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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    Zeo's Adventure


    Number of posts : 28
    Age : 29
    Location : New Brunswick, Canada
    Yen : 500
    Rank : Zeo's Adventure Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Zeo's Adventure Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Zeo's Adventure Empty Zeo's Adventure

    Post by Kai Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:54 pm

    Okay, I'd thought I'd start a new story on here for something to do. I already have it up to chapter five on another forum, so I'll just copy& Paste.

    Zeo’s Beyblade Adventure
    A beyblade story by:
    Hero X; Kai; Tala

    Zeo’s Beyblade:
    Name: Xeronix (Zeronix)
    Attack Ring: (AR) Triple wolf (Wolborg 2)
    Weight disk: (WD) 8 Heavy
    Spin Gear: (SG) Neo Right Purple (Strata Dragoon V)
    Blade Base: (BB) Neo Flat (Strata Dragoon V)
    Bit Chip: (BC) None

    Chapter One: A new beginning

    It had started out as a normal day for Zeo Zaggart, A young beyblader. He was a pretty good kid, until the day his father told him the truth about his past, that is...

    “Father... What are you doing?!” Zeo asked in shock as he was sitting on the floor, his father infront of him late one night after overhearing him talk to Dr. K.

    “Zeo.. You are not an ordinary boy.. You are a robot, created after my real son died in a car accident.. You were made out of my pity and sorrow.” Zeo’s father, Dr. Zaggart had started to explain. “...And the only way to become a real human boy is to capture the four sacred bit beasts. Tyson’s Dragoon, Kai’s Dranzer, Max’s Draciel, and Ray’s Driger.”

    Zeo sat there in shock as lightning flashed outside. “Why are you telling me this now father?!” He felt pure confusion.

    “Because Zeo... You are my son. And I felt it was about time you knew...” Dr. Zaggart replied with a frown.

    “No! You’re lying! I am a real boy! You’re just trying to mess with my head!” Zeo retaliated.

    “....” All that Dr. Zaggart could do was look down at him with shame.

    “Father... Please say it isn’t so...” Zeo looked up at his father with a pleading face.

    “Zeo... I wish I could.. But now that you know, you know what you have to do.” Dr. Zaggart said as he pulled out a black bag and showed it to Zeo.

    “What is that?!” He had demanded to know as he opened the bag to an orange beyblade.

    “That my son... Is the key to becoming human again... That beyblade is called Burning Cerberus...” He replied with a stern look. “You need you rest Zeo, now please go to bed. I shall see you in the morning.” He continued as he starts to walk up the stairs leaving Zeo sitting on the floor looking at the beyblade, feeling the power flow through him.

    “Yes father.” He walked up stairs to his room and slept the rest of the night.

    -----The Next Day------

    Zeo was up early for training with Cerberus with Gordo, A tall 12 year old male and his beyblade Orthrus. Zeo’s father walked in while they were in the middle of a battle.

    “Cerberus! Attack!” Zeo had shouted as his blade went on the offense.

    “Orthrus! Dodge and counter attack!” Gordo had yelled as his Orthrus retaliated.

    Zeo’s father clapped his hands as he watched them fight brutally. “Excellent work boys. Don’t let your opponent a moments rest, show them a battle of barrage attacks!” He had said after they both caught their blades as they flew out of the stadium.

    “Father.. I know what I must do. I want to beat Tyson!” Zeo said in a serious tone, Just like his father.

    “I know Zeo. That’s why I’ve chosen Gordo to be your partner in the tournament.” Dr. Zaggart has replied.

    “I won’t lose! I will promise you that!” Gordo had said to Dr. Zaggart making sure he was clear with him.
    “You boys better not lose..” He says in a deep tone.

    For the remainder of that day Zeo and Gordo kept training for the finals. During that time they had managed to beat Ozuma and Dunga of the Saint Shields team along with their bit beasts Flash Leopard and Vortex Ape. Along in the Semi-Finals Gordo tied with Ray’s Driger leaving it down to Zeo to win for them, of course he did as Zeo had sealed away Dranzer into his own blade Cerberus.
    It was now down to the finals. The line ups were Zeo vs Max, and Gordo vs Tyson.

    Zeo had a pretty easy battle against Max, and sealed away Draciel as well. Gordo however lost to Tyson’s Dragoon Victory 2 RC. It had now come down to the final battle between Tyson and Zeo. Their beybattle was great and fierce. In the end Zeo ended up losing, also he lost Draciel and Dranzer. He also had made friends with Tyson and the rest of his team. After realising he couldn’t be a real kid he just went on with life. He made many friends, had great beybattles, and even grew closer to his father. Until one day....

    -----Present Day-----

    Zeo was in the lab training with Gordo again when suddenly he had let his guard down. Gordo was still furious about having to lose to Tyson, so he had been very aggressive. When Zeo had let his guard down Gordo took the chance and smashed Zeo’s Cerberus to bits as Dr. Zaggart walked in.

    “Zeo?! What happened? Where is Cerber--- Oh..” He noticed the remains of Cerberus’ blade on the ground.
    “Your weak Zeo. Ever since you became friends with Tyson, you’ve been weak!” Gordo said in a bit of a rage as he grabs his beyblade and walks out of the room.

    “I... I lost Cerberus.. But how?!” Zeo asks himself over and over again.

    “Zeo.. You let your guard down.. But Gordo did that out of his own free will..” His father tries to explain, but Zeo still knows he has Cerberus with him.

    “Father.. I want to have my Xeronix back please..” Zeo has asked while holding out his hand.

    “Son... You know that blade is useless... Why do you want it back?” Dr. Zaggart had asked in confusion as he walked over to a place in the lab and brought it out.

    “So I can continue blading... I may not have Cerberus, but I could still blade.” He says in an adamant voice.

    Dr. Zaggart has given him back his Xeronix beyblade as Zeo took his leave to go see Tyson and Co.

    Tyson had stopped concentrating on the beybattle he was in with Kai for a split second to notice Zeo. “Hey Zeo. You ready to blade? I’ll take you on after I beat Kai here.” He said as Dragoon V2 RC plowed Dranzer out of the dish.

    Zeo walked up to the dish, pulled out his Bey Shooter out of the pocket on his Belt, loaded it with the winder, and attached Xeronix to it. “I’m ready....” Zeo said, standing ready to shoot.

    “Woah! Zeo did you get a new blade?!” Tyson asked in shock as he loaded his Dragoon V2 onto the launcher and inserted the winder.

    “Never mind that! We have a match now!” Zeo said still waiting for him.

    “Right...” Tyson replied as he stood ready to launch as well.

    “3... 2... 1...” They both said.

    “Let it rip!” Tyson exclaimed as he launched Dragoon V2.

    “Go Shoot!” Zeo has shouted at the same time as Tyson while he launched his Xeronix blade.

    The two beyblade clashed violently.

    “Go Xeronix! Attack!” Zeo shouted as the beyblade went into attack.

    “Dragoon! Hyper Victory Hurricane!” Tyson retaliated as his bey had a small hurricane surround it for the oncoming attack.

    “Xeronix! Full force attack!” Zeo yelled to his blade as it took the hit from Dragoon and stopped it dead in its tracks.

    There was a dead silence form everyone until Dizzy, the bit beast inside of Kenny’s laptop spoke up.

    “Chief! I’m detecting massive power surges from Zeo’s Xeronix!” Dizzy stated as she continued to scan it.

    The chief took a look at the scans and looked shocked.

    “Tyson! Watch out! Xeronix isn’t the same anymore! It had Cerberus infused into it!” Kenny called out to Tyson.

    Tyson stood there and grinned. “Nice moves there Zeo.. I like how you got your blade like this... Too bad it’s time to end it!” He yelled as Dragoon started to push Xeronix back.

    “Rrrr...” he growled as he panted. “Xeronix! Push it back!” His adrenaline levels rose as Cerberus appeared from Xeronix. “Chain Storm!!” He yelled as the beyblade gained a purple aura and stopped Dragoon’s attack, and started to push Dragoon back.

    “No.. Way.. It can’t be!” Tyson said while in shock, seeing his Dragoon being pushed back. “Zeo’s too strong.. I... I might lose!” He thought to himself.

    “Raaa! Shred Dragoon Xeronix!” Zeo called out as the bey started to smash Dragoon V2 with a barrage of attacks, soon wiping out Dragoon V2.

    “No.. Impossible!” Tyson had said when he seen Dragoon fly past him into the tree.

    “Tyson!” Max, Kai, Ray, Kenny, and Hilary all shouted when they seen him lose.

    Zeo’s beyblade had started to shine as it broke to show an evolved form. Cerberus X. A beyblade constructed of Cerberus Bit chip, Triple Wolf Attack ring, Wide Survivor weight disk, Neo right Spin Gear, Reversed Custom Grip base, and Grip Core in the shaft.

    “Amazing... Cerberus X... Who would have thought...” Zeo said as he picked up his new beyblade and looked at it.

    ----------End of Chapter One.

    Number of posts : 28
    Age : 29
    Location : New Brunswick, Canada
    Yen : 500
    Rank : Zeo's Adventure Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Zeo's Adventure Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Zeo's Adventure Empty Re: Zeo's Adventure

    Post by Kai Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:58 pm

    Installment 2!

    Chapter Two;
    A new adventure! New Allies, and Old Enemies!

    Zeo’s Current Beyblade:
    Name: Cerberus X
    AR: Triple Wolf
    WD: Wide Survivor
    SG: Neo Right
    BB: Reversed Attacker
    Shaft: Grip core (Wolborg 3)
    Bit Chip: Kid Cerberus

    Zeo just looked at his new beyblade in awe, as he had seen him old Cerberus being shattered right before his eyes not too long ago. He couldn’t wait to show his father that he had gotten Cerberus back, but Cerberus wasn’t the same. It looked different. The three headed demon dog, which had black armour with red a red crystal in the middle of the chest plate, chains on all parts of the armour, and Purple fur all over the body except on the tips of its 3 tails. It looked much, MUCH different. It now had three firey tails, along with its armour having an upgrade. It wasn’t like 10th century armour, it was much more. The Plates all had what looked like its Bit Crest on it, its new and IMPROVED Bit Crest. The bit-beast had grown a few sizes bigger, along with its eyes looking more demon-like. It now didn’t look power-hungry, just more or so powerful as if it had a huge power boost. Its claws had been sharper than before. The three headed beast looked much more fierce as it looked ready for just about anything.

    “Amazing... Cerberus X... My father would not believe this... I bet even Gordo would lose to me. I just know it!” Zeo says to himself, while getting excited.

    “Zeo.. You need to learn how to control it remember? Just like how we needed to learn how to master the V series beyblades. It took me a long time to master Dragoon Victory 2 RC. I beat you in the tournament with it, remember?” Tyson states with an adamant pose.

    “Ugh.. Tyson, you’ll just never learn.” Hiliary says as he puts her left hand on her forehead as she shakes her head in disapproval.

    “Now Zeo, Don’t underestimate Cerberus. Its powers are still unpredictable right now, so I’d use caution. Dizzy detects massive energy spikes coming from it.” Kenny stated as he adjusts his glasses.

    Zeo just looks ad Max, Ray, Kai, and Tyson with a slight grin. “Okay.... I want challenge all of your RC beyblades! I want to see how well Cerberus X will do in battle.”

    The Bladebreakers just looked at each other with confusion.

    “Hmm... It DOES seem temping.” Ray says with a confused look.

    “........” Kai just stays silent, being his usual cocky self thinking he knows he would win.

    “Sure, I’m up for it buddy. Dragoon V2 may be in a tree, but I still have the RC form!” Tyson said as he stands ready to launch.

    “Well... I really don’t know... But if he really wants to, I guess we may as well give him a beating for underestimating us.” Max said with a shrug as he loads Draciel V2 RC.

    Ray and Kai, both finally being focused again step up to the dish after Max and Tyson with Driger and Dranzer ready as Zeo walks up to the stadium with Cerberus X on its launcher, feeling its energy flow through him as a purple aura surrounds him.

    “Oh yes.... I feel the power.. Cerberus X is calling to me.. He wants to fight..” He holds the launcher ready to shoot, with the same psycho look as he had when Tyson and Zeo fought in the tournament finals.

    “3... 2... 1...” They all said in unison.

    “Driger... Draciel.... Dragoon... Dranzer... LET IT RIP!” All four had shouted as their blades shot into the stadium, automatically calling out their bits.

    “Go Shoot!” Zeo had shouted as he shot Cerberus X into the stadium.

    All of the beyblades had been vigorously battling as finally Cerberus X got surrounded in the centre of the dish, being attacked non-stop by Dragoon, Draciel, Driger, and Dranzer, but Zeo didn’t even seem fazed. It seemed as if Cerberus had been spinning there without any hesitation, as if it WANTED to be in the middle.

    “Zeo... Why are you letting us win?! Call out Cerberus! Show us its power!” Tyson said being himself, always cocky.

    “Come on Zeo... we’re waiting.” Kai said in a serious mood, just itching to get his revenge on Zeo for what he had done in the tournament.

    Zeo looked into the dish with complete silence until he had agreed with his bit-beast that it was the right time, when they were weak.
    “....Cerberus! Rise! Cross Chain!” Zeo called out as his evolved bit-beast came out of its beyblade, doing an X patter in the dish with a dark purple aura around it, in chain formation as all four beyblades, Dragoon, Draciel, Dranzer, and Driger were send fling out of the stadium leaving Cerberus X spinning in the middle, as if the entire battle had never happened.

    “Zeo... Your blade... its..” Tyson said standing there in shock as Dragoon flies past him, once again.

    “...Too strong...” Ray replied after Tyson as he looked at Driger laying on the ground.

    “..Way too strong...” Max stammered as his Draciel kept spinning on the ground.

    “We didn’t... Stand a chance...” Kai finally finished as Dranzer hit the Tyson’s Grandpa’s Dojo.

    Zeo stood there and caught his blade as it flew into the air and looked at it. It had absolutely no damage on it what-so-ever. “Amazing.... It has that much power... Enough to totally wipe out all four sacred bit-beasts...” Zeo said to himself as he put it in his pocket.

    Zeo felt so excited to show his father, as Kenny made a back-up CD of their battle for Zeo to take home to show his father. “There you go Zeo. All done and ready to be played.” Kenny said with a smile.

    ----Later that day-----

    Zeo had enjoyed the supper that Hiliary made for the bladebreakers and their honoured member. He had sat there for awhile talking to them.

    “So... How long has this team been together guys..?” Zeo asked curiously as he set Cerberus X on the table.

    “Um... about...” Tyson replied as he was about to answer.

    “A Year and a half.” Kai interrupted, sitting there like he usually does, crossed arms and closed eyes.

    “Wow! A year and a half! You guys must be pretty strong! But I must be too since I beat all of you at once!” Zeo exclaimed not being careful of what he says, because of Tyson’s loud mouth.

    “Zeo! Rrah! That’s it I can’t take it anymore! You and me! In the beystadium, now!” Tyson said in a fit of anger as he stood on his chair.

    Hiliary had caught him and yanked on his shirt, forcing him to sit with a thump. “Oh Tyson... Give it up already. Or I’ll have to do something very bad to you...” Hiliary said with an evil grin.

    -----End of Chapter.

    Number of posts : 28
    Age : 29
    Location : New Brunswick, Canada
    Yen : 500
    Rank : Zeo's Adventure Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Zeo's Adventure Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Zeo's Adventure Empty Re: Zeo's Adventure

    Post by Kai Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:01 pm

    Number 3!

    Chapter Three;
    Graceful as a Tiger, Vicious like a Dog

    Zeo’s Beyblade:
    Name: Cerberus X
    AR: Triple Wolf
    WD: Wide Survivor
    SG: Neo Right
    BB: Reversed Attacker
    Shaft: Grip core (Wolborg 3)
    Bit Chip: Kid Cerberus

    It was the day after Zeo had finally regained Cerberus after losing it in a match with Gordo. He had trained hard with Tyson and the others to help perfect his control with it.. Zeo had been so excited to tell his father, that is... Until something happened...

    Zeo had just gotten up and had his breakfast as he normally would. He ate like any other person would. The proper utensils, and even our food! Zeo had thanked the butler for the delicious food and went to go find his father after changing into his normal white and purple clothes, having his long teal-coloured hair streaming behind him. He heard his father yell while Zeo was up in his room, he knew something had happened. Zeo bursted through the doors of the lab to find the place completely trashed, with his father sitting in the floor in shock.

    “Father! What happened here?!” Zeo asked in a frantic panic.

    “Zeo... it was Gordo.. He came back to destroy the lab and left a note... He stole several of our most powerful and valuable parts..” Dr. Zaggart said as he points to the note.

    “But why father..? Why would he do this?!” Zeo asked in a tone full of rage. “I was going to show you my new beyblade... But...” Zeo stopped there being interrupted by his father.

    “Zeo, go read the note... I’ll start working on a Steel Stadium... This will be one hard fight for you..” Dr. Zaggart said as he stood up calling to his researchers as they started to make the stadium.
    Zeo read the note.

    “Zeo.. I want to challenge you... You are the only person who I find worthy to test out my new beyblade against.
    If you wish to have the parts back and the lab back to normal meet me by the ocean side in 3 days. I will be waiting.

    Right then Zeo had felt something well up inside of him... Like a new side of him he never knew he had... He knew he had to battle Gordo for the sake of his father. “Dad... I’m going now...” Zeo said as he walked out of the lab as his father looked at him, then back at the dish monitoring its development.

    A few hours later the Blade Breakers were seen looking for Zeo all around town, until they finally gave up and sat by the river.
    “Man... I wonder where Zeo is...” Tyson asked aloud.

    “Who knows? But hopefully he’s okay.” Max said trying to reassure him.

    “Knowing Zeo, he might be training again.” Ray replied afterwards as Kai just started out into the open river in silenced awe as the sunset’s rays reflected off of it.

    “Guys... Quiet for a minute.. Do you hear that?” Kai said as he stood up, listening to the sound of a beyblade hitting something.
    Everyone else heard it too as they heard Zeo’s voice shouting out to Cerberus X.
    “Zeo!” Tyson exclaimed as he stood up.
    They all ran over to the bridge where they saw Zeo practicing under it. “Cerberus! Attack! Destroy the rock!” He shouted as the blade ripped right through the rock as if it was made of paper.

    “Zeo... What are you doing here? We were looking all over for you.” Kai said in a questioning voice.

    “Yeah, and you still owe me a match!” Tyson yelled at him knowing he can’t get in trouble since Hiliary wasn’t with them.

    Zeo picked up Cerberus X, and turned around with a psycho look in his eyes. “Shishite retende sheinden?!”

    Tyson looked at him with some confusion. “Zeo... What are you saying..?” He asked in a scared tone.

    “He’s saying ‘You wanna fight me?!’ in Japanese Tyson...” Kenny states while translating on his laptop, as well at Dizzy ready to record the match.

    “Okay then Zeo... If you’re ready to mount a serious challenge... Expect the worst!” Tyson said as he whipped out his launcher, already loaded with Dragoon on it.

    Zeo stood there and smirked as he loaded Cerberus X onto its launcher, this purple aura stronger than ever.

    “Be careful Tyson! Something’s not right about Zeo!” Dizzy said trying to avoid the inevitable.

    Dizzy started to record as both bladers launched their blades, as Dragoon was spinning around the outside of the dish.
    “Dragoon! Attack!” Tyson exclaimed as Dragoon V2 RC went into attack mode, but was stopped dead in its tracks the moment it came into contact with Cerberus X.

    “Dragoon... No... It can’t be... You’re...” Tyson stopped there as Zeo just stood there as if wanted to be attacked.

    “Tyson! Its a trap! You know you can’t knock it back! It has too much weight, plus the grip core!” Kenny shouted as Tyson kept going on the attack.

    “Grr.... Dragoon! Hyper Victory Hurricane!” Tyson bellowed out as his beyblade was surrounded by the mini hurricane again as it unleashed a barrage of attacks on Cerberus X.

    Zeo’s beyblade just stood there, not even budging. No matter how hard Tyson hit it. It wouldn’t move an inch. “Aou to ge nai wa gita” Zeo said in Japanese again.

    Tyson stood there in a fit of rage. “What did he say that---“ Tyson was interrupted there.

    “He said ‘Play time’s over!’, Watch yourself Tyson!” Dizzy said carefully monitoring Zeo.

    Dragoon and Cerberus X has a great battle, It was a hit-for-hit battle. Many close calls for Tyson, and not so many for Zeo, until finally both we’re completely out of energy.

    “Kuro shete ario! Cross Chain!” Zeo exclaimed as Cerberus X made an X shape mark in the field form its attack, leaving Dragoon V2 RC completely trashed and out of the beydish.

    “Let me guess... That one was..” Tyson stopped there again being interrupted by Kenny.

    “I’ll finish you!” Kenny said translating it for Tyson before he could finish his sentence.

    “Right...” Tyson said as looked at Dragoon as Zeo walked off.

    “If you must know... I NEED to beat Gordo... He trashed my father’s Lab, stole some parts. And destroyed Cerberus... It is my duty for revenge..” Zeo said as he disappeared into the city, leaving the Blade Breakers at the river thinking aloud to one another along with great confusion.

    -----End of Chapter Three

    Number of posts : 28
    Age : 29
    Location : New Brunswick, Canada
    Yen : 500
    Rank : Zeo's Adventure Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Zeo's Adventure Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Zeo's Adventure Empty Re: Zeo's Adventure

    Post by Kai Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:07 pm

    Installment 4.

    Chapter Four;
    One blade Cerberus.... Extremely Murderous!

    Zeo’s Beyblade:
    Name: Cerberus X
    AR: Triple Wolf
    WD: Wide Survivor
    SG: Neo Right
    BB: Reversed Attacker
    Shaft: Grip core (Wolborg 3)
    Bit Chip: Kid Cerberus

    “Now.... I have beaten Tyson.... But I know I’m still not good enough to beat Gordo.. But who do I challenge n...” Zeo’s thought was stopped by another person who stood in front of him. Low and behold, it was Ozuma of the Saint Shields along with his crew.

    “Zeo. I seen what you did to Tyson’s Dragoon...” Ozuma said sounding agitated. “If you want a REAL opponent, blade me!” He shouts as he loads Flash Leopard 2 onto its shooter, ready for battle.

    “Ozuma... I guess I could take you on...” Zeo says as he prepares Cerberus. “To make it fair.. I’ll take ALL of you on!” He says as he stands ready.

    The Saint Shields stood there confused, but as always they accept the challenge.

    “Grrr... You’ll be sorry you challenged all of the Saint Shields you kid!” Dunga yells being as cocky as ever with his blade ready to be shot.

    “Calm down Dunga... Zeo is better than before, remember? Plus he is on a mission. We’re going to bring your game up a good few levels Zeo! So be prepared!” Ozuma says with his team ready to back him up.

    Zeo stood ready as he grinned. “Bring it on then... Cerberus and I can take it.” Zeo states as Cerberus shines, as if ready for battle.

    “3....” The Saint Shields said in unison.

    “2....” Zeo followed.

    “1....” They replied at once.

    “LET IT RIP!!” The Saint Shields shouted at once as they all shot simultaneously.

    “Go shoot!” Zeo yelled with them as he shot Cerberus X into action.

    The blades collided in combat as their teams cheered them on. It didn’t take long before Zeo’s Cerberus X was surrounded. Pretty soon as the Saint Shield’s blades were circling they were attacking one after another trying to keep Zeo from escaping.

    “Rrr.... Cerberus... No....” Zeo says in a low tone as if ready to pulverize them.

    “What’s the matter Zeo? Giving up already? That’s not like you... Come on! Show us your true power!” Ozuma tries to egg him on.

    Instantly upon hearing Ozuma’s taunting, it felt like something snapped in Zeo. Like a side of him he never knew he had just came out. He knew the time was right. He knew Cerberus X was ready to unleash its full power. He could feel Cerberus inside of him, as if they were fighting as one.

    A demonic look came across Zeo’s face as he called to his beyblade. “Cerberus!” He shouted as his blade started to shake with a dark purple aura around it. “Chained Darkness!” He finished as his blade shot out dark aura from the core, sending shock waves all around as he blew the Saint Shield’s blades to tiny pieces, leaving only Cerberus X spinning there in the dirt and Zeo standing victorious.

    “Uwah!!! Vortex Ape!” Dunga shouted in fear.

    “Ahh.... Ha.... Ha...” Joseph couldn’t get the words out correctly. He just stood there like a babbling idiot as he seen his Vanishing Moot be blown to bits, just like what happened in the tournament against King and Queen.

    “No... Shark Rash...” Mariam said as her blade was blown to bits, and sent flying past her, only to completely smash off the wall.

    “... Flash.... Leopard.... Im... Possible....” Ozuma stuttered as he watched the whole thing happen, knowing his team had no defense against that brutal attack.

    Zeo stood there shocked, knowing what he had done he finally got that evil grin on his face.

    “Thank you for helping me improve my blade... Now I can finally take out Gordo with my new attacks...” He looked at Cerberus X after he picked it up, but notice the blade was chipped and heavily damaged from the fights against the Saint Shields, Tyson, and the BladeBreakers.

    “Now I need to get new parts... This blade won’t do in that battle... but I could practice with it until the day of the battle...” Zeo said as he walked by Ozuma.

    “Next time... Put up more of a fight... That was too easy...” He said as he left the team stading in the midst of their defeat, still stunned by what had happened.

    ----That following night...

    Zeo went to check on his father, only to find him in frustration upon the status of the metal dish.

    “We NEED that stadium done ASAP! Get to work!” Dr. Zaggart yelled as his researchers.

    “Uh... Yes sir!” They say as the keep working on the broken augmentations of the dish.

    Zeo walked in and looked around, the lab was cleaned up pretty well, along with the researchers hurrying around, completely missing Zeo, even his own father missed him.

    He walked over to his father and tugged his shirt. “Father... Are you busy? I need to show you something..” Zeo said looking up at his father.

    Dr. Zaggart realizes Zeo came in. “Oh, Zeo. Perfect timing, I need to you test out our new stadium.” He says in an apologetic tone.

    “Okay Father...” Zeo says as he stands by the stadium ready to blade, with the machine in front of him.

    Red... Red.. Red.. Green. The pattern went for the machine as it shot the beyblade into the stadium, mimicking Gordo’s every move.

    “Go shoot!” Zeo shouted as he shot Cerberus X.

    Both blades traded hit for hit, but Zeo was at the least of his power. His father noticed. Dr. Zaggart knew what was going on and got the machine to launch 5 more blades just like Gordo’s representing a cloning technique used many times, Zeo quickly responded to that with an all out attack.

    “That’s it Zeo... Keep it going...” Dr. Zaggart thought to himself as he watched Zeo.

    “Cerberus... Its time...” He prepared to use all his might to finish the blades off in one attack.

    “Do it Zeo! Finish them off!” Dr. Zaggart shouted at his son anxious to see what he could do.

    Zeo was ready for a full head-on attack as he shouted to his blade which was spinning in the centre of the dish. “Cerberus! Chained Darkness attack!”

    The Three-headed demon dog rose from its blade and casted the aura. With great speed it took no effort, nor time to completely thrash, trash, and destroy the other blades.

    Dr. Zaggart stood there shocked at what Zeo had done. He was able to completely obliterate the 10 beyblades, completely wreck the dish, and remain intact as if nothing even happened from that one attack.

    “Zeo... How did you....” Dr. Zaggart was too shocked to finish his sentence.

    “I told you I was going to show you father. Now I have the power to put Gordo away once and for all. I promise you this dad... I WILL defeat Gordo and have my revenge...” Zeo said holding onto his Cerberus X and looking upwards through the skylight into the night sky.

    -----End of Chapter Four

    Number of posts : 28
    Age : 29
    Location : New Brunswick, Canada
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    Rank : Zeo's Adventure Shutenwhiteg_3811
    User's Pokemon : Zeo's Adventure Dpmfa371
    Registration date : 2009-07-11

    Zeo's Adventure Empty Re: Zeo's Adventure

    Post by Kai Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:07 pm

    And finally.. #5.

    Oh well, next up..

    Chapter Five
    Betrayal, A bitter battle to the finish!
    Zeo's Beyblade:
    Cerberus X
    AR: Triple Wolf
    WD: Wide Survivor
    SG: Neo Right (Black)
    BB: MG Grip Base
    Shaft: Grip Core (Wolborg 3)

    It was the next day.. Somewhat nearby 6AM. Usually Zeo would wake up, but from all of his exhaustion of yesterday's affairs he was inclined to sleep in today. Until it happened...

    --The Next Morning

    Zeo had been startled awake by a loud explosion from the lab. One of the researchers had ran into his father's room shouting about what had happened, which of course Dr. Zagart's room was conveniently right next door to Zeo's room, so he had a clear shot of hearing their conversation. Zeo knew something had happened, and it was BAD. The researcher was in a high-panic state from what had occurred at the lab, he was also tired from the long run from there to the house.
    "Dr. Zagart! Hurry, we need you in the lab!" the researcher started. "Someone's broken in!"
    Zeo stood against his wall shocked at what he had heard.
    "Who could've broken in?! That place was sealed tight when we locked it last night!" Dr. Zagart said as he started to get his lab coat and other clothing on. "We have to get there pronto!"
    Zeo was already prepared for the intense battle he was supposed to have against Gordo later on in the day. Zeo had been awake long enough to quickly have his Purple and White shirt and matching pants, Blading belt stocked with all of his equipment; A right launcher, Customize Launcher Grip, 15" Purple Dragon Winder, his Cerberus X, and a few spare parts. As he was running down the stairs and ran to the door, his father walked out and blocked his way.
    "Zeo, just where do you think you're going?" demanded his father in his usual, deepened and some-what angry tone.
    "Father, I know who broke into the lab! I just know it was Gordo!" Zeo replied in a haste trying to get out the door.
    "If it was.. You still need to rest. You'll need to eat and build up your strength before your fight. You'll have a disadvantage if you went now." his father said, making his point.
    "No father, I'm evening the odds! You know my power, he wouldn't come close to me if I had full strength! This is only balancing the scales!" Zeo extrapalted, trying to persuade his father.
    "...." Dr. Zagart fell silent for a short moment. "Fine Zeo, get in the car. We'll drive there, it will be much faster that way." his father replied with a sigh of defeat.

    Both Zeo and his father ran out into the car with the researcher to drive to the lab to do damage control. Once they arrived they seen the place in utter ruins.
    Zeo's father dropped to his knees once he had seen the totaled lab while Zeo franically ran around the lab's remaining interior in an attempt to discover who had done so much damage.
    After a few minutes of dashing about, Zeo heard Gordo's psychotic laugh from deep in the back of the lab. As he had approached the rear he spotted Gordo standing in the room with triumph as Zeo gave him an ice cold stare while holding Cerberus X.
    "Gordo! What are you doing here?!" Zeo shouted at Gordo with a furious tone. "I thought our battle was later! Leave this place now!" He finished with a low growl.
    Gordo just stood there laughing at the pitiful child.
    "Zeo, you couldn't hurt a fly, let alone take out my new Orthrus! I can take out ANYONE!" he bragged boastfully.
    Zeo just stood there looking at Gordo with disgust.
    "You have no guts to attack the lab like this! As they say, 'No guts, No Glory!'"
    Gordo seemed to be getting angry as he shot his Orthrus at Zeo, just missing him and completely obliterating the stone slab behind Zeo, then flying to his right destroying another one before flying back to Gordo.
    "I'm not impressed Gordo. I honestly thought you could do better!" Zeo taunted with a slight smirk. "If that is all you've got, you're in for a rough ride!"
    Gorod just smiled at Zeo's remark.
    "Okay then BOY. If you really want to battle, bring, it, on." He replies with Orthrus ready for battle.
    "Not here," rebuttles Zeo. "At the appointed stadium. This place is a wreck as is.."
    Gorod just nodded wit ha serious face. Just as he was about to run off to the stadium the BladeBreakers show up and block his path.
    "Oh, now I see why Zeo was acting so differently..." Tyson started.

    --End of Chapter 5

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