Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

4 posters

    Well mite as well....


    Well mite as well.... Empty Well mite as well....

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:24 am

    I won't be describing what and why they have natures and moves, as it will completely ruin my teams chance. so maybe after a few battles I'll let you know why they are the way they are.

    Lucario@ no clue let.
    Ability: steadfast
    EVs: 252 attack, 252 spd, 6 hp
    Nature: Adamant
    - brick break
    - shadow claw
    - e.q.
    - Me first ( mite change it with extreme speed)

    Electivire@ Muscle Band
    Ability: Motor Drive
    EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed
    Nature: Adamant
    - I. punch
    - T. Punch
    - E.Q.
    - Cross chop

    Gengar @ Choice Scarf
    EVs: 252 special attack, 252 speed
    Nature: Mild
    - Psychic
    - Shadow Ball
    - Sludge Bomb
    - Dark Pulse

    Cresselia @ Leftovers
    EVs: 252 sp. defense, 252 hp.
    Nature: Serious
    - Calm Mind
    - Ice Beam
    - Shadow Ball
    - Moonlight

    Dragonite @ Focus Sash
    Ability:Inner Focus
    EVs: 252 attack, 252 spd
    Nature: Adamant
    - Dragon Claw
    - T.Punch
    - E.Q.
    - Dragon Dance

    Scizor @ Leftovers
    Ability: Technician
    EVs: 252, attack, 252 spd.
    Nature: Naive
    - Quick Attack
    - Steel wing
    - Night Slash
    -Swords Dance

    - one thing i will say though is anyone from the old site that used to battle me probally knows what a pain in the *** scizor was. lol

    Number of posts : 224
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    Registration date : 2008-05-10

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by KOkingpin Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:39 am

    you should really put Close Combat on your Lucario and instead of Shadow Claw use Swords Dance. CC + SD can almost ohko Skarm (does like 88%) and Sashing your Dragonite is really only good if Weavile/Donphan/Anyone who can use Ice Shard doesn't have Ice Shard. cause you can get your DD off and still get killed the next turn. and Sash doesn't really support Dragonite that well anyway cause he has stable Defenses. Also be careful for Sandstorm cause it kills Moonlight, makes you only heal 25%. Scarf Gengar is awesome. But a Focus Blast would be nice instead of Dark Pulse cause you get better Type Coverage. yeah the Acc is bad but the Dmg on TTar and Weavile is too good to pass up.

    These are just my opinions from what i've seen. and yeah i remember Scizor (I've been swept by that bastard) i think i got his number now though as long as i get him before a sword's dance boost.

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:48 am

    yeah, ill work on those changes. i was thinking of CC, but me first will also pwn t-tar. because the average person will most likely E.Q. and since i go fist and i also boost the damage that he would have done to me, it would without a doubt kill him, and ill get focus blast onto gengar. ill post my second team soon, and idk, if it was you i, but once on the old site i got scizor to full Swords Dance, because they wouldn't switch out their sceptile. and after few swords dance, plus his ability, quick attack can do miracles, i'v one hit pokes more than once with that move.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Zenith Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:07 am

    Lucario is a tad too fragile to try something like that.

    CC + SD rapes teams.

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:19 pm

    ok, ill switch it up then, i was wondering what i could change it with anyways.

    Number of posts : 1642
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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Shine Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:09 pm

    This team isn't super OU or anything...

    Me First should DEFINITELY go for Extreme Speed or Bullet Punch. Me First has no priority.

    Fix Cresselia's EVs so that you have optimal Leftovers recovery and leave it at that. Assuming you've got 31 IVs in HP (which is unlikely but wishful), it would only take 204 EVs. The rest you could invest in Sp.Atk or Def.

    Dragonite might be smart to hold a Lum Berry. It's always useful to have SOMEONE with a Lum Berry on your team.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:22 pm

    Give Lu the idem that makes it live past a 1HKO, so it can get up SD, then sweep with CC.

    Anything thats faster will kill you, so warning.

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:23 pm

    ok, cress, is a special wall only, not phys. so im not gonna invest into def. and he pretty much has full ivs in hp. and these pokes are already ev'ed. ill be posting my second team in a bit. and why would i care if its ou, they are ou for a reason. and i have been using bl, uu pokes since the last site as well.

    Number of posts : 1642
    Age : 34
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    User's Pokemon : Well mite as well.... Dpmfa232
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Shine Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:47 pm

    Nathan wrote:ok, cress, is a special wall only, not phys. so im not gonna invest into def. and he pretty much has full ivs in hp. and these pokes are already ev'ed. ill be posting my second team in a bit. and why would i care if its ou, they are ou for a reason. and i have been using bl, uu pokes since the last site as well.
    Cresselia, regardless, would be smart to have some Def investment. Mixers hurt. Infernape comes out, you spy a Shadow Claw or something, so you switch to Scizor, and it gets a face full of Overheat the next turn.
    There are berries that reduce EVs so that you can re-train things if need be.
    Also, I just noticed that you have a lot of shared weaknesses. Gengar and Cresselia both share Dark and Ghost which are very common, Lucario and Scizor share Fire, Lucario and Electrivire share Ground. You seem to have them pretty well covered, I just thought I'd be courteous to point them out and let you know.

    As for OUs, I wasn't (purposely) being rude or anything, it just bugs me to see such OU Pokemon all the time. That Electivire is copypasta from Smogon, afterall. The most creative thing I've seen someone do is change the nature to be Sp.Atk neutral, invest some EVs in Sp.Atk, and replace T-Punch with T-Bolt. At least that's surprising. Otherwise, you always know what's coming from Electivire. It seems like ALL Dragonites have Dragon Dance, too. XD;

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:32 pm

    D-nites need dd though to be most effective their attack is great but lacks spd. and only reason i choose elec. over jolts, or someone else, is because he is shinny, and fully ev'ed to perfection, and has 31 att ivs, not so good in other but meh. i have a couple box's of ev pokes, that are mostly bl. to uu pokes, heck i have even used bastidon, lol. as for cressilia more than less a filler, i got tired of using gliscor, and swampert, haven't really tried her out yet...and idk, i just find it funny how plp these days that use ou are kinda looked down upon, and before plp who used uu or bl, were made fun off for being noob. its all because some plp actually won with them making the ou plp look bad and noobish, but i find yes some plp load up on ou just to hope for a win.
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Tobi Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:25 pm

    ...I think Tobi's brain just died from what you typed.

    Anyway, I still say teirs are gay. And i hate them. Alot.

    Still, OU are OU fro a good reason.

    UU and BL can be good, but once again, they are that way for a reason. Other then machamp, houndoom, and Moltras.

    They all kick ass.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Zenith Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:34 am

    Nathan wrote:D-nites need dd though to be most effective their attack is great but lacks spd. and only reason i choose elec. over jolts, or someone else, is because he is shinny, and fully ev'ed to perfection, and has 31 att ivs, not so good in other but meh. i have a couple box's of ev pokes, that are mostly bl. to uu pokes, heck i have even used bastidon, lol. as for cressilia more than less a filler, i got tired of using gliscor, and swampert, haven't really tried her out yet...and idk, i just find it funny how plp these days that use ou are kinda looked down upon, and before plp who used uu or bl, were made fun off for being noob. its all because some plp actually won with them making the ou plp look bad and noobish, but i find yes some plp load up on ou just to hope for a win.
    I could not understand a word of that except 'D-nite'.

    ...I think Tobi's brain just died from what you typed.
    That's not terribly difficult to do anyway

    Anyway, I still say teirs are gay. And i hate them. Alot.
    tires don exits tobi
    Ubers Sensei
    Ubers Sensei

    Number of posts : 4518
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    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Tobi Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:57 am

    Lord Ryu wrote:
    Nathan wrote:D-nites need dd though to be most effective their attack is great but lacks spd. and only reason i choose elec. over jolts, or someone else, is because he is shinny, and fully ev'ed to perfection, and has 31 att ivs, not so good in other but meh. i have a couple box's of ev pokes, that are mostly bl. to uu pokes, heck i have even used bastidon, lol. as for cressilia more than less a filler, i got tired of using gliscor, and swampert, haven't really tried her out yet...and idk, i just find it funny how plp these days that use ou are kinda looked down upon, and before plp who used uu or bl, were made fun off for being noob. its all because some plp actually won with them making the ou plp look bad and noobish, but i find yes some plp load up on ou just to hope for a win.
    I could not understand a word of that except 'D-nite'.

    ...I think Tobi's brain just died from what you typed.
    That's not terribly difficult to do anyway

    Anyway, I still say teirs are gay. And i hate them. Alot.
    tires don exits tobi

    Tires? They are so real,. it's how we more our cars and shit. Thats what i was talking about.

    Put spaces between line, that way, we know what the fuck your saying.
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator
    Strategy Sensei/Chatbox Moderator

    Number of posts : 2252
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    User's Pokemon : Well mite as well.... Dpmfa282
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    Well mite as well.... Empty Re: Well mite as well....

    Post by Zenith Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:17 am

    Tobi wrote:
    Lord Ryu wrote:
    Nathan wrote:D-nites need dd though to be most effective their attack is great but lacks spd. and only reason i choose elec. over jolts, or someone else, is because he is shinny, and fully ev'ed to perfection, and has 31 att ivs, not so good in other but meh. i have a couple box's of ev pokes, that are mostly bl. to uu pokes, heck i have even used bastidon, lol. as for cressilia more than less a filler, i got tired of using gliscor, and swampert, haven't really tried her out yet...and idk, i just find it funny how plp these days that use ou are kinda looked down upon, and before plp who used uu or bl, were made fun off for being noob. its all because some plp actually won with them making the ou plp look bad and noobish, but i find yes some plp load up on ou just to hope for a win.
    I could not understand a word of that except 'D-nite'.

    ...I think Tobi's brain just died from what you typed.
    That's not terribly difficult to do anyway

    Anyway, I still say teirs are gay. And i hate them. Alot.
    tires don exits tobi

    Tires? They are so real,. it's how we more our cars and shit. Thats what i was talking about.


    You need to lurk moar.

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