Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.



    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : lolwut Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : lolwut Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    lolwut Empty lolwut

    Post by Shine Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:26 pm

    Name: Zale

    Title: Trainer

    Age: Fourteen (new trainer)

    Sex: Male

    Pokemon Team: Cyndaquil (Axel), Hoppip (Cotton)

    Appearance: Zale's (few) friends often liken his appearance to that of a Pikachu. He has energetic, brown eyes which are lighter around the outside of the iris, giving his eyes the depth effect of an empty well. He's often seen sporting a pair of electric blue goggles, sometimes obscured by his mid-length Blonde and Black hair (primarily Blonde). Zale's actually taken a liking to his friends' comparisons between him and the electric rat, and as such, his clothing is generally of a Black and Yellow color scheme. Often, he'll have a black shirt with long yellow sleeves, along with Pikachu-pattern stripes going across the back in white, and a patch in the shape of a Pokeball over his heart. He usually sports a pair of black (front) and yellow (back) pants with lightning bolt shaped iron-ons on the front of the legs to more complete the rest of his look. His belt and shoes are white.

    Home town: Ecruteak City

    History: Zale doesn't have much of a unique history. He never had many real friends, his parents were divorced, and he has a younger brother that already left on his own Pokemon journey before the standard age of fourteen, having been considered something of a prodigy in the art of battling. Zale was never especially jealous, but he does desire to surpass his brother, rather than follow in his footsteps. Zale means well, and his Pokemon know it, but he can more often than not be something of a harsh trainer in his quest to, as any other trainer dreams, be the best. His peers sometimes speculate (MOSTLY jokingly) that he'll end up a Team Rocket member for his methods.

    Any Extra info about your character: Zale's presence tends to instill the air with a charged feeling, similar to that of licking a battery. Unfortunately, his unnaturally high level of energy makes it much easier for Wild Pokemon to feel him coming. As such, catching a new Pokemon that doesn't attack him first is really quite a trick. Axel was his starter Pokemon, which he received on a trip to New Bark town by bus to begin his quest, and Cotton was caught by a stroke of luck. He's searching for an electric Pokemon to compliment his look, being very much a "team player."

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