Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

    How Contests Work

    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

    Number of posts : 3133
    Age : 33
    Location : New York
    Yen : 121200
    Rank : How Contests Work Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : How Contests Work Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    How Contests Work Empty How Contests Work

    Post by Sasami Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:09 pm

    Welcome to the Contest Hall, where we hold Pokemon Contests every weekend (or every other weekend)! In these contests you will be competing against fellow members and their Profile Pokemon.

    Entering and Preparation:

    In order to enter, simply post on the sign-up thread. Next you'll need to make a topic with the Profile Pokemon you'll be using as the title.

    Before appeals, you may feed PokeBlocks and/or Poffins to your Profile Pokemon. The effects are listed below. The amount you may feed depends on the level of the PokeBlocks and Poffins in question (this affects the sheen of your Pokemon). Once your Profile Pokemon hits a sheen level of 3, they cannot be fed any more PokeBlocks/Poffins for the current contest.

    You can also attach one accessory to your Profile Pokemon. These have various effects, as seen below.

    Effects of PokeBlocks, Poffins, and Accessories:

    Level 1 PokeBlock: Raises sheen by 3. Adds +1 to the final score.

    Level 2 PokeBlock: Raises sheen by 2. Adds +2 to the final score.

    Level 3 PokeBlock: Raises sheen by 1. Adds +3 to the final score.

    Spicy Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. Adds +3 to the score for round two but also makes you flip two coins instead of four.

    Bitter Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. Lowers the final score by 2 but makes your Profile Pokemon unable to get too distracted or nervous.

    Sweet Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. Allows you to get one number out of range for round two and have it counted as being in range.

    Dry Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. Lowers the final score by 3 but allows you to re-try an attack in round three.

    Sour Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. Flip a coin. If heads, add +4 to the final score. If tails, lower the final score by 2.

    Mild Poffin: Raises sheen by 1. If another Pokemon becomes too nervous or distracted to move, add +4 to your final score.

    Golden Poffin: Raises sheen by 2. Adds +3 to the final score and makes you flip five coins instead of four.

    Contest Ribbon: Adds +2 to your final score.

    Balloons: Flip two coins. If both are heads, add +5 to your final score. Otherwise, lower the final score by 1.

    Glitter: If you happen to roll the same number twice during appeals, add +4 to your final score.

    Pumpkin: Adds +2 to your final score. If this item is used in September, October, or November, you'll get an extra +2 bonus.


    There are three rounds of appeals. You can do them right after another or spaced out, it doesn't matter.

    In the first round, you must guess how much your Pokemon will do with their attack (and then attack). If you guess the right number, your score will go up by 5. If you're one number off in either direction, your score goes up by 3. If you're off by two numbers, your score goes up by 2. If you use a set-damage attack, your score will always go up by 2. Flip four coins. If all four are tails your Profile Pokemon will be too nervous to move this round.

    In the second round, the judge will choose a range of numbers (this will typically be posted after everyone has chosen their Pokemon) and you must use an attack that will fall into the same range. If you fall into the range, your score will go up by 5. If you're just one or two numbers out of range, your score will go up by 3. Flip four coins. If all four are tails your Profile Pokemon will be too distracted to move this round.

    In the third and final round, you may use any attack you want. As long as the attack works, you will get 1 point added onto your score. Bonuses are given if any of these conditions are met:

    Ability activated: +1 point
    Special Attack that had a chance to fail worked: +1 point
    Special Attack that relied on getting an even/odd number worked: +2 points
    Special Attack that had only a 1 in 6 chance of working worked: +5 points
    Damage total ended up being higher than 22: +3 points
    Defense boosts ended up being higher than 20: +2 points
    Damage total ended up being less than 5: +1 point
    Attack would have normally been dodged: +2 points
    Attack or Ability would normally prevent dice from being rolled: -1 point for every other Pokemon

    Also, if an Ability or Special Attack would normally give a boost depending on the amount of dice rolled, simply add up the amount of attack dice rolled by entrants for this round to figure out damage.


    After everyone has completed their appeals (or the contest is over), judging will begin. The scores will be tallied and the Pokemon with the highest final score wins.

    This is also when sheen comes into play. If a Pokemon has a sheen of 3, they will get +3 points added onto their final score. A Pokemon with a sheen of 2 will get +2 points and a Pokemon with a sheen of 1 will get +1 point.


    The prizes will often change for each contest so please check the sign-up thread for the current week. Typically, yen and contest-related items will be given out. Sometimes rarer items or Profile Pokemon will also be prizes.


    -Always try to feed PokeBlocks and/or Poffins to your Profile Pokemon before a contest. Not only will they get the sheen boost but PokeBlocks and Poffins also have other bonuses and effects.

    -When making PokeBlocks or Poffins, try to get multiple people involved. PokeBlocks will have higher levels when more people participate and it's also easier to get certain Poffins when mixing with other people (plus, everyone will get two instead of just one!).

    -Level 1 PokeBlocks may be purchased in the Official Store.

    -Try to look for Pokemon with good attacks to use for round three--that's often the round where you can really rack up points. It's also helpful to have a Pokemon that can do various amounts of damage (such as a low damage attack and a higher damage attack).

    -Occasionally NPC characters will enter Contests. Be on the look out for familiar faces!

      Current date/time is Thu Jul 04, 2024 10:38 am