Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

7 posters

    E3 2010!

    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    E3 2010! Empty E3 2010!

    Post by Ninja Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:22 pm

    E3 is only 4 days away! =DDDD *squeals like a little fanboy*

    So, I dunno about you guys, but I've REALLY been anxious for E3 2010 because I kinda felt like Nintendo's press conference last year was a bit disappointing. I mean, sure, there was SMB Wii, Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Bowser's Inside Story, and I guess that Golden Sun game that I never really heard anything else about, but really nothing else that was quite memorable. That said, I definitely think this year will be more exciting because of Zelda Wii because we're definitely going to see stuff about the 3DS and Zelda Wii, possibly (hopefully) more about Metroid: Other M plus Zelda Wii, and maybe we'll finally get our goddamn Kirby Wii. OH YEAH, AND ZELDA WII!!!!1111!!!one!!!!!!!11111elevendythousandonehundredandeleven!!!!!

    But srsly, I think that Nintendo should have a lot of exciting stuff to flaunt this year–with emphasis on the should–since they were full of crap last year. ;D
    Also, they will have a ****load of hate mail if there's no Kirby Wii.

    I don't really think we'll be getting any new Pokemon news at E3, though. Meh, just sort of a feeling I have (there was none last year, after all).

    Some other things I want to see from Nintendo:
    -New RPG(s) that doesn't(don't) suck ass.
    -New Harvest Moon, anyone? Not really something I'm yearning for with a passion equal to the might of a million suns, but I still think it would be cool nonetheless. Of course, they could also easily screw up with a dumb Harvest Moon, so meh.
    -At least one remake of an old (awesome) game–SNES, N64, GC, GBC, whatever–for DS or Wii. I dunno, I kinda have this hope that they'll remake Majora's Mask (since that would be pure win), but since they've never remade any Zelda game–sans OoT: MQ, but that was a special case since it was already done for CDi or whatever it was called but never released....and it was really hardly a remake anyways, just different dungeons–I really doubt it will ever happen. Sadness.

    In all honesty, I probably won't get to play any of the games announced at E3 any time soon since I'll be at the Academy for college. D; In fact, I think the next time I'll even get to see my DS will be at Christmas when I visit (since I'm not flying all the way from Annapolis to Hawaii to visit for Thanksgiving). Meh, whatever, I'll deal.
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:47 am

    Didn't they just announce a new DS Harvest Moon?

    The CDi is a Phllips system that had three really bad Zelda games. You're thinking of the 64DD.

    Most of the stuff you're excited about I'm excited about.

    Also: Sonic Colors.
    Element Sensei
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Shiki Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:07 pm

    Heard Dreamcast games were coming to PSN and XBL, to which I can only say, fuck yes.

    As long as I can get Jet Set, Power Stone, Shenmue, and Phantasy Star on PSN, I won't need new games for months.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Prostiboots Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:12 pm

    We SHOULD hear more about Golden Sun: DS. It's not a tentative title, unlike Zelda. They're still planning to release it... sometime
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:11 pm

    DC games on there make me want to get a PS3 and/or 360.

    In addition to the other stuff they have.
    Little Cup Sensei
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by iskalla Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:01 pm

    Nintendo better give us SOME good news...even if i cant play the like to see what im missing. Make me want to buy another Wii Nintendo!!! (although making one in black got me ampd up)
    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Ninja Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:40 pm

    Zenith wrote:Didn't they just announce a new DS Harvest Moon?

    The CDi is a Phllips system that had three really bad Zelda games. You're thinking of the 64DD.

    Most of the stuff you're excited about I'm excited about.

    Also: Sonic Colors.

    The DS Harvest Moon games really tend to be the suckier ones of the series, in my opinion, although I guess it /could/ be an okay game. What I really want is something new enough with more gameplay elements so that it's not just practically a carbon copy of the older HM games yet with enough of the "sameness" of Harvest Moon to still remain true to the series. I really enjoyed A Wonderful Life on the GC and More Friends of Mineral Town on the GBA. Magical Melody was pretty good, and I thought the style change was interesting. I thought Tree of Tranquility (Wii) was decent, for the most part. It was pretty entertaining at times and there was one point where I was entirely hooked on it. That said, its successor–Animal Parade–greatly disappointed me in the respect that there was pretty much absolutely nothing new. It felt like the developers decided to create just a new environment and a slightly different story and update a few odd things here and there and leave the entire rest of the game exactly the same as Tree of Tranquility. I would have been able to endure it, however it just bugged me to no end that they used the exact same characters and character models from the previous game. I mean, I can understand copying a few people and carrying them over to a new game–especially some of the more important characters like the Harvest Sprites or the Harvest Goddess–but keeping all of the same characters is ridiculous. One of the main reasons I like to play HM games is that I enjoy meeting all the different townspeople and getting a sense of the variety in the game. In Animal Parade, it didn't feel interesting because I had already met all those people before. It was just lame. To the extreme.

    Don't get me wrong, there were some things I liked about Animal Parade–like how there were mills that could be used to create a variety of new items and how the mining felt a bit different–but overall it just felt like too much of the same to really be quite as enjoyable as some of the previous games I had played.

    And olol, it was the 64DD, not the CDi. Whoopsies.

    Sonic Colors has a cool premise, I guess.
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:23 pm

    Nintendo just 1up'd the hell out of Microsoft.

    Some stuff:
    Mario Sports Mix (Wii)
    Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)
    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
    Goldeneye 007 Wii (Wii, natch)
    Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (DS)
    Kid Icarus Uprising (3DS)
    Nintendogs + Cats (3DS)
    Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (3DS)

    Also, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter and Metal Gear Solid will be on the 3DS, as well as others I forgot about.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Ninja Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:38 pm

    Lol, people laughed when THQ was mentioned as a developer. xD

    So yeah....THAT WAS AWESOME. No exceptions.

    We actually got to (finally) see some more gameplay of Metroid: Other M, and I was a bit surprised at how similar it seemed to Metroid Prime–at least in the first person perspective–since it was my thinking that they were trying to move on to a more innovative style of gameplay, but we'll see on August 31st, I guess.

    I'll talk some more later, but I have to go naoz. =/

    Last edited by Ninja on Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:07 pm

    There's a new Paper Mario on the 3DS, and apparently they're remaking SF64 and OoT for it, or something.
    UU Sensei/Moderator
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Ninja Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:50 pm

    The style in Zelda: Skyward Sword looks kinda like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess mated. >_>
    I actually like it a lot, and I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of other people do too. =)

    I also just discovered this: OoT 3DS
    Sooooo, lol, if that turns out to be true, then I was wrong about them never remaking a Zelda game. xD It's just too bad that it won't be Majora's Mask.....D=

    It's great that the 3DS has a gyrosensoe as well as what is essentially an analog pad; here's to hoping that game developers take the fullest advantage of the new hardware, unlike in the case of the DS's microphone....seriously, I think I only used it in Pokemon Dash and Nintendogs. It can be used for voice chat in Pokemanz too, but I don't really like it.

    Something I'd REALLY like to see on 3DS now that it has a gyrosensor is a remake of or sequel to Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, which was the best–and I think maybe actually the only–Kirby game for Gameboy Color. I loved that game to death because it was so gimmicky, fun and addicting, and it was actually the first Kirby game that I ever played. The only downside with Tilt 'n' Tumble was that you had to hold the Gameboy flat most of the time, and since it was flat when you looked down at it you sort of blocked out the lighting, which was a bit annoying. But with the 3DS that wouldn't be a problem because of the lit screen!

    Mario Sports Mix actually looks like a Mario sports game that I would try out, especially since I remember that there was an awesome, fun beach volleyball minigame in one of the Mario Party games (MP5...I think..........?).

    All in all, pretty much all of the games that Nintendo had up on the screen at that one point (Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, DKC, Dragon Quest IX, Goldeneye, Golden Sun, Kid Icarus) looked really stellar and are games that I would definitely buy. Great job, Nintendo.

    Oh....and I just remembered something. It surprises me that they didn't talk about the "Vitality Sensor" from last year at all (not that I'm complaining–I personally would probably never buy one).
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Sasami Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:26 pm

    Haha, Nintendo completely owned everyone else XD.

    I'm most excited about Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Kid Icarus. I haven't been a huge Zelda fan as of late but who knows, this game might change my mind.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Akubarix Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:01 am

    Sasami wrote:Haha, Nintendo completely owned everyone else XD.

    I'm most excited about Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Kid Icarus. I haven't been a huge Zelda fan as of late but who knows, this game might change my mind.
    But what about the Play Station Move and the MICROSOFT KONECT!? ... Wait, I already own a Wii. Most of the games the others threw out, I didn't give a damn about. But the ones that I do care about... I'm going to get the day they drop. Not to mention Marvel Vs Capcom 3. I normally don't take sides when it comes to gaming consoles, because it's STUPID to do so.... But Nintendo gets teh gold at E3. Doesn't mean I won't be rocking out some Rayman Origins on my 360 though. I <3s me some classic style platformers.
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:28 pm

    I wish I had a 360/PS3 solely so I could play Rayman Origins.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Prostiboots Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:21 pm

    I have a 360, and I'm not buying Ray Man Origins.

    I've never played a Ray Man game.

    I'll let wristless characters stay in my Zelda games.


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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Akubarix Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:24 am

    Prostiboots wrote:I have a 360, and I'm not buying Ray Man Origins.

    I've never played a Ray Man game.

    I'll let wristless characters stay in my Zelda games.

    That's your bad; dawg. Rayman's just a step below Mario in terms of epic platforming.

    Zenith wrote:I wish I had a 360/PS3 solely so I could play Rayman
    And there's co-op? YOU KNOW YOU WANT A 360/PS3! Buckle under peer pressure! DO IT! DO IT NAO!

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Prostiboots Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:49 am

    Donkey Kong.

    .................Donkey Kong.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Akubarix Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:02 am

    Rayman's a step above Donkey Kong. I loved the ever loving hell out of the DKC series on the SNES growing up, if that says anything.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Prostiboots Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:40 am

    The bad taste you have is implicit.
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Zenith Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:52 pm

    I'd say Rayman and DKC are about equal. They are both amazingly awesome.
    Element Sensei
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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Shiki Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:18 pm

    Can't we just agree that both

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Prostiboots Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:27 am

    We'll see when the new DKC comes along.

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    E3 2010! Empty Re: E3 2010!

    Post by Akubarix Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:52 am

    Prostiboots wrote:We'll see when the new DKC comes along.
    Have you not seen the Rayman Origins trailer? It's a work of utter beauty.

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