Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

2 posters

    Quick RMT


    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Quick RMT Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Quick RMT Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Quick RMT Empty Quick RMT

    Post by Shine Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:36 am

    Howdy again, all.

    Well, I'm bored and I've been doing a little more Pokemon lately. I still chat with Zeph on and off, and he turned me on to what could basically be called Shoddy2.0.

    Pokemon-Online is beta testing right now, and from what I can tell, it's MUCH nicer than Shoddy for a variety of reasons. For one, it runs DOUBLE BATTLES. The tier-searching and such is a bit glitchy, but the interface in general is much easier to navigate, and you can put teams together much faster- not to mention, there's a Box system which allows you to swap out Pokemon on the same team and basically make little alterations or entirely different teams under the same file. Very nifty.

    Anyway, one of the most nifty functions is an "Export Team," in which your team is, well, exported to a text format that you can pretty simply copypasta in.

    After a couple hundred matches of (mostly) wins, I think I can safely say this team works out pretty well. Enjoy.

    Quick RMT 432
    Precious (Purugly) (F) @ Toxic Orb
    Trait: Thick Fat
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
    - U-turn
    - Facade
    - Fake Out
    - Shadow Claw

    Looks odd at first, but Fake Out serves as a free turn for Toxic Orb to pop, keeping any Hypnosis or Sleep Powder leads from shutting you down. Facade also deals much more damage than Return. If you don't think you can finish off the opposing Pokemon with a Facade or Shadow Claw after Fake Out damage, U-Turn out and you won't take anymore Toxic damage till Purugly comes back out. I have to say, I was surprised myself by the effectiveness of this Pokemon. If you can manage to hold onto this most of the game, it sweeps quite well. Shadow Claw is there for Mismagius, which is easily outrun and OHKO'd.

    Quick RMT 97
    Sigmund (Hypno) (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Insomnia
    EVs: 100 HP / 108 Spd / 252 SAtk / 48 SDef
    Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
    - Substitute
    - Signal Beam
    - Psychic
    - Nasty Plot

    This prolly isn't the BEST Hypno set I could've picked, but it works. Basically, I was having Venusaur problems, so I decided to run a Hypno to help counteract that, and it worked perfectly. Insomnia stops Sleep Powder, Substitute blocks Leech Seed (the EV spread makes it one point faster than your typical SubSeed Venusaur), and by that point, it's too late- Nasty Plot up, Psychic, OHKO. Anything else that switches in, Hypno's usually bulky enough to take at least one hit and then OHKO if it has at least one Nasty Plot up. Mid-Game, this makes a great sweeper.

    Quick RMT 411
    Duralast (Bastiodon) (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Sturdy
    EVs: 236 HP / 20 Def / 252 SDef
    Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
    - Toxic
    - Roar
    - Stealth Rock
    - Protect

    A lot of people chastise me for using Bastiodon due to its ridiculous weaknesses, but I have to say, I'm still not discouraged. It's been far too useful for me to bother abandoning it now. This thing has issues against Ambipom (Low Kick) and Skarmory, but it works out pretty well. I could replace Protect for Fire Blast to take care of Skarm, but this setup on its own works surprisingly well. Especially late-game, Bastiodon is a wonderful method of COMPLETELY walling the opponent (which I HAVE done before- it was beautiful). Anyway, basically full-support. Sets up Rocks, Roars anything that plans on setting up Dragon Dances and the likes, and throws around Toxic. Aside from that, it's a WONDERFUL bridge between Pokemon. Easy to switch in.

    Quick RMT 12
    Fae (Butterfree) (F) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Compoundeyes
    EVs: 4 Def / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
    - Sleep Powder
    - Bug Buzz
    - Roost
    - Tailwind/Stun Spore

    Another weird one, I know, but this pretty much fixes my Bastiodon's weaknesses, and it's surprisingly adept at sweeping from what I have seen so far. Sleep Powder first thing, of course, then set up a Tailwind in case the opponent wakes up and tries to beef a stat or switches or something, and then proceed from there. Tailwind actually HAS been somewhat beneficial to me, but I might replace it with Stun Spore for the switch. Bug Buzz is about all I need offensively, and Roost has proven to be VERY useful- with Roost, I can usually survive SR all day long if I need to, and Butterfree remains a useful switch in.

    Quick RMT 171
    Colossus (Lanturn) (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Volt Absorb
    EVs: 40 HP / 192 Def / 44 Spd / 232 SDef
    Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
    - Discharge
    - Surf
    - Rest
    - Sleep Talk

    I've never been a fan of Rest-Talk sets, but... Lanturn is easily the strongest link on this chain! I've won so many otherwise lost battles with this thing as my last Pokemon against insurmountable odds that it's ridiculous. Discharge provides a lovely 30% paralysis rate, which is perfect for letting my squishy fishy Rest at a moment's notice, and Surf is mainly there for STAB. Sadly, this thing gets walled out pretty bad by Torterra- Butterfree usually takes care of that just fine, though, so long as it doesn't Rock Polish on the switch and OHKO with Stone Edge. This set is RIDICULOUSLY good and works on just about any team I can think of. Rest-Talk Lanturn owns.

    Quick RMT 308
    Lee (Medicham) (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Pure Power
    EVs: 108 HP / 196 Atk / 200 Def / 4 Spd
    Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
    - Bulk Up
    - Recover
    - Ice Punch
    - Force Palm

    This is another odd set, but again, you'd be surprised how well it sweeps. If you get all the Sp.Sweepers out of the way beforehand, this thing is unstoppable. Bulk Up and Recover provide more than enough survivability, as well as beefing up your attacks. Ice Punch and Force Palm have great coverage. Force Palm acts similar to Lanturn's Discharge in that its goal is primarily to paralyze the foe and give Medicham more opportunities to Recover health. This is pretty much my answer to Registeel, Salamence, and Torterra, among other Dragons and the likes.

    So, that's the team. Feel free to tear it up. I just figured I'd stop by cause I had nothing better to do and found a lot of potential in this team.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
    UU Sensei/Moderator

    Number of posts : 3030
    Age : 31
    Yen : 41800
    Rank : Quick RMT Shutengreeng_3493
    User's Pokemon : Quick RMT Dpmfa321
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Quick RMT Empty Re: Quick RMT

    Post by Ninja Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:14 am

    Erm, the team looks nice....I haven't played UU/NU in a while but I can't think of anything that would utterly demolish or otherwise totally counter your pokemanz. Although I have to say, be wary of Taunt for your Bastiodon. >_>

    Why am I so bad at RMTing.....? D=

    So yeah, this post will be less of an RMT and more of a rave about Pokemon Online, since I went and checked it out (link here, btw) and it's pretty sweet. The teambuilder seems much more user-oriented and is a lot smoother and easier to use than Shoddy's, and it has a lot of useful functions for saving sets of pokemon, like Shine mentioned. Plus, you can customise yourself: you can choose a trainer sprite, trainer information that people see when they challenge you, winning and losing messages, the color of your name and some other stuffs. It includes an extra pokedex page with a type chart for reference (lulz). There's a button for a damage calculator but it's not functional yet, which is expected since the simulator is still in Beta testing.

    When you challenge people or when someone challenges you, your pokemon team is displayed, but you can toggle them to hidden easily if you want the element of surprise like in Shoddy. There's an option te set your status to idle if you don't want people to challenge you, as well.

    Overall, Pokemon Online is much much more aestheically pleasing than Shoddy...the Teambuilder and Server windows are vibrant and colorful, and even the battle script has colored text.

    The HP bar is animated, too! ;D

    The only concern I noticed so far is that the battle text doesn't mention damage taken from Life Orb. I'm pretty sure that it mentions everything else, though. It's not too bad, though, since the HP bar is animated (something that you can can toggle off if you want to) and you can tell your foe is Orb'd if it takes damage after its own (non-recoil) attack.

    Edit: Oh, also, the site says that there's supposed to be pokemon cries and music, however neither of these seem to work for me....I tried re-downloading it and haven't checked again, though. I don't mind too much if it doesn't end up working, I guess....I can just be on iTunes in the background. =P

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
    Yen : 19310
    Rank : Quick RMT Shutenblueg_3129
    User's Pokemon : Quick RMT Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Quick RMT Empty Re: Quick RMT

    Post by Shine Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:59 pm

    Ninja wrote:Erm, the team looks nice....I haven't played UU/NU in a while but I can't think of anything that would utterly demolish or otherwise totally counter your pokemanz. Although I have to say, be wary of Taunt for your Bastiodon. >_>

    Why am I so bad at RMTing.....? D=

    So yeah, this post will be less of an RMT and more of a rave about Pokemon Online, since I went and checked it out (link here, btw) and it's pretty sweet. The teambuilder seems much more user-oriented and is a lot smoother and easier to use than Shoddy's, and it has a lot of useful functions for saving sets of pokemon, like Shine mentioned. Plus, you can customise yourself: you can choose a trainer sprite, trainer information that people see when they challenge you, winning and losing messages, the color of your name and some other stuffs. It includes an extra pokedex page with a type chart for reference (lulz). There's a button for a damage calculator but it's not functional yet, which is expected since the simulator is still in Beta testing.

    When you challenge people or when someone challenges you, your pokemon team is displayed, but you can toggle them to hidden easily if you want the element of surprise like in Shoddy. There's an option te set your status to idle if you don't want people to challenge you, as well.

    Overall, Pokemon Online is much much more aestheically pleasing than Shoddy...the Teambuilder and Server windows are vibrant and colorful, and even the battle script has colored text.

    The HP bar is animated, too! ;D

    The only concern I noticed so far is that the battle text doesn't mention damage taken from Life Orb. I'm pretty sure that it mentions everything else, though. It's not too bad, though, since the HP bar is animated (something that you can can toggle off if you want to) and you can tell your foe is Orb'd if it takes damage after its own (non-recoil) attack.

    Edit: Oh, also, the site says that there's supposed to be pokemon cries and music, however neither of these seem to work for me....I tried re-downloading it and haven't checked again, though. I don't mind too much if it doesn't end up working, I guess....I can just be on iTunes in the background. =P

    I've noticed a couple of possible glitches, myself.

    For one, Bounce seems to be on-and-off glitchy. There's been an instance where I was running a SubSeed Jumpluff with Bounce for paralysis, and ended up getting hit by a Stone Edge while in the air and promptly OHKO'd- it ended up costing me the match. I've seen a couple people complain about speed in some cases, in which, say, they'll scarf a Jolteon as a revenge-killer, and everything suddenly outruns it.

    Interface-wise, I have my tiers set to UU exclusively, but I still end up getting into Find Battles with OU and Ubers players- granted I usually do pretty well (hence why I mentioned how the team sits up against some OU threats in the RMT above), but it's still fairly annoying. Also, I would like to recommend a "No Challenges" option, similar to Shoddy, because I've tried setting myself to Idle and everything, and I still get challenges from people- annoyingly enough, those challenge windows pop up above every other window, too, interrupting typing, gaming, etc.

    There was one point in which I actually LOST this team, but had thankfully sent it to Zeph in a log, so he was able to retrieve the log and I was able to put my team together again- however, it took me a few tries to get Medicham back! For some reason, I would enter a battle, and Medicham's Pokeball would be blacked out as though it weren't there- I re-loaded the team a couple times and that didn't work, so I checked the team builder, re-typed all of Medicham's info (including changing Pokemon and then going back to Medicham) and that fixed it. Odd.

    Other than that, I haven't noticed any huge glitches or anything.

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