Shuten Dojo

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Shuten Dojo

Pokemon D/P/Pt Wifi Dojo.

5 posters

    What's it with women and dating assholes?


    Number of posts : 210
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    User's Pokemon : What's it with women and dating assholes? Dpmfa160
    Registration date : 2009-02-09

    What's it with women and dating assholes? Empty What's it with women and dating assholes?

    Post by Akubarix Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:15 am

    I've heard the story all of my life. "I love my boyfriend but he's an
    asshole ^-^". Variations of it and examples, scenarios and all sorts of
    stupid shit that would make a lesser man's brain explode out of his
    fucking ear canals.

    I bring this up because I've recently been
    exposed to a case like this. This is the "he's been my best friend for
    a long time, but was a complete douche when we were dating" example of
    the "asshole bf lololololol" as stated above.

    I won't delve much
    into it. I won't name names. I won't say who or where. But I will tell
    you this. When you ask for my opinion, I expect you to be able to
    understand that opinions are not orders. Or commands or even
    dextrimental values of god.

    No. They're opinions. But if you're
    not going to think about what you're told by others, why fucking ask?
    Why ask me what I think, then when you get an answer you clearly didn't
    want to hear, defend yourself from my words?

    You know what that
    is? That's you already knowing what you're going to do, without even
    knowing it. So why bother fucking asking? WHY? WHY NOT JUST GO FUCKING

    And I remember when
    I heard this the oh... First 100 times. I used to get mad at the guys
    in the stories. Then I realized that my rage was pointed at the wrong
    person. See, much like my hatred for the gaming industry, I've learned
    that I hate gamers as well. Not just the shitty companies. So likewise,
    now I just get mad at the girls telling me about their horrible

    It's not exactly rocket science. If you're unhappy,
    find someone who fucking DOES make you happy. If you're happy, stay
    with the person who does.

    TAH-FUCKING-DAH! Where's my award?

    PS: Blaz Blue is fucking amazing, by the way.
    Little Cup Sensei
    Little Cup Sensei

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    User's Pokemon : What's it with women and dating assholes? Dpmfa445
    Registration date : 2008-07-15

    What's it with women and dating assholes? Empty Re: What's it with women and dating assholes?

    Post by iskalla Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:10 pm

    And someone finally gets why so many women tend to be raving lunatics. Because they always find an a-hole they "love" and he beats/yells/etc. at her. Exactly what you said, go find someone that actually makes you happy. and if youre one of the ones who likes being hit, then....idk youre pretty screwed up.

    Props to you akubarix
    Master Sensei/Admin
    Master Sensei/Admin

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    User's Pokemon : What's it with women and dating assholes? Dpmfa368
    Registration date : 2008-05-08

    What's it with women and dating assholes? Empty Re: What's it with women and dating assholes?

    Post by Sasami Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:19 pm

    Because, you know, guys never stay with asshole girls :p.


    It's a human thing, I think.

    Number of posts : 3306
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    Rank : What's it with women and dating assholes? Shutenblackg_2964
    User's Pokemon : What's it with women and dating assholes? Dpmfa280
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    What's it with women and dating assholes? Empty Re: What's it with women and dating assholes?

    Post by Prostiboots Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:35 am

    You know... people could just be letting off frustration or steam when they're complaining.

    I know that I don't complain about my friends when they're being epic.

    Element Sensei
    Element Sensei

    Number of posts : 706
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    User's Pokemon : What's it with women and dating assholes? Dpmfa490
    Registration date : 2008-05-09

    What's it with women and dating assholes? Empty Re: What's it with women and dating assholes?

    Post by Shiki Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:14 am

    With how that post was spaced, I thought it was lyrics to a song or something. Then I noticed how shitty a song that would be, since it doesn't rhyme in the slightest. hurp derp

    Anyway, the "I wanted you to agree with me, not your opinion!" thing isn't gender specific, but it certainly is more prevalent with females, mostly because we guys just think it's funny as hell when a friend gets in a bad relationship. I mean come on, think of the stories he'll have when he escapes from the succubus.

    It's supposed to be treated exactly like the retarded cliche of your girlfriend asking you if those pants make her look fat. That is not a situation where you tell the truth if it is a negative response, you lie your ass off if you have to, because she does not want your opinion, she wants an affirmation that she's okay. It's absolutely ridiculous, but that's the rules of the game. There's not much point in fighting that one, since it's fairly ingrained in our society.

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