Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Descry Lydia


    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:35 pm

    Okay. This is a story that came to me during a religious journey that I have currently... or rather am currently on. And I think thats all I'm going to say at this point other than, if you read I hope you greatly enjoy it! I am not sure how long it will end up being... probably not too long. just a short story.

    It was dark out. The moon shown bright over the trees and illuminated everything around me. Everything except what the fire pierced through. The fire that was consuming the three most important things in my life. My daughter, my son, and my husband. The fire was large and it floated in the middle of the lake on a specially made barge. Cremation was the Amazon way. It sent you directly back in to the arms of the Goddess. At least that is what I am told. I am not Amazon by birth. In fact I've only been an Amazon for 1 day.

    As I watched my life burn away the only sounds that were heard, were sad hushed tones. All I could do was stare at those flames and think, 'How could I have failed them?' A moment later I felt a hand on my shoulder.
    "You should know, that it wasnt your fault. You did everything you could." It was a generic reply after such a tragedy, but I knew they were sincere. It didnt matter to me though. Instead of thanking her for her support I angrily shrugged her hand off my shoulder. There was breif silence.
    Then I spoke.
    "You know the vow you told me about yesterday. About why there are no men in this tribe?" I Glanced back and a nod was seen in response. I turned back to face the fire. "I vow here before you, my dead family and the gods..."
    "Siriena, wait. You shouldnt make such a vow under the stress-" She pleaded, but I ignored her and continued.
    "I swear I will never love another man. Not in this life time or any after, nor shall I ever have children. It will be to honor the ultimate sacrifice they made in our village, that was turned in to a blood battle field.... Never again..."
    Before there could be any more protest, I quickly retreated to my hut.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Re: Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:14 pm

    Laughter escaped from his voice. It was deep yet gentle as he spun our daughter around like she was a hawk up in the sky. She giggled as they went faster, our son cheering them on. She was only four but she had an enormous light inside her that I had only seen in my lovers eyes. Yes his eyes, she had them. Bright blue and long eye lashes.

    We were having a picnic in a small field on our stable property. The sun was bright and the sky was clear of any traces of cloud cover. The sound of birds happily singing were all around us. I laughed as my husband almost fell over as he begun to spin too fast.
    "Be careful! The stables still need to be cleaned! And I'm not doing it if you bust your leg!" I said. He stopped and plopped our daughter down then pouted at me as if he was 4 years old himself.
    "But... I thought that it was YOUR turn!" He protested. I grinned at him as he came closer. I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him in close to my body.
    "... mmm" I breathed in his scent and closed my eyes. I rested my head on his chest. "More like your turn..." I mumbled. I felt a finger under my chin, and I opened my eyes. I relocated my hands to his shoulders. He then leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips.

    "EEEEEEWWWWW!" Came the horrified gasps of our children. Both chasing each other around playing some sort of game that seemed to only make sense to them. We both started laughing at our son and daughter's reaction.

    "Hey, I think its time you two head back to the house and clean up for dinner." I said as I kneeled down to their level. our daughter began to protest but her brother, age 8 took charge. He was a smaller version of his father. Dark brown hair, tan skin, blue eyes.... he would no doubt be trouble in his teen years.
    "Come on no complaining sis, I'm starved!" He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards the house.
    I stood up and my husband had a huge grin on his face. "Its so your turn!" He said with laughter in his voice.
    "I dont think so!" He came up to me once again and kissed me. Only this time it was deeper. As we pulled apart my eyes slowly flickered open.
    "Yeah, I think it is my turn..." But before he could celebrate his victory I turned towards the house and took off running.
    "...If you can catch me that is!" I shouted back at him. But no reply fallowed. A feeling of dread flooded through me as I looked back and saw the horrified look on his face. I turned back around to see what he had seen.

    There was an aura of dust and smoke around our village. the sound of metal hitting metal and screams filled the air. I shouted at my children to come back. Thankful when I saw them already running towards us.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Re: Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:26 pm


    "Stay here, dont go near the village until I come back. Do you understand?" I said to my husband. His jaw was set tight but he said nothing. I turned to head back towards the stables but I felt his hand grip my wrist.
    "Seri... Dont do this. you know how I feel about you wielding a sword..." he said. this always came up. We always fought about it. He was a peacful man by nature, and couldnt swing a sword himself. He came from a long line of horse trainers and merchants. I pulled away from his grasp and looked at him in frustration.
    "I dont have time for this. Save our children, keep them safe." I ran towards our stable. When I got there flames shot up from the roof. I said a quick prayer, took a deep breath and ran inside. There trapped in her corel was my prised mayor Star. She was pure white excpt for her nose, which was dotted with specks of black. I quickly unlatched her gate and she sprung lose, frightened for her life.
    "Its okay! Stay calm!" i reasured her. Then I jumped up on to her back and grabbed on to her main.
    "HIYA!" I said and she took off through the doors.

    A few strides later I entered our house and grabbed my bow and sword. I had no time for armor so I quickly left with out it.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Re: Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:51 pm

    As I entered further in to the village, the body count got higher. I i slowed to a trot and quickly readied and arrow. There wasnt much to see as far as life went, most of the villagers were dead. I swallowed hard. 'You mean most of the people you knew are dead'.

    Suddenly a man flew through the door of a hut and landed on his back. A barbarian ran out after him, sword held high above his head. i let my arrow fly and he instantly fell dead to the ground. So thats who was attacking us. Barbarians. I heard they were here in Lydia, but I thought they were farther south. Some how they advanced faster than expected. The man I saved stood up and said, "There are more up ahead..." I started forward. "Didnt you hear me? They are a huge group. you cant possible take them! Everyone is dead!"

    It was a good think i didnt listen to him as I saved a few more people from death. I would gallop past and take out every barbarian i could see then circle back, repeat. Eventually they caught on though. Star was running at full speed down the path that lead out of the village as three barbarians fallowed me close behind. most of their comrades had left after taking their spoiles, but these three wanted revenge. I took out more of their men than anyone else.

    The chase went just out side the village, until one of them got close enough to shoot an arrow at me. The first few missed, and I thought I was going to get away until a large fallen tree appeared ahead of me. Shit, I thought. I was going to have to jump it. In mid air an arrow hit me just right knocking me off balance. I fell hard to the ground and star landed and kept running in to the need by forest. I made an attempt to get up but pain shot through my shoulder. I looked back down the path, but only say one barbarian. When he caught up to me, he yanked me to my feet and held my hands behind my back. I struggled to get away but he was to strong. I started cursing and yelling until I heard a thud in front of me. I looked down and blank lifeless eyes stared back up at me. I knew those eyes. It was my son.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Re: Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:28 pm

    It was like my blood was on fire. At first thier eyes were filled with laughter and mockery, and then suddenly they fell silent, like the calm before the storm. It happened in slow motion. I flipped the guy holding my over my head and threw him in to his two accomplices, knocking them over. I picked up my sword, that had fallen free to the ground. As i got closer,fear engulfed the three men. They backed up as quick as they could.
    "Lamia!" One kept shouting. I knew then that I had lost control. there was no stopping me once the beast took over. It had been a long time since it had emerged. It was easily kept in check with a pint of blood every week or so. My eyes were probable icey blue, instead of their usual gray. And although under normal circumstances, they would be almost unnoticeable, they probably just now took note of my fangs.

    I swong the sword down in a chopping motion, until all life ceased from thier bodies. It would have stopped there however my last swing splashed some blood on to my face and I froze. it ran down on to my lips, then in to my mouth. I was instantly on my knees drinking and licking at the blood from the fallen barbarians. i was so entranced I did not hear the few people left from my village aproch.

    "Get the hell out of our village!"
    "The lamia are bad luck! I told you!"
    "We should have never allowed you in our village!"
    Where some of the protests from the small crowd. In fear mostly of my self I crawled away from the bodies in complete horror and disgust.

    The sun was setting and by not the villagers had let me be, and went back to what was left of our... their... village. I had agreed not to come back. The sun made the small village and valley look on fire once again even though all flames had already been distinguished. I lay in the dust on my side. I thought many times of getting up but after the events of the day I found no reason too. No reason to get up, no reason to live. So i just closed my eyes... I was about to fall asleep, or pass out, not sure which, when I heard a horse approach. i opened my eyes and saw a woman with long dark hair atop a all black stallion. she smiled gently at me.
    "You have fought fearlessly. I am impressed. even after your family was taken you didnt lay down and die...You remind me of our mother goddess." She said.
    "W-who are you?" i asked.
    "I apologize. I am an Amazon from the northern tribe. I would like to offer you membership in to my tribe. its a great honor, only true women warriors are allowed to join." She explained proudly. I refused her offer. She looked at my village for a long moment, then said, "Where else can you go?" She smirked a bit. "There." she nodded at my village. I tried to stand up and walk away from her so I could die in peace, but grimaced and sat back down. I had no choice. She was right. She extended her hand, and I took it.

    Number of posts : 1148
    Age : 36
    Yen : Infinate Cheat Code ACTIVATE!
    Rank : Descry Lydia Shutenblackg_2964
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    Descry Lydia Empty Re: Descry Lydia

    Post by Sagehawk Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:50 pm


    I awoke in a cold sweat. The dreams, or should I say nightmares? They started again. They were so real. I had never had dreams so vivid in my life. It was as if I went some where else when I went to sleep. What did all these dreams mean?
    "You had too much to drink... thats what they mean..." I mumbled to myself as I rose from my bed.
    I went to the bathroom that was attached to my room. I grabbed my tooth paste, my brush...
    "Oh my god..." I looked up and saw myself in the mirror. I was pale and it looked as if I had been crying. There were heavy, ugly bags under my eyes. Their color was faded to a dull gray, where normally vibrant blue eyes sat. My hair was flat and damp with sweat. I looked horrible.
    "Fuck..." I mumbled as I turned on the shower. "What the hell happened last night..."
    I was suddenly dizzy so I sat down, I felt extremely weak. I couldn't lift my arms. Nausiousness started to sink in and I dropped further to the floor and rested my head on the cold tile. I started to shiver but it soon went in to a violent shake. Pain gripped my chest. A small noise escaped my lips.
    'Whats happening? Was I drugged? This cant be a hang over... I dont get hang overs....I feel like I'm dieing...' my thoughts raced.


    I blinked a few times and a blurry figure started to emerge. Long brown curly hair, and concerned brown eyes stared down at me. I smiled and reached up my hand to touch her face... but she pulled away at the last second. I felt a stab at my heart. Then I fell in to darkness again.

    I heard a voice. At first I didnt understand what it siad... but it got clearer and clearer. It was Karissa.
    "I told you not to mix all the drinks together at once..." I finally made out what she was saying.
    I felt her hand wipe some hair out of my face.
    "I'm sorry about before, Trace was there... you know she would blab to everyone about us." There was sadness in her voice. I heard her sign and felt her put her head down on the bed beside me. I slowly opened my eyes, and was met with searing pain.
    "urrrrrg!" I said. I felt her jolt up. I had startled her.

    "Aricia! Your awake!" She said with a little too much enthusiasm.
    "yeah Now shut the damn blinds...hang over...hurmph..." I stammered.
    When I heard the curtains close I opened my eyes and blinked a few times.
    "Whatever! I thought you didnt get those!" She said winking at me. She sat down on my bed again.
    "Fuck off, this is your fault you know!" I said accusingly.
    "Oh whatever! Your the one who started the whole dare thing!" She shot back defending herself. "I didnt think you'd go so far ..."' She trailed off and looked to the side a little and her eyes grew darker as if she was in deep thought.
    "Oh please you would have drank all those mixed if I dared you too as well!" I said thinking nothing of her distancing look. She didnt say anything for a bit. I started to get this sinking feeling. I sat up and put my hand on her shoulder and turned her towards me.

    "what happened last night?" I asked.
    "You really dont know do you?" She responded. I shook my head. Her jaw tightened.
    "Donny... he's... in the hospital." She choked out. "It's b-because... of"

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