Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

2 posters



    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : zomgwtfbbq Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : zomgwtfbbq Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    zomgwtfbbq Empty zomgwtfbbq

    Post by Shine Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:40 pm

    Ninjask @Leftovers
    Speed Boost, Jolly
    244 HP, 252 Spd, 14 Atk

    Carnivine @Leftovers
    -Power Whip
    -Sleep Powder
    -Leech Seed
    Levitate, Impish
    252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Atk

    Medicham @Choice Band
    -High Jump Kick (Fuck you, Raticate)
    -Bullet Punch
    Pure Power, Adamant
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    Azumarill @Leftovers
    -Aqua Jet
    Huge Power, Adamant
    252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def

    Grumpig @Leftovers
    -Trick Room
    -Thunder Wave
    -Focus Blast
    Thick Fat, Modest
    252 Sp.Atk, 252 Sp.Def, 6 HP

    Dugtrio @Choice Band
    -Night Slash
    -Aerial Ace
    -Stone Edge
    Arena Trap, Jolly
    252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP

    So, yeah... Threw this team together today just looking for something new to play around with (I mean, T-Wave AND Trick Room on Grumpig, wtflol), and I've actually been doing really well today.

    I'm not sure I enjoy opening with Ninjask much, but even with such little Atk investment, it OHKO's Heracross and Breloom and the likes, which is nice, and is basically a super-long term scout. It's convenient to almost always have access to a little extra speed, too, though priority kills Subs as I pass them. :\

    Carnivine, honestly, is like my favorite on this team. He's been pwning SO hard, outstalling pretty much everything. It can come in in the red, and still get back up to 100%. It's really pretty ridiculous... Power Whip even does pretty nasty damage. Basically I wait till something comes along that's threatening enough to Sleep Powder, do so, and then set up- Leech Seed first, then max Stockpile, then Power Whip and Sleep Powder as needed. Not sure if he's quite as good as Luvdisc yet. Wink

    Medicham hasn't been super-duper fantastic or anything, but 720 Atk right off the bat without having to BP or buff or anything is quite an asset. High Jump Kick's been very good to me, although Bullet Punch is really where it's at. Priority wins, basically. Also, he OHKO'd a YacheChomp! =P

    Azumarill has been the best sweeper on the team by far. Surprisingly bulky, with 404 Subs, making it an excellent Blissey counter with FP. It really just destroys everything... Erodes it all to gravel. Moar priority is always nice, and very powerful between STAB and Huge Power.

    Grumpig's kinda fucked up, but has been useful. I think I may have seen a similar set on Smogon or something, but it's been working out... Grumpig strikes me as a kinda Celebi/Blissey thing... T-Wave seemed to fit, anyway. It's been pretty useful, and a great switch in to guard Pokemon like Ninjask and Carnivine, who are weak to Ice and Fire attacks. Even Trick Room has proven to be an asset against the likes of late-game Yanmega. ><;

    Finally, Dugtrio...
    ... Well, it's Dugtrio. It revenge kills, and it's good at what it does. Plain and simple. Smile

    Like I said, this team has been treating me surprisingly well. HOWEVER...

    -Trick Room doesn't seem to fit on Grumpig, and Grumpig might be better off Careful.
    -I'm not sure I wanna keep Ninjask on the team.
    -TWO Banders on the same team really worries me, despite that it's been working out all right.

    And I think that's it. Help?
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : zomgwtfbbq Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : zomgwtfbbq Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    zomgwtfbbq Empty Re: zomgwtfbbq

    Post by Tobi Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:14 pm

    I myself never like to use Grumpig.

    Try useing something like a good SAer, as you have ALOT of Attackers.

    Keep ninjask, it is a....annyoing thing to have to fight.

    2 banders?

    I've made teams with like 5 banders, and they work ok.

    As long as you put in a u-turn with the bands, everythings good.

      Current date/time is Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:12 am