. The first time this attack is used, deal no damage besides your roll. On the second turn, take -15 damage.
    Ability: Lairon always takes -2 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa306

    Species: Aggron
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. On your NEXT turn, take -15 damage.
    Ability: Aggron always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa307

    Species: Meditite
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. On the next turn, your regular attack power will be 4 and your special attack power will be 5.
    Ability: Meditite's die roll power is doubled if you use a regular attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa308

    Species: Medicham
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 9 damage. On the next turn, your regular attack power will be 9 and your special attack power will be 10.
    Ability: Medicham's die roll power is doubled if you use a regular attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa309

    Species: Electrike
    Evolves after 55 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa310

    Species: Manectric
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an odd number, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa311

    Species: Plusle
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 13 damage. If you roll an odd number, take +5 damage.
    Ability: If you have the Profile Pokemon Minun, deal +8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa312

    Species: Minun
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, dodge your opponent's attack. If you roll an even number, take +5 damage.
    Ability: If you have the Profile Pokemon Plusle, deal +8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa313

    Species: Volbeat
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa314

    Species: Illumise
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa315

    Species: Roselia
    Evolves after 40 posts and the use of a Shiny Stone.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Your opponent's special attack power drops to 1.
    Ability: Roselia can't ever have its stats lowered in any way.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa316

    Species: Gulpin
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage. If you roll an even number, take no damage from your opponent's roll.
    Ability: If your opponent has an attack or ability activate that would make them deal more damage (something that says "+ ___"), you'll deal the extra damage instead.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa317

    Species: Swalot
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -10 damage. If you roll an even number, take no damage from your opponent's roll.
    Ability: If your opponent has an attack or ability activate that would make them deal more damage (something that says "+ ___"), you'll deal the extra damage instead.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa318

    Species: Carvahna
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses their regular attack, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa319

    Species: Sharpedo
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses their regular attack, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa320

    Species: Wailmer
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If your opponent deals less than 10 damage, deal +9 damage. If your opponent deals 11-15 damage, deal +7 damage. If your opponent deals 16-22 damage, deal +6 damage. If your opponent deals more than 22 damage, there is no bonus.
    Ability: Wailmer's attacks cannot be lowered.

    Last edited by Sasami on Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:09 am; edited 4 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa321

    Species: Wailord
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If your opponent deals less than 13 damage, deal +12 damage. If your opponent deals 13-18 damage, deal +10 damage. If your opponent deals 19-25 damage, deal +8 damage. If your opponent deals more than 25 damage, there is no bonus.
    Ability: Wailord always takes -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa322

    Species: Numel
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 6 damage. If you roll an even number, deal no damage besides your roll but take -2 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot increase their damage output in a special attack (abilities will still work, however)

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa323

    Species: Camerupt
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage. If you roll an even number, deal no damage besides your roll but take -6 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot increase their damage output in a special attack (abilities will still work, however)

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa324

    Species: Torkoal
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take -15 damage.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa325

    Species: Spoink
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. Predict what number you'll roll. If you guess one number away or the exact number, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: Any attempts to lower Spoink's overall damage will fail.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa326

    Species: Grumpig
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Predict what number you'll roll. If you guess one number away or the exact number, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: Any attempts to lower Grumpig's overall damage will fail.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa327

    Species: Spinda
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa328

    Species: Trapinch
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage for each die your opponent rolls.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot dodge Trapinch's attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa329

    Species: Vibrava
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage for each die your opponent rolls.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, dodge their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa330

    Species: Flygon
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If your opponent rolls one extra die, deal +15 damage. If your opponent rolls three or more dice, deal +10 damage (in addition to the first boost).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, dodge their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa331

    Species: Cacnea
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If both you and your opponent roll an odd number, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll an even number, completely dodge their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa332

    Species: Cacturne
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If both you and your opponent roll an odd number, deal 16 damage.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll an even number, completely dodge their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa333

    Species: Swablu
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -10 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Swablu can always attack, regardless of the opponent's attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa334

    Species: Altaria
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -12 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: Altaria can always attack, regardless of the opponent's attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa335

    Species: Zangoose
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If your opponent uses an special attack that could possibly make them deal extra damage, deal 18 damage. Otherwise, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: Zangoose can always attack, regardless of your opponent's attacks or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa336

    Species: Seviper
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If you roll an odd number, disregard any stat modifications your opponent makes. If you roll a two, your opponent cannot add their roll to their attack. If you roll a 5, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent takes an extra two points of damage as long as you don't roll a 1.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa337

    Species: Lunatone
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. Take -2 damage from Special Attacks.
    Ability: Switch your opponent's Regular and Special Attack Powers.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa338

    Species: Solrock
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Take -2 damage from Regular Attacks.
    Ability: Switch your opponent's Regular and Special Attack Powers.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa339

    Species: Barboach
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 2 damage and take -2 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's total damage adds up to more than 15, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa340

    Species: Whiscash
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 6 damage and take -6 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's total damage adds up to more than 20, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa341

    Species: Corphish
    Evolves after 35 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. For every odd number rolled during the turn (including your opponent's), deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa342

    Species: Crawdaunt
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. For every odd number rolled during the turn (including your opponent's), deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa343

    Species: Baltoy
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 4 damage and your opponent's regular attack is halved. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Baltoy always takes -2 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa344

    Species: Claydol
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 5 damage and your opponent's regular attack is halved. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: Claydol always takes -7 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa345

    Species: Lileep
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals more than 6 damage total, take -5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa346

    Species: Cradily
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals more than 6 damage total, take -10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa347

    Species: Anorith
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 3 or 4, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 6 damage, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa348

    Species: Armaldo
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 8 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 10 damage, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa349

    Species: Feebas
    Evolves after 50 posts and the use of three PokeBlocks.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Roll the die. If you get a 1 or a 5 roll again. This effect cannot be stacked.
    Ability: If you roll a 1 deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa350

    Species: Milotic
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. Roll the die, if you get a 1, 2, or 5 roll again. This effect cannot be stacked.
    Ability: If your opponent has an ability or special attack that prevents you from attacking or lowers damage, take half damage and ignore that effect.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa351

    Species: Castform
    Attack Power: ?
    Special Attack: If Fire Form, deal 18 damage if your opponent rolls an even number. If Ice Form, take -18 damage if your opponent rolls an even number. If Water Form, deal 7 damage and take -10 damage if your opponent rolls an even number.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, Castform changes to Fire Form (Attack Power: 12). If you roll an odd number, Castform changes to Ice Form (Attack Power: 6). If you roll a 6, Castform changes to Water Form (Attack Power: Cool.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa352

    Species: Kecleon
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If your opponent rolls the same number this turn as they did last turn, deal 17 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent uses their regular attack twice in a row, take -12 damage. If they use their special attack twice in a row, take -15 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa353

    Species: Shuppet
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If your opponent is attacking first, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa354

    Species: Banette
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent is attacking first, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa355

    Species: Duskull
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Take -5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa356

    Species: Dusclops
    Evolves after 50 posts with the use of the Reaper Cloth.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Take -12 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa357

    Species: Tropius
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal +8 damage and roll again. You can keep adding rolls.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa358

    Species: Chimecho
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take -2 damage. If you roll any number but 6, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Chimecho takes no damage from rolls.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa359

    Species: Absol
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 6, TRIPLE that damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, don't count it and roll again.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa360

    Species: Wynaut
    Evolves after 55 posts.
    Attack Power: 0
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal as much damage as your opponent dealt with their special attack but with +3 damage. If you roll an even number, deal as much damage as your opponent dealt with their regular attack but with +3 damage.
    Ability: Wynaut's attacks cannot be dodged. In addition, Wynaut should always roll last.

    Last edited by Sasami on Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:53 am; edited 4 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa361

    Species: Snorunt
    Evolves after 50 posts with or without the use of a Dawn Stone.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 4 damage and take -2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's ability causes an automatic effect, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa362

    Species: Glalie
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 8 damage and take -5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's ability causes an automatic effect, deal +7 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa363

    Species: Spheal
    Evolves after 30 posts
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. In addition to adding your roll to your attack, subtract your opponent's roll-your roll. Add half of that to your attack (even if the total comes out negative).
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 8 damage overall, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa364

    Species: Sealeo
    Evolves after 40 posts
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. In addition to adding your roll to your attack, subtract your opponent's roll-your roll. Add that to your attack (even if the total comes out negative).
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 10 damage overall, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa365

    Species: Walrein
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack Deal 8 damage. In addition to adding your roll to your attack, take the difference of the higher roll-lower roll. Add that to your attack. If you both rolled the same number, deal -2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 13 damage overall, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa366

    Species: Clamperl
    Evolves after 30 posts with the use of the Deepseatooth or Deepseascale.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Take -6 damage.
    Ability: Clamperl always takes -6 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa367

    Species: Huntail
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If the opponent gets any attack boosts, deal 20 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368

    Species: Gorebyss
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If the opponent deals more than 12 damage overall, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa369

    Species: Relicanth
    Attack Power: 11
    Special Attack: Deal 8 Damage. Take -6 damage from any Regular Attack.
    Ability: Unless Relicanth rolls a 3, 5 or 6, it deals +2 damage. Also, take an automatic -1 damage from any attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa370

    Species: Luvdisc
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, your opponent may not use their regular attack.
    Ability: If you roll a 1 or 2, dodge your opponent's attack completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa371

    Species: Bagon
    Evolves after 45 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 8 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa372

    Species: Shelgon
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -10 damage. Otherwise, take -5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -4 damage and deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa373

    Species: Salamence
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1 or 2, deal 20 damage. Otherwise, take +5 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack power is automatically lowered by 3.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa374

    Species: Beldum
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage, but take +4 damage.
    Ability: Beldum's attack can't be lowered by special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa375

    Species: Metang
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: Metang's attack can't be lowered by special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa376

    Species: Metagross
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 16 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: Metagross' attack can't be lowered by special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa377

    Species: Regirock
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's regular attack.
    Ability: Regirock always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa378

    Species: Regice
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage for each die rolled so far in the match.
    Ability: Regice always takes -5 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa379

    Species: Registeel
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. Registeel takes -10 damage. If you roll a 2 or 4, your opponent's attack bonuses fail.
    Ability: Registeel always takes -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa380

    Species: Latias
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If your opponent uses their Special Attack, take -12 damage.
    Ability: If you have the Profile Pokemon Latios, Latias takes -4 damage. If you don't have Latios but your opponent does, deal -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa381

    Species: Latios
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. Your opponent will take an extra 5 damage next round regardless of what attack you use. This effect cannot be stacked.
    Ability: If you have the Profile Pokemon Latias, Latios deals +4 damage. If you don't have Latias but your opponent does, take +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa382

    Species: Kyogre
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If any odd numbers are rolled during the round, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: Kyogre deals +2 damage with its Special Attack. If this ability is somehow nullified, deal -7 damage no matter the attack used.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa383

    Species: Groudon
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: As long as Groudon's ability is active, deal 16 damage. If you roll a 1, take +5 damage.
    Ability: Groudon deals +2 damage with its Special Attack. If this ability is somehow nullified, deal -7 damage no matter the attack used.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa384

    Species: Rayquaza
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 18 damage.
    Ability: The opponent's ability is completely nullified unless the ability says that it cannot be.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa385

    Species: Jirachi
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage and attack first. Your opponent must roll a die that isn't included in their attack. If they got an odd number, deal 5 damage and have them roll again (if they get another odd number, deal an extra 5 damage, etc.). If they got an even number, Jirachi's attack stops.
    Ability: If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa386

    Species: Deoxys (N)
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Deal +10 damage for every extra die your opponent rolls.
    Ability: Deoxys cannot have its regular attack damage reduced in any way. This ability CANNOT be ignored.

    Profile Pokemon Information 386deoxysattack

    Species: Deoxys (A)
    Attack Power: 19
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, do 22 damage. If you roll an even number, do 28 damage, and take +10 damage from your opponent's attack.
    Ability: Deoxys-A can never have its damage reduced but always takes +5 damage from attacks. This ability cannot be ignored.

    Profile Pokemon Information 386deoxysdefense

    Species: Deoxys (D)
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll a 1 or 4, take -5 damage, if you roll a 2 or a 5, take -10 damage, if you roll a 3 or a 6, take - 15 damage, but deal -4 damage.
    Ability: Deoxys-D can always reduce the damage dealt to it.

    Profile Pokemon Information 386deoxysspeed

    Species: Deoxys (S)
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage, if you roll a 1 or 6, completely dodge your opponent's attack.
    Ability: Deoxys-S can always dodge.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa387

    Species: Turtwig
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage. Otherwise, take -2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Turtwig gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa388

    Species: Grotle
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -8 damage. Otherwise, take -4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Grotle gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa389

    Species: Torterra
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -10 damage. Deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Torterra gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa390

    Species: Chimchar
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Chimchar gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa391

    Species: Monferno
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll an odd number, add +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Monferno gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa392

    Species: Infernape
    Attack Power: 11
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 15 damage. Otherwise, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Infernape gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa393

    Species: Piplup
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 5 damage. Piplup now takes -2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Piplup gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa394

    Species: Prinplup
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Prinplup now takes -2 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Prinplup gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa395

    Species: Empoleon
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 10 damage. Empoleon now takes -7 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a six, Empoleon gets +2 attack for his REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa396

    Species: Starly
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack completely.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa397

    Species: Staravia
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1, dodge your opponent's attack completely.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa398

    Species: Staraptor
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If your opponent deals over 15 damage overall, deal +10 damage. If your opponent has a special attack that could possibly lower your attack, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack is decreased by 3.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa399

    Species: Bidoof
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: Ignore any attack OR defense boosts that your opponent gains from special attacks and/or abilities.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa400

    Species: Bibarel
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an even number, take -5 damage.
    Ability: Ignore any attack OR defense boosts that your opponent gains from special attacks and/or abilities.

    Last edited by Sasami on Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:50 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa401

    Species: Kricketot
    Evolves after 15 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 4 or 6, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If Kricketot uses it's regular attack, it's attack can never be lowered.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa402

    Species: Kricketune
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll a 4 or 6, deal +6 damage.
    Ability: If Kricketune uses it's regular attack, it's attack can never be lowered.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa403

    Species: Shinx
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 1 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack power is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa404

    Species: Luxio
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack power is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa405

    Species: Luxray
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 12 damage. Otherwise, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent's regular attack power is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa406

    Species: Budew
    Evolves after 20 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Deal no damage. Your opponent's special attack power drops to 1.
    Ability: Budew can't ever have its stats lowered in any way.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa407

    Species: Roserade
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Roll two dice instead of one to attack. Your opponent's special attack power drops to 1.
    Ability: Roserade can't ever have its stats lowered in any way.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa408

    Species: Cranidos
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa409

    Species: Rampardos
    Attack Power: 15
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6, deal 22 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +3 damage. Otherwise, deal -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa410

    Species: Shieldon
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa411

    Species: Bastiodon
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -15 damage. If you roll an even number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa412

    Species: Burmy
    Evolves after 25 posts. If male, evolves into Mothim. If female, evolves into a Wormadam form depending on the last post.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If the opponent deals less than 5 damage overall, Burmy takes no damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal +1 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information 413

    Species: Wormadam (Grass)
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -10 damage. If you roll an even number, take -5 damage and take no damage from your opponent's roll.
    Ability: Wormadam (Grass) always takes -4 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information 413steel

    Species: Wormadam (Trash)
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -6 damage. If you roll an even number, take -3 damage and take no damage from your opponent's roll.
    Ability: Wormadam (Trash) always takes -5 damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information 413ground

    Species: Wormadam (Sand)
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -5 damage and deal +2 damage. If you roll an even number, take -2 damage and take no damage from your opponent's roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -3 damage from their regular attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa414

    Species: Mothim
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, deal +3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa415

    Species: Combee
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: Ignore any defense boosts that your opponent has.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 1, dodge their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa416

    Species: Vespiquen
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage. If you roll an even number, take -15 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa417

    Species: Pachirisu
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If you roll a 6 or your opponent rolls a 6, deal 14 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa418

    Species: Buizel
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll a 4 or 6, roll one more time.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 3, get an extra roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa419

    Species: Floatzel
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 3 damage. If you roll an even number, roll again. You can keep adding on rolls this way.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, get an extra roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa420

    Species: Cherubi
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an even number, take -4 damage.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll a 5, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa421

    Species: Cherrim
    Attack Power: 5 or 15
    Special Attack: This attack can only be used if Cherrim's ability activates. Deal 8 damage. If your opponent rolls a 1 or 2, deal +12 damage.
    Ability: If both you and your opponent roll even numbers, this ability activates. Cherrim's attack power becomes 15 and it's special attack is now usable.

    Profile Pokemon Information 422-e

    Species: Shellos
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. Your opponent's special attack power lowers to 1 (regular attacks and rolls are not affected).
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage from their roll but deal +6 damage yourself.

    Profile Pokemon Information 423-e

    Species: Gastrodon
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. Your opponent's special attack power lowers to 1 (regular attacks and rolls are not affected). If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage from their roll but deal +6 damage yourself.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa424

    Species: Ambipom
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. You may roll the die TWICE.
    Ability: If you deal less than 10 damage overall, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa425

    Species: Drifloon
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).
    Ability: If you roll a 4, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa426

    Species: Drifblim
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).
    Ability: If you roll a 4 or 5, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa427

    Species: Buneary
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 4, deal +4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, they'll deal -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa428

    Species: Loppuny
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an odd number, completely dodge your opponent's attack (but still take damage from the roll).
    Ability: If you roll a 2, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa429

    Species: Mismagius
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If you roll a 2 or 4, deal 14 damage. If you roll a 6, deal 17 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 20 damage overall, take -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa430

    Species: Honchkrow
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Attack (roll) last. If your opponent had used an attack that does damage, deal 16 damage.
    Ability: Honchkrow can always attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa431

    Species: Glameow
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll a 2 or 3, you get a second roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, they deal no damage with their regular attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa432

    Species: Purugly
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If you roll a 2 or 3, you get a second roll.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, they deal no damage with their regular attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa433

    Species: Chingling
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll any number but 1, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Chingling takes no damage from rolls.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa434

    Species: Stunky
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Your opponent takes 5 damage for each attack boost they get from abilities and/or attacks.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa435

    Species: Skuntank
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Your opponent takes 10 damage for each attack boost they get from abilities and/or attacks.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa436

    Species: Bronzor
    Evolves after 55 posts.
    Attack Power: 1
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: Bronzor always takes -2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa437

    Species: Bronzong
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take -8 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -12 damage.
    Ability: Bronzong always takes -5 damage. If your opponent deals exactly 20 damage, Bronzong takes no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa438

    Species: Bonsly
    Evolves after ???
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa439

    Species: Mime Jr.
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take -8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 10 damage overall, take half damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa440

    Species: Happiny
    Evolves after ???
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Last edited by Sasami on Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:17 am; edited 2 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa441

    Species: Chatot
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 10 damage. If your opponent rolls an odd number, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, take no damage from their attack (just their roll).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa442

    Species: Spiritomb
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals more than 16 damage, take -16 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's Regular or Special attack power is 7, negate their ability and deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa443

    Species: Gible
    Evolves after 55 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll a 3, 4 or 5, deal 10 damage instead.
    Ability: Roll an extra die. If it matches the number you rolled for your regular die roll, dodge your opponent's attack completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa444

    Species: Gabite
    Evolves after 65 posts.
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 16 damage. If you roll a 5 or 6, take an additional 4 or 5 damage, respectively, and add on half of your die roll, rounding down.
    Ability: Roll an extra die. If it matches the number you rolled for your regular die roll, your opponent only adds on half of their die roll to their attack, rounding down.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa445

    Species: Garchomp
    Attack Power: 14
    Special Attack: Deal 18 damage. If you roll a 1 or 2, take an additional 5 or 6 damage, respectively, and don't add on your die roll to your attack.
    Ability: Roll an extra die. If it matches the number you rolled for your regular die roll, your opponent does not add on their die roll to their attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa446

    Species: Munchlax
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 3
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, take no damage from your opponent's attack or special attack. However, take +2 damage from their roll.
    Ability: Munchlax always takes -3 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa447

    Species: Riolu
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: Riolu can always attack, regardless of the opponent's special attack effect. Abilities, however, can still affect Riolu.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa448

    Species: Lucario
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal a set 15 damage, regardless of any special attack effects or your opponent's ability. Do not roll the die to add on damage.
    Ability: Lucario can always attack, regardless of the opponent's special attack effect. Abilities, however, can still affect Lucario.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa449

    Species: Hippopotas
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 6 damage and take -2 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent always takes an two extra points of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa450

    Species: Hippowdon
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take -10 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent always takes an extra two points of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa451

    Species: Skorupi
    Evolves after 60 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 2 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +4 damage. If that number is 6, deal an extra +4 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +2 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa452

    Species: Drapion
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 6 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage. If that number is 6, deal an extra +6 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 6, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa453

    Species: Croagunk
    Evolves after 40 posts.
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 7 damage. Otherwise, deal 3 damage.
    Ability: Croagunk always takes -1 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa454

    Species: Toxicroak
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals over 12 damage overall, deal 15 damage. Otherwise, deal 7 damage.
    Ability: Toxicroak always takes -3 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa455

    Species: Carnivine
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals more than 15 damage, deal 14 damage. Otherwise, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 6, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa456

    Species: Finneon
    Evolves after 30 posts.
    Attack Power: 2
    Special Attack: Deal 1 damage. If you roll a 1 or 2, deal 2 more damage and take -3 damage.
    Ability: Take -1 damage if your opponent rolls a 5 or 6.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa457

    Species: Lumineon
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If your opponent deals more than 10 damage, cut that damage in half. Deal 4 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals less than 4 damage, take no damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa458

    Species: Mantyke
    Evolves after 55 posts
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 4 damage. If you roll an odd number, roll two more dice (don't add them to your attack). Add the two extra dice together and take minus that amount of damage.
    Ability: Mantyke deals +4 damage if your opponent uses a Special Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa459

    Species: Snover
    Evolves after 50 posts.
    Attack Power: 4
    Special Attack: As long as the opponent doesn't have an attack or ability that ignores your own ability, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent always takes an two extra points of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa460

    Species: Abomasnow
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: As long as the opponent doesn't have an attack or ability that ignores your own ability, deal 12 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent always takes an two extra points of damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa461

    Species: Weavile
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you roll a 6, TRIPLE that damage.
    Ability: Your opponent can't get more than one attack boost from an attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa462

    Species: Magnezone
    Attack Power: 11
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If you roll a 1 or a 3, your opponent deals -3 damage.
    Ability: This only works if a match is going to contain more than one battle. Magnezone deals an extra 2 damage if it rolls two odd numbers or two even numbers in a row. Cannot be stacked (such as dealing 4 extra damage for rolling three even numbers in a row; you would only add two damage again).

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa463

    Species: Lickilicky
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. Your opponent cannot use their regular attack.
    Ability: Lickilicky always takes -5 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa464

    Species: Rhyperior
    Attack Power: 13
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If you roll a 6, deal +8 damage.
    Ability: Rhyperior always takes HALF damage from regular attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa465

    Species: Tangrowth
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 11 damage. If you roll a number one off from your opponent's roll or if you roll the same number as your opponent, add twice your roll to your attack.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, 3, 4 or 5, take -9 damage from any Regular Attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa466

    Species: Electivire
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 15 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 6 damage. If you rolled a 6, deal +3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, roll an extra die.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa467

    Species: Magmortar
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. Deal an extra 6 damage if you roll a 4. Negate your opponent's roll (not their attack) if you roll a 1 or a 2.
    Ability: Roll an extra die (it doesn't count toward your attack total). If you roll an odd number, your opponent's regular attack is halved.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa468

    Species: Togekiss
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Roll the die three times. For every even number you get, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 1, take -8 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa469

    Species: Yanmega
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 1 or 2, deal 15 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5 or 6, take no damage from their rolled number.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa470

    Species: Leafeon
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If this attack is used in succession (such as in a best of three match), add on 5 damage for each time it's used in a row.
    Ability: Leafeon's attacks cannot be dodged completely.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa471

    Species: Glaceon
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 16 damage. Otherwise, deal 9 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa472

    Species: Gliscor
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 10 damage. Otherwise, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: Gliscor's regular attack cannot be lowered by a special attack or ability.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa473

    Species: Mamoswine
    Attack Power: 11
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage. If you roll an even number, deal +5 damage. If that number is 4, deal +5 damage. Additionally, if you end up tying for overall damage with your opponent, deal one extra damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls a 5, take -6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa474

    Species: PorygonZ
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 10 damage and your opponent only deals 2 damage. If you roll and odd number, deal 8 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent has higher attack, add +5 to your REGULAR attack.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa475

    Species: Gallade
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: If you roll a 5 or 6, deal 17 damage. Otherwise, deal 10 damage.
    Ability: Gallade can attack even if the opponent's ability says otherwise.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa476

    Species: Probopass
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: If your opponent tries to reduce your damage, ignore that effect and deal 12 damage.
    Ability: Your opponent cannot dodge or roll extra dice.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa477

    Species: Dusknoir
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take -15 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 5, take -10 damage

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa478

    Species: Froslass
    Attack Power: 9
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, take no damage from your opponent's attack (just their roll).
    Ability: If your opponent's ability causes an automatic effect, deal +4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa479

    Species: Rotom
    Changes Forme with the use of the Secret Key.
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 18 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent does 10, 14, 16, 18, or 19 damage total, take only 5 damage instead.

    Profile Pokemon Information 499

    Species: Rotom (Heat Forme)
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 20 damage. If you roll an even number, deal 2 damage.
    Ability: If an even number is rolled, do +5 damage. If an odd is rolled, take +3.

    Profile Pokemon Information 500

    Species: Rotom (Mow Forme)
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: If you roll an odd number, deal 12 damage and only take damage from your opponent's roll. If you roll an even number, deal 6 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent deals an even number of damage, deal +5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information 501

    Species: Rotom (Frost Forme)
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage and roll three dice- if all three numbers are ODD, the opponent cannot use their Special Attack next turn. If all three numbers are EVEN, your attack receives no damage supplement from rolls this turn. Either way, incoming physical attacks this turn do -X damage, where X is equal to the half the combined value of all three dice, rounded down.
    Ability: If an incoming attack deals more than 30 damage (before reduction from Special Attack), reduce that damage by 5.

    Profile Pokemon Information 502

    Species: Rotom (Fan Forme)
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Deal 5 Damage. If you roll an even number deal 4 extra damage, if you roll an odd number deal -3 damage.
    Ability: Spin Rotom takes -4 damage from special attacks.

    Profile Pokemon Information 503

    Species: Rotom (Wash Forme)
    Attack Power: 7
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, deal 18 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal 5 damage.
    Ability: If you roll a 2, take -3. If you roll a 3, do +4. If you roll a 4, and you used your normal attack, do + 7. If you roll a 6, you can't miss.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa480

    Species: Uxie
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Take -13 damage. If you roll a 4 or 5, take an extra -5 damage.
    Ability: Attempts to lower or dodge Uxie's attack or roll always fail. In addition, take -6 damage if you use your Regular Attack.

    Last edited by Sasami on Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:03 am; edited 7 times in total
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : Profile Pokemon Information Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Profile Pokemon Information Empty Re: Profile Pokemon Information

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 pm


    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa481

    Species: Mesprit
    Attack Power: 10
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If you roll an odd number, deal +3 damage. If you roll an even number, deal -1 damage and don't add on your roll to your attack (add on your roll if you roll an odd number).
    Ability: Attempts to lower or dodge Mesprit's attack or roll always fail.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa482

    Species: Azelf
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 8 damage. If you and your opponent roll consecutive numbers in the same round or if a match contains more than one battle and you roll a consecutive number based on what you rolled in the last round (not what your opponent rolled), deal +8 damage.
    Ability: Attempts to lower or dodge Azelf's attack always fail. Its roll, however, can be dodged, but only if the opponent Pokemon SPECIFICALLY nulls the roll.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa483

    Species: Dialga
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa484

    Species: Palkia
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa485

    Species: Heatran
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 13 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent's attack or ability grants an attack bonus, negate the effect and then deal that amount back to them.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa486

    Species: Regigigas
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa487

    Species: Giratina
    Changes Forme with the use of the Griseous Orb.
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information 504

    Species: Giratina (Origin Forme)
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpffa488

    Species: Cresselia
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: If you roll an even number, do 10 damage. If you roll an odd number, take -10. If you roll a 1 or a 6, add on +7 damage for 1 and +4 damage for 6.
    Ability: Take -6 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa489

    Species: Phione
    Attack Power: 5
    Special Attack: Deal 7 damage and take -3 damage.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -7 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa490

    Species: Manaphy
    Attack Power: 6
    Special Attack: Take the highest possible damage that your opponent can deal with their special attack WITHOUT boosts (no "+" damage). That number now becomes their regular attack power. Their attack power now becomes their special attack, but they must roll an even number for it to work.
    Ability: If your opponent rolls an odd number, take -5 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa491

    Species: Darkrai
    Attack Power: 12
    Special Attack: Deal 10 damage. If your opponent gets any sort of boost or tries to dodge, deal +10 damage.
    Ability: Darkrai automatically deals an extra 3 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa492

    Species: Shaymin
    Changes Forme with the use of the Glacidia Flower.
    Attack Power: 8
    Special Attack: Deal 5 damage. If you use this attack again next turn, deal +10 damage. If you use it a third time in a row, deal +10 damage in addition to prior boosts. You can keep stacking +10 attack boosts this way.
    Ability: If your opponent deals more than 20 damage overall, take -4 damage.

    Profile Pokemon Information 505

    Species: Shaymin (Sky Forme)
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

    Profile Pokemon Information Dpmfa493

    Species: Arceus
    Attack Power: ???
    Special Attack: ???
    Ability: ???

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