As you all know, both Ice Shard AND Stealth Rock have been banned both at Smogon and at the Shuten Dojo. I'm making this petition so that we may have a chance at unbanning these moves here in the Dojo.
Argument against Ice Shard:
Ice Shard was banned primarilly because it hindered the use of such Pokemon as Garchomp, Dragonite, Flygon, and other Pokemon who are 4x weak agaisnt Ice type attacks. One example is that a Weavile with max Atk can OHKO the Dragons with ease using Ice Shard, and makes the use of many other Pokemon more difficult, including the likes of Roserade.
Argument for Ice Shard:
The nature of the Ice type is that it happens to be very good offensively with fantastic type coverage, and Ice Shard only compliments that nature. Weavile isn't used as commonly here at Shuten Dojo as it may be at Smogon, and some Pokemon such as Mamoswine and Donphan practically need Ice Shard in order to be usable. Also, it isn't as if there's no way to conquer Ice Shard. Some Pokemon carry the Thick Fat ability, such as Azumarill and Snorlax, which reduces the power of Fire and Ice attacks by 50%, not to mention that Fire types, Steel types, Ice types, and Water types all naturally resist Ice type attacks to some degree. Ice Shard has a lot of utility, yes, but it is not by any means broken. Besides, Pokemon flows in trends, and with every trend comes a counter-trend. Pokemon like Garchomp and Dragonite became very common, and other trainers responded with Ice Shard. To say that Ice Shard should be banned is to say that the Pokemon which it was built against should also be banned, because if the counter is eliminated, then the original trend can only become broken again. Ice Shard brings balance.
Argument against Stealth Rock:
The main argument against Stealth Rock is that no Pokemon is immune to it, so that anything that switches in on it will take some level of damage. Any Pokemon with the type combos of Bug-Flying (as in Yanmega), Ice-Flying (as in Delibird), or Fire-Flying (as in Charizard), also instantly lose 50% of their heallth simply switching in. It simply supplements the strength of speedy sweepers such as Garchomp.
Argument for Stealth Rock:
Stealth Rock is not unbeatable. Many Pokemon can learn the attack Rapid Spin which nullifies Stealth Rock, including Blastoise, Sandslash, Starmie, Forretress, Donphan, Hitmontop, Torkoal, Claydol, Tentacruel, Cloyster, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Kabutops, Delibird, and Armaldo. Six of those Pokemon even RESIST Stealth Rock damage. Not only can Stealth Rock be removed from the field, but it can also be prevented altogether with Taunt, another move that can be learned by a wide variety of Pokemon. Two popular Pokemon which are often seen with Stealth Rock are Blissey and Skarmory. Primeape, a lowly UU, can Taunt, Close Combat, AND Overheat, not to mention he outruns both Blissey and Skarmory by a longshot. Many Pokemon learn Hypnosis, or Sleep Powder, and three learn Spore. Most of them outrun both Blissey and Skarmory, and can prevent them from ever using Stealth Rock. Once again, trends force the use of Stealth Rock. Focus Sash was introduced to D/P, and so Stealth Rock became the obvious counter BECAUSE no Pokemon was immune to it, so Gengar and other Focus Sash users became much easier to deal with. Stealth Rock also brings balance to Pokemon.
Now you've seen both sides of the argument, and they can and will be altered depending on whatever debates take place. Simply PM me or post in the thread that you want your name on the petition, and if we get enough names, we may just be able to unban two great moves.
List of Names
1) GreetsTheMoon
Argument against Ice Shard:
Ice Shard was banned primarilly because it hindered the use of such Pokemon as Garchomp, Dragonite, Flygon, and other Pokemon who are 4x weak agaisnt Ice type attacks. One example is that a Weavile with max Atk can OHKO the Dragons with ease using Ice Shard, and makes the use of many other Pokemon more difficult, including the likes of Roserade.
Argument for Ice Shard:
The nature of the Ice type is that it happens to be very good offensively with fantastic type coverage, and Ice Shard only compliments that nature. Weavile isn't used as commonly here at Shuten Dojo as it may be at Smogon, and some Pokemon such as Mamoswine and Donphan practically need Ice Shard in order to be usable. Also, it isn't as if there's no way to conquer Ice Shard. Some Pokemon carry the Thick Fat ability, such as Azumarill and Snorlax, which reduces the power of Fire and Ice attacks by 50%, not to mention that Fire types, Steel types, Ice types, and Water types all naturally resist Ice type attacks to some degree. Ice Shard has a lot of utility, yes, but it is not by any means broken. Besides, Pokemon flows in trends, and with every trend comes a counter-trend. Pokemon like Garchomp and Dragonite became very common, and other trainers responded with Ice Shard. To say that Ice Shard should be banned is to say that the Pokemon which it was built against should also be banned, because if the counter is eliminated, then the original trend can only become broken again. Ice Shard brings balance.
Argument against Stealth Rock:
The main argument against Stealth Rock is that no Pokemon is immune to it, so that anything that switches in on it will take some level of damage. Any Pokemon with the type combos of Bug-Flying (as in Yanmega), Ice-Flying (as in Delibird), or Fire-Flying (as in Charizard), also instantly lose 50% of their heallth simply switching in. It simply supplements the strength of speedy sweepers such as Garchomp.
Argument for Stealth Rock:
Stealth Rock is not unbeatable. Many Pokemon can learn the attack Rapid Spin which nullifies Stealth Rock, including Blastoise, Sandslash, Starmie, Forretress, Donphan, Hitmontop, Torkoal, Claydol, Tentacruel, Cloyster, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Kabutops, Delibird, and Armaldo. Six of those Pokemon even RESIST Stealth Rock damage. Not only can Stealth Rock be removed from the field, but it can also be prevented altogether with Taunt, another move that can be learned by a wide variety of Pokemon. Two popular Pokemon which are often seen with Stealth Rock are Blissey and Skarmory. Primeape, a lowly UU, can Taunt, Close Combat, AND Overheat, not to mention he outruns both Blissey and Skarmory by a longshot. Many Pokemon learn Hypnosis, or Sleep Powder, and three learn Spore. Most of them outrun both Blissey and Skarmory, and can prevent them from ever using Stealth Rock. Once again, trends force the use of Stealth Rock. Focus Sash was introduced to D/P, and so Stealth Rock became the obvious counter BECAUSE no Pokemon was immune to it, so Gengar and other Focus Sash users became much easier to deal with. Stealth Rock also brings balance to Pokemon.
Now you've seen both sides of the argument, and they can and will be altered depending on whatever debates take place. Simply PM me or post in the thread that you want your name on the petition, and if we get enough names, we may just be able to unban two great moves.
List of Names
1) GreetsTheMoon