Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

3 posters

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X


    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:46 pm

    So far for the ranger Hero X in his life he has met many pokemon and tough trainers but to him there is no trainer like his sensei Pkmn Trainer Red. He has been trained as a ninja and with those skills he barely passed the ranger test. After the test he recieved his Slayer(Cyndaquil) and thats when he started his journey. So far in his quest to rid the world of his evil brother Thor and his clan of pokemon hunters he has all the badges from johto and completed the league. As for the other reigons in Hoenn he has all the badges and completed that leauge but in Kanto he lost at his 7th gym leader so then he decided to leave for awhile and go to Sinnoh for training.

    Date: Current day. Time: 12:00PM Location: Sandgem Town
    As we join Hero X he just recieved his new pokemon; Piplup. As he walks out of the lab he gets knocked down by his rival Blue. Blue has been his rival since he first met him in Johto League. So he made a lifetime promise to become more powerful than him. Today he feels lucky so he challenges Blue to a 1 on 1 battle. Of couse knowing Blue he never turns down a challenge and has lost only rarely so of course he accepts the battle challenge.
    Later on out at the outskirts of Sandgem town Hero X and Blue start thier battle. Hero X is the first to attack as he of course is reckless as usual. Slayer uses Flamethrower and Blue's Milotic used Mirror coat to counter the attack back at Slayer. It was a direct hit but Slayer gets back up then waits for Milotic to attack. Finally after a few moments of carefully planning and attack Blue makes his Milotic use Twister but it misses when Slayer used quick attack on it. Of cousre it landed a pretty good hit and aparently it was a critical hit! With Milotic struggling to get back up Slayer uses his reversal to land the final blow. Now Milotic fainted and the victory is declared to Hero X. With Hero X being excited to have beaten his rival again he doesn't notice his brother Thor pop up as if out of nowhere. As Hero X finnaly realizes what has just happened he turns around to yet be startled by his brother. While Hero X is stunned in shock Thor lands a blow on him that KOs Hero X and maked Slayer evolve to a Quilava to make him more powerful and finally he attacks Thor only to just knock him to the ground. As Hero X regains conciousness he wonders where Slayer went yet to only be surprised and happy to see that Slayer had evolved! Then both Thor amd Hero X get on thier feet to Thor being called back to his clan of M(S) (/V\issing $hinobi). Then as Slayer had a good amount of fire charged up Thor had already disappeared out of sight! On his way here to Sinnoh he had seen his brother before and he had killed Hero X's girlfriend Sora, and that day forward he made a bloodtied promise to eventally kill his brother at all costs.
    Date: Two Days Later (July 22nd) Time: 3:00PM Location: Pokemon Centre(Sandgem Town)
    Finally after two days of training Piplup it evolved as well to a Prinplup since he had recived it he has always been thinking of a good nickname for it. So then he decided to name it Sora, after his girlfriend.(yes it was a female)
    Soon later he was heading off to Jubilife city when all of a sudden he felt wierd he had a sudden feeling he was being followed and when he turned around it was Minda, the shadow spirit who gave him his powers of aura. Minda had come up and decided to come with him on his journey and be his allie. Later on a trainer named Shine had spotted them traveling along the route and had challenged them. Minda feeling very confident had told Hero X to let her take this battle, so of course he let her as she gave him his powers and could very well take them back. A few moments later the battle had begun it was Minda's Aura Hunter the Lucario and Shine's Venomoth fighting. Aura Hunter used aura sphere and of course it hit(like it would miss). While Venomoth countered with flash and blinded Aura Hunter. Venomoth attacked again with bug bite but Aura Hunter being a master of aura had successfully dodged the attack and countered with Bone Rush. Finally after a long battle Minda was the winner and Minda being a joker she had told Shine to gove her all of his pokemon. Shine agreed to this but then Minda bursted out laughing and with Shine standing there confused Minda said 'No, no. I'm only kidding you keep them mines way to strong to ever lose.' So Shine had put his pokemon back and asked to join them but Minda said 'No thanks. We're ok the way we are.' So Shine had left to go to the pokemon centre while the heros continued on the path to Jubilife City. But to thier suprise the path just outside of Jubilife City was blocked by two clan M(S) grunts. They stood firm while Hero X and Minda walked up to them and demanded access to the town but they refused so then Hero X and Minda challenged them to a Doubles Battle. In the battle it was Sora and Aura Hunter against Clan M(S)'s Grunts' Dustox and Kadabra. Sora had used Bubblebeam to KO Dustox in one hit(yes it was that weak) then Kadabra used Metronome to reveal a Judgement which KOed Aura Hunter. Then Hero X switched out Sora with Slayer while the Kadabra used Hidden Power but had missed. Then as Kadabra had an open weak point Slayer struck it with Flame wheel and Reversal combo resulting in Kadabra's KO and the win for the match. Then the Grunts ran off while the trainers continued on to the pokemon centre to heal.

    End of Chapter One!
    Trainer's Stats so far;
    Hero X
    Pokemon: Slayer(Quilava), Sora(Prinplup)

    Pokemon: Aura Hunter(Lucario)

    Stay tuned for the next Chapter!
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Tobi Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:54 pm

    Didn't you get banned or something?
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
    Age : 30
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    Yen : 89500
    Rank : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Zenith Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:39 am

    He got banned ages ago, Tobi.

    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
    Age : 30
    Location : DOWN SOUTH!!!
    Yen : 37300
    Rank : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Shutenbrowng_3415
    User's Pokemon : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Dpmfsa315
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Tobi Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:52 am

    Then why is he posting again?

    That's what I was going with.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
    Age : 30
    Location : !
    Yen : 89500
    Rank : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Zenith Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:48 am

    This post is from August of last year.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : The Silent Ranger... Hero X Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

    Post by Ninja Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:33 pm


    That is all that this deserves.

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    The Silent Ranger... Hero X Empty Re: The Silent Ranger... Hero X

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