Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.



    Number of posts : 5
    Age : 33
    User's Pokemon : FUCK YEAH JIRACHI Dpmfa004
    Registration date : 2010-04-03


    Post by musicalbento Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:25 pm

    Jirachi w/ Choice Scarf ~Jolly
    EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
    ~ Iron Head
    ~ Stealth Rock
    ~ Trick
    ~ U-turn

    Lead Jirachi set from Smogon. I love this thing so much. I managed to ~sneakily~ escape a late game gyarados sweep with this bb. I didn't realize Trick could be so useful!

    Scizor w/ Choice Band ~Adamant
    ~ U-turn
    ~ Bullet Punch
    ~ Superpower
    ~ Pursuit / Quick Attack

    Another copy-pasta set from Smogon. I wanted to try something different from the Swords Dance Scizor, and this does a pretty good job. I originally wanted to test a Nidoking in the OU tier...maybe I'll switch this out for one just to see how it works...

    Latias w/ Light Clay ~Timid
    ~ Reflect
    ~ Light Screen
    ~ Wish
    ~ Roar

    FOR SOME REASON, I cannot seem to get this Latias in at the right time. That, or I'm severely screwing up because out of 8 matches, I've only managed 3 successful casts of Reflect+Light Screen. I may switch this out for Starmie because it makes for a good rapid spinner + I could still get a reflect off...if someone could give me an alternative (or maybe show me what I'm doing wrong) I'd appreciate it. Very Happy

    Dragonite w/ Expert Belt ~Rash
    ~ Superpower
    ~ Draco Meteor
    ~ Flamethrower
    ~ Thunderbolt

    I've recently come to detest Life Orb residual damage (it's cost me so many matches. D:) so I figured I'd try an Expert Belt. Smogon's mixed sweeper set as I'm sure you noticed, but I opted for all attacking moves (because of Expert Belt) and it does pretty well.

    Tyranitar w/ Babiri Berry ~Adamant
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
    ~ Dragon Dance
    ~ Stone Edge
    ~ Crunch
    ~ Fire Punch

    Another sweeper set. To be honest, I only have Tyranitar on the team to help with Scizor's defense, but it does a pretty nice job tearing things up that Dragonite can't/won't.

    Suicune w/ Leftovers ~Bold
    EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
    ~ Rest
    ~ Sleep Talk
    ~ Surf
    ~ Ice Beam

    I needed something to help cover Dragonite's weakness to ice, and Suciune was the first thing that came to mind. I may just replace this with Starmie because it does the same thing, rapid spins AND has Natural Cure. Not that Suicune's not great, but I think Starmie might be a slightly better option (and Sleep Talk fail always seems to happen at critical moments.)


    This team itself is for a small school tournament that we're going to be having in about 2 weeks time and I figured I'd run it through it's paces. (Also because everyone's seen my other two teams already. XD So they know what to expect. This will be unveiled RIGHT at the day of the tourney.) If there's anything you notice or want to comment on, I'm all ears.

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